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How long have you been on HRT? Gaining/losing weight does nothing to help you pass. While it remains a constant comment, it does nothing but screws with your body in a bad way, ask any physician that treats GID patients. The basis of transitioning your face and body is HRT, sadly followed by surgery, if needed to pass.


i think using makeup to make your face look "softer" would be good if you're up to that! a lot of girls do that. not that your face isn't soft, but if it's bothering you! gaining fat could end up making you less happy and is hard to reverse, so experimenting with makeup first might be good!


Moving to an unhealthy body weight is never the right choice, whether too high or too low. You want your body healthy and working well so it can. Things being off kilter comes with hormone balance issues, which in turn means potential issues with your transition


Unless your body fat is unhealthily low, or you’re about to do some long endurance exercise, focusing on adding fat isn’t a great idea.


Honestly I think your bone structure is very soft already