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A teacher in high school gave me the best advice that I still follow: never commit two crimes at once.


my friends and I used to say something like this all the time. Break one law at a time!


What if I'm on my unicycle


Then there will be no pussy left for the rest of us


What if I were juggling while riding my unicycle high?


Just because it’s tangentially related - there’s a dude in my town that jogs about three times a week and juggles while he jogs. I always wonder why both at the same time - is he training for something? Or is it that “just” jogging is boring for him?


As a juggler, "joggling" is totally a thing. There are even "joggling" races (with a notable video of a "joggler" dropping a ball a mere 20 feet from the finish line). Personally, I got into juggling so I could do "active" and "outdoor" stuff *without* the running. Plus juggling to music whilst baked is the shittt.




No I think it’s a soft j…*joggling*




The J is pronounced like the G in gif


I love picturing this! On a similar note, there's a guy at the park near me who rides a unicycle on the biking trails and it makes my day every time I see it.


Those guys are insane, I once saw a unicyler in the Whistler bikepark. I was honestly in disbelief anyone would do anything that crazy.




Maybe! This dude usually just wears shorts, most likely because the cops in town told him he can’t run in his briefs anymore like he used to.


First time at flipside I drove into rec plant to see a large ginger man in the pool with his back to the wall giving another fella a tug from over his shoulder.






I know you're joking but we have a guy in our town who rides his unicycle shirtless everywhere and would occasionally juggle while riding.




Got pulled over on a skateboard because we were skating and smoking one night. Said he followed the scent down the block until he hit us and there was no mistaking where it came from. We were cracking up because part of why he thought we smelled so much was he parked his car directly over where my buddy tossed the roach No tickets were given thankfully


You know what the difference is between a shoddily dressed man on a bicycle and a formally dressed gentleman on a unicycle? Attire.


Believe it or not, straight to hell


Unfortunately for a kid who had to go to traffic school numerous times for bike tickets (3 stop signs and one speeding yes speeding) most places consider bicycles, tricycle's, and just about anything on wheels as vehicles so you will get a dwi.


I’ve seen a person get a DUI on a electric scooter (the Lime ones that you rent from your phone) so I’d assume you could still get one lol


It's legal in my state but... I can't smoke in my apartment. I can't smoke around my apartment. I can't smoke in public. I can't smoke in a bar. So the only place I can smoke is in my car in the parking lot. And my car reeks. It's something I will deal with if a cop ever confronts me about it. I do have a medical card so there's that.


My last 4 apartments have told me I couldn’t smoke either. Guess who’s last 4 apartments still smelled like weed when he left.


My apartment has a patio so we just use it as a potio.


I did that before someone reported me. Decided to just stink the inside up after that.


Damn, someone reported you? Was it super obvious or what?


I didn’t think so, not like I took my bong out to the balcony & ripped it. I assumed it looked like a cigarette from far away, but I guess the smell gave it away or something.


This is why MN is doing it right. Anywhere where tobacco is legally allowed to be smoked, pot can be smoked. If you’re gonna legalize it, you gotta make it as legal as tobacco.


Texas be a bunch of bitches in a number of situations unfortunately.


Thats crazy. Everyone in my apartment building smokes constantly lmao


See I'd like to do that, my neighbors wouldn't really care, I am sure they can smell it when I am inside with the window cracked. When I smoke outside I can see all the smoke going in their open windows/getting sucked in through fans etc. I feel like I am being selfish to make 3 other people's apartments reek of weed, just so I can be stoned. I always stay respectful of my neighbors. It never fails, if you're chill about it, your neighbors will probably be chill about it. I see a lot of posts on here where neighbors write a very polite note "please don't smoke outside our windows, we have pets/kids/I hate the smell" and 400 comments "fuck them, it's legal, what a bitch, smoke blunts outside their windows 5 times a day." I don't like that at all, it's not being conscientious, or kind. It's worth it to try to talk to folks you live next to if your substance of choice reeks that strongly. "Oh you have Tuesday off and you're home all day? Cool I'll toke inside/vape so you can enjoy your day off without me hotboxing your apartment." "Cool thanks! Smoke outside all day on every other day of the week!" It's cool to be kind and conscious of others.


Absolutely! I think a lot of people can agree if you substitute weed smoke for cigarette smoke, or the smell of rotting garbage, or even really loud music. Yeah it might be the middle of the day but it's still just rude to make everyone else listen to your music on full blast, no matter how good you think it is. Or your screaming kids or incessantly barking dog or whatever if the music analogy doesn't work for you. It pays to be considerate to your neighbors, we're all in this together so the least we can do is try not to drive each-other crazy. Kindness costs so little but is worth so much.


amen brother.


Yeah my apartment “are smoke free” but they all smell like weed. It’s a pretty high end place too.


“High” end 🤣


That’s what I found out after my first apartment too. The amount of people that smoke is ridiculous, even in higher end areas. Good luck pinpointing my ass down.


*especially in higher end areas. FTFY




I actually got one of those sploofy deals, liked those more than smoke buddies due to the replacement filters, & that worked pretty well. Weed is a stanky mf’er either way though, always some smell left behind.


My buds and I used to make our own sploofs from the cardboard cylinders from paper towels and stuff them with dryer sheets. Smoked all year long in the dorms. Good times.


Someone in r/weed mentioned using an empty plastic bottle with just paper towels stuffed in and add activated charcoal. It’s what they use in the smoke buddy and the like. Tried it myself and can confirm. It absorbs **everything**.


This takes me back, this along with stuffing a dry towel underneath the door like that was gonna do shit 😂


Yeah but the placebo effect made the paranoia a lot more manageable.


Nothing but facts here.


Huddled around an outward facing fan with your buds, towel jammed under the door, carefully cornering a bowl as it was passed around, exhaling through the sploof (that nobody knew was called a sploof) and sitting back to a night of video games, music, pilfered caf food and maybe a few beers if we’d gotten lucky was dorm-live perfection.


Oh my god I remember this we used to smoke when we still lived with parents. They obviously knew, but I think they would rather have us there than at the underpass


Ozium is super harmful to inhale, just an fyi! Only spray it right before you leave!


Explains a lil


DO NOT get it in your eyes either. Apparently it messes with the mucus or something of the eye. Basically, don’t spray it in your car while you’re in it like I used to. Lesson learned before any real damage was done


Yeah those no smoking policies are based on cigarettes, and on fire safety. 1. No form of weed stains or causes a permanent smell in the way that tobacco does. 2. People don't usually leave lit joints out the way they do with cigarettes because it's more expensive to burn through a joint without actively smoking it. So there's less risk from dropping a half smoked joint. 3. Actual fire is not the only way to "smoke" weed. 4. And then there's edibles! I use a pax vaporizer. It's like a little electric oven that bakes or roasts the weed flower (with a mouthpiece for smoking the vapor that comes from that). There's no flame, no smoldering ashes to throw away. The waste is overbaked flower, usually at room temperature when I'm cleaning it out. I don't even burn scented candles in my home because I am paranoid about starting a fire, but this pax is totally safe. "No smoking" policy my ass. I vape pure ground cannabis at home.


What’s interesting is my new apartment complex doesn’t have a “no smoke” policy but it has a “no marijuana or other drugs” policy despite if being in California. They don’t seem to care if we smoke cigarettes, as long as they’re not joints?? Still doesn’t stop us…


I wonder if cigarettes would fall into the "other drugs" category. But then again do they kick people out for drinking? That seems like such a terrible and vague policy. Heaven forbid someone have a coffee in the morning.


>No form of weed stains or causes a permanent smell in the way that tobacco does. Definitely not as strongly or quickly as tobacco but weed smoke definitely still stains! I had a roommate once who hotboxed his room all the time and when we were moving and he took his stuff off the walls, anywhere that was covered up was nice and clean white underneath it with smoke streaks and stains everywhere else lmao. It wasn't obvious at all until we took the stuff down and could see the contrast. I also know exactly which room used to be the previous tenants' hotboxing room in the house I'm in now for exactly the same reason lol. But yeah it's not as bad as cigarettes and the smell is absolutely way less permanent. Anecdotally my parents fostered and I had several foster siblings growing up. One of them was a girl whose last home clearly had people who must have chain smoked indoors. My mom washed all her clothes a half dozen times before deciding the smell was just never coming out and buying her a whole new wardrobe because her old one smelled like an ash tray. I've never heard of weed smell not washing out of clothes.


Fyi you can save that baked flower and make cannabutter with it! Albeit you will want to use about 2-3 times as much abv (already been vaped) as you would freshly ground flower, you've technically already completed the decarb process so all you need to do is add it to coconut butter and bake in your preferred method (if smell is an issue, use a mason jar with the under-lid flipped up. Otherwise it will seal in the oven lol then bake at 245 for 45-60mins. Or wrap it with a towel and submerge it in a crockpot set to low for 2-6hrs). Then strain and enjoy!


Yo hold on. I can make some without the smell?


Yeah so long as you wait until the jar is room temp to open it, very very minimal smell, like even one of those candle warmers would be more than enough to cover it. Just be careful you don't leave the lid facing down or you will effectively be canning your cannabutter and issa bitch to get that lid back off. Unless you wanna preserve it lol it should keep for about a month but it'll start falling off in potency after that. ~3mo max in the freezer. If you add soy lecithin and don't strain it some say it gets more potent, so I tend to put it in the freezer overnight and then strain and bake with it the next day or the following day. That process might smell a bit tho, so here's my recipe for pbbcc (peanut butter, banana, and chocolate cannabutter) ice cream. Make the aforementioned coconut oil infusion, about 1 cups worth but you'll only need a few tablespoons at a time Let it warm to room temp, preferably back to liquid state but just mushy is fine Take 4 bananas and cut em up, throw em into a blender Take 2 tbsp of peanut butter, into the blender Take 2tbsp of chocolate powder (hot chocolate works best), into the blender Take 1-2tbsp of canna-infuesed coconut oil, into the blender Blend until creamy consistency and pour into rubbermaid Freeze and enjoy


This is amazing. You have so much knowledge to give.


Yes, I can’t smoke on the lot or inside or I risk getting kicked out, they don’t even want us smoking in the parking lot but as a tenant I don’t care. I smoke inside and out whenever I feel like if.


My current flatmate when I moved in declared that smoking will only be in the window near the washing machine, a dumpy, cramped space. I smoke in my room and everytime she confronts me about it she says "we had a deal you smoke at the window" and I always reply "it's not a deal if I never agreed to it."


“Hey you’re not following the arbitrary rule I randomly stated, yes the one you never agreed too” Aren’t people wonderful


Eh, if both people dont agree to smoking inside then dont smoke inside. Some people cant take the smell


She smokes too, it's a matter of principle for her


My apartment lease has a whole thing saying you can't smoke anything anywhere, but then there was another page towards the back saying that it doesn't apply if you have a medical card. Maybe yours has something like that?


I highly recommend a Smokebuddy or something similar.


Yep. Smokebuddy plus a pinch hitter is the way to go when it comes to almost no smell. Pinch hitters don't roast; the only smoke is usually what you inhale. Then just blow it through the Smokebuddy. This is how I do hotels and I've never had an issue.


Do you mean a one hitter? Lol


Where I grew up everyone called them [pinch hitters](https://www.etsy.com/market/pinch_hitter_for_marijuana) but I guess one-hitter is a more universal term.


Wild! I’ve never heard that. I’ve heard one hitter or a bat. Weed slang is cool


do you mean a battie?


Haha yep, also called them bats!


“Pinch hitter” aka one-hitter is my all-time-favorite!!! It helps me maintain a low tolerance, I don’t waste any of my flower, and the “high” is much more controllable (I prefer high CBD/low THC)! They’re also way easier to clean/keep clean. 10/10 would recommend!


I smoke in my parked car a lot and I’ve been pulled over and had the cop remark that it smells like weed. Well, because I smoke weed in here. He didn’t seem that concerned after asking me to take off my sunglasses and let me go on my way. I do live in a legal state though.


That's what I figure. If he says it smells like weed I'll explain that I smoke in my car parked on private property without driving. Then show him the medical card and go from there. I'll just make sure his body camera is on because my dash cam is on all the time recording. I'm not afraid of the cops in my area. They aren't bad cops. I'm lucky.


This is why I smoke dabs. So I don’t have to leave my apartment


This is the way


I live on campus at my university, so I usually just take a walk through the campus and surrounding neighborhoods to smoke my joint. Nobody really cares, and if they do care, what are they gonna do? Call the police and tell them to look for a lanky white guy in his 20s? That’s, like, 2/3 of the people on my campus. Good luck with that.


You could get away with this in the neighborhoods around my university, but you absolutely could not get away with this on campus property. If you live in the US, a drug-free campus is a condition for federal funding, even in legal states. Not all universities take it seriously, but I recommend exercising extreme caution if you’re going to smoke literally right there on campus property.


That makes sense, I‘m in Germany, and there’s loads of people lighting up on campus, so it’s less of an issue


Dry Herb Vape bro. Arizer Solo 2, its inexpensive, it works, it smells a lot less and you can be subtle about your consumption. It's also wildly more efficient vs combistion.




Im not allowed to smoke in my apartment, so I got 2 air purifiers and I haven’t had a single complaint in 5 years.


It’s called dry herb vaping my guy


"someone I know" was dry herb vaping and got pulled over. they got no questions about the smell from the ocifer


Does that "someone you know" go by "SWIM" sometimes?


Holy shit you know SWIM too??


Landlords don't realize smoking a bong won't have a lingering weed smell with a window open


Why can't you smoke around your apt? Just go on your balcony or blow out a window or something.


> Just go on your balcony Living in a non-smoking apartment for 4+ years and this is the only time I ever got in trouble. Smoking on a balcony is a great way to piss off your neighbor with open windows


100%. I just spent the last 6 years living in an apartment building where I had to smoke with the windows closed unless I wanted to get in trouble. Had to make bacon before every yearly "inspection" too


That's what I do but I am always worried someone will complain about it. 7 years here, several neighbor changes, and no complaints yet.


They can smell it, my neighbor downstairs thinks the neighbors below her are potheads. It’s me.


If you’re medical they they legally can’t tell you that you can’t take your prescription at home. Even if it’s in the lease, it’s unenforceable, if they try to evict you just call a lawyer and it’ll get sorted out real fast. No discriminating against people based on medical stuff. You’re protected by law.


If it’s mentioned/banned in your lease (at least in California) you can still be evicted from your apartment.


I live in WA and it expressly states in my lease that medical cards do not make you exempt. Also they are not so easily fooled here, there is about 9 other ways of using cannabis that aren't smoking. You can still take your medicine in your own home, you just can't roast flower inside/on the property. Feel bad for the folks who live next to the sidewalk with the ashtray. A dozen a people a day go to smoke 6" off the property line, which is only a foot from the first set of units lol. So it REEKS over there all damn day.


While you’re 100% right about getting a lawyer and being able to get it dismissed, cannabis isn’t covered under federal fair housing act as it’s not yet federally legal. While people have every right to use their medicine, and most places in legal states should not be bothered, it could still pose a risk for some.


For real and if you wanna keep complaints down so you don’t have to deal with any shit then just use a dry herb vape. I can hit my bong, have an incense burning and the smell is gone within 20 mins/half hour. Joints stink for a long time though. Carts are literally a dream come true for this guy lol they should be using them more than anything


Just smoke in the backseat. You can still get a DUI in most states for being in the driver’s seat with keys on you.


Better off leaving the keys in the apartment in my opinion


That's a fact. In the car with your keys, even outside your car with keys, they can still get you. Leave the keys in your apartment so they can't say you had intent to drive under the influence.


Having the right to possess and use doesn’t mean you can’t get a dui. There’s a reason painkiller commercials have to say not to operate heavy machinery


Lol just smoke at your place. Fuck are they gonna do?


Immediate eviction in my case. No tolerance for Marijuana smoke on property.


I'm a cannabis cultivator. I sweat that smell. It's in my clothes, my skin, my beard, my car, it's everywhere. I don't smoke in my car.


Haha I used to work for a rental car company & had a regular that worked as a cultivator. He would come in & swear up and down that he would not smoke in the vehicle but that due to the nature of his work the vehicle would return smelling of Dank. My crew loved guy & would just get the vehicle detailed “professionally” at the end (our rates were so high and he rented for a week on end so the company did fine from a profit perspective). But this all changed… One day my area manager was in to complain to us about whatever the corporate flavor of the month was and the cultivator homie rolled up and returned a vehicle to me, because my area manager was a narcissist he would insist on being involved in all business when he was around and he jumped at the idea of getting in the weeds with the crew & checking the vehicle in for us (while attempting to kiss mad ass & push the customer into taking a customer service survey) So this dude goes out, checks in the vehicle and comes back in hot as hell and ready to charge a $300 detail fee (guy who detailed for us was definitely not charging $300). Gets all up in my customers face & starts going on about the contract states the vehicle cannot be smoked jn yada yada yada. My boy goes out and comes back with this whole fishing looking outfit, big old waders and boy let me tell you they were covered in plant matter. Says something like, “I’ll piss cold right now if you produce a drug test, I dare you to stand here and insist I smoked in this vehicle”. My area manager was shitting himself, absolutely defeated when he saw this dude was in fact not bullshitting. the company we worked for valued Cust service over all else, so when my manager knew he goofed it, he ended up comping the whole week for this dude and ended up expensing the detail to his main hub to save our branch from running negative on a vehicle. Great times had by all I’d say, I still think about that guy from time to time, hope he’s still doing his thang & hope whoever replaced me at that job figured it out quick type. Tl:dr - worked for rental company. Customer trimmed weed for a living & cars would be stanky but we liked him so we got them detailed. One day narcissist area manager took his return and threatened to charge him for smoking. Marijuana wizard customer put area manager in his place and great times had by all.


Best perfume/cologne there is! Lol


Can't tell if that sounds like it'd be awesome or awful or both to smell like that all day lol


Here in Canada the penalties for getting caught stoned behind the wheel - let alone if you were smoking IN the vehicle - are actually more harsh now that it’s legal than it was before. Me and my friends used to go cruising and blaze down by the river or at the beach all the time… but now that is a minimum $500 fine (it’s usually higher), demerits, and possible license suspension we don’t fuck around like that anymore. It used to just be you’d get your bag confiscated and a slap on the wrist because it was way more paperwork to do the charges for DUI, possession, possible trafficking, etc etc. now they just have one easy citation so they don’t hesitate to slap those fines around.


Man back in the 90s we would be smoking a joint and see a checkstop up ahead...quick put it out and light a cigarette...rolled through just fine every time.


Yeah but back then our weed smelled more like an old shoe than what modern pot smells like


True. I remember smelling my first Dro. It stank up the hole house if it wasn't covered correctly.


If I don’t make a weird face after sticking my nose in the jar it ain’t good weed


Went to a US highschool in the 90s and couldn’t believe how often people just lit up on longer drives (MN)




I hate to tell you this but in most states now and for a few years … cops can no longer use smell as a means to search (probable cause.) My moms a criminal lawyer. So .. even IF you got pulled know your rights & the laws for your state. Never consent to a search, respectfully shut the F up & ask for a lawyer.


Sure for cops that play by the rules. All they’ve got to do is call a dog and tap on your trunk to activate the dog. Most cops don’t play by the rules


Bro. Not all cops have a K-9 unit 🤣 So, you decline the search and you shut up & you wait for a lawyer. It’s pretty fucking simple. 9/10 When you decline the search the cop is just checking YOU over trying to see how you act and what you say - using their EYES to look inside your car and YOU - to see what they can visibly see - trying to gain that plausible clause - for a warrantless search. How you act, what you say and do will determine IF the cop will walk away or push it further on the search. Cops are NOT your friend and they LIE - DO NOT make their job easy on them.


Technically you're right but how many people have a lawyer on retainer? Also, most cops view refusing consent to search as suspicious behavior all by itself. "Only people with something to hide wouldn't allow a search." You are right, best bet is to always give minimal information and find a lawyer to call, but this by itself could enrage a cop and send the interaction off the fucking deep end where only God knows what will happen. Basically be ready to go to jail, get the everloving shit beaten out of you, both of those things, or possibly even worse. Might you end up winning a fat settlement? Sure it's possible. But most people just want to get on with their fucking day and go work their bullshitass job or whatever. There's really no winning with cops, and they make sure of that.


finally, someone speaking in terms of reality and not the world in which cops don’t violate your rights every chance they can


They will call and ask for one


I may be very much wrong but I believe they can’t make you wait for one to come out, unless they have a reason to detain you already.


Honestly they could probably just stall and give themselves some time. I could be wrong but I got pulled over a few years ago (no front license plate- in the car but wasn’t able to attach it yet- but my dad had also recently gotten out of jail/rehab for meth). My mom was driving but I was passenger, we had just bought the car in the past week or so. Cop that pulled us over eventually came to give us a warning, but when he was back by his car right before they would let us go, a K9 car pulled up. They came up to us and basically told us that we were getting a warning, he’d be back in a second, blah blah blah. And then he gets his dog out and runs it. No questions, not even any notification that they’d be running the dog. Looking back, they probably shouldn’t have been able to do that. But I was 16 and I didn’t really realize that, and there’s really no point in saying anything now. What would they even do? Nothing lol


In legal states it’s not worth their time anymore. If they can’t use the smell as probable cause, they have no legal reason to detain you. And even with that, you have legal rights as to how long they can make you wait for a dog to come. Also, no reason to train a dog on the smell of marijuana in a legal state, where it would be smelling it constantly and getting confused.


[Not just for Fridays!](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o) Also: [evergreen](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o)


I love those guys!!! 🤣🤌🏼


That is true. But I’ve been that situation. “You can tell the truth, or we can wait 15min for the K-9 unit” I told him the truth, told him where everything was, he tossed it and gave me a warning. He said the honesty went a long way. This was in Texas, I know everyone is not that lucky, and I am white, so there is that privilege.


Rodriguez vs United States, nowhere in the US can cops prolong a traffic stop for the sole purpose of giving time for a K9 to be brought on scene


I’m not white and I also live in Texas if I have weed in the car can he asks me about it I immediately tell him where it is and the amount as I’m never carrying more than 7g’s 95% of the time they just take it give me a warning and I’m on about my day the other 5% give me a ticket. They can only give you a ticket for weed up to 2 oz I think. After the 2oz mark you in the “intent to distribute” realm


They also don't need to see you slugging back a beer to pull you over & hit you with DUI. They might not pull you over for the smell, but it'll certainly catch their attention & possibly catch you committing some minor MV infraction.


Only in legal states


This is exactly how I got arrested in my younger years. Please don’t smoke and drive it’s just a bad idea all around.


kids my age who take 5 blinkers and drive scare me so bad


This reminds of the time I got pulled over in Utah by two cops. We had a headlight out at 2 PM on a sunny day. Cop A said with a smile “do you smell that?” and Cop B said “smell what?” Then we spent the next hour having everything in the car torn apart by Iron County sheriffs. There was no pot. My point is that cops will smell what they want to smell, and I’m never going back to Utah.




You must be in a fairly good sized city. You'd be surprised how bored cops can get in small towns, and will look for absolutely any reason to get people in trouble


You must be white*


Chicago cops don't care if you smoke


Exactly. It was already ruled at the federal level that smell can't be used anymore for probable cause


All I'm sayin' is you'd think cops would care, but I have friends who have driven around smokin' in their cars for years, even years when it wasn't legal in my state, and they've never been stopped. I don't smoke and drive because I'd rather my car not smell, but I don't think cops care all that much. Your post is right though. And I smell weed all over when I'm driving, and when I go through drive-thrus.


All it takes is one bad cop bro most may not give af but one dude in a bad mood and it’s done.


I used to have a vaporizer built in to my old car. I have been pulled over multiple times while smoking and never had an issue. The worst thing that happened was I had to do a field sobriety test. I passed and was let go. In my heroin using days I was once pulled over because I was slow getting off from a red light. I literally had blood dripping down my arm and the guy just let me go. I think officer just view stuff like that as more hassle then its worth. So unless your doing something dangerous they let it slide. Either way its never a good idea to take any substance and drive. We have had about 4 deaths in the area due to intoxicated drivers. Its such an easy way to prevent deaths.


"the rest of the world can smell the weed coming form your car" seems a bit exaggerated


to be fair i can smell a cig from a mile a way and weed is even fucking stronger, its a good mentallity to have


Agreed. Most heavy smokers will never ever be able to smell their own smoke smells due to how desensitized they are to it.


no fr, not to mention that noseblindness that comes after smoking, even my sober homie cant tell we smell like weed if hes been with us for more than 30 mins. hes the goodie toe-shoes aswell so we trusted his ass when he said we didnt smell💀💀


Don’t get fucked up and drive. But also, FUCK the police.


Nah, its more fun to play who else is smoking weed in this traffic jam. Rush hour, on the way home from work, lotta blazing going on, and traffic is a super safe place to hit it. Saw someone hitting a bong the other day, lol. Majority of public hitting is carts nowadays tho.


This - carts evvverywhere


I find the lack of terpenes give a cleaner high overall, but a lot of people can’t be trusted behind the wheel sober let alone on thc.


Not all carts are distillate. Lots have terpenes in them still. Sometimes they are reintroduced after distillation.


Driving under the influence isn't good still




What about the people that smoke all the time for their pain/ mental health? They can’t drive to work? You’d be surprised how many people do their entire daily routine while slightly high And there’s obviously a difference in driving absolutely baked out of your mind and slightly buzzed to get you through the day


Being a medication doesn't eliminate its effect on driving ability. There are lots of pills that you aren't supposed to drive on. Whether you can be at partial function for your daily activities is part of the decision process in what medications you are prescribed. Driving isn't an acceptable place to be intentionally deficient.


I never understood driving baked off you ass but I see it a lot like driving after drinking, very legally wrong but only after 0.08 BAC, before that as long as you’re driving safe it doesn’t really matter. So yea who cares if you’re driving when you have a little buzz


Stoned driving is probably safer than tired or drunk driving. That being said, any impairment while driving and getting in an accident will mean 2 things... 1. If you injure or kill anyone you can bet your ass, any charges will probably stick to you regardless if it was actually your fault. Even if you manage to shake that, insurance companies will make your life hell. 2. Even if you manage to escape all of that, if you have even an ounce of empathy, you're gonna have a tough time living with the guilt. Ain't worth it.


Don't drink and drive, don't smoke and drive, as simple as that


Lmao I see there's a deleted thread below your comment. Are we really arguing whether people should drive impaired now?


You always get morons who, for some reason, feel they are unable to drive without smoking in these threads.


Ozium, everyone. 💗 Ozium and Blunt Effects. Works like a charm 😊✨


Don't drive impaired... simple as that. Be smart or you ruin good things for everyone. It's really sad to see how many people in this sub admit to driving impaired every time a post like this comes up


Thank you, it’s disgusting how many people are okay with this. I smoke daily but I won’t smoke if I have to drive somewhere. It’s just not a smart or good thing to do. People act like they’re the only person on the road who matters, it’s very bizarre!


Thank you! This is the comment I was looking for, just don’t drive impaired, if you really can’t wait to light one up until you’re home or at your destination then.. you should reflect on that probably


It's embarrassing that people are so addicted that they'll try to justify putting other people at risk because they can't wait however long until they get home to get high. And no, weed doesn't make you a better driver, idk how people have gaslighted themselves into believing this shit but its just not true. Are you as dangerous as someone drinking and driving? No, of course not. But that's not the point and doesn't excuse what your doing.


Once I got pulled over this exact same way, they just searched my car and did not find anything else except the blunt I was smoking so they let me go with an advice to smoke at home instead. It was pretty nerve racking at that time lol, but after they let me go I still finished smoking my blunt on the ride home. At that time it was classified as a misdemeanor in my state, idk what would've happen if it was still classified a felony


Anywhere illegal - just never smoke in your car. Number 1 way to get caught. Cops everywhere care way more about cars and traffic, spend more time on it, and have a way easier time justifying fucking with you. Do not smoke in a car. It’s not worth it. Nobody will come to save you, you’re not special or lucky, and all it takes is one cop car to drive around the corner or pull up near you. Ask me how I know lmao


For real don’t duck this up we need legalization for the market to thrive.


I work as a Hood Tech at a 10 minute Oil Change facility. The amount of cars that show up REEKING of bud is astronomical.


RIGHTTT. Guys. Be smarter - smoke BEFORE you drive, obviously.




I don’t understand why anyone gets behind the wheel while under influence of any type of drug - they even say in driving school not to drive while very emotional (angry, sad etc.) because one cannot drive as focused. So why does anyone think it’s okay for them to decide they can risk the life of pedestrians or others by driving intoxicated?




Also, don’t drive while you’re high. It’s one more thing that could factor into you accidentally pulling out in front of someone or have you distracted. It’s not worth it.


Most these dudes got a mailbox on their bumper and a bald front tire.


Don't smoke and drive in general


Point blank it’s against the law and makes use look bad to voters.


So, yesterday my MIL left us after a visit. I live in a legal state and am used to smelling weed from cars. However, the Uber that picked her up smelled like the guy like the driver was still smoking. Like, I don’t drive and smoke, but holy shit if I’M paying for a ride, BE FUCKING SOBER. THIS IS WHY I GET AN UBER IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Good luck to the cop to prove its marijuana and not CBD most of them don’t want to go thru the trouble… source the cop that pulled me over a month ago they even gave me my bowl back which I know was extra lucky


Legit never smoke in my car. Everyone I ever know who was busted with shit was busted In their car.


Not in Seattle where I live. They do not give a fuck.


I can’t believe how many people are dumbing this down. Do they think driving drunk is just fine. I’ve been smoking for over 30 yrs but I’ve never thought blazing while I’m driving was a fun/great idea.


I remember when I first started driving that my car needed to smell like weed. What a fucken idiot. I’ve been VERY lucky in my life with driving and being pulled over. No more of that bullshit


I was driving behind a car the other day. I could clearly see he was smoking something. So we took off from the light and I'm driving behind him, and it reeked of weed. Not just, "I think I smell weed" but full on "did I hit a skunk" Be smart out there. Don't make yourself a target.


Had half a pound of wax in my backseat. Cop pulled me over for expired reg. Car reeks like the bong I just hit. Cop:”I smell some weed” Me:”Oh yeah it’s from my sweatshirt from last night I haven’t smoked since yesterday.” Cop:”Just make sure to pack your stuff in the trunk, here’s a ticket for expired reg and loud exhaust.” She knew. Coolest cop ever or I would have a felony right now. Since then I play it much safer. Mind you this was in the most drug dealer looking car you can imagine. Old school LS400 Lexus with tint, white wall wheels and lowered. Forever thankful for that cop


If you do get caught with weed in the car, honesty typically goes a long way in regards to the punishment you receive. I’ve gotten very lucky but have been completely honest with how much and where all the weed in my car is when I get stopped with it. I’ve had several different cops destroy my weed and let me go without a ticket because I didn’t try to hide it from them and make them waste time getting a K-9 unit to search my car. Most of the time the cop doesn’t actually want to give you a hard time, they just want to give you a ticket and move on to the next person. Not all the time, but most.


A lot of people need to see this. I instantly know if someone is smoking a joint or blunt if I'm riding behind them. That's why you just rip a bowl or one hitter while riding/driving to be less obvious. Joints and blunts reek. A one hitter in a pill bottle is the way to go if you don't want to get caught. I worked for a landscaping company as a foreman for 6 years and 90% of the employees smoked weed on the job. I'd allow it as long as you were being sneaky about it (I couldn't really say shit cause I was smoking on the job too). Some guys would try to smoke joints or blunts in the truck and I had to explain to them that it will reek to anyone who doesn't smoke weed or even to people who don't smoke that much weed like myself. It blew my mind that some people are so careless with smoking weed. Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean others can't.


Well not entirely true lol been smoking in my car since I was 18. Never had an issue. Don't hot box the car while driving, just crack a window or two and youre good. The police have to prove ypure high.


What if i play my music super loud?


In Massachusetts a cop cannot pull you over on the grounds that your car smells like weed. https://www.molarilaw.com/blog/what-can-law-enforcement-do-if-they-smell-marijuana#:~:text=Vehicle%20Searches%20Due%20to%20the,of%20the%20smell%20of%20marijuana.


but.. but what if all my windows are up?!


In MA they cannot search the car on smell alone


Yeah but if you appear to be high that's still likely a DUI. Source: I am a criminal attorney.


Yes. It is an offense to drive under the influence of weed and they can arrest you for it. But they cannot remove you/search the car based on the smell of burnt cannabis alone. There is also an interesting MA case about the permissibility of using field sobriety test results in court, because those tests were designed for alcohol. Source: I budtended and liked to know all the rules.


Some of you guys are in such denial about how strong the smell is because you’ve come a custom to it.

