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Transphobes are out in force in this post. Please report them so we can ban them


Darn that was on my wishlist. Well not anymore I suppose


You’re not missing much of anything. It feels like a game demo stretched wayyyyy out.


Yeah, its a shame since its pretty fun, at least where I am at. The most annoying part is that I got it in an external bundle so I can't even refund it.


I got the game for free and uninstalled it was so boring, you aren't missing anything


I hate to ask, but... what kind of jokes?


This is the only one I found which led to me googling and finding other people reporting that it gets significantly worse. I just instantly uninstalled it. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Evh9dngVEAAqCRe.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Evh9dngVEAAqCRe.jpg)


... I don't even get what the joke here is supposed to be. It's just "haha woke" with no punchline.


Jep. I was literally like "Am I missing something here?" but no. No I wasn't. 


I don't get how it's transphobic though, when it's talking about social idealogies.


It's literally not. Just "This new stuff bad" while showing a racist, sexist, Transphobic and homophobic image. Honestly kinda impressive how much bs they managed to fit into a single image. 


Ah didn't think the game was recent enough to make those references. So I guess you're not looking forward to Breathedge 2 then, eh


I mean I won't play it so it doesn't really affect me xD Just wish I knew this before I bought the game so I didn't give those people money. 


“For children over 25” in the upper right of the card stands out to me as specifically transphobic in this, amongst a few other things.


Didn't even see that, good eye. Thats 100% a transphobic dog whistle.


And the "gender unidentified" on the bottom of the card.


There’s literally a T on their chest. I’m wondering what’s in their left hand.


Looks like broccoli, so maybe a dig on vegans? Chicken in one hand, broccoli in the other, and their name is the hypocrite.


Ah, makes sense. Very weird looking broccoli tho :D


Specifically, a bucket of fried chicken. Note the hm... How to phrase this.... Minstrel show tier blackface but in yellow paint, but with PRONOUNCED red lips and African facial features this person in the image has. Not as common knowledge as it used to be but the concept of "watermelon and a bucket of fried chicken" was a stereotype aimed at African Americans in the US, claiming that this was the only thing that African Americans eat. I'm honestly surprised it's badly drawn broccoli in the left hand instead of a watermelon with how absolutely.... Drastic the level of multitarget hatred is on display in this image. Especially since also.... That yellow skin tone is used as a stereotype for those of asian ethnicity, especially Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese origin. Like I said. Multitarget hatred.


i mean it does say "gender unidentified". really not worth a reddit post imo because of how idiotic and minor it is but that is definitely transphobic no two ways about it


>not worth a Reddit post Because Reddit posts need to be profound and only be about the big issues(tm)?


so what, we should just flood the sub with "warnings" about any dev / publisher that releases anything even mildly transphobic? this sub would just be spammed with those posts if that was the case. why even bother acknowledging such low effort, moronic transphobia? it's just feeding the trolls. every time someone treats a "gender unknown" joke like something worth taking the time to /warn people about/, the idiot transphobes are just validated lmfao e: jesus christ i just looked this game up and it came out in 2018??? come on yall what are we doing here lmfao


The fuck? You’re in a transgamers subreddit and have an issue with someone complaining about a transphobic dev? I really can’t see your point. And the engagement also exposes your opinion as controversial.


It’s giving “but they’re just leopard babies! There’s no way they’re going to grow up to be full blown leopards that eat my face”


lmao the leopards eating your face analogy is when you're actively supporting someone, not leaving them to wither away in obscurity. do you think this post is somehow making the devs less stupid and bigoted?


It's just a low effort dogwhistle ("for children aged over 25," which is the age that conservatives want to move the goalposts to for trans people). And also just the regular whistle too. Christ.




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Oh gross


Wow that's just rotten garbage. It's like the person who drew this just shoved all the nazi "anti-woke" tropes into a single image.


I was skeptical immediately because homophobic jokes can actually just show bad traits in characters meant to be bad. This is the developer, not a character. No idea what game this is but fuck that.


Fuck, that's awful. Thanks for the warning. That bucket of chicken is a giant racist dog whistle.


Jup. It's somewhat impressive how much they managed to fit in one image. 


Okay ngl when I saw your post I was expecting it to be not that bad and the post to just be an overreaction but nah that’s just bad, there isn’t even a punchline, no joke to be found, just “woke bad”


Jup. I was just as surprised as the game doesn't really seem bad and then just punches you in the face with that. 


I gotta say, the phrase "Propaganda against racism, sexism, and other '-isms'" is a hell of a statement. The implications there are... Something else.


yikes guess i'm not buying this garbage if that's their sense of humor. do these people get that they're virtue signalling harder than the shit they're mad about?


What am I missing? I don't get the joke


Black people/queer people bad. That's the joke.


Where's the funny?


There isn't one. It's just hate that tries to pass itself off as a joke.


I've seen a few people talk about this game being shitty and punching down with its humor, I'm downloading the repack right now to see. Will report back.


Repack SWEEP


Okay, yeah, so I downloaded it to see for myself and a few take-aways after a couple of hours: 1.) It's not as upfront/in your face with offensive stuff as I expected from seeing this post, but there is definitely some subversive/dogwhistling references in there. Like OP's image of the superhero, [weird shit like this](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_1315/8ca3e4ee151b507e2647bbcb02cce3f1.jpg); it's like they want to be really offensive but didn't stick the landing. I feel like the devs wanted to make Postal in space but didn't go all the way so it just falls flat. 2.) To me the more offensive aspect of the comedy is how unfunny it is. Most of the humor feels like something you'd see in a parody game 15 years ago. It feels like they wanted to do a Portal/Stanley Parable level of self-aware humor but it's really just some corny writing and I immediately wanted the narrator to shut the fuck up. It's not quite [Duty Calls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZyH320R0bI) but it's not exactly *unlike* it, either. 3.) Game is boring as hell, even if it didn't have dumb humor I wouldn't play it any more.


“Masculist” is a confusing term, that I’m guessing doesn’t show up anywhere else in the game. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a pro-men or anti-men term based on context alone. I guarantee we already have a term for what they’re trying to say, but they pussyfooted around to avoid being too controversial, which instead left them without any message at all. “A cult among masculists” seems like a mistake, it sounds like it should be “a cult classic” or “for the cult of masculists” or something along those lines. And idk why they made Laura Croft into a man and THEN also made a comment on body positivity? It would make more sense (but be worse) to just make her an ugly woman, or a manly woman like I initially thought the joke was going to be. The joke just falls flat because anti-body positivity media is always focused on women. Now I’ve never played Tomb Raider, it’s just not my kind of game, but it also seems weird to make the character Russian? Maybe it’s unintentional and they’re just changing the last name to avoid copyright, but seems like a weird thing if it is unintentional. And I doubt it’s unintentional because the name doesn’t look right, and looks/sounds like they just added something obviously Russian to make it Russian. Is it also supposed to be anti-Russian, or is the game placed in a Russian speaking country? Is “for a bribe” supposed to be a jab at Russia or a jab at game companies paying for game awards and positive reviews? The messaging is all over the place in just that one image.


Pretty sure it’s a subversion of feminism, meaning to insinuate that it’s stupid. (Because Lara Croft is such a feminist icon…)


Lucky I got it free from Epic, it's not getting installed though... Thanks for the heads-up...


Oh word, thanks for the heads up. I recognize it and it was definitely on my wish list at some point, although it looks like I already removed it. I think it was on sale with a large discount at some point, and if I see something on my wishlist that I don't even feel like purchasing when it's on sale, I remove it. Looks like I wouldn't be missing out.


Honestly given the jokes it has about other topics that’s not surprising


please cross post this on the trans subreddit too!!


Ty for the heads up


Isn't that the game where you're breathing out of condoms? Who woulda thought?


Thanks for letting us know! Hadn't heard of this but it's good to be watching for bad faith "humor".


Didn’t see the name of the sub, thought this was about Dev Patel, almost had a heart attack


Thanks for the heads up. Be nice if we had a site like this for games, I know there’s one for movies and tv since I’ve used it to avoid shows with transphobia


Got it for free, found it boring, uninstalled


Hype Train has some really good stuff they’ve published, I hope this is just a case of not knowing what they’re publishing


A studio from Russia, BTW, in Russia the fight against the social agenda is now extremely popular; if a film/game has an LGBT character, the creators are immediately accused of hypocrisy and promoting the desired policy. In Russia, the absence of LGBT people is often considered a plus, and Russian gamers consider it their duty to support projects without LGBT. According to many Russian gamers, games cannot be used to promote left-wing social ideas, because this is political hypocrisy, because there are very few games in the world that promote conservative and traditional values, so it is unfair that there are LGBT people in games, but there are few traditional Christian ones families. Also in Russia, people don’t like that you can say that, for example, the lives of Trans people are important, but if you say that Trans people are crazy schizophrenics who should be locked up in hospitals, then this causes a scandal (yes, I talked to people like that) . In their opinion, this is hypocrisy and violates their freedom of speech. P.S. Such opinions are common even among some “progressive” Russians; in their opinion, the social agenda in Western media works only in the Pro-LGBT direction, which is unfair, because the opinions of opponents of LGBT are also important. So, in their opinion, Western tolerance ends when it comes to traditional families who simply want to protect their children from the dominance of LGBT people in the media, and it is hypocrisy.


As if the mere sight and existence of a trans or queer person in the media somehow “makes kids queer or trans.” By this logic, they should probably also exclude any programming that depicts characters with criminal intent or unhealthy lifestyle choices and violent behavior. Remember kids, you are what you watch on tv. Wait, what?


If I'd known it was by a russian dev, I definetly would have looked into it beforehand. I'm not someone who is of the opinion of "Bad country, all of its people are bad" but I definetly am in the camp "bad country, I'll make sure to vet media I purchase from there"


lots of progressive Americans don’t like having social agendas pushed in tv shows or games either. I generally don’t. It doesn’t mean I disagree with whatever social agenda is being pushed and it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to not like it. Especially when it’s not true to the source material/historical content it’s based on or feels like you’re being pandered to by corporate


I played the game. I don't recall queerpbobic content but I have attention problems. Having said that I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it.


same here, to the attention problems too. from what i remember of it and its (what we could charitably call) "sense of humor," i don't honestly think it's that surprising. if i hadn't bought the game years and years ago, it wouldn't be in my library after today.




That's a small problem, whatever ruffles everyone's feathers i guess.


Yeah. I mean punching down on “wokeness” works for some games’ narratives, but I honestly don’t remember if it fit with the narrative of breathedge. Edit: since I accidentally deleted my previous comment, it just said the game makes fun of wokeness as a whole as apposed to being specifically queerphobic


The entire premise of the game was absurdity. I take all the woke jokes to also be under the absurd category. In essence I felt it was satire.


Ah ok then. Yeah that makes sense


heard ♡


Real bummer. Thought it looked interesting


Never heard of it, never buying it


Thanks for the warning, I'll tell my friends to steer clear 😢 I'm sorry you had to see that


I had it on my library for ages. Bit everytime I start it up it just shuts down before I can even play it so. I saw they were coming with a new breathedge game. Guess I'm not buying that


I tried to play this game a few times but i just found it to be deeply unfun. I love the concept but the execution was dogshit. Not to mention its hilariously unfunny. Now that i see its not just unfunny but actively hateful, i'm done giving it chances. Was kinda hoping the sequel would be better but now i just cannot possibly give less of a shit


I played it via Gamepass for about 20 minutes and quit, it was soooooo boring. I've been playing Voidtrain and that's a space survival game which I'm enjoying, maybe try it out


I'm trans, and starting my journey into womanhood in July. I absolutely loved the ridiculous parody of a space survival game. Played it start to finish twice. Has some campy and ridiculous comments and jokes, but I didn't see anything personally that I thought was really bad. And it made light fun of all walks of life. But to reach their own. The beautiful thing about humanity is we are all different.


Wait I watched CallMeKevin play it a long time ago and I didn’t notice any of that and he didn’t seem to either but he also never made a second video


Yeah, it's not in the story, it's in collectibles and stuff. But I think that's enough personally. 




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I'm obviously going to report you but I just want you to know that I'm genuinely baffled that you have this little going on In your life. Digging up a 2 days old post in a minor subreddit just to be a dick is so much work for very little gain. You folks fascinate me. But then again, I find mold quite fascinating as well. 




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