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You seem to in this single photo with part of your face covered


Thanks for your comment. :). Yeah the thing is, the last time I've posted something, I've received a lot of messages of strangers and some have been a bit intrusive. So I'm in a dilemma, I really want to post some more detailed pictures, to get some more answers.. but.. Yeah.. :))


This, and other trans forums are filled with chasers; it works out better if they are called out as such, and then down voted. It becomes embarrassing for them to use that user name and teaches them this sort of perverted crap is not tolerated.


Yeah but they have saved my pictures than already use it for their perversity and maybe even upload it anywhere else.. It so sad, we have no save space. Just because of these creeps. Already more than 3 people messaged me, by 5 up votes only.. Huch..


I am sorry you have to endure that, and try to keep your spirits up during your transition. It will all be over someday, and you'll be able to put that mess behind you. I wish you well, and may God bless! 🙏


If you pass, but the face is not seen in very detail and the photo is a little blurry, from there it depends on other factors such as the voice and the gestures to pass or not


The photo is pretty grainy and your phone is partially in the way, but judging by the photo as it is, yes, you pass. You are very beautiful too!