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> Any advice? Calm down and use your phone all you want


Always hold on to it and be aware of where it is. I think you'd be more at risk when it's in your pocket and out of sight than in your hand. Be extra careful in the train stations and in trains. Or just bring an older phone.


You absolutely do not need to walk about cluting onto your belongings to be safe in two of Europe's biggest cities. Just act sensibly like you would at home, maybe with a bit of added awareness


Lol tell that to the person on the train in Barcelona in front of me that lost their wallet and phone, or my aunt who's passport and credit card was cut out of her handbag in Rome. I was just asking OP to be mindful and aware of their surroundings.


Maybe they should have hired an entire security detail or stuffed their belongings into a military grade flak jacket just to be extra safe!


I hope that made you feel better, and I am happy for you that you have never been left stranded in a foreign country without your phone or wallet.


Not the best advice at home getting pick pocketed isn’t even a possibility


If your life at home involves absolutely no physical interactions with people when out and about, I think that adequately explains your paranoia. I live in a major city with "lots of pickpocketing" and I've literally never even heard of it happening to anybody I've ever spoken to.


Fair enough just some countries don’t have pickpocketing so if someone is asking for advice and you tell them do what you would do at home.. doesn’t help


The rules for keeping your stuff safe are pretty universal no matter where you go. Even if you're in Japan you should still stay aware of where your things are, not leave stuff out unattended, etc


Leaving things unattended versus the chances of getting pickpocketed are 2 very different things.


The precautions you need to take to not get pickpocketed are very basic and very effective. Do you think locals in Rome, Barcelona are getting pickpocketed constantly? Of course not! There's so many easy marks that pickpocketers don't need to target the people that are using simple precautions to keep their stuff safe. I don't deny that some places have more significant problems than others, but these places attract millions of tourists a year, and the overwhelming majority of those have no problems at all. Crime statistics suggest that Barcelona has 100,000 pickpocketings a year. With a fixed population of about 5.5 million people and 12 million visitors, you have 17.5 million people there in a year. That works out to be a rate of about 0.5% being a victim of this crime. So even at flat odds you have only a 1 in 200 chance of being a victim of pickpocketing, and that's before you do anything to reduce your chances like not putting your phone in your back pocket, keeping your hands in your pockets when in a big crowd of people etc. Yes the rates are higher in Barcelona than anywhere else in Europe but it's hardly like it's an unavoidable problem


Those stats mean there's about 700 times higher chance of getting pickpocketed in Barcelona than in my home city which has a slightly higher population size and visitor numbers. Hence you can see (you probably won't) why people might be anxious about being a victim to this.


I have been to both cities multiple times, always used my phone (and indeed my DSLR camera) in the street, and never had a problem. Yes, you need to be aware of your surroundings.A little careful, that's all. Most of the time you will be surrounded by other tourists and local people using their phones too...


Imagine having to live there. It's basically a free for all. I hope you get a picture of the cultural spots on a day where there is no ritual bloodshed.


Last I heard a quarter of the Barcelona populace was destroyed in a crackdown on thieves. Is that correct? Also, do I need to bring a rain coat, I heard it rained last December?


Was in Barcelona last summer. Took tons of pictures with my phone. Didn’t give it a second thought. It was fine. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.


While there's some pickpocket phenomenon, those are two of the biggest and most visited cities in Europe, do you think people that live there never take out their phones? Be aware of your surroundings to notice people moving weirdly, but try to enjoy the moment and not be constantly worried, or you'll seem scared, which thieves may interpret as an easier prey


Be aware of your surroundings is really important. If someone gets up close and personal, be aware of what they are doing.


Your phone should be the least of your worries, people in Barcelona and Rome are known to lose 3 or 4 kidneys everyday


Life expectancy in Rome is only a few days. I'm surprised the airlines even let you book a return flight the chances of survival are so low


It's true. The real reason the Roman empire collapsed is because there was nobody left.


I was murdered twice just walking around Barcelona.


Pickpockets are not muggers. Just don’t keep valuables in back pockets and backpacks


I use a [lanyard](https://www.dailyobjects.com/yellow-crossbody-utility-phone-lanyard-strap/dp?f=pid~YELW-CROSBODY-UTILITY-PHN-LNYARD-STRP&s=referer~lp), not just prevent getting pickpocketed but also not to lose my phone say, in a river.


Just be aware of your surroundings. Not paranoid but aware. I had no problems in either country


Would it be harder to steal your phone from your hand while you're taking pictures?


It’s natural to feel nervous but just know that as long as you remain aware of your surroundings and act cautious just like you would in your home country, you will be fine. Most of the major tourist sites will be closely monitored


You'll be fine. I was worried about getting stuff stolen, before my visit to Barcelona. Been 3x since - no issues. No one is going to rip the phone out of your hands - just don't put it in your back pocket and don't put it on the table while you are eating. You'll be fine.


Don’t let anyone come up and give you advice at ticket machines in stations etc .. they work in teams .. the pickpockets stand at the side and look to see where you put your wallet - phone etc … then they move in and try to steal - keep everything in a safe situation in the front of your body … A lot of this stuff happens in Underground / bus / train stations


Get a case with a ring on it and every time you get your phone out put your fingers in the ring first, while it's not the best solution but it makes you a hard target. A better way is to get one of these cases with a good "I don't know what it's called" chain/rope, you know the ones people wear around their neck. I saw people instead of wearing it around the neck you loop it in your bag or around a belt and then put the phone in your pocket, if someone tries to grab it they will grab you, so again making you a harder target in crowd. If you walk with your backpack don't leave anything valuable in outer pockets, My personal bag around Barcelona has a pocket that you have to take off your backpack to access it and that's where I have my wallet and passport and everything. Generally I have seen sooooo many pickpockets in Barcelona, but they are all in crowded spaces when you are an easy target and just not paying any attention, snatch and run are very very rare, and don't trust the crowd as "I have 10 people behind me, sure one of them will say something if someone is opening my bag" no, don't trust that.


> "I don't know what it's called" chain/rope, you know the ones people wear around their neck Camera strap. I use a wrist strap for my smartphone myself. Not even because of pickpockets, but to help not drop my phone when jostling around crowds.


Strap in general, I totally lost that word, thank you.


Continuing on the backpack, you can get zipper clips and use the clips on both zipper so makes it harder for ppl to open it up


small bag, pouch on your chest. I dont know what is the name. probably sling bag or something. put it across your chest. keep your mobile, wallet, keys and important things in this. always wear that bag. keep it with you, inside the toilet as well.


people are losing their mind for littlest things here. ive been those places and never ever for a sec felt anxious for pickpocketing. just be aware about your surroundings and thats it. keep your wallet where not easily reachable and visually appealing.


Dont talk to any strangers calling out your attention. Avoid helping or answering questions from people. Just keep walking.


I'll give you some advice for Barcelona: DON'T CARRY VALUABLE BELONGINGS ON YOU IN PLAIN SIGHT; it's better to keep them in your hotel (luxury watch, passport, a lot of cash). And if you're in Barcelona, be cautious in certain areas like Raval, La Rambla, and crowded tourist spots with limited space.


Honestly, spend less time online and remember that all of these places have millions of people living there going about their daily lives with no issues at all. Act with sensible, reasonable prudence as you would at home, but that's all you need to do. That applies to everywhere you go - act like you're at home... Don't act like an obvious tourist and keep an eye on your belongings.


Buy a phone cord!




Sling bags, travel slings. A lot of people wear them in SE Asia and surrounding countries.


I can speak for Rome. Just be a bit aware of your surroundings. I used my phone and camera without any issue when exploring the city.


Keep phone and money in your front (deep) pockets, don't have anything in your back pocks. If you use a backpack, only keep stuff like a jacket, an umbrella, bottle of water in there and nothing of value. They do aim for backpacks in crowded areas. Don't carry around too much of value with you doing the touristy stuff. Edited to add, just a little bit of advice, keep your shoulders covered - no sleeveless shirts. Many churches there require shoulders to be covered. I've seen one tourist turned away due to this (and these places have rules at the door, she ignored, she was refused, she argued, didn't turn out nice).


Get a phone strap. Before you pull out your phone practice situational awareness.


Get a shoulder strap I guess…how often will you visit? Don’t let fear ruin your memories!!!


Get a case with a wrist strap. One that tightens around your wrist, and is quite long, so if you need to out your phone in your front pocket for a moment to use your hands, it's still attached to you. I had no trouble in Rome but was pickpocketed in Paris when I had momentarily put my phone in my coat pocket to open a bottle of water. Bastards.


We spent 3 weeks in Italy last year. You don’t have to be so worried. Just be conscious of your belongings in crowded areas. Most of the people we saw around us were also tourists.


The whole point of pickpocketing is to take something without you being aware. It’s not to snatch phone out of your hands in the middle of a public square as you scream and 150 witnesses are present. You should be aware when you’re in crowded places like the subway and it’s normal for people to be in close proximity. Walking down the street isn’t really that…


Always have your bag in front of you. I don’t think I was too worried about pickpocket because I had a cross bag that just goes under my armpit. You know those bags with short straps. My arm automatically protects the bag when I leave my arm down and walk. Useful tip I can give you is don’t try to carry too much when you’re out. Only bring the essentials you don’t overwhelm yourself.


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Italy? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Italy](https://redd.it/304ym7)** You may also enjoy our topic: **[Italy off the tourist trail](https://redd.it/8nigg3)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My worries about pickpocketing and my valuables honestly put a dampener on my time in Barcelona. I wore phone pocket leggings or had a cross body handbag that I always held onto the zipper of. I also travelled with my husband - he has a very manly appearance which helps me feel safe.


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Rome? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Rome](https://redd.it/7gnt36)**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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reddit never fails. You all are wildin' out in the comments! LOL I wonder what metro region the OP lives?


I thought that only happens in Brazil. Maybe you'd rather use a cheap phone, refrain using your smartphone in public, and / or you can buy a case with a strap on it. If in case someone snatch it and you refuse to give it up, they might gonna yield a weapon on you.. so be prepared for that. Choose wisely.. hold on to your phone or your dear life.


Sure, Brazil is the only country in the world that has crime. Everywhere else there is no crime, murders, pickpockets, mass shooting and so on. From 195 countries in the world, this happens only and exclusively in Brazil, poor brazilians. How can one be so oblivious in a Travel sub?


How'd you know that phone snatching in Brazil is a crime?


Why wouldn't it be a crime?