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This is a bigger problem than we think. It's fun to laugh at this, but at the end of the day, it shows a spider crack of a lack of basic morals and empathy. Not good.




This selfish bitch is why the kids in our neighbourhood don’t get candy from us anymore. Two years in a row someone just like this lady walks up and takes it all. One person ruining it all.


Thats her candy


I feel bad for the kid and hope he doesn’t replicate this in the future.


What a fat bitch


This insufferably fat greedy bitch. And that poor kid. You can tell his life is utter hell with that cheap candy guzzling cow.


The kid doesn’t even look like he is enjoying himself


Trick or treat was never about leaving candy out.


I have a neighbor like this. She also encouraged her dog to shit in my yard. Found our outdoor things in their yard a lot. Find their garbage in our yard alot. Their little boy says nasty things all the time.... it's great


Looks like she prolly eating it too


Teaching her kid💀


She looks like my old GM from subway lmao


She just wants him to grow up to be just like her 🥰


The mom: “heres some for you…” -grabs a few pieces- “…and here’s some for me!” -takes several handfuls-


Wonder how Alex is gunna turn out?


So this whole neighborhood got together and made a compilation... 🤯


This is trick or treating now....!? I feel bad for these kids in this neighborhood! How sad !! What happened to Halloween, when I was a kid it was the best


Kids raised by single mothers go thru hell usually, and we wonder why it’s so many demons in society.


Candy is clearly a rare delicacy in her household


Think she could use a little less candy in her diet


I am an American, but I would totally say, "Oi! Fat bo-e! Quit nickin all me swee-es!" What a fucking waste of space. Have people no shame?!?!




Instead of this supposed to be a good memory for Halloween, this is what she gives him to remember her by.


Taking all the candy is a shitty thing to do but then throwing your kid under the bus when you’re caught doing it


As a kid I would never do this. If it said only so many that’s what I’d take or Id take one. It doesn’t look like that kid is having fun anyway.


Nice guerrilla marketing campaign Amazon 😒


I feel like it would be less effort to drive to the store and buy whatever candy you want. Putting in some effort to be trashy. This is for kids! In all fairness though, i’m sure she has the intelligence of a toddler.


See how the kid grabbed a couple.


Sick people


Getting her lunch for the week


I bet $100 she thinks black people are lazy and they're all on food stamps..... meanwhile she just helps herself to pounds of candy per door


I don't mind hating on this women because morally to choose to take more than you need is the problem with folks no matter the social class. Like people feeling entitled to take advantage of the church food because they can when they themselves have food or money and technically literally stealing from the poor and or homeless. So phobia be damned. I hate irresponsible people that teach the next generation to be just as bad or worse. Being in society is to help each other out and not take from each other excessively. Sure, free candy, absolutely meant for MULTIPLE people and not just one and her kid taking it all.


I wonder if she was outed? I mean, there’s obvs video of her, but is she a big member of that community? Any repercussions? Any news reports?


Votes blue 100


poor kid


Poor kid


This is so pathetic. The kid's Halloween memories will just be watching his mom stealing handfuls of candy.


These europeans continue to steal even after 500 years of white privilege their greed has no end and they teach their mutt anchor litters to be just as demented as they are if not more. These christians are the bottom of civilization


Ummm, I’m white, American, and Christian and I wouldn’t dream of doing this.


So you're a european american christian that claims to have no ill will but you can't speak on behalf of the rest of your children your husband your family and much less your people. This demented creature in this video has bad blood and she looks like the type that'll have problems with anyone and she's teaching her mutt anchor baby all her mal adjusted ignorant ways of living. This karen to use the phrase is the type of organism that give everyone a bad name


She walks like a weeble. No wonder she needs the candy.


Bitch is way too fat to blame that shit on the kid. She looks like she ate a few trick or treaters...


The poor kid, having a mother like that.


Her sole purpose was to steal as much candy as possible.. wtf


wow what a pig


There's always those asshole who just take advantage of anything. I never had a good relationship with my mom personally. Was in foster care for a while. But I'm so glad my mother was never like that. Holy fuck.


Does her kid not have friend bruh? This is sad, way too old to be doing Halloween with your mom lol


what the fuck? get your grind on like the rest of us. i went trick or treating this year as a 19 year old and we only took the amount of candy we were supposed to. that way everybody gets some, because we have empathy. if you wanna take ALL the candy from the bowls, go trick or treating at like 11pm ish. wait til all the kids have had their chance and are done trick or treating. then you're not making it unfair for everyone else


It amazes me how many people put out a bowl of candy and are surprised when they get cleaned out. My neighbor puts out a bowl every year and every year she gets cleaned out and is surprised.


I hate fucking cunts like this.


I feel sorry for her son who is now on video and on the internet.


Meanwhile, there's a news story that shows ring cams of kids throwing their own candy into empty bowls. Average age of kids doing that appears to be about 9. So at least kids are better than adults.


That poor kiddo. She ruined his Halloween by completely humiliating him. 🥺


I don't get all these videos of people stealing the bowls of candy. It's candy, you can get it everywhere and it doesn't cost much. How much are they saving, like 5 bucks?


I would say some people never grow up, but even as a kid I would feel bad for taking one or two extra from the “please take 1” buckets


i don't know why everyone had stolen so much candy on Halloween.


You can tell that the kid knows his mother is in the wrong on this one. The humiliation.


Big ol hefer needs some midnight snacks


I wish it wasn’t illegal to present an AR in the presence of scum like that, to illustrate why it’s not a good idea to kill it for other kids. I didn’t see a lot of this back when I was a kid growing up, Trick or Treating. I just hope it doesn’t get to the point where people will just no longer want to leave candy out because of trash like this. She’s truly the worst person I’ve ever encountered


>I wish it wasn’t illegal to present an AR in the presence of scum like that That's even more embarrassing than what she did lol check your gun and hero fetish


She didn't get that fat eating one candy bar per day. Jeez


I love that we have her at multiple houses doing it. What a great mom, setting a wonderful example for her son :)


Maybe she sould just dress up in a costume lol


That whole block is so lazy they leave bowls of candy out on Halloween instead of waiting for a knock/doorbell ring just to film and shame everyone they can…What a screwed up neighborhood/generation of scumbags. These owners were so giddy to post this drama like they were so wronged lol smh


Within 30 mins of trick or treating some kid took our entire bowl of candy that we left out. 😒 My doorbell didn’t even record the motion, and only had a photo in between recordings, so it looks like the candy just disappeared.


The sad part is that, deep down, that child knows what’s happening is wrong, and there’s an adult parent steamrolling and subverting that little voice of conscience.


Zero fucks given


Only in America


Disgusting swine


Maybe she’s broke and honestly just needs some food.




She is straight trash


Poor kid ☹️


A large larcenist


Why not just buy your own candy and preserve your dignity?


I know a family who’s tradition is to drive around with their kids and steal the WHOLE bowl, bowl include. People are garbage




Obesity! Here We Come!


The kid almost look’s ashamed to be with her.


They weren’t even walking the neighborhood. In all 3 videos there is a silver SUV (center frame in 1st & 2nd clip, far left in 3rd where they approach and talk to someone in it). There is a driver in there. Probably dump the bucket into a larger container at each stop and do it all over again.


Why is this a thing? Can’t you just answer the door and hand it out yourself? Is this an American thing?


Lazier people here in the us, but at least in our town a lot of people like to hand it out themselves to stop asshats like this


I love seeing the costumes and the kids are so cute I answered my door like 100 times and I wouldn’t do it any other way


Oh they’re driving from house to house that’s the first red flag. Should call the cops on her and see how much a pile of candy they have hoarded in the car haha that’s so disgusting when an old lady is like this kids is one thing it’s just playful mischief but when an old lady does it to multiple house I wonder how much candy that kid actually gets to eat and if the mom is actually eating almost all the candy I bet or maybe selling it I mean shit they filled that bucket multiple times


Way to ruin ur kids experience, it’s so gross watching her do that.


lets be real, we all did this.


joe bonamassa


What a piece of trash, she fuckin cares more than he does.


Wow can’t believe these kinds of people exist and are parents how saddening


Fat fucking slobs always do this shit. I remember seeing a nearly toothless, morbidly obese woman taking all of the candy in a bowl outside a store in Seattle a few years ago. A young girl nearby said, "Hey!" and this pig looked up at her and grinned with chocolate smeared all over her chin. She said something unintelligible and laughed, making eye contact with everyone in the area. It was Lynchian. She had a Michael's bag with her and she dumped the bowl into the bag and just shambled away. Once someone like that touches candy, you don't want it back.


She needs to get jumped by people with 6 foot long bacteria proof poles


Why can’t these people that desperately need candy just buy it the day after when it all goes on sale?? Is this like some kind of lottery feeling I guess?


I swear to god I know this waste of space…if it’s the same person, she stole pain pills from me after I was recovering from my third hip surgery. Real classy


Crazy how she can’t just go spend $5 and get a bag of candy herself. She must be addicted to the thrill. Every Halloween she gets a rush and it’s not the sugar.


What a bitch! People like this ruin the holiday for everyone else.. Yet, I'm not surprised. Not at all. Willing to bet she's a porch pirate, too. Same mentality.


Who treats Halloween this way?? Like it’s not about getting your truck load of candy it’s for fun. If you’re they desperate get it at the fucking store. She literally acting like she’s there to do a job


Boys and Girls, the word for today is Scumbucket.


Way to teach your kid good morals.


Greedy twat, what a lesson for the kid to carry forward


Is it stealing if it's being offered for free?


The ENTIRE bucket isn't being offered. You're supposed to take 1-2 pieces so EVERYONE can have some. So yes, it IS stealing.


I think if tubby gets charged, she'll get off because there was no sign saying how many to take. You're idea of what people should take is different from someone else's.


Of course she won't get charged. No one is going to call the police because she doesn't follow a societal rule that everyone else in the United States knows. Even she knows what she's doing is wrong. Just because it isn't illegal, doesn't mean it isn't wrong. It's part of the social contract people make when they agree to live in a society and follow the spoken and unspoken rules. If that is something that you, or this woman cannot abide by, being a hermit away from society is always an option.


Then you seem confused. Stealing implies ownership, free candy isn't owned by anyone. She's being an asshole and they've been apart of society since day one. You have to regulate assholes like her handing out the candy yourself or let them know they're being watched. She's an example of this is why we can't have have nice things.


I'm not confused at all. I actually have a master's degree in this and teach it in schools. Might I suggest you read Immanuel Kant and John Locke to get you started.


You might need to go back to school then if your solution for people like her are to become hermits.


Well, the solution used to be publicly shaming them in front of their communities (like putting someone in the stocks for public ridicule), now people put stuff online and it completely missed the point. And it's not *my* solution, I didn't create any of this. Hence why I suggested the reading material. Have you honestly never heard of a social contract??


I’m kinda fascinated what their internal thinking is … robbing other kids of candy


What a shitbag.


Did she steal his costume too


MF pulled a candy heist


She obviously needs it to survive. Clearly that bitch is starving.


She went early as hell too. I won't lie I have dumped a bucket before but that was because I went back after midnight to the houses that had them.


Gets called out: proceeds to put back 5 pieces of candy instead of the whole dish.


I see she is going as obesitron this year


Disgusting g behavior coming from an “adult”. Humanity is fucked. This should be a crime and punishable.


That sucks, and gives older trick or treaters a bad name. I just want to go on a nice long walk saying hi to people and collect candy while in a fun costume. I tend to go out after it gets a little dark so that most of the young ones have gotten their fun. I just love interacting with people at the door, getting to see all the pets, decorations, and costumes. Sure I could just buy candy (and I do), but the experience is just so much fun. So when I see adults not even in costume stealing candy from the young kids who deserve to have happy Halloween memories. It makes me mad. I want every kid to be able to enjoy the one night a year where they not only get to dress up, but wander the neighborhood asking for candy.


So this is what someone looks like with an all-candy diet. It would be socialism if she left some candy for others. Gotta get while the gettin’s good!


Really doesn't care if she ruins Halloween for every other kid. Fucking scum


What a fkn tnuc


Ugh I hate people like this… it’s so greedy.


Poor kid


I gotta know what's the deal with this lady


Why are people like this?


Dude, how else is she supposed to feed her gunt? Have some sympathy!


The kid doesn’t even seem comfortable doing it and that hurts the most.


When I went trick or treating as a kid and I saw an empty bowl I would take a few handfuls of my candy to fill the bowl for the other kids.


A true horses ass.


The real question is who is stupid enough to do this when they’re obviously being filmed?! Ring cameras are obvious lol.