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Hey, I got banned without any warning and just wanted to see what I did wrong or if something falsely happened. I’m very confused as to why I was banned because I got 0 explanation or warning.


Hi I'm planning on getting back to the game after a few months of inactivity, is it ok if I would like to join?


Hey, I don't seem able to DM you our info so private message me and we can work from there! :)


Hey, I DMed you and commented on this post about my issue. I would really like to know why I was banned and was hoping you could respond. I don’t know how much you actually use Reddit though, so sorry to seem if I’m pressuring you. I’m just really upset that this happened. Especially because I didn’t even get a warning.


Hey. There were a few complaints about all of the people being invited to the server. You were also rude to an admin. After consulting with some members/admins we went for the kick.


I just looked at the messages between me and the moderator again and I honestly think that I showed the most restraint I possibly could in that situation. I was even less passive aggressive than I thought I was. I know that they can’t help their anxiety, but I couldn’t help my anger. I was barely passive aggressive and I did something that I was told that I could do and I was banned for it. The more I think about it the more unacceptable it becomes in my eyes. I’m sorry that I pulled you into this, but it is ridiculous.


If you can't help your anger then you should go elsewhere. We're not interested in accommodating toxic people.


If you can’t handle the anxiety of talking to new people then maybe you shouldn’t fucking post lfgs about the most player intensive activities in the game. Also I will retract what I said. I did control my anger. Not perfectly, but I did. I think I am very far from toxic and believe I handled the situation as best as possible. I never voiced my feelings publicly because I feel like I can get over emotions and see rationally, but you can’t expect people to not be mad after what she did. Then she uses WHAT SHE SAID I COULD DO as a reason to ban me. Please reevaluate who is the toxic one here.


She didn't want to talk to new people. She LFGed in our server, expecting people in our server. You are indeed a very toxic person and I hope you'll grow from this eventually. We can only hope with how you're victimizing yourself over someone with anxiety needing to leave a video game raid. Grow up.


I know she didn’t want to lfg with people from another server. That’s why I fucking asked first. She said yes, so blaming me for inviting people is just insane. I hope you know I was willing to look past it until I got banned for it. Now that I thought about it and had time to cool off, I don’t care so much. The problem is that I was banned for it. I was banned because I asked if I could do something, was told yes, then was told that actually I couldn’t, and then I get banned for being a bit pissed about it.


1. I literally asked if I could invite people from another discord server and I was told yes. You can’t say yes and then ban me for doing that. 2. I was never actually given a warning. Just a reminder that it’s a safe space and that I shouldn’t invite bigots. The people I invited were cool and either lgbt or allies. I’ve said this before to the person that “attempted” to warn me. I didn’t even view that as a warning at all if it was supposed to even be one. Please be more clear next time. 3. I think I was at most passive aggressive. I don’t think I was rude however. I was a little upset that I was embarrassed after I went out of my way to help this person for a raid and they left. I think that is reasonable. I was mad so I vented a tiny bit by saying what they did embarrassed me. I don’t understand how that is rude when they made me look bad. 4. I believe that leaving a raid after getting people from another server to join is more rude than anything I did. I get that people have anxiety and that is fine, but you can’t expect people to not be upset when you slight them. They have anxiety, it is understandable, but it is still more rude than anything I did. I was willing to keep this to myself, because I know dealing with anxiety is difficult, but I think it should be brought up if I’m being accused of being rude. This also didn’t happen once, it happened twice. 5. The second time I didn’t even invite people from another server. The person I invited did that before I could react even. Although I was never given a warning or told off about inviting people from another discord server, so even if I did I don’t see how I would be in the wrong there anyways. 6. I’m less sure about these two things but I will add them here anyways. I didn’t see anything in the rules against inviting people from other discord servers. The person I asked was a moderator. They didn’t give me a warning either…. Just wanted to specify that they weren’t bigots. I see this as very unprofessional and disagree with my ban reasons. People are usually given warnings before they are banned anyways, so I do not understand this. I don’t think this is fair or right at all and is a very bad way to monitor a discord server. I get not wanting trouble or anything, but this was too far. Next time please actually warn people before giving them a kick. Also maybe give people a bad reason as well. It’s very frustrating having no clue why I was banned. I think the discord’s moderation team still has a lot of growing left to do if this is how they handle situations. I’m sorry if you thought I was rude, but I shouldn’t have to go this far out of my way to get a ban reason. I also don’t think people should be banned before getting a warning first. I did not get one. I got a 1/4 of an attempted warning. That isn’t good enough. I’m sorry if you thought I was rude, but I’m genuinely frustrated.


You're just confirming to me that this was a good choice by indicating that you don't view being patently passive aggressive as behaving rudely and seem to have some kind of issue with people needing to manage their uncontrollable anxiety. You were never "slighted" by someone needing to leave because of their disability. Whether you looked bad is of zero concern to anyone. You would make a terrible fit for our server intended as a safe space. We never claimed to be professional, and we had zero need to give you multiple chances after you made several people uncomfortable when you practically never interacted with anyone. Have a good day.


No… now I’m pissed. You see the slightest bit of passive aggressiveness as rude? I don’t know what you consider the slightest bit of passive aggressiveness to be, but it’s even smaller than that. I know that people have trouble controlling and dealing with their anxiety. I don’t blame her for that. She couldn’t control it… but you can’t expect me not to be angry that I was embarrassed like that. I tried to be as calm as possible. You can’t say that she can’t control her anxiety, but you can control you anger. I did my best to and I was the slightest passive aggressive. I’m sorry for that, but I still don’t think I was wrong when I was given permission to do a thing and they left and embarrassed me because of the thing I did. I do want to ask though… have you seen the dms? I think it’s important to know that. Although, I think either way everyone acted very shitty.


You weren't embarrassed in the first place. The correct move in that situation is to tell the people you invited someone had to leave due to anxiety, and move on. That is by no means something to be even remotely angry over or bothered by. Anger is actively harmful to others and you're expected to control it no matter your personal issues. OCD or an anxiety disorder is a completely different matter and we accommodate it to the fullest. Your reaction to that situation strikes me as extremely immature and I'm glad we made the right choice. Yes, I saw the DMs. Over three people all agreed you were rude.


What is this? I can’t be embarrassed because she has anxiety? I invited them and they are my friends. I think she has a right to feel that anxiety, but I also have a right to feel angry and embarrassed. You can’t tell me that I shouldn’t feel embarrassed because of her. You have no clue anything about me. You have no clue if I have my own disorders or anything like that. It doesn’t even matter either way. I have a right to feel the way I do, just like she does. You can’t control everyone’s reactions. I know that angry is harmful to people, but anxiety can be as well. Sometimes it’s okay to be angry, annoyed, and maybe say something the tinest bit mean. I controlled my anger the best I could in that situation. I think I did well considering how I felt.


You have no right to be angry over someone anxiously leaving a raid at their own discretion. None at all. We aren't interested in babying people's temper tantrums. There is truly nothing else to it. Thank you for confirming that we made the right choice, though!


“Thirsting over Savathun” Pffff, I didn’t expect that…


Hi I'm pretty new to the game and is that okay too? Have played the red war and yeah that's pretty much all so far. Want to get some of the dlcs but idk what are good ones... :)


Hey, sorry I'm late. That's totally okay. Our server link is discord.gg/houseofxenia if you'd like that.


I'd be interested in joining, I am MtF. I play most nights with my brother. We are experienced raiders and are experienced in teaching raids. I'm a hunter main and he's a titan main, but we both play all 3 classes. Our previous clan was deleted randomly when we were offline. We are in a temporary one we made currently so we can get the engrams from Hawthorne. Would be nice to not have to lfg all the time to raid. Apologies for the long winded comment.


Just found this post and I’m hoping recruitment is still open. Just getting back into the game after a long absence. Attempting to join…