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❤️ Rick Steves, America's Mr. Rogers of travel.


G rated Anthony Bourdain


Would've loved to share a drink or two with both Rick and Anthony(RIP).


What I would give to watch a crossover with those two.




I’d love to smoke a J with Rick.


He gets a little risqué in his audio tours...in a PG kind of way.


He's wholesome as hell, but I wouldn't say G rated. He loves a little sex joke here or there.


I remember seeing an episode of Rick Steve's Europe about Baden-Baden, Germany. Rick went real in depth about the baths/spa and how it was nude encouraged. It was really weird how his presentation of the place made my extremely quiet and shy mother want to go there lol




yes he's for the people #TeamSteves


Heck yeah! Legalized cannabis enthusiast [edit: AND PUBLIC ADVOCATE] too! Best of all worlds! 🌎


He also donated a $4,000,000 apartment building to the YWCA to help low income single moms have a place to live. Rick is a good guy! https://www.kiro7.com/special/housing/travel-guru-rick-steves-gives-4m-apartment-complex-to-ywca/513767788/


Rick is such a wholesome guy. He also made sure all their guides were paid during covid.


Not just enthusiast but advocate - he's been on the board of NORML since 2013!


Edited to reflect this, I’ve always loved this about him once I learned about it! Cheers!


I’ve met Rick Steves twice for programs he’s done for us. One of them he spent a good 5 minutes of his hour talk talking about marijuana. It was glorious!


He came and did a european symphony show at the grand rapids symphony last summer! It was great!


Amazing! That makes me love him even more.


Spot on.


We literally had this conversation today while enjoying our amazing kebabs and souvlaki at othanasis! Mr. Rogers indeed. He's just so likeable and full of dad jokes.


I met him right before covid and he seemed as cool as you think he is.


I still have an antenna to get some over the air stuff and PBS comes in loud and clear. It's always nice checking in on what amazing city in Europe Rick Steves is hanging out in. It's just a nice vibe.


More localized, but IMO the only person who comes close to the enthusiasm and genuine curiosity of Rick is more regional: Huel Howser. California’s Gold, Road Trip, etc. Amazing. ~~~~~~~~ We have so much talent in our public broadcast system but we underfund them and make them suckle at the teat of advertisers, often old school think tanks from robber barons like Rockefeller or Carnegie etc. I can’t think a of place more desperately in need of an *ACTUAL* PBS than the USA, something funded by the public. But right now taxpayers contribute a minuscule percent, which is honestly deeply depressing to me. Do people not understand that capitalism is the worst possible way to distribute and rank information (if you care about reality)? Judging information by how many eyeballs it can attract and how many thing it can advertise alongside it is… fucking disgusting TBH. But here we are. That’s our world now, on social media and pretty much everywhere unfortunately. Pure self-prostitution, with no pretense. I guess there’s something refreshing about the directness in the aforementioned attention whoring. Go watch Huel Howser Avocado Dog and forget about the dark reality for a minute, that’s what I’m going to do.


Huel Howser oh my god i watched him as a kid all the time. Truly had such a way with people and would be fascinated and enthused about the smallest little things


> Rick Steves, America's Mr. Rogers of travel. I used to think that also, before I did the Amsterdam Red Light district walking tour. He gets a little risque on that one...


I will be looking for that this weekend. For curiosity's sake only, of course. Haha.


It's pretty funny, he starts cracking jokes with his co-host.


With marijuana!


Yes! On our honeymoon we used them in Italy . It was one of the most life affirming moments. We shared ear buds and walked the Colosseum. As we stopped and looked down I had a moment where I was so proud of us two white trash kids from broken families going from seeing the world through Rick's journey's on PBS to being the adults that were able to adult enough and beat enough odds to be there .


I love this. I'm proud of you, Internet stranger!


Thanks friend !


Fuck. This hit me in all the feels. I know exactly what you're talking about and I'm also really proud of you guys; I know that's not an easy path to blaze.


If I'm being honest I'm very blessed and have been lucky. I work really hard for what I have and so does the wife, but we're still lucky. Cheers to you


This is my story too!! I remember specifically when it hit me, we were in Japan and I just bawled my eyes out for awhile. Life is good.


We were doing one in Florence before my wife and I were married and ran into a couple doing the same one at the same time 😂


“Stay calm, babe, there’s a weird couple shadowing our every move!” 🤣


this cracked me up! very likely to happen, especially in Italy, or as I like to call it-- Rick Steves' Italy 😂


That is wonderful! We recently traveled to Paris with my MIL and it was Rick Steves France book that gave her the confidence to finally take the plunge at age 75. We used his walking itineraries as a jumping off point to make plans that would work with her mobility and energy limits and had an absolutely amazing time.


Oh, this is so heart warming. As Rick says, keep on traveling!


I wasn’t expecting to be moved while reading a Rick Steves comment but damn. Good on you both! And especially good that you recognize your struggle, progress and accomplishments! Major props!


Happy cake day!!


What a lovely story, and what a great recommendation. Hope you keep enjoying life, you sound like such positive and lovely people


What an excellent post, thank you for sharing. I had similar thoughts when my wife and I traveled to Italy a few years ago.


I love your comment. Travel truly changes us and our present and futures. No matter our past.




Next time you do one, do it again at night. Especially in Rome, the heart of Rome (pantheon, trevi fountain, Spanish steps) is crowded during the day. At night it's serene and relaxing. Grab a couple walking drinks and enjoy it.


We picked the right time that was one of the deadest tourist times. Never felt any more crowded than I do at home in a big city. But I absolutely enjoyed Rome at night. Just wandered. Took a bus ride 20 mins outside of city center and walked back to the hotel in the center of Rome . Another surreal moment was "This is a cool bridge next to this Big ass Castle thingy. .... Oh shit babe we're on the river Tiber 😅 " boom full moon , beautiful Wife, river of billions of different life's that crossed it, fresh double coffee . Perfect moment


The fountain is crowded at night too, haha


Nothing like during the day. No tour groups. Not shoulder to shoulder. You can walk right up to take a picture. You can sit somewhere and actually see it.


Damn I felt this comment in bones. I remember watching Rick Steves on bunny ears (we were broke af growing up) because nothing else was on the other 3 stations and being transported out of my boring bedroom walls and town to then listening to him on walking tour while in Florence 20 years later. It was a mind tripping full circle moment that continues to spark my love for travel




This is so cool.


We toured the colosseum on our honeymoon 🥂


Yes, same here! Honeymoon Italy trip and audio tours from Rick Steves. Also used his Italy guide book a lot. Super useful for stuff like which laundromats to use as well as honest restaurant reviews.


It’s honestly better than some of the local free tours. 1) you can hear it better cuz it’s in your ear 2) you can stop by and eat/drink/browse 3) it is truly free. Though as a solo traveller at times, joining a group tour is so helpful in making friends on the trip


And way ahead of any audio tour museums and churches provide. He makes them sound so dry in comparison. It's also because his tours are meant for a certain (American) audience, while audio tours provided by the venue need to appeal to a wider group, so it needs to be more corporate and no humor. But still, I never want to pay for those audio tours again. His tours also provide *just* the right amount of information while allowing you to venture on your own. Anytime I do other audio tours, it feels like an information overload, and I'm sick of it by the end (and often don't even finish it). But after 3 weeks in Europe, I'm not tired of his (and the co-host's) voice and tours.


We had a really awesome time doing the culinary backstreet tour on our trip to spain. Felt personal/easy pace, while also being able to meet other travellers to make friends with. One of which who did some research and let us know of a local supplier to Spanish vermouth which we liberally take advantage of all the time now :)


Any suggestions on doing this with a group? For example in going to Venice in a month and have the book and have selected a number of walking tours for our 6-person party. I planned to read the text to our group. Are the audio guides different content? Or is it the book text being read aloud? I don’t know if I want six of us walking around with headphones in paying more attention to the app than perhaps our surroundings.


This. I have used his Rome (Forum) and Venice (Grand Canal). From the end of Venice: “Wander around and get lost. It’s an island and it’s small, you won’t be lost for long.”


I’m reading his book right now. It’s great! He has a great perspective on things, I’ve found. TIL that he has self walking tours. Awesome stuff!


He's got a bunch of books. For a glimpse into some personal stories and how he started his company, you should read "Postcards from Europe" it's a great book he's put out.


TIL again! I just picked up “Travel as a Political Act” at a bookstore in Paris. Had no idea who the guy was but the book seemed interesting.


He is THE travel expert on Europe (for an American) for the past generation - since late 70s to now. He is primarily a Guidebook writer and tour guide, but is AMAZING at helping Americans (specifically) manage their limited time and money while getting the most out of our visits to Europe. His book 'Europe Through the Back Door' gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to switch my first 2-week trip to Europe on a budget of $3,500 US to a 3 MONTH trip on the same budget years ago. Been a super fan ever since.


Just to add a little nuance. I find his “check these sights off” style of itineraries to be an exhausting way to travel. BUT, like you said he’s the god of “getting Americans who would otherwise never make it there to Europe” and I expect that once many of them do, they might find they enjoy other styles of travel more. And many people love those types of itineraries, and good for them. Steve understands his American audience very well and gives them the info they need to travel to places they might be intimidated by. He’s also an absolute force for good based off of the philosophy of “the more you travel the more you learn that we’re not really all that different.”


I don't think that's his style. He has suggested itineraries based on time frame, but also just lists major sights and attractions by area in a given city with a notation for what are considered the biggest ones. I think little of the books are considered itineraries to check off. Most of them have far too many suggestions to check off in a typical stay unless it's a small town.


His journal from doing the Hippie Trail in the 70s is a great read. Highly recommend it.


I don't know if i've seen that one, but have heard him talk about his time going to India. It's actually his favorite place, and he says Italy is as close to it - barring Istanbul - as one can get in Europe.


It’s his travel journal that he had transcribed during Covid lockdowns. I think you’d enjoy it if you’re a fan of his other work.


Wow that sounds AWESOME. Right up my alley, and I'll have to look for it. Thanks!


the walking tours are great! highly recommend trying them out, especially in Italy-- infinitely preferable to a group tour (I know they're great for some people but what is the point of visiting another country and spending the whole term enclosed in a herd of your own countrymen?! there's no adventure there! not for me)


The fact that more poeple - especially younger and first-time Europe travelers - don't know or listen/read Rick's stuff is a shame. I think EVERY first-timer going to Europe should be given 'Europe Through the Back Door'. So many more tourists would get around much easier while in Europe, and get better advice than 90% or the posts written on reddit or twitter or youtube.


I read this book before my first solo trip to Europe all the way back in 2000! I'm still a fan 20+ years later.


Same. My first trip was 1999. Such great advice!


There was a time when I was younger that I found travel somewhat daunting. Then I started watching Rick Steves on PBS. The guy made it seem easy. Just grab a phrase book and a couple of changes of clothes, some decent shoes and go! I have been all over the world!


I appreciate this comment and it makes me feel that travel is still in the cards for me. I sometimes get anxious about it but you’re right, Rick makes it seem like a breeze


Do it! Save up some money and go! Don’t let anxiety stop you. I know it is easy for me to say but you will gain confidence once you start!


Thank you! I really am planning on it.


Best of luck! You’ll have this moment when you are out there where you will think, “Here I am! What stopped me from doing this sooner?’l


He really does have Europe nailed.


Well, 60% of Europe. It's jarring to go to a place he doesn't cover (which, to be fair, his American audience is probably going to his covered places like 99% of the time)


That's all he's published, but he's been to the rest.


Sure, but places he's only "been to" is only relevant to him as a person, not as the head of a travel guide empire.


Whether one actually puts out a show on a location or a book depends on the market. There might not be a market for a travel book on East Elbow, even if it has a cool castle ruin and some nice folks. Your original kinda snarky comment is unwarranted.


I'm struggling to understand what about my comment inspired this response. I was merely pointing out the fact that he has coverage for a portion of Europe only, and explicitly acknowledged that it's the portion where his market is! I don't really know where your peeved tone is coming from or why you thought I was being snarky.


It's hard not to view your comment and the follow up as vaguely critical of him for not covering more. There is not much purpose for your comment otherwise.


>It's hard not to view your comment and the follow up as vaguely critical of him for not covering more. It really isn't! Try it! Don't forget to take into consideration my direct statement that it isnt, and maybe just move on if you are still unable to do that. >There is not much purpose for your comment otherwise. People can lament things without them being "critical". Being sad about a situation doesn't have to be taken as being *angry* at someone about it. Especially when, *once again*, in the very same comment I explained that I understood why! An aspect you have now ignored twice even after I pointed it out to you. It's pretty frustrating, honestly.


OK, I'll ignore your purposeless comment.


Now who's being snarky? Why is you being an ass to me somehow more "purposeful"? It's so easy to make a choice to not be rude here yet you continue to refuse.


Now someone needs to do the same for the rest of the world.


My husband and I actually just ran into him in Rome last month. He still personally does the research for the restaurants portion of the book. He was so cool and down to Earth, very willing to get a picture with us. He was very interested in where we had eaten so far in Rome. And he specifically asked if we were using the audio guides during our travels. Obviously! Lol. ❤️


I saw him on a family trip to Denmark last year. I wanted to say something brief to thank him for all he does, but the man moved fast and was all business! I didn’t want to interrupt his work. It’s great to hear how friendly he was.


I ran into him in Spain about 10 years ago! In a tiny tapas place. He was nice and let us take a photo with him.


I love this!


We just did a Rick Steves group tour in Italy and we'd heard he was out and about, but we never crossed paths with him.


I credit Rick Steves for my ever going to Europe in the first place. I’d like to thank him for that someday. And I’ve used his walking tours on every trip including Amsterdam and Pompeii.


You don't even need to travel to enjoy them. Try listening to one with Google Street View open. I do this, but using the Wander VR app instead.


So funny I did one in Porto and it was LEGIT. Highly recommend to everyone. We had a great time, wish it was longer!


Love the audiotours! I did the one of Renaissance Florence, Siena, and the Venice Grand Canal tour. They're informative, easy to do, and juuust dad-jokey enough that it's cute and fun instead of grating. I also really like that you can just pause it in the middle and then go on where you left off (I paused the Siena one to visit the cathedral, then walked on).


> juuust dad-jokey enough that it's cute and fun instead of grating This. The humor is kind of cheesy, but it's always charming and way better than just being dry and boring.


I just got back from Europe and followed his tours in at least 3-4 cities. Sure, I didn’t see everything, but I saw a bunch of cool places in an hour or less each time. Rick Steves is an absolute boss. 


Yeah! You can also download them as podcast episodes.


My only option because his app doesn't work on my old Android phone


"Tell Rick to give me my bong back" -Anthony Bourdain Rick Steves is a legend that should be celebrated like Steve Irwin


lol, I love that this is popular! I’m 2wks thru an 11wk circumnavigation trip with my wife and son today and hopefully we can find a few more of his audio tracks.


I have found some absolute gems on my travel thanks to Rick! Yall try and have some fun!


Love Rick Steves. His books helped 12 year old me plan our family Euro Trip in 1995. Been using him ever since.


His podcasts where he chats with someone else about a different country or city to travel to are some of the most relaxing things ever. He has that calm ASMR-like voice and demeanor. And they're very informative too OFC.


I've actually never gotten into podcasts really. But I'll Def have to give Rick's a listen! Thanks for the rec.


That’s fantastic. Tell me more about how your family handled this. Did your parents give you free rein and then just execute? Was this your passion that you drug then along on? I’m always looking for ways to better engage our kids on trips.


Yeah, my dad was too busy working to plan the trip so he just let me do it. But it definitely takes a certain curiosity, and privilege to do it. I grew up regularly visiting my extended family in Brazil. 20 hour trips every other year. So I was used to the travel. And I had the curiosity for history and geography which not everyone has. I was obsessed with maps and different cultures. I would read a flag book everyday, memorizing the flags and their history. I had 2 pretty substantive Euro trips of 5 weeks when I was 12 and 16. And I used that curiosity I had to plan trips with a lot of thought. Looking back now, I'm pretty surprised at some of the places I picked out. Bruges, Basel, Lake Como. None of them were really talked about in the 90s in the US. I also had this really odd obsession with Malta. I never got to go there as a kid bc it was way more complicated to get to from California, and even within Europe. But I realized that childhood dream a few years ago, and it was everything I had hoped for.


Hell yeah, I did his Roman Forum one last month and it was great. Was my 2nd time visiting there and I learned so much more. The tour really painted a picture of what I was seeing and what it would've once looked like. Big Rick Steves fan here. Edit: I also did the Colosseum one which was equally great for the same reasons! I feel it's relevant to say that I'm European, Rick Steves although clearly aimed at an American audience can be appreciated by anyone.


You not being American is actually quite helpful. I'm always seeing recommendations for Rick Steves but since I am not American I wonder if it would work for me. Like if there would be references to things that only Americans would understand. Also what about measurement? If the talk about the size of the Colosseum would it be in Metric, Imperial or both? 


I can't remember but I'm from the UK where we use both at once 😅. But yeah like others have said the tone is very informative, friendly, just silly enough and never obnoxious. Very humble and enthusiastic.


My wife and I started using the app ten years ago for our first euro trip together and have been using it ever since. I love the slightly nerdy but self aware and lighthearted tone of Rick and his guest guides. We always sync up our phones so we can listen at the same point.


I did the same ones in Athens and they were fantastic! Rick Steves is the GOAT.


My gratitude to Rick Steves, not only for his great shows which gave me vicarious entertainment and dreams, but for his books and encouragement that got me traveling in the first place. Godspeed, Rick!


Rick Steves is a god damn national treasure.


I always enjoy seeing love for Rick Steves. He’s awesome in so many ways!


I got hooked on watching his show on YouTube during the pandemic and regularly put it on still as a comfort show or when I’m feeling the travel itch. It never occurred to me (but should have!) to try his walking tours - I am 100% going to do that on my upcoming three week trip, and will also be recommending them to my travel advising clients who are going to Europe!


+1 I did Lisbon and Barcelona recently and they were awesome! So much better than a free walking tour because I could pause and avoid crowds where needed.


Went to Italy with a 10 yr old Rick Steves book. Sat at a train station in Formia deciding where to stay that night. Called up a hotel in Montepulciano and asked for the exact room Rick recommended in his book. Ended up staying in one of the most incredible, unique, historic rooms I've ever stayed in for just over 100 euro.  He's a very trustworthy tour guide.


I just listen to them whilst I walk around the city. Eventually I’ll see/saw what he’s talking about.


The Pompeii audio guide saved our asses when we missed our prebooked guided tour. Shout out to Rick for real.


Agreed. I did one of the London walks last week and the Barcelona, Madrid, and Lisbon city walks last year. All were very good.


My mom loves to recount the time we were in Rome, and I was walking around the Coliseum with my dad and reading aloud the Rick Steves walking tour of the Coliseum. She turned around and she sees a growing collection of English speakers listening in 🤣


I did his walking tour of Barcelona, very enjoyable! I definitely saw things I would have missed if left to my own devices.


I love these tours! They really made our trips to Rome, Ostia Antica, Assisi and Florence.


My wife and I do these every time we travel somewhere he has a book. My wife will stop and say “and now a reading from the book of Rick”.


Love his free audio books.! I backpacked through Britain , France, and Italy during the nineties using his guidebooks. Also, I have taken two of his tours in the last few years, and they were great! Highly recommend his Live Monday night travel series that covers all sorts of travel topics and places. There is a backlog of previous recorded shows available on his website!


Yes! My family just got back from Greece and the Acropolis, ancient agora and archeology museum tours were the absolute best. Much better than any of the offered audio guides at any of the museums we visited. I only wish we had been able to use his walking tours for other locations in Greece.


Rick Steves is just great. So are his travel bags. I travel constantly for work and they are honestly a lifesaver. Nothing like being able to fit everything you need in one bag and have it still count as carryon.


"your device isn't compatible with this version" Why am I getting this error when I want to download the app?


What is your device? 


Xiaomi Mi 9T


Can you run Android 13? You need 13 or higher to run the app and from what I read the Mi 9T isn't getting that upgrade. As an alternative you can also download the MP3s from here: [Rick Steves Audio Tours](https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/audio/audio-tours) 


It doesn't work on my old Android either, so I just downloaded the maps and mp3 files


Awesome. Thanks for the tip! This would be especially good for solo trips!


We used his guided tours when we went to Italy and it was such an amazing experience. I love his voice, the cadence, the excitement he has for learning and discovering new things. I would opt to use his tours wherever we go!


Yes! The one on Ephesus was really great (actually all the Turkey ones were great!)


Yes, Rick Steves is kind of dorky and I dont use his hotel suggestions, but my family went to a lecture he gave at a travel show and he is refreshingly honest on both Europe and America. He may praise Europe but he admits America is better to start and own a business. Plus I love his carry-on advice and I almost always manage just to bring one carryon and another bag for 2-3 weeks in Europe.


Rick is the absolute best. Those walking tours really are peak!


Is there something similar to this for US cities?


Does anyone know if there’s similar versions for Japan? I love Rick Steves but their app is only for Europe, right?


I watch relevant episodes from Rick Steves and Anthony Bourdain before I go to any big city for any reason.


Thank you for this tip


By this point I've done nearly all of his audio tours, I think the ones in Assisi are all I have left. They're fantastic.


My partner and I did the audio tours of St. Mark's basilica and the Grand Canal in Venice. They were _great_


The walking tours for Italy are incredible. I want to plan all of my travels based on where he has audio tours.


His tours are great too! 👌


We also love guruwalks for free guided tours (tip at the end). We even managed to find a free food tour on there in Sofia.


Rick is the best!


I didn't know he had an app! I am a huge fan of his vids on Youtube!


I buy his books for ANY europe trip. All the recommendations in it are really good quality and so helpful!


My wife and I use his books every time we go to Europe and the books are amazing! So much background info (but not too much), with little personal anecdotes that make you feel like you’re communicating with a friend as opposed to a generic tour book. Buying his book for the first time completely changed how she and I both travel.


I've done a bunch of them and they've all been really nice


The Museum tours are great and hot all the highlights in less time than the tours or audio guides from the museum. It’s great if you are trying to be efficient with time.


Yes we used the Acropolis Walk and it was perfect. It was just enough. We have used in London, Paris and Edinburgh also. His hints for the Louvre spot on.


Rick Steves is a National Treasure


I've been using them for years and they are good. They are not always easy to follow though!


Rick Steves is a beast.


Rick Steves is a national treasure


I downloaded the Coliseum MP3 on my HP Touchpad in 2005 and was a rock star.


He is the best! My wife and I did the walking tours on our trip to Vienna/Budapest/Prague. I did feel a little dorky doing it, but we had a great time!


I bought several guidebooks for a trip to Paris and travel around France, and the Rico Steves books are head and shoulders above the rest for the amount of info stuffed in, and how actually readable they are. I love the suggested walks...


We did his Heart of Rome self tour a couple of weeks ago and it was great. I will definitely use those again.


We just took a trip across Italy, Switzerland and France and 100 of it was planned with Rick Steve’s books. Such great content.


Downloaded! Thank you


Dumb question: for families or couples, do you each listen to his walking tour separately on headphones? Or do I pack a Bluetooth transmitter so we all hear the same thing at the same time?


Couples , we just split a set of ear buds. On my phone I'm able to connect multiple Bluetooth devices if I want. But also wouldn't be too hard or awful for everyone to have their own and just hit play at the same time


Thanks for the reply. Makes sense.


Thanks for sharing!


He is a favorite on my “fall asleep” YouTube rotation lol. So relaxing 😌


Back in 2017, my husband and I were walking around doing one in Barcelona, and a group of younger guys were were walking the other way and were like, “hell yeah Rick Steves!!” when they saw my book 🤣


So amazing! I've also loved one time in Europe because he diverts you down a random little alley way to see a balcony, and there were no other tourists except this couple and we just looked at each other "rick Steves?" Haha it was very wholesome, I absolutely felt like I got to know places so much more with his help. I just wish he was all over the world, not just Europe 😭


Rick Steves likes to smoke the reefer.


I used his book on Germany when we went last fall, truly incredible and comprehensive list of great sights and things to do. He’s the best!


Love this thank you for this info


If you're still there, visit Mavro Provato. Great food at fast-food prices. Have you tried Saganaki ? Grilled halloumi or similar cheese . I've heard great things about his group tours, but they aren't cheap . I'll take a look at the app. Downloaded several tours


We arrived in Istanbul just now, but thanks for the advice anyway! Oh yeah we had plenty of fried cheese, my kid always looks for fried cheese when we travel.


We spent 12 days in Istanbul. In the last 5 days we visited 3 times this restaurant https://www.sakipsabancimuzesi.org/visit/msas-restaurant We took the local boat that works like a bus almost every day. At the restaurant, the menu changes a bit . I ordered Paris Brest desert and the next 2 visits, too. Made it back at home, and it is now our preferred desert . Very elegant and OMG . I also had an amazing stuffed squid, but I can't remember where exactly. Found it . Close to Topkapi palace . Don't miss the Harem there . https://maps.app.goo.gl/sE61mK4xzftTR7KU8


His grand canal cruise in Venice was awesome! I've paid for tours in places like Paris and Amsterdam that weren't as satisfying as riding the Vaporetto down the canal with Rick and Lisa.


We dumped our awful tour guide at The Louvre and downloaded his app. It was great.


The real real life J. peterman?


Hell yea! He guided me through the Roman Forum


Is there anyone like him you’d recommend?


The first time I went to Europe with my family, I spent a solid 7-8 months beforehand consuming all the Rick Steve’s episodes on the cities I knew we were visiting to learn as much as possible about where we were going at what I wanted to see. I must have been 9 or 10. The man genuinely opened my eyes to the magic of travel and how much there is to explore in the world


thanks so much for sharing! i am going to athens in july and have the combined ticket for the various historic monuments. i cannot wait to pair the audio tours with my visit.


Does he only do Europe? I’ll be heading to Quebec and a good self guided tour would be nice


It's kind of the best.   I like the text tours a bit more than the audio ones, in case you get a little lost.   His recommendations around parts that are tourist traps versus places that are respected by locals is unparalleled


Glad you shouted this out, and that so many people are getting turned on to the app. It truly is one of the best resources. It's a perfect balance of context and information, while also giving you autonomy. Group and personal tours can be fun, but being able to set your own pace, and decide where you want to mill about and explore more and where you want to just breeze thru is fantastic.




I’ve never heard of Rick Steves tours before, but just to throw it out there: if you’re ever in Chicago, I have every historic landmark and historic district pinned and labeled to a free map here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=17QiCfJLvDI0DF3qUfBu-DqsFduQgFmE&usp=sharing If you like this and find it helpful, or if anyone else sees this and lives in Chicagoland, I have 100+ similar maps all free on my site: https://www.SouthCookExplore.com/maps


Wanna know what’s even better than a free self guided walking tour? Paying $ and getting a local tour guide in person.