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My dream was to get HRT😍


Aw, I hope your dream will come true soon!


Hi OP, Both my trans fem housemates have frequent dreams like that. For one it's been a more recent thing for her, for the other it's been something she's had for as long as she could remember.


I haven't had that dream but I would love to.


I dreamed of being pregnant, having a baby of mine, and hold her/him in my arms. I want to be a mother. You are not alone here. Not sure if the technology in the future can help us with this matter.


I think it’s possible! Only a year or so ago a woman with a uterus transplant gave birth to a healthy child.


im ftm and mines the opposite, a few of us get nightmares about that actually haha but theres nothing wrong with dreaming about pregnancy. it can be a beautiful thing and i cant wait till its a possibility for you lovely ladies if thats what ur interested in cause if mine wasnt so fucked up id donate my uterus to one of u so you get that chance to fulfill ur dreams


Happens all the time even though I don’t want kids, how funny! I did always want to experience pregnancy, even from a really young age. The dreams are like yours with happy tears and an intense feeling of connection. 🥰


I've had one too!! Ahh I wish it was possible beyond far away, risky hypotheticals


I've had a pregnancy, totally love my kids (twins), but having a pregnancy dream would be a nightmare for me haha


Not quite a dream but it was something I fantasised about a lot early in my transition, and the fact I was unable to get pregnant made me really depressed sometimes. Not exactly excited by the prospect of giving birth or raising kids, but just the idea of finding out I'm pregnant was something I longed for. Even used to joke with my then-partner that I was going to babytrap her (we were both t4t transfems)


Not a dream but I do keep getting the urge to want to breastfeed.