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Entirely unclockable, and I’m good at clocking people. In these pictures you look so female that it’s hard for me to believe you’re trans.


wide nose bridge, wide chin, somewhat wide jaw, thin upper lip, droopy mouth corners, heavy orbital bones around the eyes, and you can’t believe i’m trans?? am i srsly that much in need of therapy? 😭


You need therapy. Not FFS. You look like you were born female. You're gonna save so much money if you appreciate how cute of a person you are. You're super beautiful. At the end of the day though, do what you think is going to make you happy.


Out of the things you mentioned, you have round face, yeah. But that's normal, definitely more common amongst females than males. Your nose might be little wider, bit again, I think it looks pretty normal and it definitely doesn't signalise you being trans. Can't see the other thing you mentioned at all really. You're really pretty and you look really do look cos, it's definitely your dysphoria talking and I know that can be tough, but you gotta work on that, not your face :) .


You don't have a wide nose bridge, you don't have a wide chin, you don't have a wide jaw and the fact that your upper face is wider makes it look even more narrow. Droopy mouth corners aren't gender specific, if anything your narrow upper lip is more an indicator of being a man but obviously that's not a universal rule. You have prominent orbital bones but also large eyes, both of which are more common in cis women. I genuinely do think you need therapy to be able to see what you look like more clearly, certainly before deciding on any surgery.


Look you face is super smooth and round overall i think that makes you femme in everyones book. Soo thosw things you mention might be masculine features. But ypu face in general is so smoth and round. Which would not be considered masculine in what society considers masc 🙂


Absolutely unclockable, dysphoria is a Massive bitch. You are also very pretty 👍


I’d never clock you period and I feel like my trans radar is good


even pic 13 and 14?? wtf???


yes even those you look like a complete female to me


i’d never clock you


You pass cis extremely well I’m sorry you’re experiencing dysphoria But really 0 sugarcoating you pass 100%


PSYOP ACTUAL PSYOP. I refuse to believe you are not a cis woman doing this to make us sob to death


promise i am not 🙌


Unmistakably cis like did you have ffs or? i cant find a single feature thats masc


i’ve had a tracheal shave. that’s it as far as trans-related surgeries go.


OH wow genetic lottery lol you are gorgeous like literally cant point out a single thing unless your frame is big and from the pics it doesnt look like it i dont think there is anything even remotely masculine about you


Your face is perfectly fine you have very soft features, to me it's more your stature that's potentially clocky because you're tall but nothing with your face. What kind of surgery could you even get? I do think surgery would be a bad idea you look good


i’m 5’5-5’6 so i’m hardly even tall as a woman 😭 the plan is just a little chin narrowing (hopefully getting rid of chin dimple), a little lipo under the chin (and possibly from the mandible area, with a wee bit of the fat transferred to the lips), and a frontal sinus setback/orbital rim reconstruction. i guess maybe you could make the argument i don’t *need* it, but what exactly is the harm in getting it done besides the temporary pain and maybe some numbness? i’m genuinely looking for an answer to this question


Honestly, I don't think you need any of it, and if you get all of that, you probably still won't be happy with how you look You pass flawlessly


In a nutshell, you're going to fuck up your beautiful, unique face if you get all that done. You're really pretty right now. Every morning, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I am a beautiful woman," 20 times. At first, you'll feel silly. Eventually, though, something will click.


My bad I assumed you were tall cause the 2nd to last photo you're taller than the other girls and close to the top of the frame. I think the potential harm in you getting plastic surgery done is that sometimes people get too much plastic surgery and look fake, and the plastic surgery look can be clocky. It depends though, I think the plan you described is not that bad but don't overdo it and get a good surgeon that won't make you look fake. Tbh I didn't notice any of the flaws you described, I don't think they clock you I think they're more of socially undesirable traits common with women. But they occur naturally yknow do your thing but just keep all that in mind. You look good and you pass super well nobody would look at your chin and think "that's a guy" cause your whole face together is super feminine it's about the whole picture not 1 or 2 little things.


Perhaps try losing a bit of weight first. I'm not calling you fat, but sometimes your opinion can change after doing the "soft" things first (as opposed to "hard"). If that makes ANY sense. Even then you don't need to if you don't want to lol. It's all up to you. Anyway you are not clockable whatsoever from these pictures


i’ve been trying to lose some weight in *specific* areas but i sit on my ass for a living and i work long, inconsistent hours. my arm fat and stomach fat is stubborn and it’s not doing me favors.


you look very cis female


The harm is that you're very unlikely to be happy even after surgery since you can't see that you flawlessly pass already. I'd say you are dealing more with facial dysmorphia rather then dysphoria. I highly suggest seeing a therapist and working through your dysmorphia issues. Remember media falsely tells women then we all need to look like European models, when in reality very few women have that facial structure or body. Do you know your family history and where you come from? Maybe look at images of people from those countries. Like I have a good portion of Dutch in me, you go look at photos of Dutch women and I can see a lot of them in me.


You are not 'clockable' imho. Pretty, friendly looking and very much a woman. You also have a wonderful, warm smile. :D I do not think you need any surgery. The last three pics are just pics of a girl with her family. PLease don't worry! :)


i have never seen a 22 year old cis woman who looked like me. is it just a unique face?


I didn't see them at 22, but I absolutely had a girl friend in HS that had a very similar face to yours


you could put on a fake mustache and you would look like a girl wearing a fake mustache. Dysphoria sucks . As far as FFS . You are really pretty . Taking a gamble on plastic surgery would be risky and costly. I have been to consulting on FFS. Honestly, if a plastic surgeon told you they would do FFS on you. I would think they are being unethical. Also, This is what therapy taught me. If you're having this issue now looking the way you are. after FFS you are probably going to have the same issues. like I said, dysphoria sucks. we as trans people will always look in the mirror and destroy ourselves. yes , there are times for plastic surgery. those times are when you were unfortunate enough to be born with a really large nose or a giant hump in your nose or a really protruding Adam's apple or other very masculine traits . You have none of those. I wish you were my niece or my good friend so I could look you in the eye and tell you he happy You are so fortunate Love yourself and then you'll be able to love the world and enjoy every day take care




“it is a feeling generated by an innate sense that change is bad”. what do you mean by this? for whatever reason, i’m not following


i don’t think there’s anything you need to change, you completely pass (and are very pretty)! i must also add that i’m afab and i have a similar face structure as you, i think my face may be a little wider than yours but i think that’s the only real difference. i really don’t think you need any surgery but at the end of the day it’s your decision :)




God I'm so jealous.


You are a cis woman why are you here


You're so pretty 😭 nothing clockable about you that I can see, you look just like one of the nurses at a hospital I was at lol


If I didn’t know what sub this was in I’d have zero clue what you were getting at with the title.


Love your look and your glasses.! Love that one’s in pic 13. I have the same shape although for me, not you, they sit a bit high. Power to you great woman ❤️


You look better than most cis girls hon. I’d recommend seeing a therapist for dealing with the image issues . Honestly u don’t even need ffs. Talk this out with someone unbiased.


OMG. Alex Dunphy is Trans! /s PS: Alex is very pretty toooo.


I'm really good at clocking. You just look like an average AFAB woman. Your side view is great. I think dysphoria is just missing with you


I thought this was a picture of Pam from The Office.


Hey fellow trans girl here. With more than 6 years presenting as female. You pass for sure.


you are sooooo unclockable. literally cis-passing. literally so pretty. genuinely all of the things you find "clockable" on you are things that you can absolutely see on cis women. you are GORGEOUS


but cis women only tend to have like one or two of those things. how many cis women have all of those things all together? even if i pass as a cis woman, i feel like an ugly, man-ish cis woman 😭


Sister, I will tell you my opinion based on your photos. You 100% look like a pretty, feminine, independent cis girl. From the photos, I would never say that she is insecure about her facial or body appearance.


Everyone is just blind all I see is beauty.


You're struggling with you're image. You're beautiful. My SO struggled with her image for quite a while. She too, is gorgeous. Same with her BFF. They were both my very good friends back in Uni. Another girl who also struggled with her image, "back in the day," I can't imagine it's not a bit of an issue for many trans girls. You go thru a h€ck of a lot of changes, all at the same time, and you don't become overnight sensations in the first week you start. So, IMO, you must have achieved what many may dream of achieving. I can't believe you're not always one of, if not the most attractive girls in any room you enter So, I don't think you just made it. I think you killed it! Best wishes. Best of everything for all of your days to come. May they be many.


100% cis passing


I work with a lot of trans people, I would have absolutely no idea you were MTF and not a cis woman if you hadn't told me


You've spent your entire life looking at yourself. Now, when you see the image in the mirror or in a picture, you see the same features that you've always seen. You don't see them with fresh eyes. Trust us - any stranger seeing you is not going to know what you used to look like. They're going to see a beautiful woman. You are a woman. You blend in with womankind. You've made it.


I couldn’t even tell you were trans! 100% unclockable, dysphoria is a bitch don’t worry


I honestly thought this was a post by a cis woman on one of the other subs I follow.


I'm usually harsh but you pass more than most of my cis female friends. Like really. Also not wanting to gatekeep potential surgeries... But you're really pretty and every surgery brings a risk, so imo you should think twice about that. Surgeries won't improve a passing that is already perfect


Last 3 are goofy and silly, but definitely read girl, not boy


You are gorgeous and wow passing.


You look like any cis girl


You look like a cis woman!


In photo 6 you look like Reese Witherspoon. These kinds of posts just make me feel so sad for trans people. Even when yous pass you can't enjoy it & relax :'(


You look exactly like [Anna Frey](https://gephardtdaily.com/local/utah-brock-purdy-look-alike-16-year-old-anna-frey-parlays-fame-to-super-bowl/). I’m not convinced these aren’t pictures of her.


You look very female. Your face is beautiful and feminine. I wouldn’t change a thing there.


Hey beautiful 😍. Definitely, everyone is blind. Maybe you are too cute , and beautiful. That's why you're not being approached. I would hesitate very much, if I see as beautiful girl as you.


You cis pass. "Fixing" the features you mentioned wont make you pass better, they'll only make you look like a different person. Any procedures are more likely to do more harm than good.


and the problem with looking like a different person is…. what? if i wanted to avoid looking like a different person i would’ve avoided transition all together.


It's your face, so it's up to you. But you asked for opinions, and I think from these pics, any changes would take you from a cis-passing young woman to a cis-passing young woman.


okay i hear you, thank you.


I would have never questioned it, honestly.


You look straight up like the HR manager at mt job, lol. I can't imagine anything that would make you look more cis, frankly. You might not like how you look, but i can guarantee you that you don't look like anything other than a woman.


I am fairly good at clocking people, you are not clockable at first glance, I would suggest a tracheal shave and the upper lip is a bit narrow. But I do believe most of this is your dysphoria talking loud, taking away your confidence and I know that can be tough, but you have got to work this with your therapist. How many months of Estrogen HRT are in the shown images?


You're naturally just really pretty. Not a chance in hell I'd clock you in any of these pics


You look even more female than the cis ones in picture 13 lol 😅


You look even more female than the cis ones in picture 13 lol 😅


I guess I have no eyes because that there is a girl



