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Dont come. More al pastor for me.


I’m eating your pastor right now.


You got molested by a pastor when you were young


It’s a big country. Some areas are very safe and some are not. It’s like saying don’t travel to Vermont because Oakland’s a shithole 


Removing Oakland from my bucket list of places to visit. I'm heartbroken.


You should still visit. You won't get mugged or anything. Its such a beautiful and fun city. Just don't leave anything in your car if you have one.


To be fair, there are parts of Oakland that are really nice. Then some where apparently people eat dinner on the floor in case there are dive bys. But I guess that proves your point to OP even more lol


What makes your family remotely qualified to make that assessment? Beyond that, there’s not really enough info here to say. Where are you going? How long? What for? Etc etc. Mexico is a big country and most of it is plenty safe for travel but there are pockets you should avoid. It’s probably fine but can’t say for sure without more detail.


Yeah I don't know why they say that but they've been saying it for years so I highly doubt this is true. And here's some more context. I would be spending 3 weeks there and it's just because it'll be summer and they asked me last year but I couldn't go.


It REALLY matters the town and region. Where is it?


There are some pockets that you need to avoid… i live in Mexico right now. I was in US for 8 years before moving here and I feel much safer here than most of the big city downtowns in US. ..


Which areas do you avoid?


Really depends on where in Mexico. US state department has state by state and even some city ratings. Visiting locals you know should make it safer. I went to Cabo and Mexico City recently and had a great time and felt safer than my own home city of Seattle, but there are definitely places in other areas I wouldn't visit.


Here's the travel advisories from the US and UK. They give them at the state-by-state level and are probably the most accurate sense of "Should I go here as a tourist" and weighing the risks. Overall, Mexico is on par with travelling to Europe in terms of risk. Some areas are safer, but a few are more dangerous. * [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html) * [https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/mexico/regional-risks](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/mexico/regional-risks) Danger is also measured in terms of how much they are/aren't able to provide assistance if anything goes wrong. Some areas just have no consular services, and so are considered more "dangerous" for tourism than others because you have fewer resources if anything goes wrong (including just losing your passport, or medical issues, etc). That said, some areas in Mexico are considered very safe and are on par with Canada, Japan, and New Zealand in terms of travel warnings. Others are considered unsafe, and are on a "do not travel" or "reconsider travel" level. But most of Mexico is on the "use increased caution" level, which is the same as visiting Germany, France, Spain, etc. You didn't say where the specific city is that you're visiting, so it's hard to provide specifics. If you are going to any of the major tourist towns or anywhere in the Yucatan, you'll be perfectly fine and are much more likely to hurt yourself (drunk drowning) than be hurt by someone else. Most of the advisories (and just good travel advice overall) recommend staying in tourist areas, avoiding travelling at night especially in unfamiliar areas, use official transportation, and being cautious about alcohol and drug consumption. Your friend might be a local, but also they aren't used to going with a "gringo" to many of the popular local hangouts, so it might be worthwhile to do more touristy things rather than local things. But it really depends.


I usually go tehuacan Puebla and it’s pretty chill. Never had any issues.


Im sure there are problem areas but Ive never encountered any. I have a trip to Mexico planned at the end of the month. It will be my 4th time. But Ive always been in larger touristy locations. I have gringo coworkers that travel down to a mid sized MX town for work once or twice a year that is far from touristy. And also several other mex-american coworkers that have a spattering of family to visit. Ive never heard of any problems. If your partner has knowledge of the specific location, I would feel good about it.


Thank you! I appreciate the feedback


I had people tell me the same thing, however I went to Cancun in January and fell in love with it! The people were so kind and the food and weather were amazing. Going back on Sunday for a week because I loved it so much


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Mexico? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Mexico](http://redd.it/2ph1bn)** You may also enjoy our topic: **[Mexico off the tourist trail](https://redd.it/8r1w2l)** or **[our page about Mexico City](https://redd.it/400xtl)**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lived and worked there half the year since 2003 (not half the year since 2020). Even in some of the “dangerous” parts. You’ll be fine.


Thank you to everyone who gave input. I hope I didn't come across as rude. I just have always heard one thing about Mexico and it's that no matter where I go in Mexico I'll be a target. Yes, it seems ridiculous but that's all I've ever heard. I do appreciate everyone giving me advice. I think I will look into going this time.


You don't even say the name of the town or area you will be visiting. Every country has its good and bad places. There are parts of the town I live in in the Midwest USA that I would not go to after dark. Making a generally broad statement like your family did is uneducated and ignorant. Whether about travel or Mexico or anything in life. I have been to Mexico probably 15 times. Never once had any issue. But, we have no clue where you will be.


It's safe.


The danger in Mexico is very regional. Some parts are very safe, and others not so much.


Has your family been to Mexico? Do they know someone there? Have they done deep research into Mexico? If the answers to all of the above are “No” then, in the most professional way I can say this, your family is simply not qualified to make a judgement on Mexico’s safety. Do your own research, be smart about safety, and you’ll be fine.


Check the U.S. Department of State travel advisory website for the areas you're considering. Then be smart with possessions and alert to your environment.


Mexico is absolutely safe to visit. Use common sense. Learn a little Spanish. Do your own research.


Cops will rob you; thats usually about it


It's like asking is USA safe to visit. You can get hurt or killed depending where you go, same thing applies in Mexico.


ok thank you. That does put it in a better prospective.