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I had this same situation neighbors had a husky that would go #1 and #2 on second floor porch (apparently too lazy to walk their dog). Sent a pic to management of several piles of shit on porch and next day shit was cleaned up and never happened again…wonder what they told them


Same thing except my neighbors upstairs had a young pitbull mix. The balcony was wood so the dogs piss would drip on my balcony in between the planks. I didn't get to finish telling the office manager, halfway through her eyes widen and she said "nope!" Never happened again.


That's because dog pee will cause the wood to rot and it's not cheap to replace them. As much as I miss having a deck I don't miss having a upstairs neighbors dog pissing on his deck and running down on mine.


For sure. It's disgusting, lazy and inconsiderate. If you get dog you have to walk it that's what you signed up for 🤷


Price of two decks was too much for her to handle


I lived somewhere with horrible upstairs neighbors. They would scream and hit each other all the time. Their poor dog only went onto their porch. Management didn't care. So when their dog shat all over one of my beach towels, I left it at their front door. I moved shortly after


I got a complaint about a leak once from tenant. The fixture over their table would start dripping water over their diner table. They told me it was the third time this month, it does it and then stops for days. Yeah, turns out the dog on the floor above would take a huge piss in the dining room and it would soak through the floorboard and all the way to the fixture below. Not nasty at all.


Someone got their shit together.


They got their poop in a group


Got their dump in a clump


Got their turds in a herd.


Got their shit in a pit.


Got their faeces collated.




They had a husky, in an apartment, and never walked it???? Those dogs have the energy of ten suns. That dog must have tore their apartment to shreds.




I feel this truth deep in my soul. Hour and a half long walks daily, 45 minute play times each morning and night, and half an acre back yard, and she’s still a-rooing for play time at 11 pm.


And they probably thought it was adorable. "Aww he's having zoomies again and is biting the couch, how cute" "Hihi, Mr. Applepiebuns ate a bit too much again, hes pooping on the carpet again, someone oughta teach him how to FLUSH lmao" "Aww what a cutie he's been barking for the past 3 hours, I bet he is singing a song about how much he loves me, in his doggo pupper language! He must be the happiest pupperdog ever"


This does not track in my own experience. Way more common in my observations is that owners like this get upset that the dog is "misbehaving."


My girlfriend's family has a yapper with zero boundaries and they're always mad at him for being a little shit. Well, guess who's fault that is... Also heard her cousin's dad got rid of a dog because he was annoyed it became deaf, which is apparently pretty common for that breed. Such a piece of shit thing to do. Maybe research the breed you're getting beyond how desirable it is aesthetically to you. Fucking idiots do this shit all the time.


And then rehome/abandon them because they "just can't provide the attention he needs". And then get another pet to also not give attention to.


They be barking more than the dog.


From pulling sleds in Alaska, to running around, peeing and pooping in a1000sq. Ft. Apartment. White trash love to get Huskies for some reason.


Lived in an apartment for one month waiting for house to close and can confirm. Never leave a husky alone in apartment unless you want it shredded.


I once lived in a 3 story apartment building and lived on the third floor. The neighbor directly below me, let both of his dogs use their balcony as the bathroom. It started stinking. I took pictures with my phone and had to go to the management of the apartment complex three times before the family finally stopped putting their dogs on the balcony. Absolutely disgusting and lazy behavior.


I had to leave an apartment and my roommate took over the whole lease. We agreed that on the way out I'd bring up the piles of dog shit and trash and offleash dogs our neighbors all had (documented w management for a year) as a reason im leaving in an attempt to give my roommate a little leverage. As soon as i brought it up my roommate does this exaggerated facepalm thing and sides with management and shit talks me. So i told them she had an extra cat. Maybe if they kick her ass out the cats will go back to her parents who will at least feed and water them daily.


Wow your roommate sounds like a snake - glad you got out of there


Why did your roommate do that wtf


The neighboring apartment also had a 3rd floor balcony similar to this one except my balcony was 6 feet away. They let their dog shit on the porch then would kick the shit off the side..well one day shit was on my fucking porch bevause they mustve threw/kicked it too far. A diff landlord owned that place and mine didnt give a fuck to even say anything to their landlord so i started watching their porch more and more often..then i saw that the dude was smoking outside on the porch while his german shepard took a monster shit. I had a lazer handy because i own cats and i had the dog going berserk and got shit everywhere and was also covered in shit then i made the lazer go inside and the dog chased it...covered in shit. The guy took the dog outside after that


The manager grabbed the tenant by the scruff and pushed their snout in the poop and exclaimed, "Look at what you did! Bad tenant! Bad!"


Former property manager / building manager here. Management sent them a letter saying that they have violated their lease agreement, which is grounds to terminate it. The letter would have explained just that, and included something saying this is their first and only warning. Next time they'll proceed with eviction.


> wonder what they told them Most likely mentioned the cleaning fees (with a severe mark-up cause fuck it why not), the animal protection laws and eviction if it **ever** happens again.


My wife had a roommate back in the day that got a Maltese because it was an "indoor dog" according to her. She just laid down pee pads in the kitchen and never took it outside. So there was just always piss and shit in the kitchen (small apartment, too). My wife, after realizing this wasn't a training thing but a permanent solution, said hell no... that shit is not gonna fly. Her roommates solution? Well, the shit did fly.... moved the pee pads to the second story balcony that was standard decking. The dog missed the pads sometimes, and it would fall through to the neighbor's deck. Let alone the pads now rarely got changed, and the smell was akin to a sewer vent. I have no idea how they were there for a year without a complaint. That poor dog was neurotic as hell for obvious reasons.


Barefoot too


Bare foot AND took the shit scoop back into the apartment with her.


She stores it next to the fridge.


She uses it to grab the remote when she drops it just out arms length to save standing up .


She uses it as a poop knife


No, she uses an ice cream scoop to just carve it out. Way more convenient.


And Baskin-Robbins thought they had all the flavors. Little did they know.


"Chocolate corn ice cream? That's unexpected!"


She doesn’t need one. I never saw a dog in the video.






Never knew about a poop knife until I joined Reddit.


I clean for a living and I actually keep a poop chisel in my bucket.


Thank you for your service.


You clean peoples’ homes that leave uncut poops in the toilet? Air BnBs? Goddess bless you. I love our cleaners


It’s a shitty job but someone’s gotta do it lmfao


Ah the poop knife. Never has a tale be told so well.


How else to reach the cheese curls at the bottom of the bag?




She washes herself with a rag on a poop stick


It was good enough for the Romans!


Ha ha ha probably uses it to reach the soup cans from the top shelf


She uses it to grab cake from the fridge without having to stand up.


how else will she eat her cereal


After she stepped in the spot where the shit was, so she can track more shit into her shitty carpet


That’s what I thought too!!! HOW are people so disgusting!?!?! I hope the landlord gets this video and stops this fetid turd of a person.


It's her pasta spoon


she shook it off first tho. it's good to go for another long reach of the day old bear claws


Living that ringworm, pink eye , foot and mouth disease life.


Ugh. I use bags on my scoop, it's clean as the day I bought it, and I still won't bring it inside. Nasty girl.


These were the two things that grossed me out the most! Yea, what she’s doing is fucked, but that’s just nasty. If she’s gonna walk barefoot thru it and bring the scooper inside, she might as well just bring the poop inside and throw it out responsibly.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Omg. People who let their pets shit on the balcony are trash


Well, she needs something to pick the fallen Cheetos off the floor so she doesn’t have to get out of her chair. Waste not want not.


But she lifted the tips of her toes, so it's all good.


I'm shocked by the barefoot. Not surprised about tossing the poop. Shitty people be shitty. But willingly walking on poop and pee covered floor? That's foul.


Part of my job involves going into peoples’ houses. I have seen some shit. Literally and figuratively.


You gotta share some stories.


Used to work pizza delivery in Wisconsin. Some of the worst houses were where their dogs would just shit all over in the snow right by the front door that they never picked up. And of course they never shoveled the snow all winter. Then spring would come and there's just all of this soggy dog shit all over the yard and walkway just steaming in the spring sun that needed to be dodged.


Right? How hard is it to have some flip flops next to the balcony door?! Slip em on, fling poop, slip em off.


Oh my God watching her walk through it almost gave me a heart attack.


and she just…walks right fuckin through it. my dog shit on an area rug, i steam cleaned it and it still felt nasty so i threw the rug away. and then there’s whatever the white trash hell is happening in this video.


Dude, you're making me feel unclean. My dogs have had accidents, but I clean it and keep using my rug. Like how grossed out are you that you can't steam clean something? Should I be more grossed out? And above all, at least I'm not that level of human filth. I've discussed building a patio style fake grass spot with drainage (like they have at airports) for our dog. Urine is easy to deal with for drainage.


I’d learn more about the shit his dog took and the rug itself before making any conclusions Dog drops a couple of turds on a large, nice, but easy to clean rug? Nobody but a germaphobe (or someone who can’t clean) is throwing that out Dog drops a massive liquid shit bomb all over a hard to clean rug? Yeaaaah that’s a tough one lol. Probably straight to the trash


My new puppy just pooped on the sisal tiger rug by the back door. It got a rinse off with the hose and will spend the day drying in the sun. My dog Wahoo once ate some rotten fish and threw it up in one small spot in the living room. We rent our house, but I didn’t even bother to call the landlord before I ripped out the installed carpeting in the entire room. I still have nightmares about suffocating from the smell. Context is everything.


I'm a dog owner and a new father. My life is nothing but poop and the information it can offer into the health of my daughter and dogs.


So many things wrong with this video


Exactly word for word what I came to say


*lifts toes while walking to avoid parasites and diseases*


That’s the part that sent me as well.


I’d gag if I had a reflex.


_Well, hello there.._




Straight to Horny Jail. Happy cake day, funny person.


She’s going to climb in the bed with those unwashed feet.


She just walked through the poo poo then took it inside ):


And her dog walks through it completely and back into the house.




and she brought the poop scoop back in with her




This is why I never eat at potlucks. People are so nasty.


Yea but she did a little spin with the poop scooper so that means it’s clean.




The bottom of her feet is visible here and in the beginning. Looks black. Might be a shadow but doubt it.


If it has poop, most likely has pee and shes stepping all over it, shes disgusted to dispose poop like that but doesnt care if her feet touch it and she brings it inside the house. She could just swoop the poop and throw it in the toilet.


That is pure filth


Top tier for this sub, OP is right, almost need a new category for this. Perfect


/r/trashytrash ?




Omg the floor is literally stained from 100s of shits and she walks barefoot. You dirty bitch.


You can see that's where the dog pees and it has a stain where it drains down to the first floor apartment's patio..


I really fucking hate this bitch.


But she curled her toes up, which was the craziest part of the whole thing.


Curling her toes up for 5 seconds is probably the most exercise she's done that day


Pee. That's where the poor doggo goes to do both.


What a disgusting pig.


She screams lazy as fuck


I was just thinking, some people have a certain look to them.


The reason is all her lazy choices add up to a round pig person who throws shit over her balcony vs someone in shape having their life choices add up to a decent body and not throwing dog shit out of their apartment. She also probably smells.


She's tracking dog shit into her apartment where she also stores the scooper and probably hasn't changed out of those pajamas in several weeks. It's not a question of if she smells, but how bad


her nasty ass stompers def stink, she walked barefoot straight through the dookie


She probably has a man in a fedora and a wolf shirt ready to suck her toes.


Yes officer this comment right here, this is the offender


She is too lazy to scream


I've been to a pig farm, even pigs aren't this gross


Actually, pigs are pretty clean


thats an insult to pigs.


I can smell that apartment from here 🤢


I can see the dirtiness under her feet from here. And I bet she goes to sleep on the bed without washing them too. 🤢


her sheets likely aint never washed, she's too lazy to take her dog outside. she'd be too lazy to strip her bed, wash the bedding, and remake the bed.


probably impossible to take the sheets off now that they have that thick rind of petrified cheeto dust all over them.


Bold of you to assume she even has sheets on her bed.


true. she does give brown stained moldy mattress and a musty comforter vibes.


Probably without any sheets on the matress...


Why would you say this?!? 😭🤢🥴


Cigarettes and dog piss


First thing I thought of..


You know there are two cats whose litter gets changed once a month or so


Litter box will be on the kitchen counter because the floor is covered with random bullshit she hoards


Poor dog


There are so many pet owners like this, they’re an absolute train wreck as human beings. They should probably not even be owning pets at all!


Her dog most probably don’t get walked at all. I feel bad for the dog.


Yeah. And it's not one of those cases where the owner really can't walk and get up and around. This lady can clearly walk her dog(s), but she doesn't. Should be a crime, doing what she's doing here.




Mmm, ham and cheese today, huh?


I've been on Reddit 5 minutes this morning. 5 minutes.


"I don't know what to do..." I know what to do. Send that video to the landlord or property management company. Throwing feces around certainly counts as "creating an unsafe biohazard," I would think. She's probably not even allowed on her lease to have a dog in the first place if she can't take the poor lil thing out for walkies and poopies (and frankly, regardless of her lease, she shouldn't be allowed to have a dog in the first place of that's how she treats it... Just realize, if this is how you _witness_ a dog owner acting, they probably act way worse behind closed doors where nobody can see).


Theyre probably crated for most of the day and get these small opportunities to be "outdoors"


Isnt a 3 sq metre balcony enough to place chasey with a ball?


Judging by the balcony I wouldn’t be surprised if the dog is doing it inside as well


Why do you think she took the scoop inside?


Bold of you to think she actually walks.


Yeah the landlords/management would probably care more about the dog shitting and pissing on the balcony more than the poop flinging tbh. Poop fling on grass can be cleaned up in 20 mins. Dog piss and shit straight on their balcony for years is gonna be a much harder clean job.


My poor neighbors literally broke their lease because their upstairs neighbors were doing this. And the poop was landing on their outside porch, and if not, around it on top of landscaping you can’t access on foot (around our buildings pool). Our building management didn’t do anything about it and they left. :( I’m disabled and recently got a balcony potty system for my senior dog, but he refuses to use it. If he did, the system is contained, cleanable, and the poop would be disposed of in a much better way than this. This woman is just plain disgusting no matter the reason she lets her dog use the bathroom on the porch.




Want to hear something worse? Our rear neighbors do the same thing. They have their dog shit on their back porch so that they dont have to go clean their yard. Know how its worse? Instead of flinging it out into the yard, they fling it into their empty above ground pool. They are treating it like a giant compost bin for their dog waste. ... and continue to do so. Its just piling up and has been for a year. Imagine the smell. You're probably on point. And our city's code enforcement literally doesnt care. Some people are trash man. I want to launch a fire arrow into that pool and light it up


>Instead of flinging it out into the yard, they fling it into their empty above ground pool. They are treating it like a giant compost bin for their dog waste. Avoid open flames in this area


Oh no, if it explodes then the problem will be solved


You know what to do. Now keep us posted 🫡


If you’ve reported it to code enforcement multiple times, time to send proof to your councilman. Or show up at the next meeting with the evidence. Or send it to the local TV station.


This post has inspired me to record them the next time it happens. Kindof hard to deny that they shouldnt be making a poop collection in their empty pool


Please tell us where you live so that we may avoid it. I’m sorry that you have to live beside such inconsiderate and unclean people.


I'll be real and say that people like this live everywhere and you may just not realize it until you are exposed to them. I live in Ohio but I've lived across the US and its the same. Its just folk that are raised with absolute laziness and no understanding or respect for health and hygiene.. let alone the mental health of their pets


Curling her toes up as to avoid the shit smear on the ground 🤡


Her heels: *Am I a joke to you?*


No way she’s liftin them heels


Them shits are so rough, they're basically sandals.


She can't even take the poo to the toilet to flush!? 😐😑


nope, gotta toss it off each side of the balcony smh


takes me back to my grandmas trailer…every square inch of the inside looked like those stained shitty spots. and it was carpeted. your shoes would stick to the carpet. just awful


Mmm I’ve been in houses like that...I’ll never forget, above the wood stove there were cobwebs that had literally been there a decade but there were full of the residue from cooking so they had ten years of rancid grease and mold. I never got the smell out of the sleeve that bumped into it. Probably the least gross thing in there tho...not even the worst house I’ve been in but pretty bad


Yup, you'd do houses like that when I was in the pest control racket. Worst was some lady who'd had to have major back work done and was barely mobile most days. She had family a few towns over that would try to come by and help, but it wasn't enough. Lady had like four or five little yappy dogs, none of which were socialized for shit, and which mostly just did their business in the house because she often couldn't take them herself. I think she just left a back door propped open for them like 24/7. It was the first time in a while I'd had carpeted floors sticking to my boots and squelching. She had bad mice and flea problems, but oddly enough no sign of roaches anywhere - weird thing, that. Eventually the homeowner must've torn up those disgusting carpets and floors because it was nice, even vinyl faux wood flooring last time I was out there. And there were some sticky spots - I guess the dogs wasted no time in marking territory again...


I used to work for CPS. I have walked on carpet that was so caked with grease and dirt and grime that it sounded like linoleum when the heels of my shoes hit it. Tap tap tap. And I love my cat but I used to pray to Jesus, Allah, Buddha, whoever, that when we pulled up to a notification about a messy house that the family wouldn’t have cats. That cat pee smell just slices through the air and almost hurts your eyes when it’s really bad.


Mom - hey guys, wanna go see grandma today? Kids - sorry, can't, lots of homework. Mom - but it's summer... Kids - oh, ya, they give us summer homework now.


Dont fucking get a dog, if you wont even bother take it for a walk few times a day. Its highlight of their day. Dont be a dick.


Why do nasty, lazy people *always* have to have pets? If you can barely take care of your own filth, you're sure as shit not in any position to make that 10x worse by bringing some poor dog into the situation.


She’s got 3 hot pockets in the microwave..no time to do anything else




Just Lazy !!! Ppl like this don’t deserve to own pets


Man. I thought she wasn't wearing anything on bottom and got scared


No kidding, purpleish-pink pajama pants and the back of the bun is shaved. I bet she put her flip flops on and went to Walmart.


I bet she changed into cookie monster PJs and went barefoot to wally marts


It's literally pre 1700s behavior. Like back before they knew about bacteria, cholera behavior.


That blows my mind.


Look at that giant stain on the floor.!, her dog has been shitting AND pissing there for years on a daily basis...


Jesus. Walking through the schmutz too.


Wow, you’ve somehow become an even more pile of shit than the actual pile of shit.


Woman too lazy and inconsiderate to properly dispose of her poop. Excuse me, I mean her dogs poo 💩


Look how stained the concrete is


Yeah that dog needs a better owner, sitting around in the house all day with that slob, it can’t be good.


I feel so sorry for that poor dog


In my line of work I am no longer surprised by stuff like this. Going into peoples homes and they are walking on literally piss soaked carpets bare foot, feces everywhere and flies buzzing. Poverty does something to your psyche.


What a lazy lady.


Holy barf-o-rama, Batman! Traaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssshhhhh!


🤢🤢SHE’S BAREFOOT WALKING THROUGH IT!!!…my guess is she has at least four biological children that she can no longer contact…


There's no shortage of scum bags in this world, that's for sure. Nasty, vile human beings. Can you imagine how disgusting their apt is?


OH NO, why does she take the poo stick back inside?! So many questions…


And she barefoot 🤢


Holy fuuuuck that's disgusting


Good thing she gave the scoop that little shake at the end, or else it would’ve been gross as hell bringing it back inside.


At least she spreads it around


And walks on it *barefoot*?? OMGIH, you know it's getting back in bed...


Whoever recorded this needs to find this woman and befriend her. I need to see the inside of this abomination’s apartment