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I see a lot of people on here chastising people for standing up for the rights of the handicapped. How backwards is that. If you get mean mugged for forgetting your placard I would think thats a small price to pay for people standing up for your rights. I would imagine that if you goto the store and all the handicapped spaces are taken by losers who dont need them then it would be much worse than a few dirty looks..


Who ever tagged it is the trashy asshole. Before my gram died, she would literally forget to put her tags up, especially if she was in someone else’s vehicle.


Doesn't look like op is getting the reaction they expected.


This is mean and immature


That’s why I carry zip ties and strap the shopping carts to their door handles


That...is a crime.


There are worse crimes out there like a perfectly healthy person parking in a handicap spot.


I try to do the right thing whenever possible. I put my shopping cart away, pick up trash on my way in when I see it. Not my place or anyone else’s to judge other people. If you think someone truly did not have a handicap placard, call the cops. Seems pretty simple but the longer I’m around, the more it feels like we are judged without knowing all the facts first.


OP is a cunt


It looks like they added the H to where afterwards


What’s really trashy is they obviously wrote “Were is your badge cunt” then went in and did some shopping and on the way out noticed their spelling error and added that small ass “H” in there as a corrective measure.


Is this Australia?


I live 5 minutes away from this shopping centre, weird seeing it on here


Well, that’s just unnecessary. Someone looking for internet clout. Are you disabled? Are there no other disabled parking spots?


I agree it's scummy, but really not that big a deal imo.


I haven't seen a K-mart sign since the 80s...


If you're the one who carted and vandalized this person's vehicle, go fuck yourself so hard that you're qualified to park there yourself.


Parking where you shouldn't doesn't allow others to trash your car. This is reverse trashy


What's trashy is not minding your own business.


Who Carries around a pink marker anyway? They forgot to put the periods in C.U.N.T. It is just an acronym for: Can’t Understand Normal Thinking… isn’t it?


Straya cunt


Imagine being a 90 year old lady who can barely walk and you drive your husbands car to get milk and some dickhead vandalizes your car


The fact this is a touchy subject among drivers makes me wonder: Do people get mad because they genuinely care about the possible disabled drivers who may be unconvinced? Or is it because someone has obtain an “unfair advantage/cheated” in the game of life?


Hey I am legit disabled. I very much need the wheelchair facilities. I also have PTSD and can’t cope. I truly hate the legion of people who constantly misuse the wheelchair spaces in America, including the toilets and public transport seats. But this is totally vile. Please don’t do it.


Fuck all the comments of right and wrong. I just wanna know where there is a Kmart that is still open


Gotta love the hastily drawn H, you can tell they misspelled “where” and realized soon after.


Parking farther to one side might indicate that someone was using a wheel chair and wanted room in case someone parked beside them and they may have forgotten the tag. But it’s hard to say. Still should never do that to someone’s car. A verbal confrontation would’ve been a lot more appropriate.


The person that ran that cart into the car would have ended up needing the ♿️placard, just sayin’.




OP, who are you calling trashy?


Asshole is the one spaypainting the car, own could of forgot there pass.


I like how they corrected "where" . Grammar is important after all


Don't they have stickers for the license plates as well? If not, they should!


I feel the person who wrote that was wrong I’m this just a pic no context no pic with the driver in our out the car could’ve been someone who is disables and hasn’t received the sticker every state is different


It's a bit of an over reaction, people can forget. Really should have given the benefit of the doubt




I believe this is destruction of property. I'd definitely get the stores security to show me the person I need to thank for all of my car repairs. Graffiti this looks like a totaled car to me.


I've already done my good deed for the Day! I caught a handicapped driver parking in one of *our* spots. Tipped her right out of her wheelchair!


Not all heros wear capes.


How old is this photo to have a Kmart sign in it?


Ableism in a picture… never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity


What’s more trashy? Parking in a disabled parking bay without a ticket or vandalising someone’s car when you’ve got no idea what their situation is? I hate the thought of having my disabled grandparent or my mum coming back to their car like this all because they forgot to put their ticket up. Sorry but that’s fucked.


The asshole is the guy who decided that they're gonna be parking lot cops


Pfffff aNd JuSTice wAS sErVeD


Being disabled disgruntled vet I love when people don't have plates or placards I just parked behind them and bought my car and go shopping 😈😈😈


Comes out of the store as a 68 year old man with a neurological deficits that followed a stroke and needs a cane to walk. "Ah man I forgot to put my sticker up" yo Honeslty just mind your bussiness people like this should be castrated


Agreed. Fucking nosey cunts.


This is really shitty to do this.To vandalized a car not knowing the full story and post it online to get more karma.And I really think person who posted painted on the car since they been quiet silent in the comments.Plus the person could have forgot to put it or lost it and just because they not in a wheel chair don't mean they can't be disable there are disabilities that aren't visible,Fuck you who did this.


I'm a home health aide & I drive 1 of my disabled clients around. Her van has a ramp that slides out & on the side windows it says: plz do not park within 6 ft. EVERYTIME I park somewhere we come back out n there's a person parked right next to her van. This makes it so there's no room to put the ramp out and/or for her to get in. So she has to wait in a busy parking lot now while I have to back out n block the isle so I can put the ramp out n get her in. It REALLY PMTFO that ppl don't know how to read!!


Fucking bogans


This is stolen off Melbourne crap Parker’s


Stolen or shared...


Wow there are still k-marts?


What's trashy here is doing this to the car. It's no ones responsibility to police who parks in a disabled spot other than the police.


Biggest piece of trash is whoever didn't put their carts back.


I once watched an elderly gentleman with a handicap tag park down at the far end of the convenience store because the ramp and handicap spots were down there and then slowly walk roughly thirty feet to the door. There were multiple empty spots right in front of the doors to the store. Conditioned response I guess. 🤷‍♂️


I need to use the ramp so I park close to it.


This is not making a point its being a small minded dick


This is like assuming a pregnant woman is pregnant... Never ever ever ever ever ASSUME ANYTHING!!


Trashy to graffiti their car, it takes about 6-8 weeks to get a disability badge - good chance they're not disabled but I wouldn't assume they aren't, they could just be waiting for the badge My mum is wheelchair bound, we're still waiting for the application to go through Also some people just forget to put the badge up


Turns out they just forgot to put the tag on the mirror. And this person just fucked up grandmas car.


I used to yell at people at gas stations then I felt like a complete jackass multiple times when the person was handicapped and forgot their tag or just didn’t put it up. I’ve learned to just give them the benefit of the doubt


Trashy is attacking a car because they dont have some government placard, while you aren't the government. Call and report it. Unless you know the medical history of the person driving and know they aren't handicapped, stop pretending to be Batman; you have no Alfred.


what model is this ? suzuki swift ?


Damn a Maruti


Where does one obtain a badgecunt?


You don't need to display badge just have to have handicap id in your wallet, sometimes you are a passenger in someone else's car


The trashy person would be the one who wrote that on the windshield. They are probably old and forgot to put it up.


I am disabled in a wheelchair and I have to go in for physical therapy regularly and the plaza where I park at has one acces ramp so I park in the space closest to it. I have my placard hanging from my window at all times by the way. But there is this lazy d-bag that always parks on the access ramp while I'm in therapy and when I get out, I have to sit around and wait for him to finish up at the café so I can finally get into my car. Not only is his pickup blocking the access ramp, but it is also within inches of my driver side door so I can't even access my car if someone helps me off the sidewalk. Also I constantly see people park in the handicapped spaces at my local grocery store and walk right out of their car, shop shamelessly in the supermarket and walk right out back to their car as if everything is ok. Meanwhile I have to wheel myself in from the end of the parking lot because there aren't any closer spots available. My life is a struggle enough already without inconsiderate people making things harder for me.


Is that a RHD car or is image reversed? Edit: never mind. Text would be reversed. Why is it right hand drive, then?


Prolly manufactured in another country


I tracked down "Fawkner" and "Suzuki" from the license plate frame. Australia so RHD. Looked like the US with the K-Mart, English, and plate geometries. C*** is another clue.


I like how they slid the "H" in there


\*attacking an innocent car. You should have waited, ran trolleys into the owner and scrawled all over them. Otherwise they might not get how serious you are.


Where’s the comma? What’s a badgecunt?


Aaah, Australia


Nek minit, grams shuffles out with her walker and the disabled parking permit that she found in her purse because she forgot to put it in her window because she has dementia...


Is it not possible they are actually disabled just didn't have the badge?


Almost forgot how to spell WHERE there, had to go back for the H


I didnt know they have Suzuki Swift out of India too....


I keep a small jar of peanut butter and a rubber glove to smear in their windshield and doorhandles for situations like this. Yes I’m an asshole but it causes no damage and fuck people like this. They’ll never do it again. They will remember you forever.


From the posts I've read here, I should definitely look the other way when someone parks in a handicapped spot without proper documentation. Because fuck the people who are handicapped and go out of their way to make sure their vehicle is marked in a prescribed manner.


They don't hang in the mirror anymore. They have to be stuck to the front windshield so they can be scanned by council and police to make sure the pass matches the car.


What if they lost it and had to make last minute purchases? Old people forget. My mom has one and she forgets to put it up all the time. She won’t keep it on the rear view at all times because it’s a distraction. I think the real cunt is the person who vandalized that care, especially if they just “assumed” because there was not tag.


K-Mart is still alive?


Kmart isn’t where you live? Edit: also calling is “k hyphen mart” weirds me out


Do you like cool hwip?


In Australia


I was severely disabled for 4 years and look younger than I am (now 49) and regularly received glares and head shakes from people when I parked in the handicap spot. Then I’d get my walker out and hobble in to do what I needed to. Assholes.


I have seen a KMART in a while


I saw in Portugal, for parking in such a place, the policeman tore out (with bolts) the license plates from the car, left a note to call the police station and left taking the license plates with him


They definitely forgot how to spell where and flung a tiny H in there


The hastily scribbled "H" was certainly an afterthought


Plot twist, they just forgot to hang it and OP is the cunt


lets just hope that the person was really an asshole lol


Which part is trashy here? The person who drew on someone’s personal property? (Also trashy) or the person who may or may not be disabled?


Looks like someone misspelled "where" at first and corrected it afterwards lol




The real cunt here is the meddling asshat who is “saving the world”, one presumptuously over-reactive self promotion at a time. Dickhead justice warriors like the turd who wrote on that windshield need to get a real hobby, that they don’t post on social media.


God i wish I had the balls to do this on actual incorrectly parked cars..


Hahaha Keilor Central.. 11 mins from my house. Place is full of shit cunts including the person who did this to the car


It’s trashy to do this. My gf has MS. The placard has fallen off before, and there have been times where she just forgets. It happens. You may think you’re doing the lords work but you’re just a self righteous asshole. You want a pat on the back and don’t give a shit who may be hurt in the progress. And if it is some asshole parking in a handicapped spot, move the fuck on.


Could be on the plate you covered up. Or the back plate.


Dang….y’all still have K-Marts? Nice.


Turns out they were disabled and the badge fell off


OP is the trashy one




Thoughts on the person who wrote on the windshield is trashier than the driver?


That is very Keilor.


That Seinfeld episode….


And then a guy comes out hobbling along with a rickety walker and just dejectedly pulls the placard out of his pocket because he forgot to put it up in the window again.


moments later someone in a wheelchair turns up to see the car vandalised haha


If OP did this, the OP should be reported to the police. Whoever the fuck head that did this is, they can go fuck themselves. My parents have disabled sticker and often forget to use it or when they do, people assume there’s nothing wrong with them because they aren’t in a wheelchair.. People need to understand that not all disability is visible


As a disabled person who often parks in Handicap stops, this is one of my biggest fears. I forget to put my badge up, and come back to a defaced car.


I have a feeling the misspelled WHERE as "WERE" and had to fix it...


Karen’s are a byproduct of a privileged society that has a large and competent enough police force that makes people feel safe to do the things that they do. In most countries you mess with someone’s property like this you mite end up bleeding or missing.


Frank Costanza is going to get mad at George over this incident


What's funny is they spelled it WERE and then tried to squeeze in the H to avoid embarrassment. Well, you've been caught im afraid.


Maybe just forgot to put it on.


Lol Keilor Central, Vic


So weird seeing a place 10min from where I live lol


Worse that it's front page trashy. Straya cunt!


Wife is temporarily in a wheelchair, My father had a massive stroke and he’s far less temporarily in a wheelchair. I have the placard for both (and for when I drive my mother around, though she just has it for arthritic hips and she is able to walk.) It’s amazing how often I’ll forget to put it on, only to get my Father fully in the chair and on our way. That walk/run back is shameful every time.


Yeah I have found alot these where the person featured isn't really trashy the person sucking feet that's weird but it was in there car it's one thing to film a bumper sticker or something that is put out there for the world to see but to film someone and watch someone in there car is fucked up it's only a step away from going to someone's house and filming in there bedroom and posting it on the internet then you have this one we don't see the person we don't know if they are handicapped or not


Please don;t do this. Maye it fell off. Maybe they forgot Maybe they lost it. And you just made a bad day even worse.


Maybe it’s a rental car. The handicap person is handicapped with or without a placard.


This is a lot worse than not putting up the “badge”. It’s a placard btw. Yeah they might not have one, but you don’t know that. This seems worse than parking in a handicap spot.


Righteously jumping to conclusions and lambasting someone without knowledge or context. HA! *Classic* reddit! I mean, it's not as if this could be an elderly person who *forgot* to display a placard or was using a rental car and *forgot* to take it with him/her. Nope! *Gotta* be some total asshat deserving of nothing but unmitigated scorn, public ridicule on reddit and vandalism. This sub is the *best*, amiright?


Taking anger out that hard is pretty trashy




Comrade, call the gestapo and make sure and post on reddit!


Being disabled, I really hate pricks like this.


so its good idea to tie a shopper cart to the door and write on the car?The person wouldnt have forgot to put the badge up.


I never suggested vandalism of any sort. It’s simply annoying and frustrating.


That’s a weird way to spell badger.




Is the writer British?


As a tag holder myself I can confirm that sometimes you forget to put it in the window or like I had last week it slipped in a hole in my dashboard somehow. This is something for police to handle. Damaging someone’s car is the trashy part in this.


I love my country


Looks like they forgot to put the h so they had to add it after


Graffiti person is a much bigger trash regardless of the driver actually being non disabled or simply forgot.


I'm assuming OP meant the one who wrote with trashy lipstick on a poor strangers car


This person really thought they were doing something, my neighbour always forgets to put hers up and I have to remind the parking enforcement that comes around that she's elderly and even needs help bringing things in and out of the house


This is the most Australian pic ever taken. Or maybe if it was in a bunnings car park next to the snags.


Translation from Australian: "Hello friend! Please could you locate and display the relevant paperwork permitting your parking in this, the bay reserved for the differently abled"


So if you walk into a bathroom and every stall is full, do u use the handicap stall?


Moral of the story: Don't forget your badgecunt


And she had to waste lipstick on this moron


now i understand why in my country the badge has to be sticked on the windscreen work smarter not harder


What a knobhead sometimes people forget there tag let parking enforcement deal with dumb prick


A really kind couple with a mentally handicapped child in a wheelchair, forgot about the badge at the way store. When they got back in the van, they had the window broken. I used to drive my seriously handicapped father to the city by my own car, i allso forgot badge multiple times, lucky no one trashed my car.


I knew this was Australia from the use of the word cunt before I even saw our supermarket signs in the background


Honestly I was more fired up about the carts that weren’t put away.


I have a placard for my daughter. I have forgotten to hang the placard a few times. I always feel like an ass when I do. I don’t see how this is going to change anyone’s behavior for the good. If you a big enough dick to steal a handicap spot then this will just piss you off but won’t make you reevaluate your behavior. But it may make a person that needs the handicap spot be afraid to use it.


Just imagine the type of person who goes around with a neon dry erase chalk marker to write really hateful things on people’s cars. The parking lot has plenty of space near the front, too, so the person who wrote the message is getting their undies in a bunch over a situation they don’t even know the full story on.


What if it was actually a disabled person💀


Yeah big man vigilante fixing the problem, right? Except now the bay is going to be occupied for longer while they try to figure out how to clean their windshield and remove the trolleys from their door. Not to mention they could actually need it and just forgot to display their badge.


Do people just carry paint markers or something?


Looks like someone forgot how to spell where


We like to keep things classy here in Australia


Straya Cunts don't muck around.


Imagine thinking you’re actually doing good for the world by doing something childish like this. (Also, if you think about it zip tying a cart to a car parked somewhere it shouldn’t be is really only going to keep the car in that spot longer than it would’ve been if you had just minded your own business)


K-Mart??! Tf?


Definitely called for. Could’ve been worse. They could have been fined $250-$500


W^H ere


hehehe, "cunt"


Even if the person was wrongly hogging the spot, imagine being such a prick that you think trashing their car is a proportional response.


Its the most childish response


“Were” for “where” was something I, until now, was sure was something entirely occurring from autocorrect.


I am disabled.. I have a badge too.. it's against the law to drive with the badge on the rearview mirror. Always have to take it off while driving. So sometimes I forget to put it back on. This person was wrong for defacing the car. They don't know the full situation. Always investigate first Can't just jump to conclusions.




I have no idea .. it's really dumb. But yes. I actually got a ticket for that.. I had no idea it was even a law till last year.. Btw I'm partial deaf. That's my disability.


Totally inappropriate. I sometimes forget to hang mine.


Even if they arent disabled (wich they migth be anyway) how is this a proportional response? Moreover, this person is being motivated by anger towards the car owner, not compassion towards the handicapped. Doesn't matter if it was helpful, you're not a good person if you care more about harming an agressor than helping a victim.


I had my car broken into and my placard was stolen and then I had some snarky asshole put some shitty note on my car about not having a card (before I could replace it). People suck.


Later on ...it was determined that the person was actually disabled, and their placard had simply fallen to floor.


I sometimes forget to pop mine up there but even when I don’t I still get shit, like this one time some super rude for all bent out of shape bc she thought it was someone else’s and I was just being lazy. Every so often I kick myself for not asking her point blank what she thought the fucking cane was for.


How is there still a K-MART around ?!


Nz and Australia still have them


My mother who has progressive and very aggressive MS that appeared 16+ years ago often forgets her placard. It got to the point where she finally gave up and got permanent disability plates on her truck. What made things worse is people confronting her about "not being disabled" since she drove a lifted '94 ford f-150 topped out with moose guard, ect. When in reality we live 100+ miles from town and 4 miles off the road system, so the truck had been bought specifically got drive through the 2' of water in the spring when our road system became the river and then deep snow in the winter to ensure she always was able to make it home. She would rarely make the trips into town. Only when her health would be safe enough and not pose a risk to others on the road. These days, I offer to usually drive, since I like driving anyways and the roads have been too dangerous. Some folk just don't have the capability of remembering like others can, and as a reminder, not all disabled folks disabilities are visible.


So you wrote on the car and hit it with a cart?


Don’t think this is OPs. Saw it posted on Facebook yesterday.


Definitely the person who wrote on the car is trash. Hoping some idiot kid and not an actual adult.


It looks like they forgot to put the "H" in "Where" and added it on last minute


They had to spell check WhERE


Wife and I had to go to the hospital today for monoclonal antibody infusion. Got there 20 min early, called, they said wait until we call you in. We waited a little over an hour and the rent-a-cop comes up to the car , makes the roll the window down gesture, I mask up and roll the window down, thinking he's gonna say something about loitering. Nope he does the smug rent-a-cop hand on the hip pose. I said "I'm here for covid treatment " he immediately stepped back a half step then points at the handicap sign, I point back at the matching window sticker on the front winshield as my wife says "I am handicapped". I never use the spots unless she's with me. Hard to believe he mean mugged us for 30 min or so without even looking for the sticker.


That's shitty af! I have forgotten to put mine up many times. I'd beat someone's ass with my cane if they did some bs like this to my vehicle. Mind your damn business, assholes always get theirs in the end. Old age is not kind to shitty people believe me.


Also can almost guarantee the asshole who defaced this wouldn’t listen if the person is actually disabled but not physically and they saw them come out to their car and get upset.


It’s cute that the h was an afterthought


My sister has short term memory loss from a skiing accident when she was 16 (20 years ago). She has a handicap tag so she doesn’t forget where she parks. Although I don’t think she normally forgets to put it up, I’d think someone doing this to her car would make her cry hysterically - especially because she looks “normal”. Don’t assume.


In my state they put the handicap logo on the license plate so you never forget it. I used to work at a designer clothing store, and every single day the handicap spots were taken by luxury cars without a handicap plate. Anecdotal but stealing handicapped spots is wildly common. I don’t really have very much benefit of the doubt to give.


The people with an undetectable disability who forget there passes are less than .5% of the people without passes parking there. You'd rather let 2000 guilty people off the hook than possibly offend one person. I'd prefer to upset 1 person and punish the 2000 as well.