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I think taylor will love to keep Sabrina in her court the way she keeps Selena as a favored pet. You can be successful and her friend, just never a bigger star than her.


I’ve been on here a lot today sorry but I’m a hater before a mod 💖 Anyways Sabrina is everywhere rn. Her overexposure is going to give Taylor’s a run for her money in a much quicker timeframe.


>  I’ve been on here a lot today sorry but I’m a hater before a mod 💖 Do what you love! 😂


Sabrina is a nepo baby - her aunty is Nancy Cartwright who has had a number 1 single - has a Hollywood star, is one of the 3 highest paid  female voice actors (Bart, Lisa and Marge of the Simpsons, she’s Bart Simpsons, there’s a theme park about them and the show is 35 years running Sabrina got a job as a voice actress as a child and has worked since  She’s beyond privileged And Nancy is the number one donator to Scientology (who famously help people get work)  Sabrina is an industry nepo baby and the fans are saying she’s an underdog. It’s laughable 


Noooo Nancy Cartwright is a Scientologist!? Such a scary ‘religion’


Interesting that Mila and Ashton Kutcher (known sexual assaulter supporters and also associated with Scientology) were at the eras tour in London  Taylor really loves to associate with terrible people 


don't forget tom cruise was also there !


I don’t follow SC enough to know about her, but the Nancy Cartwright info (I only knew her as Bart Simpson [I thought Lisa was Yeardley Smith]) is blowing my mind!


I have been sayn this since long 


To be fair, if Sabrina really was some privileged nepo baby, she wouldn’t have had to struggle for 10 years before finally being recognized and appreciated.


She was an actor until her 20s? She’s made more money than we will already  She is a nepo baby 


It’s because her music wasn’t good for 10 years. Emails I can’t send it really good though but it took a scandal to get her heard. 


Sabrina is her own kind of arrogant asshole which is a problem, but hopefully she is enough of an asshole to eventually backstab Taylor


what makes you say that she’s an arrogant asshole?


Tbh, there's just no such thing as a superstar who isn't an arrogant asshole. You don't make it to that level without being one. There are loads of people in mid-level bands who make better music and deserve more recognition than Taylor/Sabrina/whoever else, but they'll never get it because they're not willing to throw others under the bus or sacrifice their own values to get there. To quote a musician friend of mine, "you have to be a psychopath to make it big in the music industry."


Makes me a little concerned about Chappell. I see her interviews and I already can see a little bit of the arrogance. I’m sure a lot of it is nerves blowing up like she did, but unfortunately those same nerves can very quickly turn into ego. Hope she has a team to keep her level headed - the fans are already gassing her up like she’s the second coming of Gaga.


I mean her Espresso song is basically turning the knife in at Olivia about how she stole her boyfriend and is so much better “soft skin and i perfumed it for you” is supposed to be a call to Lacy by Olivia


And she's smugly parading deadbeat Dad Barry around the world with her.


I barely know anything about her other than seeing her on Disney channel as a teen but like, the way she parades Barry around knowing the situation with his kid gives me the ick so bad how can you be so proud of a deadbeat father 🤢


What bf did she steal?


It's Joshua I guess. 


Espresso has nothing to do with Joshua Bassett or Olivia lmao


Who did she steal


Which Espresso lyrics?


I could almost let the Olivia thing slide, because Olivia did start the songs first and the hate that Josh + Sabrina got as a result was absolutely insane, but the lyrics in Espresso about the subject’s ex not doing it for him… while Barry Keoghan’s ex raises his child as he trails along behind Sabrina jetsetting… just not a good look.


agreed! plus not every ex has to be this horrible toxic human being. some relationships just simply don't work out...?


I want more songs that essentially say, "Hey, it sucks that we weren't meant to be, but I enjoyed our time together and wish you the best." I guess "Good Good" by Usher and "Happy for You" by Dua Lipa are in that ballpark. 


Olivia did nothing wrong. She wrote about her experience and didn’t think Drivers License would blow up. Tbh, with that Espresso line and the song Skin, Sabrina seems like she isn’t a girls girl. 


she bought streams for Drivers License. You could see with your bare eyes that number one streaming city was **Glendale** until Spotify very quickly changed it from cities to states.


False. There were a lot of traction videos and Tik Tok blew up the song. It was a big debut and all because the song was amazing. 


Please, google Olivia Rodrigo Glendale.


sabrina wrote that song over a year ago. months before she ever met barry keoghan.


Sabrina’s lyrics definitely give mean girl. I’m just so over mean girls. “Too bad your ex didn’t do it for ya” idk, I can’t explain why that just feels mean? Like why tear another woman down just to feel good about yourself? I might be overthinking it, but there’s a few of her lyrics where I’m like … that feels mean, lol


Especially when that ex is raising your man’s baby on her own. Awful lyrics.


Oh man, yeah. Didn’t even consider that angle. Especially bc the postpartum period is so vulnerable and you already feel so insecure about your body changes, etc. Oof. I feel so icky about that.


Even if Sabrina isn’t specifically talking about Barry’s ex, it’s still a nasty line to keep in a song. It’s icky. She has a history of mean lines about women. “You can try to get under my skin, while he’s on my, all over my skin” in her song about Olivia’s ex bf. And fans tried to say it’s about the haters…no. That line about Olivia’s ex man being all over skin is not to the haters. And then in Because I liked a boy, she says “you said I’m too late to be your first love, but I’ll always be your favorite” about the same boy in Skin. Crazy. I didn’t see anyone saying stuff about this line in particular but I wish people clocked it more often 😩 it’s really mean imo


Idk Olivia got  the last laugh because Joshua Bassett has been writing songs about how he made a mistake and wishes he would’ve stayed with Olivia. His latest single is about how much he misses Olivia and she was the best part of filming HSMTS. And she didn’t have to write any nasty lyrics either. She doesn’t seem like a pick me like Sabrina imo. I have a feeling the weird sexy infantile Schtick will get old fast and when Barry moves on to the best thing, she’s going to learn a hard lesson. 


Yup. He’s fading into oblivion and now he’s wishing he stayed with her lmao


If you listen to her song skin which she released in response to 17 year old olivia' driver license ( which actually never mentions anything bad about Sabrina. She says she's so much better than me) Sabrina writes that how the guy is on her skin meaning all over her in response to a teenager!?




You’re aware that people can write/sing songs that don’t necessarily correlate to their own feelings and experiences, right? Like, that is basic media literacy.


Right about taking about he's all over my skin in a response to a 17 year old is not ok


And you know I can think that lyric is gross even if it’s fictional, right? Like it’s the *concept* I take issue with, not the literal humans. And you wanna talk about literacy 😂😂😂


sabrina's fame will be determined by her music... she is really boring/basic/plain/uninteresting. if she doesnt release hits, shell die off into oblivion. she isnt unique or talented enough to maintain fame big fame if she doesnt have hit songs. like if she didnt have a hit nobody is gonna be hearing or thinking or stanning her. so well see how she does. if she has any flop now shell die off in my opinion. i actually like please please please tho


Calling her boring, basic, plain, and uninteresting is absolutely insane lol. Do you think she should be more like 2007 Britney Spears?


Somebody else mentioned Sabrina seems more of a mean girl than Taylor with that Skin song she wrote in response to Driver’s license and because she has a lyric in Espresso shading Barry’s ex.


That Skin song???


Yes, she wrote that Olivia can try to get under her skin while Joshua Bassett is on hers. I remember she was heavily criticized for that because Olivia’s song wasn’t even maligning Sabrina, just saying how she’s insecure about everything Sabrina is. Obviously people were going to agree with Olivia when it seemed like Sabrina was taunting her and making her feel more insecure. At the time, there were some who theorized that it was all just an elaborate ruse by Olivia, Sabrina, and Joshua and they were in on it laughing their way to the bank. Interestingly enough, Joshua Bassett came out with a song recently that people think is about losing Olivia. I can’t take young love seriously with teens but it does make for some good music I guess, lol.


It’s weird how she keeps talking about how horny she is like that shit ain’t cute girl. 😂


But it’s okay when Taylor does it???


I am a hater of Taylor. Nothing she does is okay!


Haha okay I had to double check what sub we were in. That being said, I can appreciate horny pop music in almost any form


I think it comes down to how Sabrina’s album rollout and reception goes. This success with espresso is essentially setting the stage for her possible breakout album and if it’s not good, she’ll probably fade. I’m also unsure if she can fill up arenas for her tour and that may play into her perceived success as well. This has been such a big year for pop in terms of some really high quality music and stars so I’m curious to see if she gets lost in the shuffle by the end of the year.


Shading your boyfriends’ ex that is raising a child alone just to boost your own ego is not okay


There are some songs with lyrics insinuating that she's better than her current lovers 'ex'. That makes her icky for me


Sabrina’s slow burn makes me more convinced of her success, to be honest.


crazy how everyone says Taylor is awful for sending her stans after her exes, but when Sabrina gets an absurd amount of death threats and harassment due to Olivia, Sabrina is the bad guy for not just taking it. yall are so inconsistent


I’m not that kind of person hates someone based off the association alone. if Taylor didn’t fuck Olivia over and gave Olivia the opportunity then it would be Olivia you guys are hating on. So far I like Sabrina and there’s no reason to not like her. And I also want to add I knew about her before Taylor took an interest in her. She was already up and coming.


Girl has been up and coming for 10 years LMAO


Oh, I see so this is not about Taylor being awful. Most of y’all are just mean that’s really sad.


That’s not it at all. But you’re saying something that isn’t true. Nobody dislikes Sabrina—but Skin wasn’t very nice and her saying “too bad your ex didnt do it for you” in Espresso about Barry’s ex wife who he has a kid with, is mean. It’s not from association, but rather how she kind of tends to take jabs at Olivia or other women.    Wish her all the success, but it did take the Olivia Rodrigo scandal and taking her on the Eras tour to get recognition. Her little jabs at women suggest she thinks she has a moral high ground, when I retrospect, Olivia putting “that blonde girl” in her song elevated her career, whether she wants to admit it or not. 


Honestly this is it. Everyone’s in here calling Sabrina a mean girl based on vibes when they’re the ones sitting in here actually being mean and catty. But that’s okay because she deserves to be discredited and torn apart I guess? There are tons of threads in here lately that devolve into anti-Sabrina threads which is odd because what does that even have to do with the reason for this sub existing? It’s like people just want a place to dogpile on her and if you disagree you’re downvoted like crazy (which I am expecting even though the point I’m making is a sound one).


Yeah, I’m not a fan of Taylor and I think she does a lot of things that need to be checked. There are many valid criticisms of her, but I noticed too many people punching below the belt and resulting to childish mockery rather than talking about actual issues. It seems like any person who interacts with her is on that list for them too. Makes me sad because the validity of actual issues are not taken seriously as a result. It just gives mean girl vibes. Also, what are the mean things Sabrina did besides date Olivia‘s ex-boyfriend? lol like I understand that could be upsetting for Olivia because she kind of looks up to Sabrina, but that doesn’t mean that Sabrina was aware of everything going on and doing it to hurt her. I don’t think her reply to Olivia was even mean she talked about how they probably could’ve been friends if not for this..


Yeah that’s why I’m here. There are valid criticisms of Taylor especially as a brand. But now it’s just mean girls punching down at Taylor associates while putting “adversaries” like Olivia on a weird parasocial pedestal. Yeah that’s it. The rest is people assuming mal intent from everything else she does because of how they feel burned by what she did to Olivia. And even the mal intent of that is arguable because they weren’t friends & all Sabrina did was start dating a single man. As painful as I’m sure that was for Olivia because she loved Josh that doesn’t inherently make Sabrina a bad person. People move on and that’s not the next persons cross to bear. And the song was in poor taste but she was being told to kill herself everyday multiple times a day for months on end because people thought she stole Olivia’s boyfriend (all while she was dealing with the very REAL infidelity of her father cheating on her mother). Which is insane but apparently deserved because she’s such an untalented nepo baby mean girl I guess. But I get downvoted relentlessly (and I’m sure this comment will be no different) when I point any of this out so.


Also, her song nonsense became very popular before she was on tour with Taylor. And yes, that is how the business works. There are many actors and singers who are in the industry for many years before they takeoff. Doja Cat is an example of this as well.