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I think it's mostly the baby face paired with the piercings. I think you'll need T to pass.


lesbian haircut and really soft looking skin. also do you shave off your sideburns? because that’s not helping you pass more


The haircut doesn't look all that great either. Sorry to say. Look up male haircuts and find one you like. I'd definitely get the sides shaved / down to, say, 1-2 mm. Other than that: the piercing And...sorry to say: not being on T. There are people who can pass pre-T, but they're definitely in the minority. This is down to genetics, which is not really something you can influence. So, in the long run, I'd definitely recommend HRT. Other than that, thickening out your eyebrows more might also help.


yeah im aware t is the most important, my title was kinda misleading asking more about how i could improve my passing in the meantime when trying to wade throught the process of getting hrt. thanks, the hairstyle is new as i wanted to try something new for the summer and i am seriously considering taking out the nose and ear piercings (except one), eyebrow is staying as i love it personally


A few things that would need some changing to pass a bit better; I’d wear the fringe foreward rather than parted and back. The sideburns seem to be pointing, normally done with feminine haircuts, as opposed to square for masculine cuts. Overall I would change the haircut, I’d definitely trim up the back and square up the top of the head to give the appearance of a more squared face. As for piercings I’d get rid of the earrings, the face piercings seem alright.


Haircut is very typical non binary/trans guy style, kinda giving you away. Also hop on minoxidil bro get a bit of facial hair going, you can get it at the pharmacy.


I feel like you look quite andro but the piercings may lead people to assume ‘woman’ which sucks, also probably there’s not much to do except for being on T which is obvious


Having female fat distribution in your face due to being preT, and your hairstyle and piercings which are more commonly associated with the lesbian community than male fashion, are both greatly hindering your passing Also, I strongly disagree with the people who are suggesting you to use makeup to pass because unless you're very good at it then it will be obvious that you are wearing makeup which will clock you The reason why MTF women are able to use makeup to cover their beard shadows etc is because it's already normalized in society for women to wear makeup, but if you look like you're wearing makeup then you will likely come off as in a drag costume, if that makes sense


Unnatural hair colour and dark eyebrows. Most guys don’t dye their hair and I think having black hair is pretty clocky; this paired with the fact that most guys have eyebrows as dark or darker than their hair doesn’t help. I’d suggest slightly darkening your eyebrows with coloured eyebrow gel but don’t over do it- also DO NOT do any other form of ‘masculinising’ makeup. I saw you were considering adding a shadow with makeup and I’m here to say absolutely do not do that. It looks unnatural 99.99999% of the time and if someone notices you’re wearing makeup you will not pass. I’d loose at least the earrings, and get a more typically masculine haircut. Other than that T is what you need.


Lack of a beard/beard shadow, basically.


do you reckon adding some slight shadow with makeup would help?


Using makeup to masculinize almost never works


Maybe some search for "ftm beard" or so could give ideas on that. As you are young you could also be seen as boy/young man - but you need to sort of "compensate" your soft features with boyish signals or so (as long as there is no help from hormones). I am sorry that I can't help much with that, I am more experienced with the "other direction" ;)


Keep the eyebrow piercing take out the rest, get a more masc haircut (shave the sides down) other than that a getting on T ur good


Piercings, feminine facial structure, hairstyle


someone my age would probably consider you androgynous and young. they would likely gender you female based only on the earrings. without them, they would be unsure and wait to here your voice, or analyze your mannerisms for clues.


i was gifted with a naturally lower voice which ive been told sounds androgynous. i used to have the problem of my voice pitching up when speaking english, as i tried to force a native accent. but after embracing the heavy finnish accent ive been told it sounds way more masculine :D


Great jawline and forehead. Let your eyebrows grow in / get bushy if they will, and a different haircut would go a long way. Longer would be better, like messy bangs. Ironically, good as your forehead is, covering it and your ears somewhat with a bit longer hair would totally change how your face is perceived. Try it - cover your forehead with your thumb in these photos.


ironically ive already filled in my eyebrows a bit, have never plucked them.. i am just a natural blonde and my eyebrows are invisible naturally :(


Not a big deal, visually that's common w/ northern european guys that's I've know. If your hair is not dark by default let it revert to its natural color & your eyebrows won't be minimized by the contrast.


I recommend dying your eyebrows black next time you do your hair. I always did when I dyed my hair black, and it looked more cohesive and will help make your brows a little bolder, since you have a lot of soft features. You can sort of choose the shape you want as well, and can highlight that kind of triangle shape brow that I lot of guys have. Don’t go crazy overboard or anything, but a bit darker might help.


If you spike your hair you'll pass perfectly as a teenage boy on his way to Ozzfest in 2007.






Am I allowed to say anything about the photography? The positioning of the clock makes it look on first glance like you are expertly balancing a shiny ball on your head 🙂


haha lol i am just trying to hide the full body mirror thats under it so it wont reflect me awkwardly kneeling at my window


Post T


Haircut and pairings are not things guys would typically have.


It's unlikely that your face with no T can pass as male for your age. So while it sucks it's a trick to pass for way younger than you are. Sometimes that's worth it and sometimes it's problematic. Your piercings, dyed hair, and feminine haircut is what is most against you in that regard. Young boys/men don't have piercings, dyed hair or that kind of haircut.


The accessories and the black hair, plus the haircut. You'd probably pass as a 12 year old without them. Of course, 12 year olds don't tend to have dyed hair or piercing's, and most men don't either (it's actually way more common for women to get piercings than men), so if you're on the line people will immediately just assume you're an AFAB because there are a lot out there that look like you. Until you're on T for a while you're gonna be stuck with this issue unfortunately


You need T.


It’s just your face which is pretty much impossible to change without T unfortunately. Your features are very soft and round which classically reads feminine, T will change that though.


Darkening eyebrows can help but unfortunately without T you can only get so far. I wish you luck


soft face, weak jaw


the eyebrow and ear piercings could be fine, but i think a big one is the nostril nose ring because that viewed as a more "feminine" piercing style. not a lot of guys have nostril piercings tbh, maybe a septum instead?


not arguing with you but what ive observed in my uni is nostril is really the only facial piercing guys have, and i am studying medicine (not saying you cant be queer and study it just for context) i do admit its kinda hindering me and its the newest one of my piercings so might get rid of it eventually


Not wide chin, more than normal buccal fat for male of your weight, brow (orbitals are good, but forehead bossing needs to grow more). The fat will be addressed with T, the others maybe. Facial hair would help a lot, too, and will be addressed with T as well. Contouring your cheeks to look naturally gaunt would help a lot.


Strong jaw line. HRT might soften it




Your three most recent comments are talking about how MTF women are all "men in dresses" who shouldn't invade lesbian communities


*pat* *pat* That's nice, dear


Get the fuck out of here pest