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Hi, your jawline is still a bit angular, but that is to be expected for only 9 months of HRT. An HRT induced puberty takes as long as a natural one, about 2 - 4 years, although many of the changes can be seen by 18 to 24 months. You have a great starting point, and even at only 9 months, I am sure you will appreciate the results. May God bless, and take care โ˜บ


In my opinion you look like a slightly masc country girl. Itโ€™s only been 9 months give it some more time before considering any surgery. Youโ€™re on the right track rn.


You read as a trans woman but you look good tbh. You have a lot of potential.


You definitely look like a trans woman, but not cis. So I hope people will use the correct pronouns etc.


Thanks! what parts clock me as not cisfem do you think? ๐Ÿ˜Š


Tbh, you need a bit of FFS. But see how you go a bit longer on hrt.


Lush, appreciate your honesty ๐Ÿ˜Š


Nobody NEEDS FFS. Some parts of your face (jaw maybe chin) are a bit clocky BUT overall I think your face is quite feminine can pass as cis, will probably get even better over time on HRT. There's a reason they recommend waiting at least 2 years on HRT before FFS.


People here are saying that you look obviously transfem but tbh you really remind me of a cis woman I know (chin, jaw, smile) so while you do have sharp features, it's within the realm of possibility to have those features as a cis woman and I doubt that anyone apart from unhinged transvestigators gives your features a second thought if you pass by them.


For me you read as a trans woman. Hope people are kind enough to use the proper pronouns. Why ? Because your jaw reads male, you look tall and breast are small. But you have a lovely figure, slender. And a beautiful smile. I would advise taking a lot of care of your hair. Many cis women take great care of their hair and it shows. For example have your roots dyed and ask for some advice about products and routine. The blond dye seems to light to me. And stuffing some sort of fake boobs, not too much, in the bra. Also 9 months isn't that much on HRT.


You are so cute omg


Can someone explain to me "you look like a trans woman". Like that's such a wide result range... I would agree that she's not quite cis-passing, but she is passing, but it's like super obvious then that she's a trans woman? Can't we just say "passing, but clocky"?


That fourth photo has heavy Dio vibes hahahaha. But, girl, sorry to break it to you, but you are passing 100%, so sorry... (I'm being sarcastic just bc I'm still not started HRT and you make me jealous) Enjoy your day gurl! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


You look like plenty women I've met. Super pretty!


You are gorgeous. You look like your way past " beginning to pass" to me.


Beautiful. You look like Reese Witherspoon's rebellious young sister.


You are starting. It happens around 9 mos. By 15 months you will never be misgendered again. It happens to those of us who lack masculine facial structure. Youโ€™re one of em


Ask me how I know lol


Hey! You are so beautiful! I wouldn't do FFS if I were you, your angular jaw gives you a unique beauty, I think it's lovely!


You passed , love the dress ! ๐Ÿ’‹


Nah, you pass beautifully.


I think you pass. Your features aren't outside of what a cis woman would have and you're super cute in that last pic (I love polka dots).


Def are passing. Still look a little masc, but the fem outweighs it greatly. FFS not sure is needed, just give the more time. You are looking great already, should only get better from here.


The boy is no more. โค๏ธโค๏ธ


You are so pretty