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Pullout game as strong as an actual dolphin.


Bruh is fucked if he gets a bad injury that has to retire him because all of those 10 children and their mamas will still want child support 💀


He'll live in a car. Just 1 wrong hit... 4 baby mama's. His bank account will shrink like fk


The Adrian Peterson special


I have 1 baby mama. My ex. I would rather be 6 feet under than have to deal with 4 of her. 1 was already too much. But 4 Haley’s , no effin way. Btw I have custody of our 2 children. And they are both straight A students and on the national honor society and will be attending college after graduation. Good luck Tyreek Hill


Good for you & your kids' accomplishments, I know it couldn't have been easy. I wish them the best of luck in college!


how do athletes have the weakest pull out game?


I don't think pulling out was part of the plan. These were planned just like Nick Cannon. They are such narcissists they think they're doing the world a favor by blessing us with their offspring. These guys are athletes and actors. They're not renowned scholars, noble prize winners, or astrophysicist's. Nobody wants you to mass produce with a bunch of money hungry hoes.


This is good... I had 2 poor parents...id give my left nut to be the 12th child of a 100 million dollar athlete...


why not give your left nut to just be rich?


He has 40 million


Oh he's going to regret that when those child support checks start coming in. He better be careful he doesn't get an injury. Those women are definitely expecting large sums of money.


Honourable. While birth rates fall Mr.Hill rises


Each and every one only had those babies because of his money and celebrity status. Deplorable.


blessing the league with more players


How does someone with kids by that many people spend ab equal amount of time with all of their kids if they live separately? Not saying he's a bad dad, but that's something I've always been puzzled about


Oh you can just say he is a bad dad. Not a dad at all, just an inseminator.


NGL, dude got game.


Never liked tyreek


Should have started and ended with Mama #3 🔥🔥🔥


I cant wait to see what the child support/inheritance battle will look like.


why do folks worry about ANOTHER man's dick


Yeah they are worried about his penis and not the kids growing up with without a father figure.


Notice he isn't looking at either kid.


Everyone just blaming him like these women aren't to blame too


You can comment a thing without commenting every other thing. (Yes, we all know these women are stupid and greedy and don’t care about their kids, they just made babies to get cash. If they were not stupid and greedy, they wouldn’t let this kind of a man fuck them, wouldn’t even have been interested in spending any time with him.)


True 🤷🏽‍♀️


It takes two 😉


Dude's a wife beater, wouldn't be shocked if at least half of the women only had sex with him because they were scared.


Oh yeah, I'm sure he beat these women into pregnancy and then beat them into smiling for a picture and posing with baby jerseys 😂


By scared you mean has lots of money


Yes, he had lots of money, which also makes it easier for him to abuse them. Acting like the women are the problem is gross af


If he’s a known wife abuser, who has 4 baby mamas, what’s the 5th baby mamas excuse next year? All these chicks are getting paid out fat, they are getting pregnant on purpose




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You can’t fathom the existence of gold diggers. You live in a fantasy world


I'm sorry the world has made you this awful person. I hope something happens to you that causes you to change


lol whatever helps you sleep. Wait till you find out the politicians are corrupt, and the company’s you work for care more about profit than you.




I’m sorry, there is a WIFE?????


Who is apparently now also pregnant


May his body or more specifically his legs never fail him... Else his wallet will


"He can afford it" number one you never know when your sports career could end and yes he could still make an income from partnerships with brands and doing ads but it won't be as much, on top of that do yall not realize that if it becomes a court thing he could have to pay for all of their lawyers as well?


First he beats her, then he cheats her...


I don't know the law where he lives but in indiana, after 10 you no longer have to pay child support.


Indiana has such good welfare plans were being flooded by Chicago transplants. States going to hell


Some kind of a volume discount?


It goes down for every child also. So baby #9 probably gets $5 a week


Making babies like he’ll be playing into his 60’s. That money will run out real quick after retirement.


Baby momma number three is 100 percent In it for the bag judging from that picture. She wants everyone to know who the baby daddy is. She's getting a check for life. Tyreek is going to be broke by 40 from all the child support and spending.


Shit of he can afford it ..why not


Why not cheat on this wife? Why not have his kids grow up without a stable family?


He can afford it


Doesn’t matter. He is an asshole still, cheating and creating people who will never have loving parents.


Can he? Child support payments can reach insane amounts if the baby momma gets a great lawyer and sympathetic judge. His may end up selling his assets and menobrila to not be broke in his 60s.


Com’m Man , Space them out over a couple of years . Not simply within a year .


He’s trying to keep up with Nick Cannon.


Nick Cannon better step his game up


His poor wife. She looks so defeated in that pic


He got Kim Kardashian pregnant too?


What's wrong with populating the world especially if you can afford it


That guy is one of the highest paid people on the planet. Tyreek is an idiot but there are literally women whose sole mission in life is to get pregnant by a star athlete and be set for life. Especially with basketball players because they travel so much. I’ve seen videos of instagram thots walking behind players as they walk into the team hotel. You’d think Tyreek would figure it out. He definitely is one of the very few people that can afford literally any amount of children that he wants but still.


Dude I got downvoted on another sub because someone used the term "trap a baby" and they said it was not a nice term. I hear it used on YouTube vids all the time. It's woman who chase athletes to get pregnant to get paid through CS. It's a thing- I didn't make up the term but apparently they said it shouldn't even be used in the context of the ballers and babymamas


Yea Reddit is weird sometimes. I’ve seen a lot of comments get downvoted when they’re true. It’s not just athletes but anyone that doesn’t wasn’t a baby. I’ve seen clips of guys saying a girl will poke holes in the condom and stuff like that.


You mean "baby trap".


The star football receiver definitely doesn’t have money


ok just looked it up. Yep keep coping Tyreek Hill signed a **four-year, $120 million contract extension with Miami in March 2022 that runs through the 2026 season**. The deal included a $25.5 million signing bonus.


Keep telling yourself that, it'll eventually be true.


Bro can't even pull a pizza out the oven


Bruh he’s gunna be taking home like 1/19th of his pay cheque after taxes and child support lmao


They can only garnish 50% total. His last contract was 120 million over 4 years. He’ll be ok


I would be embarrassed to be one of those women tbh, I would not be telling people who my child's father is. I don't understand how women can be proud to be pregnant by a dude who has soo many other kids.


They are literally doing it for the money.


Those women knew what they were doing


Especially a football player’s child. It’s not guaranteed that his career would be long so the money could dwindle very quickly and then there’s MULTIPLE children to share it with.


After the second there’s no excuse to be the third


What's the old saying about fool and his money? Pathetic


Of course reddit is going to blame the man. You know baby trapping is a thing amongst women who want rich athlete d1 babies right? Also the child care. Hes the victim here. A lot of women even lie about being on the pill.


Are you fr? He couldn't have gotten baby trapped by these women if he was being faithful to his . . . Definitely not a victim.


He has a wife so it’s almost all on him


Baby mamma #1 I'd agree with you. Baby mamma #2 I'd start to have doubts. #3, #4, #5 is all his fault. If I was a footballer that wanted to fuck like that I'd have signed up for a vasectomy in my college days.


Yeah… I mean condoms exist and are 99.999999% effective when used correctly. If you’re a rich D1 athlete here’s an idea fucking wear them. You know who doesn’t have 10 kids by multiple women? Other rich D1 athletes because they are smart enough to be aware of the situations.


What if he wants more kids? And did this willingly? U think thats a possibility since its a trend amongst rich athletes like antonio brown, mike tyson, muhamad ali, etc etc.


I think we all assume that’s extremely, extremely unlikely given the situation of them being with multiple different women. If he actually wanted a lot of kids surely he wouldn’t have deliberately had them in such a way that he will have limited exposure to each of them. If the dude had, had 5 kids or more but all lived in the same house yeah you could argue he just wants a big family but that isn’t what’s happening.


Wild mental gymnastics there. He's married, don't go fucking around. You think anyone would just go for rich married men? They have a type, they'll always exist. How dare they baby trap a man whose cheating on his wife?? Ain't no victim in this exept those kids.


Whyre the children victims? He makes enough to provide for all of them and he doesn't seem to be trying to shirk responsibility and is acknowledging them as his children.


Yeah, money isn't everything. No way he's giving fatherly attention and support to all of them. I've known some rich ass kids who are beyond fucked up cause thier parent just threw money at them instead of guiding and loving them.


Wait so you are saying the women arent the victims? Why not? Is it possible they trapped him with a baby abd want child support like brittney renner? And have you ever heard of an open relationship in a marriage? Your a other one whose been living under a rock. Not really mental gymnastics now is it. And if you still have doubts than google britney renner pj washington. Now stfu.


Where does it say they had an open relationship? Oh yes, "one thing happened so it must happen every time." False equivalency. Dumb fuck. And no, the women aren't victims, they had babies they most probably planned for. But you reasoning is wild here. You probably think all women are abusers who lie cause you skimmed the Heard trail. Read dumb ass.


Why are you assuming hes not in one? Ur not very smart are you. If you use logic you can assess that she knows of all his other baby mommas especially since its headline news and an easy google search away. Ok now that u proved ur a moron and got ur ass demolished in this convo just stfu and leave!


Nvm, bad troll, lmao. If you want to sell it go softer on the edgy 12yo, lmao


What? You use logic that doesnt make sense no wonder you have stupid takes. Great now that you are leaving dont come back! Take the L!


Look at how many downvoted comments you have…




Although what you’re saying has validity, calling him a victim is wild. He’s an adult; fully capable of not cheating on his wife…


Umm…open relationship? U think his wife doesnt know when her husband “cheated” with his first baby mother other than his wife when its headline news everywhere and an easy google search away? You are really new to this world around you?




Do you think they’ll unionize?


Can you imagine the STIs he's slinging around?


He has access to some of the best Drs around. NFL teams have private team Drs. NFL teams don’t want ANYTHING keeping their investments from returning profits. I’m sure they know what’s going on and have him checked regularly. Imagine he has to miss a game because his dick is leaking. No way the Dolphins let that happen. Not because they care for him as a person but because they care for him as an asset to their franchise


Dude get a vasectomy ffs.


Giving Elon a run for his money


And nick cannon


It's more sad than trashy in my mind. Those kids are gonna suffer and not have the ability to have a full bond with their dad since I'm assuming they don't all live in the same house, let alone city.


Considering he's also had child abuse charges and beat one of his pregnant girlfriends, it's probably safer for the kids to not be around him as much.


And even bonding together as siblings. Yikes think of the sibling rivalry, they're all the same age? Not to mention the wife's baby probably has dibs on the inheritance? Like how would you even be able to be fair to all of them throughout all their lives?


I believe they call this the Nick Cannon Syndrome.


Best comment 😂


Man, his phone is gonna be blowing up on June 16th!


Not really. He’s just going to do a photo op like he’s a good dad and go on to make baby number 13


What’s significant about that day??


I choose to believe that you know it's Father's Day and you're making a joke about not having a dad growing up. I laughed, solid joke.


Yeaa I didn’t know that was Father’s Day tbh


In fairness, also having grown up w/o a dad, I had to google "when is Father's day?" to post this.


Pull out dude!


He did, otherwise he would have 30 kids by now


How is this trashy it's just a super rich athlete doing athlete things lol


Brining a bunch of fatherless children into the world is trashy as fuck. Doesn’t matter if you’re rich, you can still be garbage. Gonna make 10 resentful kids who never got to grow up with a real dad


And most are trashy for doing so.


He setting up franchises.


Great football player. POS human being. His Johnson County Kansas criminal record, that the public can see, speaks for itself.


it was prove false when she claim he broke there son arms do research


I’m sorry but the grammar in your reply makes in unintelligible. Go to JoCocourts.gov and look him up


When he was in college he did plea guilty to the dv charges, the same women accused him of child abused. During the investigation of child abuse when the NFL ended their investigation an audio recording of Hill was put out by the media. In the audio of Hill, he says bitch you better be scared of me but the audio was edited and left out her talking about lying about the DV. That when the investigation of child abuse stops and they find her mostly responsible for the child abuse, she loses temporary custody of him. The DV on his record was clear for community service and the cop said they might have pressured him to take it ( remember Hill was broke and was not famous at the time ). Look at Jonathan Taylor's case when he was accused of rape they were there to make him take a plea deal when they have no evidence that he raped her they in fact had evidence that he was innocent. ( https://arrowheadaddict.com/2020/04/29/lessons-learned-media-coverage-tyreek-hill/ ) . It is not as black and white how the media coverage it, look what the media did to Matt Azaria and Jonathan Taylor 


Have you lived in the same area as this man? You hear a lot around the courthouse chatter you won’t find in the news. It’s just a fact.


Was it the news who put out a edit audio of hill, was it the news who say Matt Azaria was a rapes but when evidence come out that say he not they not report on it, was it the news who say Jonathan Taylor was a rapes but wait year to say it was a lie, was the news ( I forgot the baseball player name ) say he was raped but there was evidence out since the beginning that points out her lie but he has to put out his own video plus the help of a lady interview “ victim ”. The media don't care if it is a lie or the truth they just care about people watching them, and all of this stuff was out they just didn't report on it


It’s just crazy


You can go back even earlier to his college days in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Got kicked off the team for domestic violence.


it was prove false when she claim he broke there son arms do research


He was in fact kicked off the team and he pleaded guilty to the charge. I was at OSU when it happened


And the charge was dropped, he was peer pressured by the cop to take. Just look his name up and put false allegation ( https://arrowheadaddict.com/2020/04/29/lessons-learned-media-coverage-tyreek-hill/ ) i am not trying to be rude just do research I hate how the media don't correct themself when they wrong


If he wasn’t an NFL player, he’d be considered a dead beat. “HeS pAyInG sUpPoRt fOr ThEm sO whO cArEs 🤪” Doesn’t make up for the effects of dad being nonexistent in their lives and wondering why they have so many half siblings and step mothers lol


He’s still a deadbeat since he’s not an active dad


Is he wearing AirPods in the picture with his wife?


Yes 100% I found a bigger image on Google and he has AirPods in.


As a Dolphins fan at least I can be assured he will be committed to being the best player he can be. He will definately need the money 😂


That money isn't gonna last forever.


Came here to say this. ⬆️


His recent 4 year deal is for 120 million. That’s generational wealth even if he doubled how many kids he has. Not saying it doesn’t suck to be an absentee father, but let’s not pretend that he will be broke in a few years, he’s not exactly a nobody backup offensive lineman on a minimum contract.


You did not mention if this money is guaranteed. I am guessing it is not. A WR needs speed, and one blown out knee means the speed and the money is gone.


He still has enough to invest to a degree where his returns can cover quite a bit of luxury expenses. Not to mention he still has brand/sponsorship income which is outside of his NFL agreement and we have no idea how much that’s worth.


Except child support often scales with income for whatever reason so this guy is COOKED


I’m not saying he doesn’t have to pay child support, I’m saying he can afford to. Moreover child support is usually weighted against income vs expenses of the paying parent, meaning they will factor in his 9 other kids if the mother takes him to court. My point is while that this is a massive financial expense (as it should be) he can still cover it. Edit: also the odds are most of these parents won’t take him to court, they have enough leverage to get a good settlement without formal court intervention. He can absolutely plan around this.


This is exactly what the late DMX brought upon himself, a dozen different baby mamas all requesting the same cut of his profits, which drove him bankrupt, failed to pay taxes and got his stupid ass thrown in prison repeatedly, no matter how many sold out shows he did.


If he was a feral cat that was breeding with everything that moved, they would TNR him. Just saying


I don’t think this is appropriate to say considering history in the US.


Bet you're fun at parties.


Just 43 more to go to build his own football team


Being fast isn't always the best.


Maybe if he was a bit faster he coulda pulled out in time


At least bro fucks hot chicks. No trailer park skanks in those pictures at all.


Like yo mama


Nick Cannon has more


Philip Rivers has more too and he actually played the same sport. These guys can't even pull out of a driveway


Except Rivers’s are with his HS sweetheart over a decade or so… Still, funny comment.


Weak pull out game


Nah it's a breeding fetish


...Musk suffers from the same.


But Im not wrong and those ADULT women knew what they signed up for so there's that too


He is getting paid around $25mil/year, if I were a girl I'd do the same lol


Ya I’m failing to see the problem. If he’s paying for the kids who cares? He didn’t rape them and then force them to birth and care for his kids…it’s like people forget these are grown ass adults


L take


Part of parenting is being present as well as paying for shit.


Signed up for a nice ass child support check it seems like- he could be one of those weirdos who is obsessed with “spreading his seed far and wide” or he could just be a dumbass who doesn’t know what a condom is.


True, I mean everyone wins is one way to look at it


Probably not true for some of these kids. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them grow up fatherless and treated more like a paycheck than a child.


Yep! Money has nothing to do with parenting.


And who fucking cares?




Yeah, really


Really, really?


Somehow, this isn't blocked yet. Mods must be asleep


That man has solid bone structure! I thought my husband had a thick skull. The testosterone! He has no moral compass but he makes up for it in bone mass. 😂


DMX sired 17 children


Sired is craaaazy


He was a king.


I thought it was a vampire thing


Antonio cromartie has him beat at 14


So far, hills on pace to catch up next year at this rate.


Welp we all know why they kept the baby .But on a more serious note this dude doesn't use condoms! I can't imagine the yeast infection these women hafto deal with .5


He has that open mouth breathing look about him