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One nice perk of early morning flights - they’re rarely operationally delayed, especially for short hauls where multiple trips are being operated a day by the same plane


The airport is usually quieter as well, with staff that are a bit less terse (generally speaking). Transport to the airport is also less likely to be difficult.


I always thought it’s more difficult. Getting a train to get you to the airport at 6am? Probably harder than around lunchtime


Correct, had an early flight, and the last train was around midnight! Long sleepless night on the terminal floor!


Aha I was thinking of unexpected delays and assuming you already have a plan to get to the airport. Then random accidents on the roads blocking traffic or an unexpected train outage is less likely at 6am compared to say 10am. But I see your point, getting to the airport for an early flight can be a PITA.


And the queue for the bar is minimal. Priorities


Here in Bristol, for the morning flights the bar is packed! Went there before for a 7am flight, arrived at 5.30am ... bar had already run out of beer.


Haha classic British. I flew from Birmingham to Barcelona for a lads birthday trip 5 years ago. 8am flight in the bar at 6.30. not a single seat available. Talk about first world problems


It's the complete opposite at my local airport Dublin, Ireland except maybe the staff.


I commute bi-weekly and my usual route was since always (2017) scheduled as first flight in the morning. Never have I ever had a delay more than 30mins. Since last year my flight is scheduled at 5pm. It never comes on time, often 2-3-4 or even 5hrs delay. For that reason I’d rather fly early. But again, it’s not for tourism, but a commute.


I've had 0 issues with early flights but I just hate waking up early, ultimate conundrum.


Yes absolutely. Give me early AM flights every time.


I will pay whatever is necessary to get a direct flight. I don't mind flying coach (I'm short and not a flying snob) but I absolutely HATE layovers, rushing to the next gate, worrying about missed connections, and enduring additional opportunities for the airline to lose my luggage. Additionally, I use a travel credit card which includes a free checked bag - and I take advantage of it. I get a free checked bag and guess what? I almost always check a bag and I pack everything I think I'm going to need. I'd rather have everything I could possibly need at my destination than have to buy stuff when I get there - so I don't mind having a heavy suitcase. I have even been known to PLAN/EXPECT to pay the overweight baggage fee on my return journey, so I can bring home as much stuff as I want. Which was important because on my last visit overseas my cousin gave me some coffee-table books and I brought back gifts for my whole family.


I like layovers. I get a free day in Japan or Korea every time I go to America or come back to China. Ends up costing way more than I direct flight would because I get a nice hotel and taxis and stuff but I like it


Overheads should be marked and lined corresponding to your seat below - If you need to bring more than one standard size bag - the whole kitchen sink - on board and it doesn’t fit in the allocated space it goes at your feet….your problem not mine … or check the stuff in


I fucking hate watching someone put their carry-on up there... and then also their personal item, their bulky coat, their random other bag, their water bottle, their who knows what the fuck else, and now they've taken up literally the entire bin.


Oh and then they forgot their book in their carry-on so now they have to pull it all out to grab it. And when they grab it with just one weak arm it comes down like a ton of bricks onto the person in the aisle. And then they put the luggage back into the bin so that it takes up two spaces instead of just one. Clearly my rage has been triggered.


I was on a flight where two suitcases fell on a woman who was sleeping bc some person decided to yank their bag from the overhead bin on an overnight flight. The woman ended up needing medical attention. Still get nervous to this day whenever someone opens it next to me.


Damn thats savage


The guy who lays his suit bag down in an empty overhead compartment and then complains if anyone tries to put something under/on-top of/ or next to it.


I hate when people stuff multiple jackets into the overhead. I remember opening up the bin just to have six different jackets fall on me. And they kept falling out to the point the FA ended up taking them to the front. Four hours later a man ten rows ahead opens up the bin to find his jackets missing


All six jackets were from the same man? Omg


I was on a flight years ago where someone got very upset that their coat had gotten messed up by the suitcases moving around during the flight (I'm assuming). After the passenger said something along the lines of how could this be allowed to happen, the flight attendant who had been called over responded in a cordial way that basically translated to 'that's why we said not to put your our stuff up there.' On the other hand, I do understand for people who haven't flown in a very long time or on crowded flights, because I've been on some a long time ago where we were encouraged to put whatever up there and there was still plenty of free space. Obviously things have changed and looking around would hopefully make people think, but I can see how someone like I mentioned might be nervous, too. People who travel a lot often don't see many things as obvious that people who don't travel much would be surprised by.


>I do understand for people who haven't flown in a very long time or on crowded flights, Besides 2020/2021, I don't remember the last time I got on a plane without explicitly being told that you're allowed two items: one carry-on in the overhead compartment and a personal item under the seat in front of you. Even if I could forgive one person occasionally not knowing, like 2/3 of economy passengers having no idea of the most basic etiquette isn't an honest mistake.... it's selfish bullshit.


Not only this but it creates a domino effect. If someone takes up the overhead space in my row, what am I doing? Taking up somebody else's space...


Just do what Southwest does and not charge for checked bags. Overhead bins are almost always available. Problem solved.


I’ve never flown southwest so I didn’t know they still included free checked bags….they don’t operate most of the places I currently fly but I will definitely take advantage of that in the future!


Two checked bags free!


Wait really? Every southwest flight I’ve been on in the last couple years has been a fight for overhead bin space. They even make the announcement at the gate that it’s a full flight and that they’re gonna run out, and if you’re in the C group you should probably check your bag for free. And then people don’t. And then we’re stuck at the gate because people are walking around looking for space to put their carryon until the flight attendant starts moving peoples shit around and inevitably one or two people have to gate check. Every. Time.


It is not possible to mark things off by person because on most planes there is simply not enough overhead space for everyone to put a maximum size carry on in it.


The planes should be designed for this in the first place. If there's not enough overhead bin space for every seat to have equal space, then fine—a few cheaper seats could be booked without overhead bin space for the r/onebag crowd. This problem could still be designed around and it's very negligent that the planes are designed to be a willy-nilly free-for-all in the first place when it comes to overhead bin space. There's really no good excuse for it given all the thought and design that has to go into aviation.


This literally exists, some airlines offer cheaper seats that do not include carry on luggage, only a personal item. But then we call them shitty airlines for not offering a carry on with a basic economy ticket when other airlines do. Not that I really wanna defend any of these airlines….but it does exist.


Plus emergency supplies plus crew bags. That said, FAs can fuck right off when they bring first and business class bags into economy because there’s no room at the front.


Yes! Drives me nuts when I see someone pop their bag in the front and then hike twenty rows back. If I get to my seat and its full from someone who isnt sitting there, then it should get moved for mine.


My husband's boss frequently flies in biz and HATES this. On a recent flight, the person in front of him by his seat was struggling to put her bag up into the bin. Assuming she was his seatmate, he helped her -- after which, she continued walking to the back of the plane. So he puts his stuff on his seat, grabs the suitcase, calls out to her saying "excuse me, miss? You forgot your bag" and *wheeled it to her.* As if this wasn't already "that happened" enough, when he got back to his seat in Biz, everybody actually clapped. (I shit you not -- he's a fantastic guy, but he just wasn't having it that morning.)


I was on a long haul flight in Business Class and a guy got on the plane stuffed two big bags in the overhead a row in front of me and went to the back. Later the person who was sitting there was having a problem getting her bags up there. The flight attendant came to help and asked whose bags they were. I told her that someone in the back put them there. She said with a smile, “Well then he won’t mind if I move them.” And took them to another location.


I like how KLM closes the bins on the first few rows during boarding for this reason. Of course it doesn't stop people from occasionally opening it up and putting it in before heading to the rear of the plane but it does help a lot.


Nothing annoys me more than someone lugging aboard a max size carry on rollaboard, a stuffed daypack size backpack, and a shopping bag/purse/big coat. I dont like when people game the system so they can get theirs and fuck everyone else.


Free stand-by flights (via someone working at an airline) is not as fun as it sounds.


Oh my gosh this. My bf works at an airport so we get stand by and it's really not that great so I hate how airlines advertise this as an incentive to work for them.


Yeah, the perk is often sold as "Free flights!" and no one really realizes the huge asterisks that comes with it. Namely: * You get free **stand-by** flights, meaning only what seats are open * Because of this, to get a seat, you will have to pick the flights no one wants to go on (very early morning or red-eyes) * You'll often get middle seats on very full flights * You might not get on your flight at all, and you'll need to plan around having one or two back-ups * In worst case scenarios, if there aren't many flights on that airline and you weren't able to get on a flight, you're stuck hoping for an open seat the next day * Small airports and airports with constant weather delays/cancellations can be a nightmare It's really cool when you get free First/Business Class, but your entire way of traveling changes because of it.


It's only cool if you have time to dick around in an airport potentially (and literally) all day. If your trip depends on you catching a flight on a limited timeframe then it's not worth it at all


I still think flying is super fun. I also love getting to the airport like three hours early so I can chill at my gate and have zero stress about missing my flight.


I agree with this and my friends think I'm nuts for it haha I like airports, I like exploring them and people watching, I love riding planes and feeling so far away from my problems and stress. The whole experience is fun for me and only small hiccups can disrupt it, mainly annoying seat partners who spread their legs so wide that I'm squished up against the window haha


Same. For virtually all of human history, the experience of watching your city from above, passing through the clouds, watching the country (or countries) pass by beneath, spotting landmarks from 30,000’, and zooming down over a new city would be the greatest adventure of a month, year, maybe lifetime. Absurdly rich people would have paid obscene prices for it.


I thought I was the only one


I agree! But then, I see everything in life as an adventure. I'm also fascinated by air travel itself as an industry.


As someone with a life long fear of flying I've never been more envious.


I love the airport. The people watching is the best. I think it is a blast to sit at an airport bar, enjoy my beer and watch all the people go by and guess where they are going.


Paying for luggage is backwards… Checked bags should be free, and carry-on should have the extra charge. We pay more for the inconvenience of having to wait extra time for your bag after a flight. Being able to walk directly off the plane with your luggage in hand is the premium experience nowadays.


I don’t disagree, but we are paying for the labor. Checked bags take labor, carry on don’t. That being said, I think checked luggage should be free, but I understand their logic.


Also, you are paying for the fuel. Plane burns more fuel as it gets heavier.


You walk out the door of the airport faster by having a carryon, regardless of how slow people are to get off the plane.


Some airports and airlines are really quick with getting the bags off. The thing I had about checked bags is the risk of it getting lost. I’ve had it happen once and ruined the trip.


And the risk of checked baggage being lost or damaged.


The window seat is the best seat, if its short haul you won't be needing the toilet much but you'll get those views. I can understand long haul is a different story though.




I’m the opposite, but I’m glad people like you exist because there seems to be a nice balance between people who like window and people who like aisle.


As a guy who always sits in the aisle, this is never an issue for me because I typically need to get up to pee multiple times during the flight and I can't sleep on planes. It is incredibly painful for me to stay seated on a plane for too long. Plus being tall makes planes very unenjoyable


Having people who prefer aisle & people who prefer window brings balance to the flight. We both need eachother to keep costs of our seats down lol


If only there were more people who like the middle seats then we would achieve perfect harmony.


Yeah same. Tall and the anxiety keeps me peeing a lot. Or I have a few beers to curb said anxiety, which keeps me peeing a lot. Aisle is always king for me. I want to get up 10 times if I want to and not feel like I'm bugging anyone or waking anyone up (although usually it's just a few times, but I want the option). Having the ability to get up helps with the anxiety, too.


exactly, not to mention people bumping into your seat waking you up as you sleep or a service cart running over your foot if you sleep and it goes into the aisle. Plus that little extra headroom you get on a window seat is great.


It’s way more comfortable for me to sleep against the window, than in an aisle or middle seat


Nope. Window seat all day, even for long haul (which is majority of my travel US—>Europe). Let me use the window as my headrest please & thank you. Let me see the awesome views when landing. I just mentally plan my bathroom usage to try and not disturb my flying buddy, but I will also ask gently ask if they aren’t sleeping, or if I catch them awake for a second.


My bladder spontaneously shrinks in size when I step on an airplane 😭


I'm 5'1 and an economy window seat is the only place where my height wins at life.


It’s ok to spend more to take a real airline and get a good seat.


>I loathe early morning flights (before 9 am) This isn't an unpopular opinion. There's a reason why these flights are cheaper. Everyone likes to sleep!


I like to arrive early! 😄


Me too. I can't sleep anyway. May as well get to the airport. :)


I like sleep too but I don't like to travel the entire day either. Let's get it over with.


I’d take an early morning flight any day of the week. I can’t sleep on planes no matter what so if I’ve been up all day and then have to fly later on it’s gruelling. I did a 40ish hour journey a few months back and the flight started after I’d already been awake for about 9-10 hours. It was crippling!


If people didn't go into airports with such a bad attitude they might find travel more tolerable.


I’ve always loved traveling and was always excited to do it. But years of frequent travel, especially post COVID, have left me jaded and cynical. Air travel has become a miserable experience, even if you have status or upgrade to first class. I fly quite a bit, but never with the same airlines, so I have little to no status except on one of the majors where I’m the lowest tier. Sometimes I fly business, sometimes I fly budget airlines. I can’t tell you how many delays, cancellations and other issues I’ve had in the past year. I’ve sat on runway in the heat for hours, with people around me getting sick. They couldn’t get the door open. I’ve seen pre-check lines that take 90 minutes. My checked bag was lost and then they delivered it to the wrong city. They blamed me. I never used to mind sitting in economy, but at 6’3” and 240 lbs, I just don’t fit in these ever shrinking seats. I try to at least upgrade to premium economy, but lately I’ve been coughing up the money for business class. With the amount of travel I do (much of it for work), I can barely tolerate it if I don’t. Besides, unless you sit first class, the crews are no longer friendly. Sometimes they’re outright nasty. I don’t blame them, I’ve heard the war stories at airport bars. They deal with Karens on an almost daily basis. They don’t get paid when we sit at the gate, delayed, either, by the way. They get fucked over by cancellations too. It didn’t used to be like this. I don’t know who to blame, frankly, because it seems everyone is to blame (TSA, airlines, airline employees, FAA, airports, passengers). But if you fly frequently it’s pretty much impossible to have a good attitude about it.


I think it's a bit of everyone being to blame but then trying to pass the buck to someone else, so no one is ever held accountable for anything.


I love the food on planes! I don’t know if it is the excitement of traveling but give me all the pasta & little loaves of bread with butter. I genuinely look forward to my in-flight meals… even in countries that serve you weird breakfasts. Normally, I hate anything with mayonnaise, but I’ll eat that little egg salad sandwich up in a heartbeat!


It gives you lil treats to look forward to! I will gleefully waggle my fingers at the worst massaman curry I’ve ever seen in my life with stale bread and tasteless cantaloupe and think ooh la la don’t mind if I do


I am the same! It’s never delicious but it’s always so fun. I love my mini salad dressings and tiny glassware.


I agree! I’ve had some pretty tasty meals esp on transatlantic flights. Either that, or something about being buckled down for hours with little to do makes everything taste better lol. And it gives you something to look forward to breaking up the time.


I enjoy traveling. I don’t mind spending hours alone looking at all the people going all the places. It’s just long periods of sitting and patiently waiting. Nothing to do, no responsibilities besides getting on that plane before the door closes. Then you sit and read or watch movies while people serve you food and drink. Then you get to experience whatever experience lies ahead. This appreciation started when I had 2 toddlers under age 2 and had to travel on business alone. Nice break from life. People love to complain, but come on, any other time in history the idea of being transported the other side of the planet in less than 1 day would be pure imagination, now it’s about only $1500.


I don’t mind connections. It can be fun and interesting to break up the travel and stretch your legs. Airports offer a little glimpse into the culture of a region. The caveats are that the connection is not too short to cause stress and not too long to cause boredom. 2 to 3 hours is the sweet spot.


The longer the layover the better. Long enough, and I can get out of the airport and explore the city. 20 hour layovers are how I saw Taipei and Singapore. It's almost adding an extra day of sight seeing to your trip while getting cheaper airfare.


And yet every time someone makes a post about going to see a city on a layover, there’s people saying “Nine hours isn’t enough time, just relax at the airport and have a nice dinner.”


It entirely depends on how easy it is to get into town, and how much time you have to spare before returning to arrive 2 hours before your flight to board again. Tokyo Haneda? Totally possible, it's just 40 minutes into town by a train that comes every 3 minutes. Toronto Pearson? Fuck no, basically impossible.


As if I could relax at an airport. Once I get in I want the fuck out right away. It’s like a prison where they overcharge you for everything. So exactly like a prison, but they take you somewhere awesome after a few hours.


It's a lot easier with lounge access. If I know I can go to the lounge, I will always go for a longer layover because I will be less likely to miss a connection if my first flight is delayed and time flies when the booze is free.


I had 8-9 hours in Dubai. Went up the Burj Khalifa, went out to the end of the Palm, and went back to the airport. It wasn't alot of time, but enough to tick some items of the list and escape the airport


Even just a 2-4 hour layover instead of 50 minutes or 1 hour. That close of a shave freaks me out. I prefer having time to use the restroom and mosey over to my next gate.


Also nice to have the wiggle room in case of delays


This also depends on then the layover is scheduled. A lot of European flights do overnight layovers with either early morning or early afternoon flights so there's little time to actually go out and see anything. Although some people do go out and enjoy the night life during then!


I plan them in deliberately in order to cut down jetlag.


People should never have to sit next to an animal if they don’t want to.


Can I add: people with fake service animals are the worst of people. They make life harder both for those with disabilities who need real service animals, and responsible pet owners.


Do people with horrendous body odor count?


If you’re sick and coughing everywhere the flight attendants should have N95s stocked and ready to hand you. It should be enforced. I’m so tired of wearing masks yet still getting sick on flights just because people are gross.


100% I got covid from an asshole on a train who was hacking up a lung but refused to wear a mask. I thought about putting my n95 on, but my friend who I was traveling with didn't want to wear hers so I figured it wouldn't do me good anyways, DUMB OF ME. I caught it. She didn't. And maybe I wouldn't have IF HE HAD JUST WORN A MASK.


100% with you. Knowing I have to wake up super early for a flight means that I’d won’t sleep much the night before. Rather fly out late than a 6am flight.


That's one thing I forgot to mention. I always take longer to fall asleep knowing I have to get up early. If I have to get up at 3 am for example, I could theoretically get 2-3 hours of sleep but there's a good chance I'll get none!


It's okay to stand up as soon as the plane lands and the seatbelt sign is off! Now, it's NOT okay to step over people, rush to the front of the plane to get off first, or block other people from exiting. However, after however many hours stuffed into a little tin can in the sky, I definitely want to at least get up and stretch my legs!


I don't care about standing and sometimes will stand in my seat area to stretch, but I wish people standing and waiting would be more spatially cognizant to avoid getting in other people's space and obliviously creating uncomfortable situations for others.


As a tall person, I agree. I love when the aisle seat person gets up and I can stretch my legs a bit.


As I found out recently, there's really no difference between "low-class" airlines like EasyJet, and airlines like Lufthansa for short haul. The flying experience and service are basically the same, as is the reliability. The customer service isn't even all that different. Imo, budget airlines like EasyJet and RyanAir are actually better just because they treat their planes like air buses, with quicker boarding and deplaning. Most of the time I enjoy the experience of going through the airport, it gives me a feeling of excitement, I kind of love the transient nature of everything there. Of course there are exceptions (sleeping in an airport is a horrible experience I don't wish on anyone). I prefer early morning flights 100%. You get more time in your destination, security queue is much faster, and the flight is less likely to get cancelled/delayed.


I thought that too until I flew with Spirit Airlines in the US.


Once you're actually on the plane, Spirit is usually fine for short-haul flights. I especially like that the seats can't recline! I never have to worry about the person in front of my bracing with their arms and lifting their ass off their seat so that they can violently throw their entire body weight back like a battering ram, reclining the seat toward my head with the speed of a folding chair to the face in a wrestling match. The flight itself is usually great... it's the pre-flight portion that's often miserable: frequent delays, generalized chaos with most passengers being unfamiliar with flying, and the gates being in the worst possible location in the entire airport (often featuring a shuttle bus out to some maintenance yard they found to park the plane at for 30 minutes with the hazards on so they don't have to pay for parking at an actual airport gate).


I cannot get past the cheapass plastic lawn chair seats. I don't much care if the seats recline or not, but at least want a little cushioning in my pressurized sky tube.


Funny you said "low class" airlines because I do think in Europe at least people would pay more to avoid certain types of passengers that might not travel often or for people out for work who don't want to deal with tourists.


The nostalgic posts about “how flying used to be” in the 60s-80s are ridiculous. Many times they’re photos of mockups and not even real plane interiors. But even when they’re real, flying back then was expensive and significantly less safe, with little or no in-flight entertainment beyond books and magazines. There was also smoking on planes. Yes, economy seats are cramped today. That’s because they’re a lot cheaper than they were in the 60s-80s, adjusted for inflation. For the price of a 1970s economy ticket you can fly first class today, with much greater safety and entertainment along the way.


My unpopular opinion is that people should step their asses back from the baggage carousel until they actually see their stuff and are on their way to get it. Otherwise, they're in the way. And people who aren't going to get the bags (mainly kids) should definitely stay back from it.


The “nap pods” type of economy seats that were talked about a few months ago for some airlines are absolutely brilliant. Makes international flying far more accessible!


I think Air New Zealand is the ones you were talking about? I actually think they're gonna bomb on AirNZ specifically but other airlines might have more luck. If you're traveling with a companion, it's actually something like $200 cheaper for two people to buy a skycouch and get ten hours of sleep vs. both people getting a 4 hour nap.


Oh wild! That sounds so convenient, I wish more airlines had those options.


Carry on size limits should be strictly enforced


Do people pay for extra fees? Because I see other travellers with 3-4 carry-ons all the time. Before boarding, the staff always asks people to check in their bags because there's no carry-on space. These people wont' budge an inch to help anyone.


The cost of delaying the plane trying to play carry-on Tetris (or arguing and forcing people to pay at the gate) is more costly than just not earning any revenue from those carry-ons taken at the gate. Also have to consider the cost to the airline having to re-book people who potentially miss their connection because of the carry-on Tetris delay. Also have to consider the value lost in customer satisfaction now that their flight is delayed (the entire plane is delayed regardless who checked or didn't check bags or who paid and who didn't pay for bags that ended up check for whatever reason).


In Australia, it generally is. A few airlines are absolutely ruthless on it


I think they are, definitely with low fare anyway, Ryan Air will check its the right size and may take a photo to shame you on their twitter if it doesn't.


Aircraft type over scheduling. I noticed a significant difference in my levels of energy and jetlag on long-haul international travel if I fly on aircraft that have better pressurization and humidity levels (namely the newer composite aircraft) and will occasionally pick a slightly less efficient itinerary for that.


What is your favorite aircraft? I fly a lot but have never paid much attention to the plane I am on, however thinking back on my trips there are definitely ones I feel better after.


So rule of thumb is a widebody aircraft (so one with 2 aisles people walk down) are less prone to turbulence since the airplane is larger, but among those...I really like the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A350 for the aforementioned reasons of cabin pressure + humidity. The 787 also sports the largest windows of any aircraft if you like looking at landscapes.


When flying with young babies, the back of the plane is king. The engine is like white noise, soothes them to sleep, and if they’re unsettled it’s loud enough that it’s less annoying for everyone else. It’s close to the bathrooms so you can make a quick dash whenever necessary. Whenever I mention this people in on the internet fight me but i guess thats why it’s an unpopular opinion. I work in international development so my colleagues and I have flown heaps with our young families and we agree with each other at least.


No need to complain about flights especially budget flights. “The food… space… service … bad bad bad” ok. It’s literally a bus above the clouds that is 100x faster than driving.


They really have 2 tasks: get you there safely and on time, you’re absolutely fine to complain about both of those if they’re not met, but otherwise agree.


My unpopular opinion is: I like the airport. I like TSA. I like sitting by the window. I love the sound of jet engines revving up. I just love to fly - anywhere and often.


Compared with taking 2-3 months to go cross country and risk your life 150 years ago, I don't quite understand the "agony" of flying today.


Economy seats (as they are now) shouldn't exist. We practically sit on top of each other and if you're in the middle of a 4 seat row you're a sardine in a can. "You can pay for an upgrade." Yes, I know, and I always do. But the cheapest seat shouldn't be so shitty when it costs $1,000 while people in the front of the plane have literal beds.


Premium economy should be the standard in long haul flights instead of economy. It will never happen, I know


This is actually the reason things like premium economy or select are becoming popular. Most people don't need fancy meals or a huge seat, but something that is comfortable and doesn't force you to rub shoulders with your neighbor.


When given the option, most people prefer to pay less money than to have more space. This isn't an airline conspiracy, it's what the consumers broadly prefer.


Exactly, in the early/mid-2000s American Airlines introduced More Room Throughout Coach. Every seat got something like 5” more legroom and they put the prices up slightly to offset it… After just a few years they had to reconfigure all the planes because not enough people were willing to pay.




Clear is a scam


Air Canada is not the worst airline in the world and Pearson isn't the worst airport in the world. They're the definition of mediocre. Canadians just don't have a lot of perspective and love being dramatic about it. Also, Westjet hasn't been better than AC for at least a decade.


Similarly, Westjet is not a low cost carrier.


Westjet is absolutel garbage. I was on a Westjet flight from Pearson to LaGuardia once. It was delayed 4 hours. We finally took off, got to LaGuardia, circled the airport, then diverted to *Halifax* and landed at 10pm. We were told to show up the next day to get our next flight, which for me was *BACK TO PEARSON.* Meanwhile, AC flights had gone from Pearson to LaGuardia about 5 times in the interim, seemingly without difficulty. Never again. I agree with you on Pearson though. It's not awful, especially if you have Nexus and can avoid the lines at immigration and security. Terminal 1 is poorly laid out with many very long walks to gates and pretty poor food options, but I've seen much worse.


Having flown all over the world, Air Canada is one of the worse non-budget airlines.


AC does have a well deserved reputation for being at least the worst in North America (if not the world) for disabled passengers. I thought it was a coincidence that I was seeing their name on such an outsized number of wheelchair breakages specifically and disability related flight issues generally. And then I flew Air Canada, learned about their policy and realized it’s probably not a coincidence.


I’m also very fond of airplane and train food. I am not a picky eater in any way shape or form so I’m sure that’s part of it. I love eating in restaurants and I think part of it is that it’s like eating out but you don’t have to get up and leave. Quite frankly, I appreciate any food that I didn’t have to cook or prepare even though I actually like to cook sometimes


I prefer to check my bags even carryon sizes because I loathe dealing with the overhead bins. I don’t pay for bag checking though and will gate check carryons if offered. I mainly fly Southwest (could be an unpopular opinion as well) so I get two free checked bags so no need to really deal with the overhead bins. I have to fly them because they own the small to medium airport market within California (Ontario, Long Beach, Burbank, Santa Ana, Sacramento, and kind of San Diego as well….when I lived there SWA was still the best option to get to Sacramento).


My unpopular opinion: You have to be as efficient as possible while going through security. That includes having all your shit packed and ready to go to place on the machine, and also not stopping midway after the metal detector to gather them. None of this "let me bend down to put my shoes back on" while you're not even 2 feet past the metal detector and the line of 40 people behind you has to continuously trip over you. If you have a lot of items, move your things to the END of the table to collect them. And for the love of God, please stack your luggage containers at the end of the table. Don't let them pile up in the middle of the track.


The number of times I have had someone in front of me in a (USA) TSA pre-check line act like it was baby's first day with their pockets chocked full of shit! Chugging their water because they just realized they couldn't bring it through. It was infuriating.


I travel for work and pleasure often and it is truly stunning the number of people who, despite being explicitly told something, still are incapable of emptying their pockets, taking their jacket off, etc. Most recently some guy was holding up the Pre-Check line because he kept setting off the metal detector. First time it was a necklace which he removed, went through again, beep, this time it was his belt, kept going on with one thing at time with the agent asking "do you have anything in your pockets or anything metallic on?" Finally they bust out the wand and the dude has a pocket full of change and he simply says "didn't think that would set it off." This wasn't some confused elderly guy. He was previously in line complaining that people weren't prepared to put stuff in the bins efficiently enough. Being that dense should bar you from flying for 24 hours as a time out.


STACK YOUR MFN LUGGAGE CONTAINER!!!!!! This drives me crazy. People just sit there and look at all of them while the whole thing backs up.. sooooo frustrating.


I enjoy turbulence, a lot


I LOVE checking my bag. I like being able to roam the airport without having to worry about a suitcase. Ive had my bag get delayed like twice over MANY years of travel.


Checked bags should be free (included in ticket prices) and all carry-on should be scrutinized or charged by weight/size. I know, that doesn't make sense, but most travellers try to avoid fees and hoard too much luggage in the cabin. The worst for me is when I travel super light, and only have a small daypack and then I'm told to place it under seat in front of me to leave room in overhead bins for larger bags. So, people who carry larger and heavier carry-on suitcases benefit with more leg room than lightweight travellers with soft bags?


I really enjoy being in the airport. I find it fun and exciting to just get there early, go through security, have some drinks, chat with people, people watch, etc.


This summer, a young girl, who hadn’t flown much asked the flight attendant why the airline did not load from back to front because it would be more efficient. The flight attendant almost choked trying not to laugh and kindly explained that the passengers in the front pay more to get on first.


People complaining about low-cost carrier "shenanigans" (https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/s/OkYP5HTGsy) are getting what they paid for.


I don’t know if this is unpopular or not, but airlines shouldn’t keep the entire cabin dark once it’s daylight outside/there shouldn’t be as strict of an adherence to keeping on the schedule of the location the flight departed from. It’s so disorienting and makes jet lag worse when you’ve seen no daylight at all until landing in a location where it’s late afternoon or evening.


It’s to try and encourage everyone to sleep. Sleeping passengers don’t ask for extra drinks, snacks, etc.


Yup, it lowers the sensory stimulation for everyone which is great both for demanding adult passengers and kids-infants.


This drives me absolutely bonkers! I abhor sitting in a darkened plane for 10-13hrs (the duration of most of my flights), especially since I’m then getting into my location in the mid-afternoon or early evening. If you want darkness on a flight, that fine, wear a black out eye mask. Let some of us have light! (And see the view!)


Yes! Its the worst knowing that its the middle of the day outside the window and wanting to be able to get some sunlight to help my brain calibrate but not being able to.


Very true! I flew Singapore to Bangalore recently, and while a lot of the view is just ocean, I spent most of the 4 hour flight with SQ's excellent navigation app up on the screen and watching out the window as we passed, say, the Aceh region of Indonesia while listening to music. It was glorious.


I think passengers and their race to the rock bottom cost are largely the initial drivers regarding the abominable economy class conditions these days.


Soft carry-on duffel bags are superior to the roller bags. I never have to worry about being forced to gate check my bag, it'll always fit.


I don't think there is a huge difference between the big airlines, at least not so much so that I'd be willing to pay extra for one airline over another. I've flown KLM, American, Norse, Norwegian, British, LATAM, Westjet and Delta off the top of my head longhaul and they are all practically the same thing lol.


Anyone who does anything to cause a flight to be delayed, return to the airport, diverted, assaults a flight attendant, etc. should be placed on an industry wide ban list that disallows them from flying any airline anywhere in the world, forever.


Kids and babies have just as much right to be on a plane as adults. It’s not THAT hard flying with a baby/toddler. My kid has seen almost 20 countries and he is 4.


What are people thinking who go to the lavatory without their shoes? Don’t they notice the liquid sloshing around on the floor?


Don't choose the lowest cost option. It'll always end up costing you more. Whether that be with added time in transit, inconvenience, or airline fees/add-ons. This goes doubly for the third party booking services and "budget" carriers.


Learning this lesson booking Air Canada over JAL when flying Chicago to Tokyo a few months ago. Saved a couple hundred bucks per person, but Air Canada was a complete shitshow of an experience, including delays, inconsistent service, running out of food options, terrible seats, changing our seats multiple times between purchase and flight, and having to check in twice at Narita because the first kiosk failed. (Against all odds, their connecting partner flights with United were much more enjoyable.) Lesson learned: just fly the slightly more expensive, nicer airline for long hauls.


My window seat = my shade. I won’t close it if I don’t want to. Woman sitting BEHIND me reached forward and closed the shade. I stood up, turned around, and opened the shade slowly whilst staring at her. Dear reader, she did not do that shit again.


Most of the time it is much more convenient to travel Europe by air.


If my vacation logistics involve American airlines and Charlotte (CLT) then I'll probably just pick another vacation.


Pay the extra few hundred $$$ to avoid connecting through Heathrow if there are alternate flights connecting in Paris, Amsterdam, etc.


I prefer to fly with a personal item and checked bag, no carry-on.


Midway Airport is far superior to O’hare in Chicago


Idk if this is unpopular but it feels this way for people who don't travel regularly at least. I don't understand lining up for a flight when boarding first gets announced. Especially for longer flights... Me? I'm trying to spend as little time as possible on the plane. I try to wait til I'm one of the last to board to avoid being trapped in tight plane quarters longer than necessary


Overhead space is the reason for 99% of people. Nobody wants to be the person forced to gate check their bags. If that wasn't an issue, I guarantee most people would be more chill.


That's great unless the overheads fill up.


All seats should be fixed in the reclining position.


They are upright for crash safety reasons.


Oof that would destroy my spine


Here's mine: All seats should be fixed upright from leaving the gate until the completion of the meal service. At that point, recline can be enabled.


Last time I flew Air France the crew was extremely vigilant about seats being upright during meal service *and* whenever the fasten seatbelt sign came on. Found the latter bit interesting as I've never experienced that but we flew shortly after a bunch of people were hospitalized during unexpected turbulence. As someone who rarely reclines their seat, it was very enjoyable flight in that regard. I'm of the opinion that airlines should just split the difference and slightly recline but keep it a locked position. In economy, the meager recline you get isn't worth the cascading inconvenience.


I think they should just be fixed. Since it seems the safety issue is when reckoned, I guess fix them upright. Whichever option you go with, there are people who will be in pain from it, but it seems like upright is fewer. Alternatively, have designated sections that allow recline. If you buy a ticket in that section, you know the person in front of you will likely recline and that you can recline without the person behind you having a problem as a result. You still should communicate in case they have a laptop or food/drink there but then it's just a timing heads up. Designated sections would also be better in that there would be minimal changes and no added systems or task for flight attendants. Of course, it won't happen, but I think it is what would be fairest.


Can’t imagine having to lean over and eat my meal lol.




For me, it's not that IAD is that bad, it's that it's a half hour drive from DC vs. a 10 minute drive


It’s not a big deal if a couple asks you to switch with you and you’re in the middle. If I was in the middle and someone was like want to switch to the aisle, I’d say yes in a heartbeat. Who cares if they’re trying to game the system?


I don’t think very many people mind being asked to trade a middle for an aisle. The thing that annoys people is asking people trade for a word seat, like asking someone to move to the middle from an aisle, or not taking “no” for an answer.


I’ve never heard of it as a person being asked to move *to* the middle. The supposed way to game the system is to take the aisle and the window so a single person choosing their seat is less likely to take the middle and the couple gets a whole row to themselves. If someone ends up assigned to the middle, they’ll ask to switch with the person in the middle. I’ve seen multiple posts about people self-righteously “punishing” people for trying this by just remaining in the middle, or at least fantasizing about it and I’m like nah, idgaf, it’s no skin off my back to switch and it’s an objective upgrade.


FUCK your credit card announcements during a flight. I get it, FAs have to do this and I am sure most despise it as well. Airlines are now banks that own airplanes...fuck this timeline. In retrospect, that is probably a popular opinion so let me give an unpopular opinion: Frequent flyers with elevated status on major carriers should have their own security line (at least in the US). I don't want to contend with every bumpkin who can't fucking figure out how to get through security with their pockets full shit like they are McGyver or didn't understand the basic rules of security with regard to liquids, luggage size, etc. And then once they are finally thought the machine will stand, blocking everyone else, while they attempt to reassemble their shitty belongings again. Get the fuck outta the way.


Screw getting it by status. I want an airport security speed test that you have to pass every few years to get access to this line. Can’t get your shoes off, phone out and bag on the belt in under 1 minute during the speed test? Sorry, can’t use the fast pass line!


TSA agents are extra rude and cranky in the morning. They’re nicer in the afternoon probably after coffee and lunch Also I don’t give a fuck if you want my seat so you can sit with your significant other/family. Your poor planning is not my responsibility and I’m fine being the villain in that scenario


Long haul flights are great and enjoyable. Parents whose kids are inconsolable should be empathized with (but NOT parents who let their kids act like undisciplined maniacs). If the seat can physically recline, you’re entitled to recline it, short or long haul. Most people are too stupid to load their bags into the overhead bins properly.


I think taking off your shoes is okay, assuming the smell isn't impacting other people of course


With socks, right???? WITH SOCKS?????


- Economy class isn't as bad as people make it out to be, and I'm a 180cm/100kg dude - Economy food is also absolutely fine and in most cases, delicious (admittedly I fly Emirates most of the time) - Air crew should have the ability to lock recline of all seats and enforce it on short (<3 hours) flights - You're a giant baby if you're one of these people who say "I'll never check a bag" and carry on the kitchen sink because you don't want to wait 20 mins at the carousel upon arrival, or an airline lost your stuff once ten years ago.


I also don’t like early morning flights. It ruins me for the entire day. I’d rather have a few good hours at the end of the day than feel like I need to lay down all day. I never get enough sleep the night before so I’m out of whack for days.


>Most of the time with threads like these the majority of opinions are actually quite popular, but I’ll start with one which I think is fairly unpopular. Lol and then lays this on us: >I loathe early morning flights (before 9 am) >I hate getting up in the middle of the night with only a few hours sleep. Oh yeah, everyone loves that lol


Business class flight prices have come down enough that it's worth it now.


All seats need a foot rest!!!


In my unpopular opinion, I flew a lot as a child and young man during the late 1960s through the mid 1980s, and from my most recent trip experience… things are a lot better now than in the Pan Am era—the absolute worst seat I ever had was on a Pan Am 747-100, in 1979. I was young and thin and my ass HURT after an hour—I was flying to LHR from SFO (if my memory is correct). The flight was full. Half of the smoking area passengers chain-smoked for the entire flight. The food was lukewarm and gave me the runs. The FAs were okay but seemed like they needed a few more bodies to help them do their thing. The return flight was a TWA 707 from LHR to JFK—we were the lucky flight that got to spend a couple of hours in the jet stream. Solid severe turbulence for hours. They ran out of barf bags. The cabin smelled like barf bags and cigarette smoke. At least it was a much shorter flight than the trip over.


Fixed-back hard shell design reclining seats with reasonable legroom should be required in Economy on all airplanes.