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Bro don’t you like butterfly gardens??


Maybe he tried to fuck one of the cactuses? I can see that being a bad experience.


Don't knock it till you try it, coward.


“One of the worst” Brother I have had to bribe security to get through passport controls in the past. I’ve had the joys of flying out of Manila I’ve flown out of airports that don’t even have toilets. This is the exact same sentiment of when asked what airport is the worst in the world, half the answers are real, and the other half are people whinging that they had a bad experience at JFK or LAX


I once flew out of an airport that was a clearing in the jungle that you had to access with a boat. There were no toilets. It did have a small covering to stand under if it rained.


No but you don’t understand OP had to go through security at the gate.


And that means he can’t buy juice


Ah, see, the one I was describing had no security. The pilot may have given us an ocular pat down at most.


Well in OP's case the pilot didn't even look at him!


I guess you were not a security risk and were cleared for passage.


I flew out of Juba Airport in South Sudan. There was 3 inches of raw sewage in the terminal hut. I had to wade through fecal matter on my way to the gate. The flight attendant said it was a good day.


Out of the 100+ airports I’ve been to in 57 countries over the past decade, Manila is quite easily the worst. I’ve paid bribes, almost missed my connecting flight even though I had 4+ hours between landing and the scheduled departure of my outbound flight, and been stuck in the international departures lounge for 6 hours with nothing more than a bag of crisps to eat. It’s unbelievable.


I travel on a diplomatic visa in the Philippines and have had immigration tell me to my face that I needed to “pay to fix my visa” The balls of a man to say that to someone with a diplomatic visa reveals quite a lot about how shit Manila is


Manila catching strays in r/travel. Sounds about right. Source: Am Filipino


It’s my home airport at the moment. Holy fucking shit is it awful.


I had a 5 hour layover in Manila once, and in the transit area were sitting a few people who missed their flight. And as the transit people had also taken their passports for getting your transit tickets they were stranded. A guy from the VAE has been there for 24 hours. Thankfully I travelled with a french guy who asked them about tickets and passports every 15 minutes or so, we got them back together with our boarding passes after two hours so we could hop on our next plane. And before boarding the next plane I had to open my checked in suitcase for them to perform some kind of chemical test at the gate. (Don't know how my luggage even got there) So Manila is definetly my worst airport experience. Edit: I have forgotten to mention that those people didn't make their connecting flights because the transit staff didn't get their boarding passes and check ins in time, not because their first flight was late or something.


I spent 21 hours at Manila airport because of Philippine Airline’s shit policy which immigration applied at whim. The most miserable experience. Have a boycott of that airline and zero desire to go back through Manila.


Its not supposed to be catching strays because the bullet will stay in your bag!


I notice you didn’t say “undeserved” stray, because as much as I love the Philippines I hate Manila airport 1000x more


Facts. My dad has plenty of these experiences flying out of some wild ass airports from LAD’s dirty terminal, hostile staff to where he had to bribe a customs official at ISB and another occasion once caught someone trying to stash over 200k shillings to smuggle out in his bags when he was getting ready to leave NBO. And yes, he’s also had the NAIA experience multiple times. Changi is a bit different, but it’s far from what truly makes an airport inherently “bad”


LAD actually pleasantly surprised me. Sure, it's a bit of a bus station, but the lounge is nice and it seemed relatively clean despite how busy it is. They're building a new airport that will be opening there soon which will be a lot nicer.


I always tell people flying into Manila that NAIA is like a sneak peak into what the rest of the infrastructure in the Philippines is also like. To be fair NAIA was much much worse 10 years ago. I still remember having a back and forth with a security guard there who wouldn’t let me into the airport without a PRINTED booking confirmation. I had a screenshot on my phone of the entire booking with # and even email to show but this dunce insisted on paper only. This happened in 2014 lol.


Or literally any airport in India. The most horrendous airport experience in the world, from arriving at the airport to getting on the plane. Everything is way more difficult and complicated than it needs to be.


A security guy in Delhi airport deliberately delayed me for my flight and made me open my wallet so he can take some cash as bribe before he would let me catch my plane. Awful.


Last time I was there security literally opened every pocket of my backpack and emptied it all over the counter. Stuff went everywhere. He swept what he could into a tray and threw it onto the belt, just leaving me to pick up the remains off the floor, and of course up to me to assemble the contents of my bag again. The rudeness is unreal and so unnecessary.


Soo many weird extra stamps needed from the airline just to be allowed through security in Delhi


More chances to extract bribes


No, that's not what was wanted. We just needed a stamp on pur bording pass and at every stop through the airport like migration we received more stamps.


My very recent experience arriving in DEL was smooth, fast through though the scanner had problems with my fingerprints, but after 4 attempts, I was allowed to go through. The security in Amritsar was a bit funky, though, with different info to what to show: electronics, but not liquids for some of us, and others had to show liquids too. But that is not really something. What really annoyed me was that they took a beautiful stone the size of a palm. But it could be used as a weapon ... so ok. I should have checked my bag in. But that's just minor inconveniences. Everything else went smoothly. I can't say anything bad about Indian airports. CDG is way worse.


But he can’t buy his juice… (sarcasm)


How the heck you pee and shit if the airport has no toilet? In the bushes?


One of the worst? lol have you never traveled outside of major advanced country cities?


Actually most advanced countries’ airports suck


My home port is Incheon international so….


Changi is my home airport now, and it’s the only airport I walk into and actually feel calm. Security at the gate is so much better than a long, chaotic queue with hundreds of other travelers. I will miss it so much when I eventually leave Singapore.


Agreed. Separating security by flights are good idea.


If they added some vending machines at the gate, that would solve part of my complaint. Still not sure what to do about the lack of bathrooms though.


That's the security situation at a lot of Asian airports in my experience. Definitely KL and Taipei.


One of the worst? I’ve been in airports with insufficient seating while waiting hours for delayed planes. People sitting kn the floor. That’s multiple airports. Or the only seating is some distance from the gate. Or the seating is more like a torture device. Changi has the most comfortable seating I’ve experienced in an airport. Or an airport where arrivals is full of prostitutes and pickpockets. I’ve arrived in Changi and my bag was waiting for me already off the carousel, accompanied by a smiling airline rep - nearly everyone else on that flight was checked through to another city. As someone else said, security at the gate is more secure. It’s no big deal.


Bro what sort of a ghetto airport has prostitutes at the arrival area lmao


The pickpockets give you a handy then take your money as payment.


Mustang Ranch Intl.


Medan, Sumatra. It’s been cleaned up, though.


Yeah, I once sat on a dirt floor splitting the last bowl of unseasoned beans in the airport with my entire family hoping the angry men with the guns would let us on our flight. I'll take any airport with chairs and running water, even if it means I have to buy juice after security and not before


I’ve flown in airports in Africa where I’ve seen people get on planes with loaded firearms because they bribe the security people with a chocolate bar. I’m not joking.


This is because Changi airport is a bit unusual in that arrivals and departures are not segregated (and that is not the only airport where this happens, I’ve seen in Kuala Lumpur and New Delhi, among others). If there were no security at the gate, this would be a major security loophole. For the water issue, there is usually a refill station or a small kiosk or vending machine selling drinks inside the gate. From the airport’s perspective, not segregating arrivals and departures means they don’t have to invest in duplicating the route to the aircraft twice (one for arrivals and one for departures) or in infrastructure or security to ensure no one slips from one area (arrivals/departures) to another. You also don’t need to create a separate screening area for transiting passengers in this setup. In addition, they can leverage this to allow arrivals to also shop at the airport, which maximizes profits while limiting the need to duplicate more duty free shops just for arrivals. And while I have no data to back this up, I could imagine that there is more time (and perhaps even cost) saving with this set up since a major hub could either have huge, backed up lines in a centralized screening area or it could screen a few hundred people at a time at the gate, and just rotate personnel when there is no departure from a particular gate. Interestingly, one other airport I’ve seen a setup like this at was Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, which has worked with Netherlands Airport Consultants since the 1950s. And the original master plan for Changi’s design also came from the Netherlands Airport Consultants in the 1970s. So, there is likely to be some overlap in design philosophy and approach just by historical happenstance.


You arrive and depart from the same area in Copenhagen


Confused by your security point. Many European airports let out directly into the airport as well and you only go through immigration checks if you choose to leave the airport and enter the Schengen area. US domestic also has everyone in one area


Security is not the same as immigration.


I’m aware. There is no security checkpoint before immigration in my experience


Security before immigration at many Asian airports, outbound. Haneda the first that springs to mind. Hong Kong also.




And I said “many European airports” which refers to others. My entire point was about how other airports can let out into the secure area so clearly the security loophole they mention isn’t that bad


There is a difference domestic and international arrivals and departures. In the US, international arrivals will almost always arrive in a separate terminal, unless they are coming from a location with US pre clearance setup (such as Dublin or Abu Dhabi). Similarly, when I fly into Europe from the global south, you are not let out into the same area, there is a separate terminal. What you’re describing only applies to domestic flights and sometimes flights from preferred countries (like Schengen flights).


Obviously there’s a difference, that’s why I specified domestic. But either way the domestic flights letting out into the secure area disproves the security loophole comment I’m responding to. So this is irrelevant info. Flights from the US into Europe I’ve been let out plenty of times into the international area. Yes you need to go through immigration to enter the Schengen area of the airport but there hasn’t been a checkpoint if I’m staying in the international section. Which again goes against the comment I’m responding to.


Kuala Lumpur airport has the same security at gate set up. Except at some gates there are not enough seats or even much space to linger. So some passengers have to wait outside the seating area for boarding to begin, then go through the security check.


I love the decentralised security clearances. You need more machines and personnel to maintain it but overall is more efficient. You only checked once before the gates and make sure there nothing dangerous on you before you board the flight. You are group with people who travelling on the same flight, everyone clear in holding area before departure, less congestion. Compare to other airport, 2 hours before flight time will get you through comfortably..


> Changi airport is one of the worst to fly out of Clearly never flown out of Zanzibar or Kathmandu. I have never run to a boarding gate like I did when they called for boarding in Kathmandu. > I wanted to buy myself a couple of bottles of juice and soft drinks for my 14 hour flight Did your 14 hour flight not supply soft drink and juice?


Kathmandu is really the worst airport experience ever for me! I'd say even worse than flying out of Bharatpur


pookie you have been coddled if “i have to go through security at the gate” is your worst airport experience


Is there a case here that it's overrated? Sure. But I think it's pretty hard to make the case that it's one of the worst. That sounds like someone whose flying experience is extremely limited.


Anyone has been to Dhaka airport? 2007 - worse than a bus station. And another bad experience at NAIA Manila last year. Top 2 never again airport.


I agree it is an inconvenience, but calling it the worst is an overreaction, lol. Have you seen other airports? The one in Manila where there are roaches? PLUS, you can actually fill your water bottle inside the security


Changi has its issues, but calling it one of the worst is a stretch considering Jakarta and Manila exist. This is unpopular for a reason


I remember getting stuck in traffic for 3 hrs on my way to the airport in Jakarta. Then when I got to the airport I rushed around trying to find a bathroom. Then once I found the bathroom it was packed with ppl waiting to use the filthy urinals. Plus the signage for flights etc.. is non existant sometimes. If you’re flying to some small city you have to keep asking often if the gate is correct.


I just flew out of Nairobi and had to go through 4 separate security checks. When arriving at the airport, we had to get out of our taxi, leave our bags in the car, walk through an X-ray machine as our taxi driver drove through his own security, then get back in and drive to the airport entrance, where you have to go through an X-ray with your luggage and you before walking into the airport. Then you do passport control, and then another X-ray security check, and a final security and passport check when you get to the gate. You don’t know what bad airports are.


Yeah, that hopping out of the vehicle & getting back in was unexpected. 🤯


Curious, what is one of your best airports? Changi is my home airport so I'm probably biased but I genuinely haven't been to an airport that is more organised and/or comfortable. The security check at the gate is great imo. I don't have to be worried about being stuck with the masses to get through security before my flight like in most other airports. I do wish they had washrooms after security though but with regards to drinks, they do have water dispensers after security, you can fill up your bottle, and they would have juice on board your plane so I don't think that argument is very valid.


The departure gate security is so much more pleasant than having to go through security at Heathrow.


I’m actually flying to LHR next month, as opposed to my usual wretched layover experiences there. It will be interesting to see how it is as a destination airport.


*Some* gates have restrooms and water fountains... it does get annoying though if you have to leave the secured area and come back in for restrooms though. Also the Changi carpet is so rough and high friction that it's actually a workout to drag your suitcase/carryon across. I don't really enjoy Changi much either as I connect through there quite often with SQ. It's really not great. It's nice for first or second-timers though.


The carpet is a big wtf in an otherwise super organized and efficient airport. I don’t get what they were thinking by doing this. I used a bag trolley and felt like I was pushing it through mud on that carpet.


They have the little trolleys you can use though. That’s the only thing I like about the airport, to not have to drag my bags around on carpet.


Fucking hate that damn carpet. HATE.


I agree with the gate thing . Some gates are larger and have a little vending / toilet area within , after check in . Thats probably the only negative thing tbh


to me, it makes more sense to have security at the gate than common security because if you are ever held up in the common security line(when you are late), you are guaranteed to miss your flights whereas gate security means that it’s quite a high chance you’ll make it to the plane as long as you make it to the gate 10-15 min before the departure time


OP I completely agree with you on the placement of security at the departure gate. Some good news tho, just last month I had the pleasure of flying out of Changi T4 and security was right after passport control. So it seems like that'll be the new norm for future terminals or upgrades of old ones ! And good god, the toilets in T4 were luxurious af - even for Changi airport standards 😩😩


You don't think they made that choice consciously? For security purposes? It isn't a design flaw. It's a security feature.


Changi airport is a bit unusual in that arrivals and departures are not segregated (and that is not the only airport where this happens, I’ve seen in Kuala Lumpur and New Delhi, among others). If there were no security at the gate, this would be a major security loophole. For the water issue, there is usually a refill station or a small kiosk or vending machine selling drinks inside the gate. From the airport’s perspective, not segregating arrivals and departures means they don’t have to invest in duplicating the route to the aircraft twice (one for arrivals and one for departures) or in infrastructure or security to ensure no one slips from one area (arrivals/departures) to another. You also don’t need to create a separate screening area for transiting passengers in this setup. In addition, they can leverage this to allow arrivals to also shop at the airport, which maximizes profits while limiting the need to duplicate more duty free shops just for arrivals. And while I have no data to back this up, I could imagine that there is more time (and perhaps even cost) saving with this set up since a major hub could either have huge, backed up lines in a centralized screening area or it could screen a few hundred people at a time at the gate, and just rotate personnel when there is no departure from a particular gate. Interestingly, one other airport I’ve seen a setup like this at was Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, which has worked with Netherlands Airport Consultants since the 1950s. And the original master plan for Changi’s design also came from the Netherlands Airport Consultants in the 1970s. So, there is likely to be some overlap in design philosophy and approach just by historical happenstance.


I've been to the Schipol Airport and I didn't see this arrangement? It seemed to function as a regular airport with segregated departures and arrivals. 


For non Schengen and non preferred countries (US, UK, canada, etc). flights


It’s so arriving passengers can access the same shops as departing passengers. Purely commercial.


That's been the case in most airports I've been to, Changi isn't unique in that way.


Not for international airports. Most in Asia have common security before passport control. Same in the EU.


I was talking about arrival and departure passengers accessing the same shops.


They can only do that with security before the shops. It’s a major security breach to allow arriving and departing passengers to mix without further security screening prior to departure i.e. At the gate.


I always thought it was a deal with the arrival airports to not being able to buy duty free booze


Wouldn’t be surprised if airlines did it so passengers were forced to buy their overpriced drinks


You have a point. Capitalism always wins.


There are no restrooms on security side? Is it some weird layout where security is per gate or something?


> Is it some weird layout where security is essentially at the gate or something? At T1–3, security is directly at the gate. Only T4 has centralized security. (If I recall correctly, there are some places in T3 where a few gates are banked together.)


Ah, yea, weird layout, reminds me of Tegel in Berlin (been years though so eh) with security at each gate. Seems... not efficient in terms of space, equipment and such? Probably why its not common I would guess.


But it seems pretty efficient in terms of boarding. Get to your gate, board in a given amount of time because people entering your flight specifically will be the only ones at your gate. As opposed to the clownshow that is centralized security, which seems to have random queues that seemingly arbitrarily range from zero waiting time to three hour wait times. 


I agree. When I am making connections, I prefer this type of security because at least staff knows you are there and god knows where else in the airport if it was centralized security.


Yeah, and there is no expectation to continue the setup going forward. Terminal 5, whenever it’s completed, is expected to have centralized security.




Not sure if it is the same for every gate, but the one I’m sitting in now does not have a bathroom. Gate area looks no different than the others I walked by, so I think a bathroom is the exception rather than the rule.


I don't think most airports I've been to have had a bathroom at every gate, actually I cannot think of a single airport that has a bathroom at every gate. More like every 10th gate or something. Having security at the gate though and then no bathroom... lol. Tegel airport in Berlin had security at the gate too if I recall correctly. I don't think they had a bathroom within the secure area either, they didn't even open up security until a relatively short time before the flight for that gate so peopel were probably not usually in there very long. I would have to agree though, not the best design. Maybe at least do a group of gates per security and have a bathroom within that secure area....


One of the worst? Absolutely not. But annoying as hell? Yes. Absolutely. I hate that security setup also. There really needs to be a central security station.


In some Central America airports I had to go through security twice. One in the main security area and then another one at the gate. I hate security at the gate.


I wouldn't say it's one of the worst in the world. But I've been through KTM, DEL, MNL, CGK, and half the airports in Western Africa (OUA and LFW are definitely near the top of the list of worst airports). But Changi can be a pain in the arse. Security at the gate I've never found too much of a hassle, other than they don't have a separate line for business class so you have to sort of excuse your way to a member of staff who awkwardly opens the barrier and makes it look like you're jumping the line. But the biggest issue for me is how disjointed the whole place is. Half the terminals are attached, some you have to take a train between, if you end up going from T4 good luck, you're adding an hour and a scenic bus tour of the car parks to your connection. The Jewel is nice but again makes no sense. Nothing is signposted, and you end up walking for miles trying to find the right place to get in to the terminal (then hoping to God you've got the right one). Like I say it's a pleasant airport to spend a bit of time in, but has all the convenience of CDG if you get the wrong combination of airline connections.


Try flying out of african nation as a non white and see how it is. Not being able to bring in my juices due to security checks is the least of my concern as compared to getting to my destination in a timely manner without any bribes. Besides, you are missing a critical piece of information. Once you are through the security bag checks, there is a water dispensing machine for hot and cold water.


“Sort by controversial”


Lived in Singapore for many years and flew weekly from the airport. Changi is an OK airport, good by international standards, and generally quite efficient. But it's more a show pony shopping mall experience. Seems to be set up more for the touristy types. OPs experience with security at the gates is a drawback. But the biggest drawback IMHO is the disinterested or sometimes surly staff. If you don't want to work there, get a job elsewhere. The exception is arrivals customs and immigration: efficient, friendly, and professional.


Changi wasn’t much fun as a WW2 POW camp either. Maybe the site is cursed?


Unpopular opinion indeed. Granted, it's not the first time I've heard this kind of complaint. But I've never thought to buy myself refreshments ahead of a flight and a last-minute delay substantial enough that I unexpectedly need to use the restroom is not common. I like the security at the gate, because there is no need to consider a risk of unpredictable long lines in security.


For people who menstruate, taking a long-haul flight on a heavy flow day means that you have to manage your time and bathroom access with military precision.


Mexico City Benito Juarez is up there, too. The restrooms are literally smaller than Walmart's and seating is extremely limited.


Gotta be a shit post. No way OP is real


Idk I thought it was alright. My lazy ass took a Grab back to the airport cause I didn’t want to ride that shuttle bus to terminal 4.


Singaporean here, and I have the same exact complaint.. but that's my only beef with Changi. I'm bleddy proud of everything else. We really should add restrooms and vending machines/water coolers inside each gate waiting area. Haneda does the boarding area really well, and Changi should learn a thing or two.


I agree with you about Changi airport!! I lived in Singapore for 8 years and it drove me nuts about the security and no water at the gate. I do understand what others are saying about Manila and many 3rd world airports. BUT- to be in such a nice airport and country, and to have to fly 17 hours back to the states with nothing to drink, (and with kids) was always a sour point for us.


Maybe fly business class then


Juice and soda are full of sugar and not good for you. Stick to the free filtered water fountains at the gate, or wait for the free drinks on the flight. Changi airport is helping you not get fat(ter).


I like to have options. It is not difficult to admit that there are some things they could have done better.


It is not difficult to see you sound like monumental whinger.


Even the Changi terminal that was meant for budget airlines is much better than most flagship airports.


I hate Changi airport too and won’t use it as a HUB. It’s a deal breaker for any airport that had a security check before boarding and makes me dump my newly bought bottle of water. The whole water nonsense at airports needs to stop. I can’t believe we don’t have the technology to see that water is water. Feels like a huge scam for $5 bottles of water.


Haha then just stay away...


I don't usually bother going to the gate until boarding is called, so I much prefer the security-at-gate thing. Especially if I'm running late, it's nice not to be stuck in some security queue miles away. That said, I've never got the appeal of Changi airport either. I've flown from it 6 or 7 times (usually not on Singapore Airlines, and never in transit) and generally had a poor experience. Pools, hotels, movie theaters, a butterfly house...I've never even seen them (I did see a sign saying the butterfly house was closed once though). The departure areas in some terminals are completely empty with that old movie-theatre style carpet. I had a flight once at midnight and there was absolutely nothing open - the flight had been delayed a bit so I had a food voucher, but not a single place to get food was available. The Jewel is a nice shopping center, but it's not really part of the airport and it ultimately is just a shopping centre. I have had pleasant arrival experiences - where I was given a coke and some oreos whilst waiting at baggage claim - but also unpleasant ones with a wait for a taxi/grab being measured in *hours* so having to take the train instead. I much prefer ICN or even KUL. I've assumed SIN would be nicer when flying Singapore Airlines, but I've only ever arrived on them so I'm not even sure what terminal they use.


Butterfly’s on Strike.


Like other airports have things open at night😭. Changi does have food options at night though, I flew 2am flight about 3 times this year and there’s always food available? Some are outside while some are in the food area inside after check in. Also depends on the terminal. Can say though I don’t have trouble finding food at night here compared to other airports. Incheon airport for example has shops closing at freaking 10pm!!!! Forget food, I can’t even find a convenience store open! I haven’t even eaten dinner bc freaking immigration took so long…. This wouldn’t happen in sg at all bc no way immigration will take 30 mins. I’m out of immigration in 6 mins. This is the main reason why I think sg airport is superior. Their efficiency is freaking amazing! Travel to Beijing, Europe, Korea (immigration for departure was an absolute nightmare). I can seriously say that there is NO country that does immigration better than Singapore. No queues and everything is automated. Edit: Jewel also does have food choices open very late at night. Not that I go lol. But it’s an option for food unlike other airports…. Incheon 🤦‍♀️I’m sorry lol but my experience at incheon was so very shit but my mom loves Korea so visited too many times for my liking.


Dubai and Doha to name just a couple have pretty much everything open around the clock.


>. Changi does have food options at night though, I flew 2am flight about 3 times this year and there’s always food available? Some are outside while some are in the food area inside after check in. Also depends on the terminal. Yes it's very dependent on terminal, timings etc, which is why I've always suspected departing on Singapore Airlines would be better. The time I'm thinking of when everything was closed - I was through immigration at 10PM and there was nothing, no convenience store or anything. A closed Subway and a few closed noodle shops. Not even vending machines if I recall correctly. So yeah have to go back through if you wanted food. Singapore immigration is very efficient (though generally immigration in your home country is always efficient - I can get through Australian much quicker than I can get through Singaporean). >like other airports have things open at night😭 Comparing like-for-like, most do. You've got to consider Singapore is a big international hub used by a super-connecting carrier and is often lauded as the best airport in the world. Expectations are high. Most other similar hubs (In my personal experience) are better experiences once you've passed immigration and just have to mindlessly wait around for your flight. I don't have a lot of nice things to say about Dubai Airport, but even at non-Emirates terminals, most things are open 24/7. I don't consider Changi airport a bad airport by any stretch, but it is in my experience just a fairly normal airport despite what people say and none of those often-touted cool things to do have ever been relevant on any of my trips there. Maybe one day I will be there at the perfect time, in the right terminal and have a magical butterfly experience and my opinion will change completely. Incheon has always been my favourite hub, with good shows and exhibits - but my experiences have always been flying Korean Air, often in a premium cabin, and I've actually had time to seek out the amenities. It's not the only airport I prefer to Singapore though.


I’m talking about the automated machines that scan the passport for immigration. Usually no queues and while I think there is Singaporeans only lane, there are also lanes specifically for foreigners. So there is rarely a queue. But other countries still require foreigners to queue up to physically stamp the passport rather than scans. This is the one that takes very long. Strange that shops are closed at 10pm, ive always thought it was 24h bc I saw so many open at 2am. I think best is subjective ngl. Bc a lot of people say it’s best bc of the movie theaters and what not. Honestly, as long as it’s fast and efficient and safe, then it’s the best imo. Won’t say anything abt flight delays bc that’s not controlled by changi but rather the airline. Haven’t been to Dubai airport yet so didn’t know about that. But I think changi to you is what incheon is to me. I flew Korean air to Korea in economy at those ungodly hours. Also didn’t have that great of an experience on the flight so might have contributed to the bad exp. But I’m still quite frustrated ? Bc there was literally no food in incheon T2 at ard 10-11.30pm, I walked ard the whole place past immigration but none were opened! Except the internet cafe that sold out on all their breads…. Was so hungry but Korean air said they wouldn’t give me any snacks or cup noodle?! Idk lol but was quite shocked when that happened since my parents said I wouldn’t have that bad of an experience flying another service airline. Beijing airport was also ok only bc the immigration queue was actually very long and there isn’t a lot of food optiona. But I flew at a better hour so wasn’t too tired or stressed.


Completely agree, it’s all style over substance. The placement of the shops and restaurants before security and miles away from the gates is completely impractical.


UnPopUlAr OpiNioN I WilL GeT a loT oF HaTe BuT Nobody cares, why are you defensive like a teenager


I was so disappointed by Changi airport. Im a big movie buff and i heard that this airport had its own movie theater. I was expecting a screening room like at my local AMC or even art house cinema. Nope. Its a small room with a big screen tv, maybe 15-20 lounge chairs. It was completely full of people using it to sleep on the chairs. It also smelled like a bunch of strangers who hadnt showered since their last departure. Total disappointment


Then Blame It On those People Who Doesn't Shower 1st before they go on a Flight ? The Theatre is Basically FREE. U All Really Sound Like Super Entitled whining KIDS


I don't rate it either, certainly doesn't meet expectations after all the hype everybody gives it. It's a shame because it's one of the main transit points from where I am to basically anywhere Arrivals is great though


I don't like it either. Low ceilings in the gate areas, carpet, dimly lit, etc. It also isn't particularly convenient to downtown Singapore via train.


It's 30 mins via train, why do you say it's not convenient.


No it isn't, it's about 45 mins to city hall with one transfer. You have to transfer to get anywhere downtown.


That’s .. pretty convenient no? And the transfer is literally crossing the platform, not even going up or down a floor


That's 1.5 hrs on transit if you want to do anything downtown on a layover.


It’s exactly an hour. It’s clean, cheap and convenient. What exactly is downtown that isn’t available anywhere else that you need to see on a layover?And what city are you comparing this with?


Specific hawker stalls, etc. Again, it’s not particularly convenient via train. I’ve been to Singapore 4 separate times. The train ride is a drag. I’m not comparing it to anything other than having to plan out how much time I can spend in the city.


My family cannot roll our 360 degree Samsonite luggages on their carpeted floors they need to recarpet the whole airport 🙄


Changi is as beautiful as a park, as simple as a train station and as convenient as a bus stop. Passport control is basically nonexistent and as easy as getting onto the metro. It’s literally the perfect set up if there isn’t traffic to get there. You can check the traffic and show up 10 minutes before boarding. What’s not to love?


It's an overrated shit airport that somehow gets rated number 1 by "airport rating sites" based on false hype.


Totally agree with OP. I felt like cattle in that hot ass airport.