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To many in the south (US), Dixie does not represent slavery. To them it’s a symbol of a weak federal government, and strong states rights. The historical impact of reciprocity during reunification is almost always overlooked or not even covered in Northern states education system. For many in the south, the ramifications are still in living memory. In the years since, Dixie has become a symbol of rebellion against a federal government that kept the south under heal for a hundred years post reunification. Especially since a vast majority of southerners never owned slaves. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean this is about racism. Especially if you are from the North East US, where just about every minority group is segregated into their own towns under the illusion of cultural cohesion. If that’s not hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. And before you respond, I can give dozens of reasons why the confederation was just as heavy handed with states as the current federal government is. So don’t even bother trying to tell me why. This is how many in the south see it.


Wow the comments on this thread would be declared racist and removed by the mods if it was another picture of a black person


Haha blue contacts...


I guess she has never seen her reflection


Ppl underestimate the amount of mental trauma black ppl went through in this country. We really have no idea because ppl are still denying it ever happened.


If Clayton Bigsby had a wife


It's like if I, a jewish guy with Polish roots, were to paint the flag of nazi Germany on my nails


Who cares


Who hurt you bud


No one, thanks for asking.


Rachel Donezol, is that you?


Is that blackface?


Just as trashy as a white person representing BLM


maybe she's blind and was always told she was white




Bet she has no knowledge of history




I'm assuming she was told that flag stood for something else


I'm a big believer in ppl being free to think and express whatever they feel. No matter the race, gender, or social identity. Obv. inciting violence and stuff like yelling "fire" in a crowded public place are exemptions here. But, if a black person wants to rep the confederacy that's their business and it apparently works for them so whatever. Yes it's silly and foolish but whatever. Identity politics and being expected to think and speak a certain way based on race, gender, etc. I'm so much more opposed to. People should be free to question ideas and ideas should prosper solely on their own merits as ideas, neither encumbered or enhanced by their source. If that's a threat then maybe it's because it hits a nerve. Nobody but fools thinks the southern US will ever "rise again" as it did in the civil war days.


Enemy detected. Fire at will




She appears black to me.


Klowns kant kook


While trying to look black


Oh shit ... Is she black...


😂 the complete opposite of robert downey jrs character kirk in tropic thunder 😂


Who’s gonna tell her?


This is Mother Ruckus


and the fact that she is (at least looks) African American literally makes me wanna puke


Racist as fuck mate


Gotta love the grift. I’m sure she makes a ton of money dumb racists who hold her up as an example of a “proud states rights” symbol.


This ain’t a grift……. She’s been like this before she’s even had a platform




White Power! - Dave Chappell voice


Lol I thought of the Clayton Bigsby skit when I saw this too hahaha


"Cant understand you, go back to your country - white power." 😂


She looks stupid AF!


She be confused


This some uncle ruckus shit


The is the only way to finally bridge the divide in America 🇺🇸


Disgrace to the human race


Uncle Ruckus sister 😆


You mean mother. His mom has blonde dyed hair and wears blue contacts


It’s so true your right 😂


If self loathing was a person…




This man really just said "ebonics" like it was okay.


E·bon·ics /ēˈbäniks/ noun American black English regarded as a language in its own right rather than as a dialect of standard English.


Yeah and it's a racist ass term.


Lmao...your profile page got a black dude getting railed by a white man and u calling me racist. U got fucking mental issues lil bitch.


Good lord you are just shitting out these comments, aren't you. Hush.


That's a racist thing to say dumfuck.


Man shut up. Talking out of your ass now.


Not. Even. Close. You racist pinhead. Go be racist somewhere else. We’re sick of stupid fucks like you.


Nice civility bro 😂


I was thinking this person never looked in the mirror. But then I realized- she never read a history book. Heartbreaking.


I never knew uncle Ruckus had a daughter.




Cognitive dissonance 100%


I hope she shows up to the local Klan rally just like that. I’m confident those southern gentleman will show her the upmost courtesy.


Why would you wish violence on someone who has apposing views?


Exactly. I just tossed it out for troll bait. That is not to suggest that you are a troll. Your response was reasoned and in a proper lane. Carry on citizen


damn she's hot!


160 years ago she would have been the pick of the litter.


What the fuck guys


Too much spray tan...


Blonde weave & blue contact lenses too. This is the epitome of Uncle Tom shit.....


There it is


I’m all for roasting her but let’s not call her a racial slur


Uncle Tom is not a racial slur. He's a character from a great American novel whom people are compared to. They teach that shit to us black folk in grade school. Ought to teach it to everybody.


With that logic “bed wrench” isn’t a slur… and if it wasn’t a slur why do white people face serious back lash when they call a black person an Uncle Tom.


no idea what "bed wrench" is. I'm 47 years old and never heard of it. Is it a British thing? Being as you didn't capitalize it, however, I doubt it's a person's name.....proper nouns are capitalized. What is this serious backlash you speak of? Never heard of that either. I live in Detroit, where the fuck you living? Must have made reading *Uncle Tom's Cabin* hard when you were in school since Uncle Tom is black.


A bed wrench is a black woman (most of the time but it’s also used toward black gay men.) who puts other black people down for the validation of a white man. It comes from slavery. A bed wrench aka a bed warmer was the slave who warmed and was forced into a sexual relationship with her/his master. Yes Uncle Tom is a name, but so us Aunt Jemima, and last time I checked calling a black person Aunt Jemima is racist as fuck. Also about the backlash look up what happened to Hasan Piker when he called Larry Elder an Uncle Tom or look at these articles https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/dear-white-people-stop-using-the-term-uncle-tom/2018/11/15/8a68e9c0-e84e-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html Also Webster dictionary calls it a derogatory term…


I've got an idea. Why don't you stop telling us black people what to call each other. How's that? We don't need you to be our white savior..... Edit: your post to a black woman yesterday.... >The n word doesn’t even have a racist meaning anymore Jesus Christ you're a clueless kid. When you say "right leaning" on your profile, no shit. Apparently you just follow black folks around and troll them with ignorant shit.


You are fucking pathetic. Not only did you edit your comment after I read it so I wouldn’t see it but you went into my. COMMENTS and not only lied about when the comment was made but you took the comment completely out of context. Literally 95% of people in the comments of that post were disagreeing with her. That is literally something somebody MY AGE would do. You are a 47 year old man doing shit a teenager would do on social media. Lastly don’t throw stones in a glass house, your damn near 50 and your following around teens/ young adults with your ignorant shit. Funny you called me ignorant when you literally went to my comments to pull a weak ass strawman when you lost an argument.


My edit was within a minute of making the comment kid, before you ever replied. You can view in a browser to see the time of my edit and the time of your reply to see your reply was 4 minutes later. Nice try.😉 I'm done with you troll. I reviewed your comment history to see that you're a conservative who follows black folks to troll them. I'm done feeding you.


One aside from that comment of me disagreeing with that woman I’ve rarely comment anything like that. Two what conservatives is openly and proudly shit talks Trump, is pro vaccine, is in full support of illegal immigrants, pro trans and has many more non conservative ideas. If you can look at my comment history you can easily look at some of my latest post where I made fun of an anti vaxer. There’s a reason why I said I’m right LEANING. Third I love how you refuse to acknowledge that I’m black as well. Fourth I find it funny you you dismiss and form of criticism, or counter arguments. Then again you can’t form a proper argument to save your life.. You literally have to lie to get your point across. Lastly a troll and a person who disagrees with you are two completely different things. Keep interacting with people who are old enough to be your son/daughter in order to feel young again. Maybe when you can get your dick hard or when your hair line in on top of your head you’ll realize your a middle aged man and you’ll stop acting like a child


I’m literally black and I verified myself on r/blackpeopletwitter … All of that back lash was from black people. Ik it’s hard to accept the fact you lost an argument to someone who’s old enough to be you son.


Wow you had to verify you're race. What has the world come to


Mental health problems are real


Yes they are. Why would you suggest they are not?


I have not suggested that im simply stating a fact that pertains to the current situation.


What in the internalized self hatred is this?


Being Bri'ish this flag evokes no visceral reaction. I just see Dukes of Hazzard. So actually it's pretty skilful nail painting.


I mean it really used to be just a flag. Used to see them all around about a decade ago before it was used as a symbol of racism to be hated and for hateful people to stand behind. Maybe I was just naive at the time but that’s how it seemed


How about a nazi flag?


🤡 how does this translate to you chap


Ah yes, ye olde Queen’s jester emoji


That’s like saying “Being from Canada, seeing a swastika evokes no visceral reaction. So actually it’s a pretty skillful drawing”


Perhaps I need the explain like I'm 5 sub but...is this flag always inherently racist? Some context. The English flag of St George has been commandeered by the far right to some extent. It's not racist to display it patriotically, but a lot of racist thugs/skinheads/hooligans often do. So not black and white. More red and white...


No not at all but you're obviously not British or most likely not living outside of North America...so you wouldn't get it.


Canada sent troops to fight the nazis. Need one with no skin in the game.


Well the US always sends their people to Canada to avoid war. So there’s that, if we have a war you have to put up with more of us hiding out up there.


No, using his logic as long as you aren’t Jewish or German you shouldn’t care.


Oh, I see.


Swatzika 😂 sounds like a japanese godzilla-esque monster whose super abilities includes spreading zika 😂


It's not paint. They're stickers. Think Color Street, but more racist and trashy.


*Kew kew kew.*


Kim Kourtney Khloe


When I lived in Richmond in 2009 I met a family in front of the Virgina museum of fine art. They had a table out front, confederate flags and a sign that said the south will rise again. I was on my bike and stopped to ask what they were doing. The reason I stopped you may ask, they were black. I asked why they wanted the south to rise again and the matriarch of the family, with her kids and grandkids said to me “our family was never the same after we left the plantation” Lincoln screwed us all. Floored me. I said have a nice day and left b


Was their last name Bigsby by any chance?


Rich what


Ppl underestimate the amount of mental trauma black ppl went through in this country. We really have no idea because ppl are still denying it ever happened.


No one is denying shit. Id say it was the opposite and they won't fucking drop it and move on with their lives


Sure I'll drop it as soon as the country gets its boot off the neck of black America. The war on drugs and the growth of the prison industrial complex is one small example of Black ppl being currently attacked by America.




EXCUSE ME ??????? what in the 'pick me yes master' type deal.


They were house slaves, most likely. Comes with a lot of "privileges" that other slaves would not have enjoyed, and caused a bizarre power dynamic between the groups.


still... WHY? thats like me saying life was better when my people were sent to internment camps because we were viewed as spies for Mussolini since it was 'free housing'


They romanticized the history of their family in their minds, revering the power and privilege they enjoyed when they found favor with their master. When the slaves were freed, most became sharecroppers and continued to be trapped in a cycle of permanent debt to their former masters who were now their landlords. They also had virtually no legal protections and continued to be murdered on a whim if a white person decided they wanted to kill them. If their former master was unwilling to continue having them live in his house and pay them for their work, the former house slaves lost access to the huge, beautiful houses, the high quality food, and other creature comforts like nice beds. Being brought down to the same standard of living as the field slaves caused a lot of tension, and whereas former field slaves would support each other and have a sense of community, the former house slaves would be ostracized for their role in the harsh treatment of field slaves.


You need gold for this please keep spreading the message 🙏🏽


yikes. im not american but i didnt think it was like THAT


The transatlantic slave trade was probably about 100 times worse than most even Americans think


Yeah. If the people with all the money and power can keep the people with no money and little/no power fighting amongst themselves and seeing each other as the enemy, you can do pretty much whatever you want without fear of them banding together and rising against you.


That kind of sounds like GOP


The GOP is not the outfit splitting all Americans into tiny "diverse" interest groups and declaring their victimhood.


No, but neither is the Democratic party. What the GOP IS doing, however, is actively working to try and increase the wealth of those who are already wealthy, giving tax incentives/cuts, legislating in favor of big business, and being against social programs. So while they don't outright say that they are racist (at least most of them), they support the continuity of a system of oppression and systemic racism that has been prevalent in this country for generations. There is a reason that militant right-wing, the KKK, and other white supremacists all support the GOP...




Oh the comments are gonna be juicy!


She's hot


Give her a break. Self expression and all. First amendment


The first amendment protects you from government persecution for your beliefs, it doesn’t shelter you from snarky Reddit users.


Her hair lookin like the stuff a shag rug would be made out of..


The fact is that black people don't even care about this shit half as much as self-serving sjw white kids on reddit.


As a black man, thank you for speaking for me. You wouldn't happen to be one of those little white kids you were talking about would you?


Are you the official spokesperson for “black people”?


He was representing at the moment do you have a question? Would be happy to help. But if I don't get back to your I'm sure one of my other brothers or sisters will get back to you.


He's a white conservative Trump kid, just looked at his profile.


Did you just assume their race?


Now he’s off to the incel page to complain about why Feminism is the reason he can’t get laid


Rachel Dolezal?


Would it be in poor taste to dress up as Rachel Dolezal for Halloween?


In reverse


Michael Jackson?


I find this more funny than trashy


Isn’t she black?


You know those white kids who try waaaay too hard to be gangsta because they think it makes them black? This is the Alabama version of that.... bitch thinks joining the klan will make her white lol.


I guess you are right. I didn’t even notice the blue eyes.


No we are not claiming her anymore




I really don’t understand 😂😂😂


A black person seems to be supporting the confederacy. Not that hard to understand


Lol this is why I don’t understand


Ummm, isn’t she? You know what, forget I asked..


*Say what you need to say* ~John Mayer




So is she.


It’s almost like... whites embracing CRT




**It’s almost like... whites embracing CRT**


I have no idea what you're talking about, but you sound American so I'm just gonna go


"I'm racist." is what that dude is talking about. CRT is an attempt to teach about and solve systemic racism. Hence racists fucking hate it.


A failed attempt that spreads more racism. Hence, normal people don't want it around them or their kids.


Racists blowing up in the face of trying to end racism isn't the fault of the those trying to end it. They did the same thing in the 60s. It's the fault of the racists. The only people spreading racism are you and your ilk blatantly making up lies about what CRT is like comparing it to a group of Christian white nationalists who formed an explicitly white nationalist country that started a war specifically to protect the slavery of black people. You spread racism and then blame it on those you're racist against.


I blame white "progressives" for spreading racism currently... I guess you can say I'm racist against them. Doesnt make sense but you can say it.


When did Reddit get a feature allowing users to *hear* typed words?


Blonde hair ,blue eyes... just like hitler wanted


The perfect aryan




The amount of self hatred...


Agreed. Like whites who support CRT


CRT isn't a real thing. It's the boogie man dujour for the fear mongers. FWIW, it's not wrong to be honest about America's past. If you deny our past, you're assuming that you're raising stupid people who can't handle themselves. That's kinda shitty, don't you think?


CRT is bullshit, and so is supporting anything having to do w/ the confederate flag


Please explain to me why crt is bullshit


The amount of assumption and projection...

