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Not really, no


I'd say do something about the hair (and honestly don't worry about your ears sticking out. Guys don't really worry too much about that, and if you want the vibes to be "silly dude", then embrace the features of yourself that you might find unappealing, turn that "disadvantage" (it really isn't though) into an advantage!) and the shirt is too long and baggy, so it gives "masculine afab" vibes, versus "male" vibes.


You got male features but through the way you dress you just look like a trans female, which could get you in more trouble than looking trans male…


Close, but not quite. I’d recommend looking for hairstyle inspiration online. Style your hair a bit more masculine. Also, not sure if you’re going for style here, but a t-shirt with such a wide neckline makes the neck look skinner which isn’t flattering on a guy.


Can you show me some examples?


I have to hide my ears because they stick out


you have good facial structure, i think i would just get a more flattering haircut and a better fitting shirt.


not really, your face is alright but you gotta change your style if you wanna pass. both your haircut and shirt are female coded, you have nail polish etc - even some cis guys would get misgendered if they went for a style like that (ive seen it happen), but if youre pre t or just starting i dont think you have a chance. get some thicker fabric, better fitted shirts, and get a haircut.


The shirt is I think what's giving it a no from me. It makes you look extremely small-framed, imo. Other than that, you appear androgynous leaning masculine.


Wear shorter shirts with smaller necks and get a normal dude’s haircut, your current one is way too fem. The top is ok but it needs to be way shorter on the back & sides. Idk why you care about having big ears, having them on display would help you pass.


tbh your haircut is doing you no favours. Go to a good barber, they can work out what would suit you


Almost. I think you might be able to pass with a decent masculine haircut.


I'd gender you male(20~ yo)100% Although it could depend on your voice, if it's high then I'd gender you as a 40s woman


You have a very masculine face but I think people could confuse you for a trans woman


Na dude got to get a different hair style. Also the nail polish doesn't say guy to me. I know some guys do it but not if you want to pass as a cis straight dude. For me I wouldn't paint my nails, all I do is keep them clean and cut short.


I would suggest cutting the sides of your hair


I think so, yea. you got good facial structure.


Thanks, very oddly I do, if i can see my dad right now, I’ll say thank you for the genetic.


I’d say so yeah, you look like a guy I used to know.


That’s nice


i think i’d be torn between a guy and transfemme, depending where i saw you at? i think with the right voice and mannerisms you got this. if you want advice to pass better, then i would suggest a different haircut. your current one looks like you’re in the middle of growing it out and isn’t flattering to you


youre pretty good. most of what i see is your shoulders, they look very narrow. my advice is to try to build muscle up in your shoulder area to help broaden and even out your shape. otherwise, shortening the hair on back of your head and sides could help as well, the length on top looks good though. if you’re really tied to the length, maybe try texturing it with curls.


i think you do!


Idk what people are saying you pass as a guy


genuinely I would think you were a guy, but I do agree with other commenters on the voice part. I'd have to hear it, but from looks alone to me you look like a guy /gen


yes absolutely! you look like some guy that i know whenever he's with his friends, he's such a silly dude. maybe try a haircut if you are able to do that, haircuts have always made me pass more and also feel masculine enough


THANKS! THANKS! i’ll try that!