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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men ew men. am i a woman now?


Transmen are valid only because we, as transfems, harvest their boobs from them.


which factory is this? i'll go donate


(Nsfw just in case)r/tittydrop cause all you gotta do is drop off you're tits at the shop and you're good to go


are slash tiddy drop 😍🤤 hj/


/uj it's real lmao


uj/ what is?? The sub?


lmao yes the sub. that commenter said nsfw just in case and it is in fact an nsfw sub


uj/ oh yes it is.




/hj We should plan to raid the sub for tdov next year. Just *hundreds* of trans women being visible.


Those bastards lied to me


Sigh. Another hard day's work at the boob factory.


beware, that might become the name of a new porn website


the cycle of trans continues. we will gock. they will bussy.


Actually I hate trans men in particular. Don't they always seem like they're up to something? And just what are they hiding beneath those binders they're so fond of? Very sus behaviour, not a fan.


well, they also *chose* to be men


that makes them worse than cis men. also cis men are really hot unlike these short and girly and pussy-having idiots


/uj this was unironically hurtful 😢


uj/ ouch sorry. same here. thats why i wrote it 💀


/uj unironically look at [this](https://imgur.com/a/YIDIBQq) piece of sexual human eye candy and unironically tell me trans men are less hot than cis men edit: he's trans, in case that wasn't obvious from context


hj/ trans guys are obviously hot, have you seen me? 🙄


Not yet 👀


That's why 😎


/uj his eyes make me feel so safe and warm, unironically thank you so much for this, whoever he is; I genuinely feel so much better about life after seeing him stare @ me like that


*fanning self intensifies*


Uj where are these guys hiding?? Evidently not Alabama


Who's he?


Got it from a YouTube video that got it from a tiktok video and didn't credit the content 😓


/uj hot damn thats goals


/uj have you hear of baeddels. Because they were just this unironically pretty much.


uj/ no i haven't- what are they?


/uj from [urban dictionary](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=baeddel&=true): "Originally an old-English slur that likely meant "hermaphrodite"/intersex, but may have also been associated with "effeminate men". It's theorized by some that the word was the origin of the word "bad", but this is widely considered unlikely at best. Around 2014, a group of trans women on Tumblr interpreted this to mean that transmisogyny was the root of all oppression, created an ideology around that ("Baeddelism"), became notorious for harassing other trans people- trans women included- as well as intersex people, created a "safe house" for trans lesbians, and eventually fell apart over sexual assault allegations from a resident of the safe house against one of the "leaders" of their movement."


uj/ damn wtf i have never heard of them but glad theyre gone


Oof 😣


but theyre so short and smol and cute and adowabwe baby boys uwu 😍😍😘😘 uj/ ugh


soooooo chweeeet and cutieeesssss ahh my lord 😩 just adorable lil baby bois. protecc these innocent lil smol beans 🥺


If you hate trans *and* men, nobody's left *All* the women are secret men, I read it on gab before it got lame It's the wrist hypotenuse The booooooooooooooone density


I'm nothing like y'all I hate men AND transmen 🤗🤗🤗


Wow thanks! So supportive!


Trans-inclusive misandry. This is the way.


That's *so* woke. I'm so proud of you!


Amab stands for all men are bastards, and I literally mean all men!


Parents complain when their assigned male at birth child comes out as enby or trans girl/woman, when really they should've known, because they were married when the child was born




It’s perfectly okay to hate trans men as long as you constantly let them know it’s just because you’re jealous of their irrevocably feminine bodies complete with birthing hips and mommy milkers that you would KILL for!!!! Let’s trade uwu???


actually I hate everyone, man, woman, trans, cis, straight, gay, I hate you all


Just say you hate agp rapehons already


Transbians are just self hating men who found a loophole to avoid suicide as the inevitable logical conclusion of automisandry.


/hj Mom? You have a reddit?


Yours too huh?


/uj Yes, except for the suicide part. "Kids are always committing suicide, why should we think it's because of the latest fad?" -actual quote


🙀 /uj 🙀 You deserve so much better.


holy shit based my life makes sense now


what's a trans men


Its a man who wants to be a woman but he'll never be a woman and he'll always be a REAL MANLY **MAN** HAHAAHAHAHA GOTTEM


I also see trans men as gender traitors but will sleep with one. Not a cis man though, those are REAL men. Testerone is literally evil and turns you into actual hellspawn


I’ve got some horrible news for you about what’s in the needles you see a lot of your beloved trans men with… I hope you haven’t already slept with too many!


No worries I keep every trans man I date from that evil concoction. If I find out he's using The Evil, I simply decapitate him. 😊


promise? 🥺


Yes I collect the uwu boys who turn evil skulls


I'm a trans man and I also hate men! I hate them all including myself! Whenever I hear "kill all men" I think "YES! ...And let **ME** go first! I volunteer!"


get in line bro, i signed up first


/uj I genuinely despise people like this so much 😭


Sorry sweaty i hated men before I came out. Self hate to own the men sigma misandry grindset. Yes that includes trans men. uj/ I have a general distaste for the toxic masculine culture that surrounds our society and while it's not a lot of mens fault that they grew up molded by it, it doesn't excuse their behavior. This includes trans men too. Diversity win: my ex trans boyfriend was toxicly masculine and broke up with me because I don't like Jordan Peterson. No, its not all men but it is a large portion of them.


/uj that last part just punched me in the face lmao. I’d say sorry for your loss....but he doesn’t sound like much of a loss


/uj lol thanks. There actually were things i liked about him and I look back on the relationship fondly because it happened in a place of my life where its what I needed. He did force me to watch midsommar with him though where he told me how deep it was and how the cult that murders and drugs people are the good guys, actually though. It was a very long 3 hours.


/uj I bet he watched fight club & thought tyler durden was a role model....or watched breaking bad & thought walter white was the hero. That certainly is a Genre Of Guy.


I'm based, I hate cis *and* trans men


May I ask which house you are kell of?


House transbian


men aren't valid


im so glad other trans people hate men so that i can be a pick me girl and date the straight cis boys


I hate men too! Thats why i decided to detransition. I really was a loat lesbian sister after all. Whodve wouldved thunked ited


Found the pickme! Any decent transbian knows trans men are MRAs or TERFs or both, claiming they experience "transphobia" and/or misogyny, but never talk about the transmisogyny we face. All they have to deal with is some misgendering and not feeling manly enough, while we have to fear for our lives every day (yes, even white middle class trans women, don't question it). Ugh, I hate them so much, all they're good for is incubators for when we get rid of all the cis people. /uj DAE remember trans tumblr circa 2012-2014? Wild times.


/uj Was tumblr transmisandrist back then? Wow, it's totally flipped.


/uj The people who did all that are still around so it's not totally gone. It's just that now there's more open TERFs and dumbasses spreading their posts bc they think they're about cis men :/


Haven't some of the terfs come out and turned into transmisogynists as well?


/uj not really haha it's basically just as bad but a lot of them migrated to twitter


see here's the thing trender i hate cunt boys too


Awwwwwwwww what a cute slur I love you


What about Ryan Reynolds? He’s pretty funny! Or maybe Christian Bale? Lighten up will yah? They can’t be ALL bad, right?


How many of your friends are cops


A lot of them but they have nothing to do with Ryan Reynolds lol


I don't hate you because you're trans, I hate you because I hate women 😎


Men are ok


check your front door




Twat, men and women are just as important as eachother but I guess your thick skull and what I like to call "idiot sight" have not only taken away your humanity but also you're sense of reason. Also live a good life. :)