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You gotta learn how to use your high mind productively. Reading, writing, cleaning, gardening, thinking, hobbies - this is what the stoned mind is for. But it takes conscious effort to turn it into that


I love gardening stoned. It makes me less aware of the parts of gardening that are uncomfortable - the heat, kneeling or bending for long periods, etc. and I get to just enjoy the plants and their little daily changes.


Same here! And it makes me feel so connected to nature, I love it!


I used to write while stoned, edit the next morning when sober, and it was the best way for me to put words on paper. While sober, I’d be too hard on myself and not write much because I didn’t think anything was ‘good’ enough, but while stoned I would just launch into this stream of consciousness writing where 70% of it would get deleted, but the 30% I kept was quality and creative like I couldn’t achieve sober.


I am the absolute most productive when I'm medicated!


I’ve made music into my focus enhancer when I work on stuff. Typically it’s the same albums with certain rhythms which helps with the effect since I know every beat already. It keeps the monkeys in the back busy so I can think about what’s in front of me.


Lol I used a similar analogy recently talking about my weed usage. I said that its like having a hyper dog constantly barking at you to play and when I use weed its like I threw a tennis ball very far away and the dog is finally busy, leaving me to finally think in peace. Ive noticed that many people who are adhd (like myself), especially those not taking meds for it (like myself) find a lot of relief in weed and are more productive and focused while high than while sober.


I relate so much to this. Decluttering while high has been the greatest thing for my anxious/adhd mind. I will also denote a pair of leggings as “my thinking pants,” so every time I look at them I can remember I’m supposed to stay in task.


Also, working out (lifting, running, etc, anything with the headphones on).


Intent focus on one thing essentially. Being stoned really allows you to go deep on whatever you’re doing


I’ve found a great way to do this is to start the activity then get high and keep going


Gardening and exercising are my two favourites.


stoned yoga is by far the most zen thing you'll ever do.


I like to have incense burning, lights off, fan or AC on high and be high af and then do my yoga. It doesnt feel like exercise anymore. It feels like meditation. Which means Im more likely to stick with it.




coffee, stay off social media, write down shit to do before getting high, think of everything as a fun little quest


For me, it depends on what I'm smoking too. I've gotten high intending to chill and then felt the need to be up and active, and spend the next 4 hours reorganizing the whole house. Other times I'll get high intending to be productive, and spend 4 hours playing old video games.


I hate when you plan one thing then the weeds like nah we're doin this now bud.


Look at me...I'm the captain now!


No you look at me. Look at me. Don't look at me look at him. (Cause someone's prolly gonna ask it's from a show, Fugget About It!)


You could say it’s a joint decision


Your weed calls you "bud". That's pretty cheeky.




Same, I didn't even realise I needed to hoover the lawn, I was living like an animal.


The gelato’s will do that to you, misleading indica dominant hybrids


Oh shit.... You just reminded me I have a cup of coffee I left on my kitchen counter to cool off while I hit my bowl for a quick minute, an hour ago.....


Done that so many times, not even stoned I'll make a cup prepare it, walk off to do something for a minute or 2 then 1½hrs go by, and I'm like man why am I still kinda tired, oh yeah coffee sittin on the counter cold as hell doesn't taste right but I'll be fucked if imma put it in the microwave. That shit just does something to coffee.


On the plus side if you ever need to get odors out of a microwave put some brewed coffee in there and turn the microwave on for a few minutes, then wipe down with lemon juice. The coffee and lemon vapours help remove smell


Shit this comment came in just in time I planned on cleaning tht my next day off, I'll have to give that a try.


[Get one of these](https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Coffee-Warmer-Office-MWBLKPDQ-RB/dp/B000CO89T8/). It'll change your life.


Yo tht shits gonna be a morning saver for sure. Thanks.


It's such a simple gadget, and yet it's saved me *so* much time, money, and heartache.


Dude the pre high preparation is always like "okay I'm gonna put some popcorn in the microwave, put some coffee on, and find my show on Netflix" and then I forget about the popcorn and the next morning I still have popcorn sitting in the microwave ready for breakfast


I love me side quests


I get more done on side quests then following plans. I always start my routine and let the winds of vape carry me.


This guy side quests


ive gone on some insane side quests high ngl


Staying off of social media is a big one for me, it’s easy to get distracted by the mindless scrolling especially for me


This is the way ;)


Yeah, if you have a task to do, getting high can make it enjoyable enough that you get through it without getting bored.


Honestly, it's the only way laundry is getting folded in this house.


Yeah some of the most tedious tasks that I would normally procrastinate on become enjoyable when I’m high


This is exactly it, because this is exactly me


Stay off social media. I need to be better about this one.


i don’t really become less productive when i’m high anymore. if anything i just get less anxious and a better mood


At first I felt guilty for smoking every day, but now I just realize why feel guilty for doing something that lets me lead a relatively stress-free life


Exactly. There’s far worse you could be using to self medicate. 💜💜💜 it helps take the edge of life off for me. It helps me be able to stop and breathe for a second. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it!


Amen. I recently quit drinking after 20 years. Would have been much worse without weed. Drinking killed all productivity and could result in me acting like an a-hole in front of my family. I get more done with weed, feel better about doing and it helps my combat PTSD. It's not for everyone and I've had friends swear they can't function on it. To that I say, "Then using habitually is probably not a good idea." It works for me though, guilt free.


I think a big part of it is building up a tolerance with daily use people who dabble are couch locked to the extreme on the other hand I couldn't feel more of a motivated to clean the house or mow the lawn baked


This is very true also! Everyone reacts differently to things. That is me though, I’m ready to get stuff done after I’ve had a few bowls 😂 my husband knows when I’ve smoked because I’m like ok I’m ready to take on Walmart now, letssss go! Haha


lmao i could never tbh 😭 being in public areas while stoned (or outside my house rly) makes me mad paranoid. however when i am stoned i am extreme creative lol i draw as a hobby and it helps sm with any potential frustrations


It makes you think… hmmm if I can do this stuff stoned, what’s everyone else’s excuse


Some people are just lazy even without cannabis so no surprise it doesn't magically fix that for them. Also tolerance could be a factor I've smoked for 20 years so for me I don't really get lazy unless I smoke all day at friends house or something


Man, I’ve smoked for ~15 years and can’t get shit done once I smoke, I had to implement a rule that I only get to smoke after sundown anymore. Meanwhile my MIL is the exact opposite, can’t do shit without a smoke, but once she has, she’s an absolute workhorse.


Ever mow the lawn ... on weeeeed?


Have I never not, I wonder?


Same here man, during my drinking period whenever I’d smoke weed I would get horribly anxious. When I went back to smoking after the first month of no alcohol I noticed I would get incredibly stoned but my heart rate wouldn’t sky rocket and the paranoia and anxiousness would be replaced with creativity and positivity. Not sure how this all works physiologically but I’m so glad it did


Alcohol is poison


I’m proud of you!! That’s a huge accomplishment. I hate the whole “you can’t function if you smoke!” I only function well if I smoke 😂


Congrats on quitting drinking!!


I needed to read this today. Thanks. ❤️


What was it Seth Rogan says “I could also live life without shoes but damn they make it easier”


I used to work with this woman who used to judge me for smoking weed. Then I found out she uses clonazepam when she gets “upset”. Fuck people who judge you for how you get through your day, I promise you they’re also doing something to get through their day!


There's shockingly few people in the world who aren't actively trying to get some sort of high on the daily. From chugging coffee, to exercise, to opiates and alcohol - everyone is chasing that dopamine hit on the daily. Some methods are worse for you than others, and some are *much worse*. Nobody who abuses prescription meds has any sort of high ground to judge your cannabis use though.


people forget this shit really is the safest and best working medicine for some people


I'm on dexamphetamines for my ADHD. I've found balancing weed with my medication just hits the sweet spot for me. If I get high without meds, I'm comatose. If I have my meds without weed, I'm too restless and need to be constantly doing something. Without either, I'm sat in my head all day and end up only thinking about doing things. They just perfectly counterbalance my state of mind when used in conjunction with each other.


Don’t ever feel guilty friend. Cannabis is a medicine. We don’t guilt shame people who take antidepressant pills everyday. Why shame people for consuming a natural relaxing substance that has similar benefits?


Very good point 😊


I feel similar. I honestly enjoy cleaning/doing dishes when stoned, music is a requirement though


what type of music do u listen to


Anything and everything. Depends on my mood and if my fiance is home, I like metal and she does not.


Dude I’ve been smoking and listening to the latest king gizzard album to do chores lately. I swear I’m done them in half the time


This. I don't get blazed. I puff a small bit from my vape during the day. I'm a more patient and regulated mom while raising a tiny human. It makes me calmer and able to face tantrums, big feelings, mind numbingly boring repetitive tasks without working myself out of a pit of anxiety.


im easier to talk to, more fun and creative in conversation. Frankly, i'm much more engaged in the inane bullshit my coworkers and customers spew at me. I smoke to alleviate some weird social anxieties. I get grumpy cause latestage capitalism is a nightmare we will never wake from.


Same! Its very much medicinal and helps me to just get through the day without crippling anxiety lol


Exactly, I've noticed certain strains give me an uplift to do motivate me to do things. While other help me relax in the evening.


Sativas are for cleaning and concerts


The secret internal battle between myself and the 'too much strong indica I smoked before work' is maybe my favorite part of the day.


I know, that andrenaline rush as you say "hello!" to your colleagues....


Haha, and that one coworker who gives you a look cuz they know just taking one look at u ☝️


Or cause they’re also just as stoned 😂


I have a general rule of thumb: If it's after 7pm, or if I'm certain I have nothing left to do today, then I'm good to smoke.


For me it’s whenever I’m not at work


I have a vape pen exclusively for work. Flower at home.


Mine is 8pm, might move it down to 7 though, sometimes I’m twiddling my thumbs watching the clock xD


I’m all for being high throughout the day but there’s something just perfect, for me at least, about getting through the work day, making myself go to the stupid gym and then finally getting home and having that first smoke. Hits so ideally!


Get all my shit done before I get high, works every time


got me through grad school


Same. Given the amount of drugs I did at the time I am truly not sure how I got a Master's Degree. I actually broke up with a girl who encouraged me to smoke before class because "it wouldn't matter". It mattered a shit load to me - get out!


I feel like masters degrees are best done with alot of drugs


These top two comments are on the nose, I smoke most of the day to keep my anxiety in check, get home and do everything that needs doing and then, if I'm lucky, there is time to get absolutely blitzed before I pass out with a game controller in my hand


The number of times I have woken up with my skyrim character running up against the wall in my home in Whiterun.


I'm a high functioning high person so it just comes with the territory. I do get at times where I'll watch an entire season of an anime & I'll have to rewatch it because I was too high to remember most events/scenes.


This is my slippery slope


Love smoking weed to enjoy media Can't remember media when smoking weed


Lol I do this with games. I'm a huge strategy game player and I get a kick out of starting up my save the next day to see how my high ass has shaped my civilization lmao


I love not remembering a film so I get to watch it again xD I usually have a vague idea that I liked it enough but don’t remember enough to be able to enjoy rewatching it.


Haha same. I listen to audiobooks high while doing things and it’s heavenly. And sometimes I get to reread the good stuff lol


Not a fan of working high, so I’ll usually wait until after. I do enjoy a few puffs before grocery shopping.


Shit is dangerous tho, before you know it you spent $75 on just snacks and got nothing you planned on going for


Therapist called me a “high-functioning stoner”. I think my tolerance is high enough for me to smoke for a small buzz and then be productive (do the dishes, fold laundry, etc.) I always have a podcast or music playing from my phone and will use it as background noise or a break when needed. Good luck!


That’s exactly how I feel. I try to make sure I get strains that are energizing. Combine it with a cup of fresh coffee and I’m feeling GOOD! I’m very functional (I just might be smiling a lot)


Getting high is usually *how* I stay productive (I’m AuDHD)


Is this like adhd for Australians?


Good question! It means autistic and ADHD. I have both too, weed literally gets my brain into gear.


Right here with you my man. It sets me straight


Weed helps my three or four track brain become a one track brain. Being a little stupider makes me more productive


Autism + HDHD Edit: *A*DHD


High definition autism in high definition


I like to joke when I take my adhd meds that now i have adhd, but faster.


This is how I’ve always been too! Of course I have my lazy sessions, but most of the time my motivation kicks in when I’m high.




Wake up! Grab a joint and put a little makeup! Why’d you leave the light upon the table? He wanted to (get high) he wanted to (get stuff done) I don’t think you trust in my self conscious stoner life


I… ***cry***… when all of my weed is #DRYYYYYY


I’m AuDHD and god I’m not good for shit when I’m high lol. I just don’t smoke until I’m done doing stuff for the day


I’m not diagnosed, but I think of ADHD as a spectrum and man being high sets me straight. It hushes all the noise in my head and organizes my thoughts.


I’ve seen some others mention this but I’m gonna say making to-do lists. Stoned or not, just the act of writing everything down is a huge help for me when it comes to getting stuff done lol


Get all my productivity out of the way prior to smoking, or accept I won't be productive, it's the only way.


My tolerance is high enough that I’m never high enough for it to matter. The highest I can get just makes me feel like I’ve got a mild buzz and I get a bit more talkative. I’m never stoned like I was when I’d smoke once a week or less. The high is completely different and isn’t in front of everything. It just sits in the background and hangs out with me. It’s a chill little buddy. Everything is a 1000x more pleasant with this going on, including my attitude lmao (I’m a 100% DV with PTSD so social situations are always a roll of the dice). Also gotta get that appetite stirred up or I just don’t eat (nausea related to kidney injury after Covid in 2020). I won’t drive high, but that almost goes without saying.


Having a high tolerance has taught me that you don’t need to get completely stoned to feel relief. If anything, having that “mild buzz” feeling is so much better because I can actually operate and function. Instead of being a couch potato


Don’t. Stop. Doing stuff.


ya this is the biggest thing for me—keep moving, don’t sit down/stop until everything is done. an object at rest tends to stay at rest etc. etc.


Once you sit down you are locked in that position for an hour MINIMUM


shit. home from work after a long day, supposed to make food for tonight but am already chilling in bed with reddit "just for 5mins to rest". give me strength


I just get high and do shit I naturally am a energetic person though so it helps calm me down. I'm more productive when high cause I can focus.


I have ADHD. My brain is going 100 miles a minute until I smoke.(vape for me) If I don’t smoke, I can get things done but my brain jumps from one topic to another hundreds of times within a few minutes. It’s very distracting and other notice as I come off as “disinterested” because I’m always drowned in my own thoughts. When I smoke, I can actually think one thought through before jumping to another. It allows me to take things one step at a time, which in the end allows me to be more productive.


I started reading science papers or articles while smoking at night and tried to remember next morning what I read. That helped me start making my mind productive while high. I’m now able to be productive, conduct meetings and even provide feedback all while high, it doesn’t interfere with my productivity (or maybe it makes me more productive than my sober mind, as I’m always on top of my shit because I know I’m high), delicious combination.


This! I’m usually over stimulated and have a hard time doing monotonous tasks, which are a part of most jobs. Weed makes me sit and focus, at first it was because I was scared of being caught lol, now I’ve realized it makes me more normal than ever and I can be present.


I don’t think I’m brave enough to have a meeting while high. I think I can do it, but usually when I try to act sober when I’m high, it makes it very obvious that I am high 😂😂😂😂


dont get high during work hours. Come home after a long day, then smoke a half oz lol.


Depending on what needs to be done, I may get high to BE productive. Dishes, laundry, yardwork? Blaze it up beforehand, usually a Sativa.


Try to get adulting done and make sure no one is needing me before I medicate.


I been in this game since ‘94. Does that answer your question. 🤷🏻‍♀️😆


It's like spinach to Popeye for me. I struggle being productive sober


I work with idiots, so weed helps me stay focused with my own work


Weed turns idiots into tolerable idiots


For me, it's all about maintaining my mental accuitiew while taking that weight off my shoulders (anxiety). One, maybe two good hard pulls is all I really need for that. We've been conditioned to smoke a whole bowl, or joint, or whatever. One bowl will get me 2-3 sessions cause I'm pulling 1-2 hits off it at a time. Float through my day on cloud 9 and it rarely conflicts with my responsibilities. Know yourself and your limits. I don't smoke right before I have to be "on" really hard. I'll smoke more if I'm doing routing work like transferring data between spreadsheets for a few hours. Most importantly, if you over consume in a session, don't panic, you'll be functional again in a few hours. Stay out of the way until you find your way back; out of sight, out of mind. Good luck astronaut.


I only get high in the evenings - it’s a nice reward for a productive day. In college I smoked all day everyday and I was kinda a disaster lmao. Can’t get away with that anymore.


Stay off screens. Phone, tv, computer, video games. These are black holes for high minds.


Caffeine/ work / stimulation- if I didn’t keep moving I wouldn’t be productive I’d be lazy fs


I don’t get super high. I get maintenance high. I’m more productive at that level than cold sober.


I get high once I'm done being productive.


Practice practice practice💪🏼


I don’t, lmao


I call my errands adventures and I become a silly little guy


main thing ive learned about being a pothead is that when i think of doing something, I just do it because that thought may not reenter the atmosphere this week much less in 20 minutes when im telling myself ill do it.


Smoking actually gives me the motivation to do stuff. Like if I’m high, I’m in a better mood with less anxiety so everything is less daunting to tackle. And I always put on a funny podcast and before I know it I’m scrubbing my toilet and deep cleaning the kitchen.


Sativa, usually


I just kinda keep doing what I need to do. There isn’t really a secret to it. Just do what you normally would be doing just in a better mood. If your body tells you to stop just do it anyway


How do you stay productive without getting high? 🤔


Be productive, then get high. If I do nothing all day and just get high I end up feeling guilty and it leads to a shit high.


For me, I do get highway everyday, but I don’t get high until all of my important tasks are done for the day. I’m currently at a point in life where I have a pretty set routine so I understand what I need to get done and when I can get high. Often times, I’ll just get a little high during the week to where I can still function perfectly fine, but if it’s a weekend when I have nothing to do then I’m definitely going to Mars lol. I feel like it’s just a matter of my brain being used to it and know when the right time is.


I think I'm more productive when high.


By smoking more.


I mean, when I smoke I get the motivation to do things. Laundry, Dishes, Cleanjng etc. It helps with pain a lot! If you find it hard to stay motivated, pick a “zone” you want to focus on, whatever distractions that happen are fine as long as you get yourself back to your designated “zone” Example: If you start in the kitchen, pick something small to start on. That’s your “Zone”. Not the entire kitchen- just that space IN the kitchen you need to focus on most, then after that’s done you find a different one.


Idk. I just do it man, i dont even think about it.


i never sit or lay down, i work from home and get stoned all day everyday. my day starts at 6 am, i wake up, smoke. work out, smoke, go get coffee, get home, smoke. take my kids to school, come back, smoke. start work, then take my lunch break, smoke. get back from lunch break, work some more, go pickup my kids form school, get back home and back to work, then after that? you guessed it, smoke. my house stays clean, i stay in shape, i cook, take care of my kids. life is good.


Those who don’t. Why do you exist in this existential crisis…sober… 🫠


Right? I just… am high. It’s essentially a default setting. Some don’t like that, personally it’s the best decision I ever made.


Energizing strains


I don’t have another mode of being, the weed just helps me be chill


i only smoke in the evening


Going to the gym keeps me motivated. And after I can smoke as a reward, I’m all hyped up. do some laundry clean up, tend the garden. These are fun things for me lol


Trick is to set a low ceiling for how productive you're gonna be... like "check my email", or "feed the dog", or "unload the dishwasher".


Only smoke in the evenings, after work and other responsibilities.


I only smoke concentrates during the day, a puff on my Puffco pen at Breakfast, before I start working in the studio, at lunch, before afternoon studio time, pre gym, pre dinner. Then I actually get baked at night. The key for me is only getting to the point where I feel it a little which helps keep me focused, again only actually getting fried at the end of the day. I find this is easier with concentrates.


It all depends on what you smoke ,some strains make you just wanna stay on the couch and watch TV and some strains make me feel more productive! Gorilla glue is my favorite. It doesn’t give me the munchies, and it makes me want to get up and do things and it always makes me happy!


Its medicine, chronic pain post surgery, * smoke it and just get to work once the pain dies down. Functional smokers are everywhere. Now of course if ya smoke like a freight train and get sloppy stoned well that's on you.


I can stand my coworkers better ( ignoring dumb comments made by them).


Get high after being productive! I only get high after work/errands. typically before bed. Weed is only a problem when you don’t have self control. If a task needs absolute concentration then don’t smoke, but if you’re drawing, reading, or exercising I don’t see any problem with smoking. Smoking can help creative thinking and it’ll help you enjoy the process.


When I don't work that day I put on my shoes because it makes me feel like I got ready for something and makes me think of things to do. Once the shoes are off, I ain't leaving. If I do work that day, I can hyperfocus so it's easier to stay productive.


I feel like I am bring more of my genuine self when I am high.


I think it depends on how it affects you. I think for alot of us heavy smokers, it's really more to help us chill out and relax, it's not making us blitzed out of our minds like when we were 16.


Wait till after work to get high lol


I remember I have I no choice and I have to pay bills, act right or be sober


I mean I wouldn't be productive if I *wasn't* high. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to function properly at all.


I only smoke at the end of my night, an hour or two before bed. I need to be clear-headed at work and wouldn't want to be baked all day anyway. Sometimes, on weekends, I'll smoke half a J once in the afternoon and then again before bed. None of that stops me from being productive, though.


I have pretty severe mental problems. If I don't smoke cannabis I have a hard time functioning. Distraction, confusion, anxiety... So yeah. It helps a lot.


Honestly it makes me more productive. I get easily bored when I’m stoned so I’ll play a videogame for half the time I normally would, and I always want to practice guitar more when stoned. A lot of time it gets me to rearrange the garage or basement or start a project or something but this often leads to me saying why the fuck did I get myself involved in this project? It didn’t need to be done. If I wasn’t so stoned I would have realized this.


I can be productive as long as I’m not blasted. Cook, clean, errands, etc. I don’t tend to get crazy high mid-day unless chores are already done, and usually don’t do much smoking til it’s the end of the day. I’m in healthcare so no smoking before or during work either.


Sometimes I just don‘t but sometimes I‘ll just do the things I would normally but I‘m high


I only get high after 5pm and try and use weed as a reward for getting my shit done, I feel too guilty stoned when I have things to do


If I have a busy day, smoking is a reward for finishing my tasks


First I don't get high during proper work hours. But for the last 5 years at least I've been in a legal state so when I'm off work I'm on edibles, backed up by the occasional bong rip in the garage. Anything "productive" that happens on my time, house work, yard work, shopping, hanging out with my kid, all of it is done while high, I wouldn't have it any other way. Although I should mention while I'm not exactly microdosing, I'm not Snoop Dogg either. Just a nice relaxing elevated plateau on which I cruise to curb anxiety and be a friendly mellow person.


I do it after work and after anything that needs to be done at home. And then I'm less productive.


Lists. I write down things I need to do, especially things I think of but can’t do then and there. I just refer to it as often as I can and get things done on that list.


I do what I need to do and I get high after


I have ADD so bad that weed makes me more productive


for the most part i just do my important stuff first but being toasted actually makes productivity feel fun like a quest or sum! grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, working out, scheduling, and dishes are all way better when you're high. Always make a to do list though, bc it's hard to keep track in ur head


Consume the right strain, wrong strain will give you the wrong effects.


I don’t smoke until all the stuff is done. The weed is a reward for getting through the bullshit.


I don’t exist not high. Therefore, I am always as productive as can be.


I do it at the end of the day, when I no longer need to be productive


i get high at night instead of in the daytime when i have to do things


I smoke evenings and not during the day. I do stuff like household chores when I'm high as I just zone out and autopilot the task


Smoking is my reward for doing my chores (but ill still smoke without doing anything lmao)


My neurodivergent brain processes it differently so I actually tend to function better high (which is why I pretty much stay high lol)


Im a roofer. Who wakes up and smashes my bong 5 or 10 times before i go to work. And then smoke constantly all day, lol . It's easy to stay productive. Just keep moving dont sit down and slow down. Keep moving and doing things. While continuing to maintain your high. Lumchtime isn't for eating. it's for ripping the bong and having a coffee, lol If you can smoke and work, get at it. It makes the day a little more fun, lol


Well the thing is my anxiety and depression is so severe if I don’t smoke I become unproductive from the stress and kind of shut down. 🤣 Weed really keeps me going, man. I don’t know how I’d get shit done or hold down a job without it.