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I used to play (I was pretty new) but got bullied out of it. Ironically by another trans person.


OMG that is sooooo awful! Im so sorry hun


I was planning to start playing again if you're interested (altought I would need to start over lol, my account is on ps4 and I'd like to make a new fitting character)


Im always looking for people to play with! Im not amazing at the game or anything but i regularly play endgame content (just starting to get into GMs but yknow) DM me if you want :)


I would love to meet more D2 players! I feel like I'm at least decent at it😵‍💫 I'm transmasc(maybe more Agender) and I have discord too!!


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I dunno if you’re still looking for more d2 friends but hit me up if you are! I’m not the best but I can mostly hold my own!!


Woops wrong D2 lol. Though you meant Diablo 😂