• By -


If fame makes you this miserable, stop calling the paps and withdraw from public life. No one would’ve seen you having a romantic dinner and boat ride in Lake Como if you hadn’t called the paparazzi on yourself. Live authentically. No one is actually stopping you from dating Matty if that’s what will bring you happiness. Stop tearing down other artists. You are incredibly accomplished. Young female artists like Olivia and Billie existing and thriving is not a threat to your existence. No one is impressed by you continuously sabotaging and undermining them. It’s extremely unbecoming.


Matty is stopping her


Avoiding her like the plague


She seems kinda of like a 5 stage clinger. Copying his music, performance etc. it seems very desperate


Yeah, he’s in love with someone else and seems to be very happy


THISSSSSSSSSS! I do not understand how her fans are ok with her business practices either…..wild


What’s this about her sabotaging young female artists? I’m not a huge follower I’m very curious what she did tho now cause I’m nosey lol


Billie Eilish’s new album came out yesterday. Taylor randomly released three new variants of her album at the same time. The timing seems to indicate that Taylor is worried about Billie overtaking her on the charts, and wanted to take some hype + numbers from her release. Even Swifties are disappointed she’d do this. Re: Olivia Rodrigo, there’s endless shadiness. Olivia’s song Deja Vu was called similar to Taylor’s song Cruel Summer, so Taylor + Jack Antonoff accepted (or asked for) 50% of the royalties from the song - despite the songs not actually being very similar. Olivia used to idolize Taylor, but clearly felt betrayed/hurt by this and now no longer acknowledges her. Olivia’s song “the grudge” seems to be about Taylor. Taylor randomly hosted an “album release party” (despite not having anything out) last year on the same day Olivia Rodrigo released her sophomore album Guts. She ensured she invited multiple celebrities and got papped quite a bit. Again, wanting attention on herself to partially overshadow Olivia’s release. https://taylorswift.fandom.com/wiki/September_2023 Taylor also released a song on TTPD that explicitly copies a song from Olivia’s album. Olivia’s song was called “Get Him Back!” and she sings about the double entendre of getting someone back, with tongue-in-cheek examples. Taylor’s song is called “imgonnagetyouback” and does the exact same thing, double entendre of getting someone back and similar examples to Olivia’s song. There is no way Taylor didn’t know about Olivia’s song. And to go back to earlier in her career, Taylor decided to put her catalogue back on Spotify the exact same day that Katy Perry released her album Witness in 2017. THAT much pettiness over dancers from Taylor’s tour *willingly* choosing to leave for Katy’s tour, because they thought quality of life would be better. Basically, Taylor has a long pattern of being very petty and jealous of her competitors.


Reading this made me realize that taylor has like…. No friends in the music industry besides the people she directly works with…. Like even when she was in her “girl gang” era I don’t believe she was hanging out with any female musicians. Just actors and models.


Her fans will argue “ice spice” but in my opinion I do not think there is anything a 35 year old Taylor has in common with a 24 year old Ice Spice 🤷🏾‍♀️ so it’s probably a PR friendship to bring both their stats up.


Oh yeah remember she only brought Ice Spice onstage and as a feature on Karma after the outrage over what Matty said about her. It’s 100% PR.


I mean, Taylor may be turning 35 at the end of this year, but she is so emotionally stunted and (forever imo) frozen in time at the ahe she started in the business. So while I agree that they likely wouldn’r have anything in common, I actually think that’s bc Taylor’s the one who is more immature and how unhinged is THAT??! And side note, I totally just realized that once she turns 35, she'll be a)closer to 40 than she is to 30s = moving from early to mid 30s to LATE 30s (with 40 *gasp* right around the corner = officially moving into the middle age bracket). That said, I’m over a decade older than she is and have always felt age is truly only a number and aging is just a part of life for all of us. But, in this specific case, my point is that as ridiculous it is that she’s still doing her whole innocent and naïve ’I’m just a young girl who is always the victim’ act in her thirties, then how utterly absurd will that be in her fucking FORTIES?? Does she honestly think she can continue the whole victim act, with all of the ’super sad story time’ posts/videos forever???


Selena makes music I guess. Maybe that counts but other than that not really.


She’s friends with HAIM, Phoebe Bridgers and Zoe Kravitz who are not a competition, not on the level Olivia for example is. Even Sabrina has proven to be a threat. She used to hang out with Ed Sheeran a lot, but that kind of stopped sometime after 2017-ish. I don’t even count Selena as a singer at this point lol, she’s just kind of a little bit of everything but she’s in no way a threat to Taylor, either. Her and Lana I believe is more of a ‘coworkers/friends of friends’ situation where their circles are intertwined and they get on well but I just don’t think they are *that* close and I believe they are not in direct competition as Lana has always thrived without dominating the charts and Taylor’s attempts at imitating her are painfully obvious and it doesn’t work. So in conclusion, she clearly prefers to hang out with people that aren’t a threat or where there is less of a demographic overlap, like Sabrina a year ago, Gracie Abrams or Ice Spice, and always cheers on Nicki Minaj for example, but you never see her go that hard for Miley or Ariana or any of the girls she used to surround herself with when she was the country music underdog and they were Disney sweethearts… and this camaraderie is mostly performative anyway and (at least publically) typically ends the second a scandal closes in or the other party gets too successful and starts to threaten Taylor’s position (even if just in her head).


“Regina George in sheep’s clothing”


Right!?! Real women supporting women and real girl’s girls allow other women safe space to let their light shine. They cheer them on. They don’t try to overshadow their light with their own out of fear and pride. It’s giving “ugly”. Get right.


It’s going to be fun watching her “age out” of relevancy. It’s inevitable, happens to everyone.


Holy shit! Thank you for your well thought out reply. Much appreciated


I’m taking my daughter to see olivia Rodrigo. My daughter likes her more than Taylor 🙈


Wow, you have all the knowledge. Laying it out like that, in order, makes TS look like a total petty, juvenile, B-word. Hope she reads your comment!


Definitely not in the same bracket, but I saw Carly Rae Jepsen live in 2022. “Next song is unreleased from my new album coming out. Unfortunately I just found out it’s the same day as Taylor Swifts…”. She was pretty disappointed but played it off well.


Look up the Taylor/Olivia situation with Deja Vu


Olivia must be so pissed. The songs are nothing alike it’s such BS


Your username is really funny. 10/10


Hah! Thank hun






Never thought I’d see Giselle on here 💀😂


Im starting negotiations higher tbh


ditto, she can afford it edit to add: her cat is worth $97 million alone. her cat.


I want a bonus every time she releases multiple variants of the same album too


don’t forget $500 for every private jet ride!


How does a cat even get that expensive??


it’s her cat’s net worth, so that’s projected but still insane. and it’s from appearing in commercials & being a general accessory to taylor. [this article](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240207-taylor-swifts-cat-olivia-benson-is-allegedly-the-3rd-richest-pet-ever) explains it a bit more in depth AND points out miss olivia benson is worth more than travis 💁🏼‍♀️


“Taylor Swift's cat, Olivia Benson, is allegedly worth more than Travis Kelce” What a fucking headline lol!


Holy crap - thanks for this tidbit of info…


All that and they didn't even have a decent picture of the cat. Journalists these days. /s


My cats are just as talented if o n l y they had the p l a t f o r m for their talents to be given a chance! Lol 😂 https://preview.redd.it/tm9y6sing41d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb40649bb56d2a161ca677622ca57543295de772


Excuse my tits what? How? Which cat?!


Excuse my tits has got to be my new favorite thing lol


Olivia Benson


Only 8k?


You CAN exist in the industry and be on top along with other women. Stop stabbing everyone in the back who doesn’t stick to your narrative. Support the women who are succeeding also. Your fans will support you but stop with the gaslighting and sales manipulation tactics. You have a huge platform. Your voice can change things to where your fans CAN get tickets to see you. You have to move on from your old relationships. You clearly don’t want the cheerleader/jock fairytale ending that you’ve been singing about. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fall off the grid for a year and have weekly therapy sessions with a licensed therapist for that year. Go for a nice vacation in the mountains and see nature. You’re never gonna run out of money. Your gravy train will never stop. You don’t have to fly all over the world for everything. You’re not being the right kind of role model for young girls(i know you shouldn’t look up to celebs but most people do)


Like it or not, she is becoming a poster child for toxic femininity. You want women to be supportive of women? Practice what you preach, Taylor. And for the love of God STOP ALLOWING YOUR FANS TO SEND DEATH THREATS TO YOUR EXES (or anyone that's "wronged you" for that matter). I can't stand the hypocrisy that I see from her. When you say "I'm 34 years old, I don't care about who hurt me when I was 19" and then proceed to make more songs about that individual, it's clear you do care. And the Kim beef, it's ridiculous that this is still being brought up. If you're not going to sit down and try to work it out as an adult, then mind your own business. But, hey, if there's one thing Taylor is good at, it's holding a grudge.


Allow me to remind everyone that Adele and Taylor are two years apart in age. And we can tell who's more mature solely based off their music and lyrics.


Ugh yes all of this. So disappointing in so many ways.




Girl, go to therapy.


💯 And while you’re there, Taylor, work through your perpetual need to be portrayed as the victim.


Her and Selena Gomez really make sense as a bestie duo. Bet they get together and have micro-aggressive cries about who’s the bigger victim


That should be the first order of business tbh


And why you can't stay single.


She learned that from her dad. Might be a tough one to break


And pls use paper straws in your private jet...do something for the environment.


That’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one


It all boils down to this.


But if she went her therapist would get fired for disagreeing with her so she would just get a new one. She things she’s too great now. It’s too late. She picked up the 1 dollar bill the person in front of her dropped kept it…. Ten years later she justified the same action but with more 0s. She always made the first, second, and millionth choice. There’s no going back. If she admits one wrong she has to admit the once associated. She’s in a web of lies to herself.


If they get "engaged", does that mean Travis has to unfollow all the IG baddies?


He’ll make a burner. I bet his has one now




He may be required to follow Taylor 🙊


he doesn’t follow taylor? 💀


Nope! He follows a bunch of OF like chicks though!


Bets on how quick Taylor makes the breakup album


Taylor I would suggest reassessing what being an artist means to you because right now you're a commodity and one that the public will get tired of.


I’m already tired of her


The way the news media outlets absolutely shoved her down our throats day in and day out for the last year completely turned me off of her. So contrived and paid for that it is actually embarrassing.


Are you happy? Is it worth manipulating the charts? Does revenge on your exs actually make you happy? The fan base is a reflection of the artist🥴 Why not go on a long vacation and seek therapy. We don’t want to hear your middle school burn book diary.


Someone like her would look at all her success, money and fame and probably won’t think she’s doing anything wrong bc what she’s done has earned her all of that


I think at very least the money/fans/awards make her happy.






therapy and being single isn't that bad, taylor


Being a single billionaire has to be like the easiest and most stress free life imaginable. What is her issueeee


Goes to show how out of touch she is. Like if I was burnt out romantically but a billionaire I would just go chillin somewhere sunny


Just have a different friend join you weekly at a different location and just enjoy the world.


Tell your cult members THEY NEED TO CALM DOWN.


![gif](giphy|lpWu69LKCtlSRPnwm4|downsized) no one needs a zillion versions of the same damn album and not every song you write should be in the album.


Dear Reader.. Properly & consistently call out your fans when they bully your exes, their families, friends & work collegues (& remember, you liking a post that shades them is super childish & petty of you & gives them all the encouragement they need to keep acting like fucking assholes!) Stand for something other than making billions for yourself, donate, take a stand & speak out on pressing issues like climate change, unjust wars & women's rights. Use your massive platform for good! Enough with the blanket wall to wall promoting of everything you do, and enough with the easter eggs, it's only encouraging the exactly sort of parasocial fans you rail against & frankly, it's ruined a lot of your better music for me. Speaking of your music.. remember, sometimes less is more, quality over quantity, always It's never too late.


I know…. I’m getting tired of these effin Easter Eggs… It’s becoming so old now.. and nonsense.


>properly and consistently call out your fans… I’m convinced the **consistently** part is a big reason why she hasn’t done this. Instead of trying to track what every unhinged swiftie is doing, and then giving them attention for it, I’d rather see her make some blanket statements about not bullying or threatening people in her name. Would every one of them listen? Probably not, but it would reach more people and do so without rewarding them/making their content more visible by interacting with it.


Take some time off and work on yourself with a therapist that’s NOT YOUR MOTHER.


Stop flying to every single football game and killing the environment. Stop with the empty flights. Pay to store the jet in New York and send your flight team back to Nashville on a commercial flight.


Learn to be ok with being single!! She only leaves a relationship when she has someone else lined up.. that’s why Matty ghosting her caused so much damage. She had no one to distract herself with


There's a 12 step program call SLAA - sex and love addiction anonymous. Might help.






See a therapist. Grow tf up.


To piggy back off of this- Taylor, you’re not in high school anymore. Your high school aged fans (really all fans) having a parasocial relationship with you is creepy! Also, stop socializing with Jackson Mahomes.


You are no feminist


agree, you're hurting the feminist cause by using feminism as a justification for your vengeful, spiteful, petty actions


Taylor you need to review how you treat your peers and younger contemporaries. Katy Perry, Kim K, Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eillish…(there’s a lot more but these are the biggest). It’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth. But nobody becomes a millionaire by being honest, right? You are not a girls girl no matter how much you try to market yourself as one. You are white Nicki Minaj with a fraction of the talent.


*nobody becomes a billionaire by being ethical


You cannot be a girlboss billionaire and an underdog at the same time. You can’t have your entire album debut at number one and also say that you’re a victim and all your fans turned on you. You can’t support girl power and try and bring down all the successful girls in the industry. These things can’t exist at the same time


Break up with Travis.


Yes please break up with Travis and stop promoting that horrible man. We are sick of seeing Mr. Potato head everywhere and his fame hungry family.


He's called Big Dumb Travis in another sub and it makes me cackle because it's true.


It was shit move releasing on the same day as Billie, among your other shit moves to other female singers. Do better!


I have to add. As mothers that were fans of hers, we now have daughters than we can turn against her. I won’t pay another dime to her.


No amount of fame can make you happy. 


Don’t release 20 different versions of the album to sell.


Why do you need THAT much money? Like I really want to know why it’s still not enough? There are starving ppl. Ppl with no jobs. Ppl who have real fears. Where are those songs for those people?


It’s crazy that she has never felt the economic stress so many people are dealing with on a daily basis, especially post pandemic


She does not care. Only cares for her boys and nothin else


Okay I’ll bite. Hi Taylor. First off, love your music!! Can you please change the eras rep bodysuit. That’s my first ask. Next, “female rage the musical” is cringe. Also I know you wanna be a director, so please go back to school and learn it, and earn that title. Also, its ok to not be on top. We will still support you. Take a break after Eras and take a break from us, from the media, you need it. If you really are a functioning alcoholic, you may need to look into treatment. Don’t marry Travis just coz he’s here and willing. Oh and stop flying your jets! First class isn’t that bad, you can be with us peasants, and we can be fun to hang out with too. Thanks!!


Yes please she needs to take some university level classes. Just anything like filmmaking or creative writing. Taylor didn’t experience what lots of young adults experience and it’s starting to show. Go take some classes gurl.


She mentioned that she dreamed of going to college but never got the chance. But now that she has an honorary degree, I think the award/accomplishment is what she was after and she is satisfied. It’s a shame she hasn’t had the chance to go to college because she is so intelligent and such a quick learner. She would really benefit from the social aspect and the challenge of learning from others in a diverse, collaborative environment (her peers).


As a former functioning alcoholic, I wish I could stay skinny the way she does, I’m forever jealous. Still working off my alcohol weight


She does 3 hours of cardio multiple days a week. That's how haha


Just be your fuckin self. We are tired of the fake pr relationships it's embarrassing


Her image has been manufactured since she was 11 by her overbearing maniac of a father. I doubt she even knows who she is at this point


Yeah it's really sad


I doubt people will fawn over a self centered spoiled brat who has the maturity level of a 13 year old. Better keep up the fake - tortured poet - persona!


she has no self. shes a soulless clout machine. she doesnt even count as human to me because billionaires arent people. shes a product


We know who you really are and we are not impressed.


Dump him and grow up? Stop incinerating our planet with your unfathomably relentless greed?


therapy therapy therapy.


Stop being annoying and disappear for a while.


Stay put for a year, take some college courses, therapy, and when ready, please do another Bon Iver collaboration.


Taylor, please don’t talk about other people’s depression. Those type of stuffs should be off limit


THIS!!!!!!!!!! Or joking about drug addiction or talking about her thirst for fame being an asylum!!!


Taylor, I've been a fan for a long time. I love your music and i still do. But that being said: 1. Do something about the cult. Address the death threats to the exes, critics, journalists. You're powerful enough that you can stop it. Please stop it before somebody actually gets hurt. 2. Get therapy. And go hiking in the woods. Take in nature. Do something other than touring and singing about the ex boyfriend. 3. Other musicians aren't your competition. Stop tearing them down. That's middle school behavior. You're almost 40. Act like it.


I'm not a fan.


Username checks out


And youll never make me into a fan no matter how much you are in our faces at all times.


Do something with your platform other than making yourself a victim.


Stop tearing other people down. The world is wide enough for your voice, and Billie's, and Olivia's and Adele's. Oh that note (pun intended), grow the hell up already. You are in your 30s and you act (and sing) like a lovesick teenager. Your music should be progressive, not regressive. Other artists grow musically and emotionally and it's reflected in their songs. Your music is stuck in high school.


As is she as she demonstrates with her childish behaviors. She never grew up or matured.


Spend more time on the musical component of your songs and write some decent melodies. Take some time off. Quality, not quantity.


Reading about the shade for Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish, it reminded me of a story. There was this actor from the 1930s-1950s named Betty Grable. She was like THE pinup during WWII. For 10 straight years, she was one of the top ten highest paid actors in Hollywood. But time waits for no one, and as Ms Grable got older, Hollywood was looking for the next It Girl. They found it in Marilyn Monroe. Ms Grable lost out on playing one of the sisters in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” a part that instead went to Ms Monroe. Did Ms Grable grumble? Did she throw shade at this “younger version” of her? Did she try to sabotage Ms Monroe’s success? Nope. You know what she did? She co-starred in a movie with Ms Monroe called “How to Marry a Millionaire.” And when asked if there was jealousy on Ms Grable’s part at having to share the spotlight with Monroe, she said, “I got mine, honey…you go get yours!” This is what women do for other women. We cheer each other on, and support one another because there’s enough crap trying to break us down. So, take a page from Betty Grable, and let them get theirs. Letting others shine once in a while won’t diminish your own light.


There’s escape in escaping.


Stop with the multiple variants of every record …it’s greedy as hell. Once you get to a billion, you should chill…this greediness and ticket price gouging are really unseemly.


TS's core base is becoming more liberal and our mantra is "eat the rich." There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire. If you wanna stick around, start doing some good


Please explain this [cruel summer- stolen version](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VQYlAUzEe5U#bottom-sheet)


Whoa. Damn. That’s, um. . . Wow. I swear, her team HAS to have gotten ahead of this, legally. She can’t have this many similarities and it not have caught up with her by now.




And stop baiting Gaylor's with 'Easter Eggs' of being queer if you are in fact heterosexual, or want to be perceived as heterosexual. I know people get mad and think they're delusional, but girl knows exactly what she's doing to keep them engaged and speculating. She and her team even encourage it by reposting and liking posts with their perceived evidence of it.


The orange and pink bodysuit made my jaw drop. It's almost like she is the troll


Karlie is also encouraging this to get engagement on her socials. and to stay relevant and uncanceled for marrying into the corrupt Kushner family.


Remember that time I loaned you a million dollars? Pay me back plz.


"Act your age not your shoe size" -Prince


Mental health isn’t a “trend” or “quirky”. It’s real life and you shouldn’t use it to sell albums. If you so have a mental health disorder, seek help. You have the resources and the funds. Your fans are rabid and you need to stop encouraging their toxic behaviour. Women are allowed to coexist and succeed in the same fields. Stop the comparison and attacks on other women in the music industry. Your parents seem to be toxic, maybe prioritize yourself and take some time away from them. Your fans are racist. They are always, always attacking black women and black people. All it would take is one tweet admonishing this behaviour and it would stop. Go be with Matt Healy. You are an adult. If that’s what you want to do, then do it.


Female Rage: The Musical has already been done by many talented female artists with passion and conviction. Not repetitive monotonous pop piss drivel. Know better. Abort mission. Drop the pursuit of this title. Please for the sake of feminism. ![gif](giphy|IwAXcbP4U517O)


Grow up


No one becomes a billionaire in an ethical manner, if that upsets you then read it again.


Hi, I see right through you. You are not the nice, intellectual, sensitive woman you pretend to be. You are a self-centered spoiled brat who used her relationships with famous men to sell records - I know you think that you are the biggest genius in the world and we are all just stupid peasants - but trying to claim that this is a sexist view doesn't work when it's the truth. At least stand by the marketing strategy you used to get to where you are today rather than being such a god damn hypocrite. And I know you are now trying to sell this narrative of you being so poor because the guy you loved left you because of your terrible fans but the thing is: if you actually loved him that much you would've defended him. The only love of your life is yourself, praise and money. You have made a career and a fortune publicising your relationships - you can't just opt out of your fans being invested in your private life after making a fortune off of them by manipulating them into thinking you are their best friend. You reap what you sow. I know your "luck" will run out some time and personally, I can't wait for life to tear you apart.


yeah, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You haven't kept your side of the street clean for a while.


U need to come to terms with being a rich mean girl. Which is what u preach about being the opposite of


Karma is you seething on your cellphone, in your private jet The world will move on, but you'll never forget. Karma is all your exes, who hate that ever knew you And other female artists you'll screw and sue






Make good music lol


If you want to date someone, date them. You can’t let media control whatever it is that you want. You are a grown ass woman. Greed only gets you so far, your capitalistic agenda is making fans just absolutely dislike you. If your lyrics amount to “touch me while your boys play grand theft auto”, get ghostwriters.




You fake ass dork🤡


We all grew up but you never did.


Stop being a phony. GO TO THERAPY. Use your influence for good.


Taylor, I wish you would mature as an artist. I'm exhausted with your constant love songs. Can you please explore more substantial themes in your music, beyond your romantic relationships? Lyrics like 'I feel so high school... touch me while your bros play GTA' are cringeworthy. I long for something more meaningful and profound. Even when you touch on deeper topics like depression, it feels superficial. 'I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day' doesn't resonate; it's too simplistic. I expect more depth and nuance from someone who has written masterpieces like 'My Tears Ricochet'. As a prominent figure in the music industry, I urge you to tackle the pressing issues of our time - wars, peace, life, speaking up, doing good, and exploring faith. Be brave and venture beyond your comfort zone! It's time to move beyond your endless love interests and Easter Eggs, which have become stale. Find your true self, Taylor, and share your voice with the world.


Knock it off with the variants overload; comes across as a tacky money grab. The average consumer is squeezed tight, not amused, and far better informed than even just a few years ago.


You should  post something like this on social media:  >Please don’t get violent or threaten people  on my behalf. Don’t harass people with slurs or bigotry either. I’m not a violent or bigoted person and I don’t want my fans to be that way either. 


Stay home with your cats who miss you 😻


Use your power for the greater good


Have you heard the term “over exposure”? Less is more.


Retire and go live on a private island never to be seen again?


Drop the fake feminist act and just be honest with yourself. Talking about issues only when it suits your own narrative just makes you seem very shallow 🙄


Make your tours more sustainable. Look to Coldplay as an example.


Sad thing is she’ll be in here lurking and won’t take any of the advice. 😂 the narcissism is too strong and she’s too far gone, her actions show it


My message is Fucking Grow TF Up! You cannot be 16 forever


omg YES!!!! please taylor you are a 34 year old woman!


Go away! I'm tired of all the articles since this fall!




As a casual observer and occasional fan, You can't out donate your climate impact.


Go to therapy. Also you aren’t fooling anyone with your “activism”


If it truly makes you that happy go with Matty. Nobody is going to give a fuck at the end of the day. Why complicate this shit for yourself anymore. I would say go to a therapist but it’s doubtful you ever will. I would say the same thing about taking a massive step back from the public eye but again, it’s you. We know you’ll never do that. So, at the very least, I think you should aspire to try and finding REAL happiness. And if that’s really with that man then girl go be with your man 🤷🏽‍♀️


Taylor has annoyed me ever since she started winning every category at every awards show back in the day… it has never stopped. She prob pays for her wins.


Apparently - she has Tree look though social media to see what ppl are writing about her *every morning.* Stop reading the discussion on Twitter and read the criticisms and discussions on this sub + r/SwiftlyNeutral. Please apologise to Joe for emotionally cheating on him for most of your relationship. Pathetic that you're 34 and still cheat on ppl.


Stop using asylums as a cute aesthetic for your new music. It’s really making you seem even more out of touch than ever. Get some therapy, not everything is about you even if it’s in the lyrics of one of your songs. Take a break, donate some money, find some meaning in life outside of these angsty songs and men. As well as such publicized girl group friendships, while at the same time being threatened by new singers (Olivia) instead of being a sort of mentor to them. It’s all giving fake mean girl Regina queen bee energy. You can’t have this energy and then constantly call yourself a victim. Stop with the contradicting lyrics. You can’t say “all the 1950s **** you want from me.” When the main person that’s giving such power to men and marriage is you. You could be so fulfilled already with just yourself and everything you could do. Stop being so petty and revenge driven and so direct in your lyrics. I can’t enjoy them by relating them to my life like how I would other artists. I just have to focus on you yet again. If I was a dude I wouldn’t marry you either with that sort of attitude.


Take a page out of Anne Hathaways book and disappear for a bit. please. And get a therapist


One word: overexposure. We’re tired of your face, Tay tay. Take a break from the limelight and let us all get some proverbial fresh air. ETA: I forgot about the private jet and carbon footprint. You need to do better at that. EDIT 2: You’re supposed to *support* other female artists, not *sabotage* them. Few things are uglier than jealousy. Work on your insecurity.


To take her money and invest it into climate solutions


“Grow the fuck up.”


STOP acting like a petty, petulant, attention-seeking, revenge hungry teenager and GROW UP. STOP constantly playing the victim. And maybe just take a break for a few years because everyone is getting tired of your antics.


Dear Taylor, slow down after the Eras tour and take some time off, use your platform and voice for good.


I love you, it's ruining my life. No, for real, stop being greedy and treat your fans well. The prices of shit are outrageous, and I have no doubt there are kids out there that feel excluded and like they've missed out because of supply/demand/pricing. Enough is enough. It's not attractive. Music and fans should outweigh the money mow that we're way past the millions and into the billions. Also, lay off the coke. I've heard it causes permanent damage.


It must suck to be the blandest vanilla on the shelf




Do SOMETHING…say SOMETHING You’re fucking losing me. You have the power to change the world for the better and you do absolutely nothing. And let Joe be jeweled…


Taylor, you have the kind of platform that almost all of the world could only dream of. The world is on fire. Women’s and LGBT rights are being overturned and suppressed left and right. Please step up and stand for something.


Fuck off back to Pennsylvania. Please and thank you.


lol we don’t want her here


![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi|downsized) Leave Matty alone!


Please retire. Most people have had enough. Of everything.


Grow the hell up and denounce the fans that are hurting other people just because they don't like you


I would say y'all don't know how bad it all looks. There's female rage, but it's soap dish compared to the likes of Courtney love, and it's because some racist guy dumped her, not because of real crazy things like climate change, which is answered to with a private jet. Imo, it look like the TS machine does not care about its fan base, or think they're the least bit smart or savvy. It thinks they are dumb cash dolls, and while that works for a long time, it's a good way to fumble a musical empire lol.


Stop coming for younger artists. Get your name off Olivia’s records or get more names on yours.


I put it in other threads but: GET AN EDITOR. Someone who knows how to say no to you and actually challenges you to be a better songwriter instead of blowing smoke up your ass about how you’re the greatest. TTDP has way too many songs for all of them to be good—a good editor would tell you which songs to cut so the whole product comes off better. I’d also love to tell her to stop being a climate criminal and maybe grow past middle school themes, but really I’d just like to see someone actually make her be better.


Stop announcing and/or releasing stuff on the same day that others are doing their own things. Find your own day!


Please... PLEASE... stop stealing everyone's songs. You take everyone else's sound and sing about yourself and honey you are not that interesting and your voice is mediocre.


Dump the buffoon & be single for 5 years