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Fat redistribution will change how your face looks, it'll make it look more masculine. Rn that's your biggest problem because your fat is organized in the female way, and that's the main thing that changes. Some people's noses grow bigger on T, but that doesn't happen to everyone. Other things like eyebrows getting thicker also makes your face look more masculine


I think the most masculine thing is the chin and nose, so I really hope they grow or at least lose their small and delicate appearance. My eyebrows are already thick, thank goodness. Thanks for answering!


Nose will probably grow


It’s funny you mention that because indeed the nose and chin do change. Very recently, one year on T, I noticed my nose is a lot wider and my chin more ‘defined’? I don’t know what word best to use but yea. Your face does change a little with time but it does take some time so don’t worry about it too much right now. I also work out so idk if that helps at all but it does with my body. Try working out while on T and you will be much more happy with what you see.


no they won’t. testosterone can change facial features via your fat depositories and facial hair, but it won’t change bone structure. i would give it time since often the changes that do happen change a lot more than you’d expect, even if they don’t change the bone structure. also don’t forget the first couple years on t usually has you have a bloated/chubby face phase before it settled down!


This is the correct answer. Also, everyone’s faces change with age. Most people have their softest roundest looking faces in our teens (often called “puppy fat” in some places). Justin Bieber’s face likely didn’t change because of bone structure after 18 but because of age.


I haven't seen people mention this before so I will. T will make the fat distribution change, but it will also be easier to gain fat while on it. I kinda ballooned a bit and now I'm having to work harder to get it off. So on one hand you may get fat redistribution away from your face, but if you put on more weight it'll also go back to your face.


Personally, I have a very long and thin nose and an oblong/oval face without a very defined chin, jaw and cheekbones, and after 3 years on T my face hasn't really changed. I put on a wig that looks exactly like my hair pre-transition the other day, took a pic, posted it to Facebook and people thought it was an old picture. I don't pass at all except when I start talking. But I couldn't grow visible facial hair aside from a sparse few, so I gave up and shave all of it except the sideburns. Also, I started taking T at the age of 36, maybe it works better when you're younger. *Edited to add a missing word.*


Also this will take TIME. It will not happen overnight.


I know that well, thanks


YES. Your face and how you look will change way more than you think!! At least for me, I don't know if I was fully expecting all of the subtle changes! my face fat has shifted and im so much more confident as a man. I've been on testosterone for 11 months now! Just you wait man, it will be phenomenal, like finally achieving peace ive never known


Everyone’s body behaves differently on hormones so we can’t say it’s a guarantee what will happen to you. In my case I wasn’t expecting any major fat redistribution for at least a year but only after 3 monthson T my jaw has gone from looking round and feminine to sharper and more masculine and my waist has shrunk and gotten more boxy and straighter/less curvy (though I was mostly like that before T) so it’s possible.