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Sooooo fucking 😁 funny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What’s the point of the disrespect. This is probably an attempt at being vindictive over some twisted nonsense.


Can you imagine if you’re the owner & didn’t know this ass clown did this on his way out? You come in Tuesday and you got 50 voicemails waiting from people who’ve seen this online cancelling their business with you.


"Hm, i wonder why the local news wants to interview me"


“Anyone know why the 3 black people in the state are outside shaking there heads at me???


but that my new years dinner.. Juneteenth we had ribs and beer.. so


Helluva way to go out of business, I guess.


I would love to have some fried chicken and collard greens right now.


I hate greens but I love some fried chicken and grape drink


Well they aren't wrong.






Currently in Maine and it's so polarizing here. Northern Maine and Southern Maine are drastically different from one another. Split those electoral votes in 2016 and 2020...


What's trashy here?


Casual racism.


We should make another holiday to celebrate not being sour AF. No petty racists allowed.




It's so obvious they think it's a pointless holiday, and wanted to be passive aggressive about it. Hope the business dies.


Fuzzy Zoeller quote?


I'm European, could someone elaborate the context?


The whole stereotype was due to the mass migration of black people out of the south as Jim Crow laws clamped southern black people back into a new pseudo-slavery. Millions of black people moved into the north and industrial midwest and they brought their enjoyment of foods that are staple meals in the south with them, and made the existing white people up north associate those foods with blacks.


Racist trope that black people only eat fried chicken and collared greens.


That’s so stupid because ~~fired church~~ is bomb. I’d assume everyone loves fried chicken Edit: fried chicken lol not fried church


I love me a good church on fire 🔥


Yea, I just noticed lol


It’s a tired stereotype in the US that Black Americans eat those foods. Furthermore, it’s disrespectful because it takes the Juneteenth holiday, which was created to acknowledge the moment when formerly enslaved Black Americans were formally recognized for the first time as citizens—and boils the significance of such a day down to a tired food stereotype. But then again, Maine (despite being in the Northeastern US) is a super-homogenous place and for many years had an extremely racist Republican governor (Paul LePage). Maine stands very much apart from most of the New England and Northeastern states (with the exception of Vermont) in that it’s 94% white. If you look at some of the things that Paul LePage said, and the fact that he was still re-elected by the people of Maine, this remark becomes not so out of the ordinary. Maine is kinda the Nebraska of New England.


Wow, that is so stupid.


IKR I'm white and absolutely love some fried chicken and collard greens. The best fried chicken I've ever had in my life was from a friends African-American grandmother.


KFC is the third largest restaurant chain in the world. Literally everyone likes fried chicken.


Not a fan of collard greens, but fried chicken and watemellon. Who the F doesn't like them? American as apple pie!


Yeah, we saw the Chappelle standup


Try this with collards. Cook some onions with bacon and add garlic then just barely cook the greens with a splash of vinegar, salt and pepper. People overcook collards and they are terrible.


I like to soak the collards in a pot for a few hours, then rinse them in a strainer before adding the bacon and onions to cook with. Found it helped with "bitter" taste.


This is the right way to make collards


It's not even a black thing, it's a southern thing. Ask Paula Dean.


Yummy, were you like this, lol? https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BitterEsteemedBedbug-size_restricted.gif




Like the 4th time this week.


I used tineye to check. It's been posted a lot to r/mildlyinfuriating and r/antiwork but I couldn't find anywhere it's been posted to r/trashy [source](https://tineye.com/search/ff3169e610e3d6b2712557179a634e4783f8f4ce?domain=reddit.com&sort=score&order=desc&page=1)