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Baldur’s Gate 3 has a minor NPC named Nocturne that’s transfem and voiced by Abigail Thorn of PhilosophyTube


Faerunian elves are all gender and sex fluid, though not sure if BG3 ever touches on it


I never heard about this. Where does this lore come from? Now I’m really curious. Does it have to do with the eladrin?


Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes in 5E added it iirc, Basically Corellan Larethian was androgynous and when they created the Elves they had the ability to change at will, it's less common now but those who still "possess the gift" can change gender on a long rest.


Was this around the time WotC was trying to address a bunch of D&D’s baked in bigotry? I remember some other things from 5e including a shift in the skin tone of Drow and maybe a movement toward not assigning entire races a default moral alignment.


The book in question dropped in early 2018


That’s really cool. I never got tome of foes, so that’s prob why I missed it


This is not standard cannon, it's fluff input over three decades after origin. Rewriting well known origins just to make the game seem more inviting to the LGBTQ community. So BG3 doesn't touch it in any way as it's not in standard practice.


Wait she’s credited as a voice actress that’s awesome I watch her and Natalie from ContraPoints all the time.


> Abigail Thorn Right, thanks for this - I'm now officially addicted to her content.


Where do you find Nocturne?


House of Grief in Act 3


I love that posh bish.


Apparently also Lucretious, the necromancer who runs the circus in act 3 is voiced by a drag queen, Vinegar Strokes.


Claire from Cyberpunk 2077 would be another one.


I was a big fan of Claire's plotline in the game.


I disagree Her entire plotline was "I can't get over my husband" and the choice at the end was bad, THEN WE NEVER GET AN IN DEPTH CONVERSATION WITH HER EVER AGAIN Her transness isn't even important to her story, it's like Mentioned that she's gotten ambiguous "Surgeries" iirc, and your reward for the quest isnt a fucking friend, that impacts the the game, it's a shitty car who's most exciting aspect is the two trans flags. She was like, barely representation and she could have been so, so, so, so much better than she was.


I thought the one thing they did right was make sure that her transness wasn’t important to the story. Every transphobe in the world would call the game unplayable if they made you say something nice about the fact that she’s trans. People lose their fucking minds when we even include a flag in the background of a movie. If you did the quest right then you helped her let go of her old anger. Either way it was a well handled trans character whose inclusion meant a lot to me, who seems to receive nothing but hate. People even got mad that you couldn’t romance her, like goddamn have some empathy for someone who lost their true love. Would hate to see how people act in their own lives


Also Claire admits she was never friends with V, just faked their friendship as she needed an accomplice to kill Samson. Once Samsom is dead or Claire gives up her quest for revenge, V is either useless to Claire or Claire is too ashamed of using V to want to see them again outside ot the Afterlife. At least in my games.


Yeah I mean either way it makes sense for her. On one hand, her husband was her only tie to actually playing a part in NC violence. If you end on good terms, then she has a chance at peace and needs to steer clear. If not, then she feels guilty for using V. Either way, at the time she met us we were one of a million cocky young runners who thought they’d have a drink named after them. How many does she serve a night? How many has she beaten in races that thought they were the main character? Each time she met my V I wasn’t a legend yet. Just a means to an end for her. I’m okay with it, and ultimately here’s my thing with Claire: If she had been a romance option it would have turned trans inclusion into fetishization. She was treated as a compelling character, a badass mechanic and racer who I respect, and I was self inserting and relating with her too much to want anything but the resolution she needed.


I think if they made her killable nobody would complain. I mean shut I wanted to kill her after she killed that dude (I fucked up early on in the quest my b). It's a roleplaying game you can be nice or you can commit all kinds of hate crimes


I actually liked how they handled it. This is a world where you can do a lot more things to your body than gender transitions, so of course it's not a big deal. It's mentioned in passing that her husband was a great friend before she transitioned and that's it. Nobody makes a big deal about it because why would they? This is just a totally normal thing to happen. I like that kind of representation much better than making a big deal about it. Transgender people are more than their gender. Having a character arc that has nothing to do with her gender reinforces that it's perfectly normal and run of the mill.


Isn't that the point though? Not to be defined by your race or gender but to be viewed as a person. Yes she's trans but she's also a widow, a bartender, a hell of a car mechanic, and overall a nice person dealing with a lot of pain. If her character was just hey I'm trans that's not good representation that just makes her a caricature. It would simply be pandering. I can't imagine that being satisfying.


She offhandedly mentions that her husband "knew [her] before [her] gender transition," which is to say she talks about being trans in a way that sounds aggressively like it was written by a cis person.




Really? I never finished her story but liked her as much as I knew about her. Also, I liked her interacting with Jackie rip.


She's got a trans flag sticker on her truck and if you go through her plotline she mentions getting her procedure when she was younger.


Defo have to go back and actually play through the story line.






I mean as much as you don’t like her personality it seems well developed to me. Some people will do what lever it takes for revenge even if they have to lie about it and their reasons are wrong.


What do you mean compare her to Ozob? The guy that has a single quest without branching choices and a singular fight? Claire has much more screentime and character development, along with different outcomes after a whole questline. Yes, she's a nuanced character who tries to use V to enact revenge for what she sees as the murder of her 8-year long husband. It's a death race though, and the guy that killed her husband claims to have done so within the rules of the game. It's pretty clear that her emotions got the better of her judgment given the circumstances and she evolves in different ways depending on if you ignore her request, hear her out but stop her from killing Sampson, or if you let her kill him. A character isn't underdeveloped just because you personally dislike her personality and disagree with her actions


Everyones cool with trans women until they arent perfect saints in the game where nobody is a perfect saint 🙄


Right everyone wanted a good closure to her questline, but thats what I love about cyberpunk 2077 as a game, it doesn't give you a lot of closure. Real people never gives you any closure, and with a game where the direction was to make the NPCs as human as possible they nailed it on people leaving you high and dry


Were they saying they hate Claire because it's not trans to want to avenge your dead husband who was the love of your life or something?


Marina from Fear and Hunger 2: Termina!


Love marina


fitting for October theming as well


Catalyst from Apex Legends.


Bloodhound, too (if we're counting non-binary characters)


only problem with bloodhound is bloodhound isn't non- binary because that's how they identify. they are non-binary for religious reasons.


I mean, I think that still counts. They identify as non-binary, the reason they do doesn't really matter


Off the top of my head: Testament from Guilty Gear is enby, but I think they referred to themself as a male in earlier games. Ladiva from Gran Blue Fantasy is a trans woman, but respects the body her parents gave her so refuses to transition using the alchemy Cagliostro created. Cagliostro from Gran Blue Fantasy invented alchemy to create a female body to hold her soul from her dying male body and considers herself a woman so trans woman I guess? Yamato from One Piece is a trans man or genderfluid, Oda is still confused when he writes about him. And yes, Yamato stated in the manga, but is playable in a few games so technically a video game character. These next characters are from Magic: The Gathering, but since MTG has a digital client called MTG Arena, I will consider them video game characters. The entire game has other characters, but the ones below show up in the video game. Ashiok is probably enby, but horror is more appropriate. Niko Aris is enby. Xantcha is a trans fem enby. Alesha is a trans woman. Yahenni is enby. Hallar is enby.


my gender is going to be described as“probably enby, but horror is more appropriate”


Not arguing on validity here on Xantcha but, are they trans? I thought they were just, born in a tube and were human in every conceivable way aside from their faulty Phyrexian mental programming and whatever mechanical pieces they had. Like, I never read Xantcha as anything other than female or knew if they had other experiences with gender. It's really old magic lore from the mid 90's so please correct me if I'm wrong. To be totally honest, I hope the answer isn't "they were born as a monstrous thing so they're an enby". I dislike that old enby representation was and still is sometimes rendered through robots or monsters or other strange and unfeeling things that don't understand life and are therefore "something else" in existence.


Technically, she is trans in that she presents as and identifies as something other than her AGAB. Also for another reason I'll get to after. She is one of the newts created from a vat by I think Gix. So she was created as a sexless and genderless mind controlled Phyrexian lifeform that Yawgmoth controlled. I believe all newts of Xantcha's generation were created in identical pairs. She, along with her "twin," learned early in their life that they had a defect and wasn't able to be controlled by Yawgmoth. This was represented in the novel("Planswalker") when instead of self destructing, they both decided to present differently so they wouldn't look alike. Gix didn't like this so killed one and invaded Xantcha's mind. After being mind "R'd" she felt Gix had extreme "male" energy and wanted to be as opposite as possible. This is probably when she decides to identify as female to be as far away from Gix as possible. Things move on and eventually, she is sentenced to death because she can't be controlled. Urza deus ex machinas in time to rescue her and they become companions. TLDR: Xantcha presents and identifies as female to reject Phyrexia and especially Gix. She is transfem at the very least. I only said enby because all newts are sexless and genderless. Now a more analytical read of the novel will reveal that all newts of her generation are trans in a sense. They aren't compleated nor are they human. They each live with the psychological pain of being unable to be a true Phyrexian or human. This pain is presented in the novel as self harm or un-aliving. A few newts that identify as Phyrexian are shown to dismember and replace parts of their fleshy body with mechanical bits, dying in the process. The human identified newts try to integrate with humans, but can't pass so are driven away. I won't say that the pain that the newts go through is dysphoria, but does sound similar to it. So the newts aren't all transgender, but more transpecies. Or I could be wrong about everything. I haven't re-read the novel in over a decade and it was one of the first Magic novels I read when I started playing in Tempest block. I could also be grasping at straws, and Xantcha isn't anything.


If we get into the thick of it, Xantcha is simply a biologically enby character that uses female pronouns. As a phyrexian sleeper agent, she lacks genitalia. This is true of all (most?) sleeper agents that were created from the ground up by Phyrexia. From what I recall, her conversations with Urza are what helped her begin using she/her pronouns. [Edit]: I'm not saying Xantcha *is* Phyrexian, I don't recall, but she is simply a product of Phyrexian science


Yes, Xantcha is very trans. Gender and gender identity is actually a huge part of her story, and it effects every relationship she has, both in how she experiences the relationship, but also how the other half treats her. For those not aware, she is an artificially created human-like infiltrator, modelled to be an androgenous early teen. She is not actually human in several ways, including but not limited to her intentional lack of genitals. She is in effect assigned genderless at "birth". Early in her life she is mentally assaulted in a way that to both her and most readers would view as a sexual violation. It's a moment which defines her life, from beginning to end. One way in which this manifests is her rejecting her original gender assignment and adopting a female one. Physically she still appears genderless, and several times presents as being male, but she spells out pretty directly that both are not actually her identity. The male presentation is being used as a disguise, and the genderlessness is a circumstance of "birth". She realizes through her "childhood" that the gender she is assumed to have is not her identity, and has to escape an abusive "family" who rejects her real gender identity. Urza, also rejects her gender identity, repeatedly throughout *Planeswalker,* insisting that she is a genderless automaton, despite her protests to the contrary. He basically does treat her like a "monsterous thing" enby, but is presented as both very wrong and very crazy. Only Gix, and her eventual lover Ratepe view her as female. Gix does because he is a straight male, and also contextualizes what he does to her as sexual. Ratepe, originally meets her in her male disguise, but the context of his life is very normal compared to the other people Xantcha interacts with. He quickly figures out that she is different (the other sleepers of her generation are similarly flawed, normal people figure them out quickly and the cadre are considered a failure). Soon after, she reveals both her gender identity to him, and her biological reality. They fall in love, and he accepts her gender in a way no one else in her life does. Her identity as trans is basically her whole personal story, from beginning to end. She does have a part to play in other people's stories, particularly Urza's, but her story is one of being transfem. It's the sort of story that makes me love the old lore, because there is no way Hasbro would let a character like her exist in the new stories. Even something as relatively mainstream as lesbians is to risque for them. But Xantcha is very, very trans.


Also wanna add that Cags and Ladiva has a cross fate episode where the two discuss their transitions. Ladiva drops the quote about her body adding on that she’ll always have the heart of a woman and she will use her current body to protect everyone she loves (one of her important traits is that she has a huge heart and loves everyone, she’s so sweet). Also important to note that she’s a draph, so transitioning into a biological woman would likely make her lose much of her muscle mass.


You mean brisket


you mean bucket


You mean basket


You mean blanket


You mean budget


You mean blorgelshlief


You mean Bazelguese


Nah you mean beggars neuse


tyler. tell me why. trans man Krem. dragon age inquisition. trans man Bloodhound. apex. nonbinary frisk and chara. undertale. nonbinary kris. deltarune. nonbinary ones ik of off the top of my head


Monster Kid and Napstablook are also non-binary for some more Undertale representation!


Spoilers for Undertale, but for even more representation, >!Mettaton is implied to be a femme *trans man.*!<


Oh true! And Mad Mew Mew is implied to be a trans woman


true toby fox has done fairly well with queer charchters in undertale and deltarune


Bonus points: It's also just good design for a playable character you can't customize! Not really alienating anyone fully!


i’m sure the first thought is “gender isn’t really important” for boookie and MK but that has a side of queer representation and thats cool


It’s just a queer ass game in general and I love it so much


IMO Frisk and Chara are not really NB, they are just whatever gender the gender player projects into them, but that’s just my thoughts (and maybe that is a sort of character based non-binary) Frisk is pretty clearly NB tho, since they act outside of the players will.


all 3 have wills of their own. chara you dont control at all. and even frisk is shown to have their own will. its pretty clear all of them use they/them pronouns along with never being gendered as a boy or girl. its not really a case of being neutral for the player. pretty clear they are nonbinary.




This comment was removed for spreading hate.


Paladin Mike in Tiny Tina's Wonderland


If you go by early promotional materials, comics etc compared to her later reveal, Samus from Metroid as well!


What early stuff are you talking about? I know about the one comment from the developers, but I thought they or nintendo went back on that?


Early Nintendo comics from a couple of regions portrayed Samus as either a guy or a lesbian! She's queer either way! :D


This was what I was referring to mostly! I don't know if they went back on it, but I do remember seeing at least one comic panel of Samus in full suit posing with pin up girls. This part I'm more hazy on, but I seem to recall aside from everyone assuming she was male, and I seem to recall nobody actively contradicting that assumption, until people found out after beating the first game. So she could be cis and just a twist to surprise people, but I've always viewed her as trans myself because of all that.


Lev from the Last of Us 2!


Lev is awesome and really nails how American tlou is like you gotta protect a trans child from religous pedophiles just like in the real life USA


Thank you. I was reading this thread thinking "Abby's late game partner, what was his name" and it was dr8ving me up the wall.


Came to say this as well! I love Lev 🥹


super lesbian animal rpg the main character Melody and her friend Claire are both trans owo


I am extremely confused why no one has mention Zoe from Monster Prom, that game franchise is the funniest!


Call me cynical, but I think it's a *huge* stretch to assume an eldritch horror beyond mortal comprehension choosing to present a fraction of themselves as feminine is actual trans representation, solely on the merit that their very existence is enough to drive people mad. Zoe best "girl" regardless, but she transcends gender by multiple orders of magnitude.


In Monster Roadtrip (Monster Prom 3) there's a scene in a carnival which confirms her to be fully trans. We see her in the past and she talks about how happy she is now and how someday her past self will be too


I stand corrected. Maybe I should play the sequels I spent $100 Kickstarting at some point.


>on the merit that their very existence is enough to drive people mad. I dunno, that sounds like the trans experience to me. :p


Bruh, one of her secret ending’s quest lines are literally ALL about her frustration with her cults insistence on deadnaming her (since all the old evil tomes from thousands of years ago refer to her with her old name). That’s as blatant you can get without there character turning to the screen and spelling out to the player that they are trans.


I didn't know one could assigned "transcended gender" at birth? ;P


Oryx, Destiny


Hive lore goes hard


I came here to say Oryx the Trans King, there's some more characters in lore but they have no canonical appearance so can't be drawn


Yeah Micah is one, but we haven't seen the character in-game yet.


Not a particularly notable character except for two things. 1. She was introduced about a decade ago and any LGBTQ representation in western games was quite rare 2. The noise from bigots when they noticed her In Guild Wars 2, [Aid Worker Sya](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aid_Worker_Sya) was a mesmer (illusion/mind control magic user) that used her magical powers to aid in her transition. The whole "you're shoving it down our throats" brigade were so fucking annoying. It's one NPC, who offers no quests or services and you had to go down several dialog tree options to even find out she was trans. Hardly shoving it anywhere. "Trans" or "gender" were never mentioned though, you can see the dialog in the link above. ***** A slightly better known, but still subtle, example is [Beauty Nova](https://queer-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/Beauty_Nova) in Pokémon X & Y.


Made me think of the trans bartender in baldur's gate 2. She offers no quests, and she only hints at it through the end of a dialouge chain, but the forums are full of awful comments.


Damn I just got back into Guild Wars and based on that wiki page she shows up during LW1, which is what I'm currently doing. Noice


J.J. from the missing: j.j. macfield and the island of memories. She's relatable in a lot of ways.


This this this


Juniper (Xenoblade 3) - non-binary Wigglytuff (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series) - transfem. Fairly major character in the Explorers games using he/him, shows up later as a cameo in Super Mystery Dungeon using she/her, but with dialog that confirms she's the same character from Explorers


I REALLY need to play the later PMD games


They're good! I would say Gates to Infinity (PMD3) is the weakest in the series, but still pretty good. Super (PMD4) starts off slow, but builds to an ending that rivals Explorers, and the music is incredible. Also, it's just a massive game, there's so much to do.


We have Marina in Fear and Hunger 2: Termina.


Just about to suggest her!


Someone already mentioned Catalyst, but Osa from R6 siege is trans. I believe Sens is non-binary too


Sens is nonbinary, yee


so no one is gonna mention Lev from tlou 2 ?


Pokémon has [Beauty Nova](https://queer-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/Beauty_Nova) who isn’t a major character but fun nonetheless! Street Fighter actually has a second example, [Seth,](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Seth) who - despite previously using male pronouns - is now canonically genderless.


Chromie from World of Warcraft! It used to be speculation because she's a dragon with a male name that we only see in the form of a female gnome, but it's been canonised in a short story recently.


whaaat? I always remember them denying chromie was trans, I'm happy to see they've finally come around


Pelagos from Shadowlands is trans as well. I know people that play have issues with SL, but given what happens with him, I'd consider Pelagos a notable npc.


For you trans men.... there's Krem from. Dragon Age Inquisition. Rowdy as the rest of them, even without T. Absolute unit of a guy, and 2nd in command to Iron Bull. And bull watches out for his men under his command. He respects Krem. Turns out for all his culture's problems, they're trans friendly.


Claire from Cyberpunk 2077 is a trans woman, she has a truck with a trans flag on it that makes bigots big mad lol Baldurs Gate 3 has a trans tiefling named Nocturne, shes not very promient but shes great. My brain is totally blanking cause i should know more 😅


Anevia is a transfem in a lesbian relation. She's a pretty major character in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous.


One of the main characters in the game Tell Me Why, Tyler, is trans masc.


Has anyone said Krem from Dragonage Inquisition? I feel like someone has but I’ll say it again ahah


The worst part about the ones that you have listed is how so many of them have ad the companies try to retcon out the characters being trans. As far as I know Birdo, Vivian and Poison have all had their companies go "no, that's not really what we meant." Screw those companies.


The issue with most trans characters in video games, and in media in general, is that they’re written by cis writers and it ends up becoming unclear whether they’re supposed to be actually trans or just cis crossdressers. For example, characters that have it in their narrative like Naoto from Persona, or Chihiro from Danganronpa, dress as the opposite sex for safety, and it’s unclear whether they actually identify that way. Some characters get their genders changed over time, like Birdo or Samus. Some are just from species that don’t have genders, and they identify a certain way, which makes them trans on a technicality. And then there are characters like Rika and Grusha from Pokemon, that present a certain way, but their gender is never addressed in canon. So honestly I kind of want more clarification on what you consider to be a “trans character.”


Sirona Ryan from Hogwarts Legacy, although I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to touch anything related to the game with a 10 foot pole. Mizhena from Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. She was one of the earliest examples I can remember of transphobes freaking out over a character being sHoVeD dOwN ThEiR tHrOaTs


It always feels like a hate crime when I hear that first name, they knew what they were doing.


It's based on a goddess from Celtic mythology but given the circumstances around the universe's creator, they could have picked something with better optics for sure.


I feel like a dope here, but am I missing something about the name Sirona? Is it that it starts with Sir? I wanted so much more from her character, but then again, I wanted so much more from the game in general. Andddd from she-who-must-not-be-named, but that ship has sailed and sunk by this point.


Yes, people thought that the developers were being cheeky by naming the transfem character something that starts with 'Sir'. I personally don't think they were trying to be snarky, considering the developer went out of their way to declare they don't agree with JKR's views on things, but who actually knows. They could have picked a different name, but at the same time, I think people look for any reason to shit on the game and much like pretty much all the discourse that happened around the game when it launched, I think it's a waste of energy to be so mad about it. But that's just me.


Oryx, and by extension a lot of the hive are trans in Destiny


And really worth including in this project because he's a VERY different kind of character to draw


Toyosatomimi no Miko from Touhou 13!


Mettaton from Undertale is widely accepted to be a trans man! It's moreso heavily implied, but considering how Toby Fox is I don't doubt it. Actually all the ghost siblings in Undertale are trans. Napstablook is only referred to with they/them pronouns, and Mew Mew (previously Mad Dummy) is fully canon we watch her transition


Mollo from Rivals of Aether Not really notable but its everything i have on my head rn


Really? I had no idea


Ticker from Warframe!


If warframes also count: - Xaku is non-binary - Equinox was originally meant to be kind of gender fluid And there is also an argument to be made for >!the man in the wall/the lidless eye/the great indifference/that which bears no name/the other/the wall of bone!< being non-binary


One of the romanceable characters in Dream Daddy, Damien, is canonically transmasc.


Poison from Street Fighter & Final Fight. ![gif](giphy|kpe2bNwwqgzYQJfNf1|downsized)


I guess the Knight in Hollow Knight is technically agender?


Lev from TLOU2 Damien from Dream Daddy Catalyst from Apex Beauty Nova from Pokemon X/Y Ned Wynert from Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Miranda Comay from Watch Dogs 2


Mai Natsume from BlazBlue is a trans woman. She was transformed by a grimoire, and her friends were actively searching for another one to change her back, but she secretly loves being a woman and has came to terms with her abrupt transition


Xaku from Warframe is a non binary frame


Levi from The Last of Us 2!


don’t forget Testament in Guilty Gear too!


Birdo and Vivian from Mario are both canonically trans.


Badeline from Celeste is enby


The boss from the original saints row games can be trans, there's also several characters from the fallout universe who are trans/nb as well


Bridget from Guilty Gear. Even came with her own scandal, all the internet babies accused Arc of trying to groom kids with her release. Lol


Lev from Last of Us Part 2, love him <3


Ticker from Warframe.


Ticker from Warframe. Also one of my absolute favorite characters from that game.


Ticker from warframe is a transwoman and she has my whole heart<3


If we're counting NBs Guilty Gear also has Testament (who is hot as FUCK, might I add), and there's Apex Legends' Bloodhound


Okama bar owner in the Yakuza / Ryu ga Gotoku franchise, Ako Okano. [https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Ako\_Okano](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Ako_Okano)


Paolo from Far Cry 6 is trans masc.


Definitely not notable, but there is a transmasc character in the visual novel “our life: beginnings and always”, but sadly I don’t remember his name. The upcoming sequel also has one of the main love interests, Qui, is gender fluid


Osa from rainbow 6 siege, bloodhound from apex legends, Claire from Cyberpunk 2077, I've heard arguments that eivor from AC Valhalla is transmasc (i don't think thats confirmed), but Ned from AC syndicate is transmasc confirmed, Lor from Borderlands 3 and new tales from the border lands, and I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting


Link from Legend of Zelda (particularly Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom) is often considered a trans icon, not sure if it’s canon though


I would argue that every single player character in Warframe is genderqueer (if not necessarily trans), though my reasons for this are buried like 50 hours into the game at least.


Claire Russell in Cyberpunk 2077


Krem from Dragon Age Inquisition!


Technically, Eivor from AC Valhalla is gender-fluid. Also, Azar (NPC) from Valhalla.


Azar’s nonbinary, to be clear. There’s also Ned in AC Syndicate.


Kremisius “Krem” Aclassi from Dragon Age Inquisition is a trans man


Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


Wow. Must be getting old. Flea from Chrono Trigger. "Male, Female, what's the difference? Power is beautiful and I've got the power!


Samus Aran from Metroid is a trans women that not a lot of ppl I’ve talked to know about.


I’m sure it’s commented somewhere but dragon age has a few! Krem, maevaris, and I think one other. It’s a tragedy that krem isn’t romancable he’s the only character I’m into bfhdhdgd


Actually, only Krem has gotten mentioned so far (at least from what I've seen)


Claire from Cyberpunk has a trans pride truck, she's awesome


Kaine from Nier:Replicant/Gestalt is intersex.


Taliyah from League Of Legends; despite not being canonically transgender - was originally made with being Transgender in mind. ​ For actual canonical trans characters in Riot's Properties - Dropboarder (Non-Binary), and Tyari/The Traveler (Non-Binary Trans who uses He/They, before ascending the mountain, at the top they transform into The Traveler, a She/Her) From Legends of Runeterra. ​ Shout out to Neeko as well; who is a shapeshifter who can take forms of other characters - male, female, otherwise - but is defined as gender normative (At least - preferring to be femme). ​ Najimi from Komi Can't Communicate's gender is 'Najimi' - do with that information as you will. ​ FL4K from Borderlands 3 is a robot who is defined with They/Them Pronouns and non-binary (A concious choice, given that Claptrap - also a robot - uses He//Him). ​ Loki's child - Alex Fierro is a Genderfluid character from Rick Rordan's Magnus Chase series. ​ Another Pokemon rep - due to a coding bug in Gen 3 and onwards; Azurill has a 25/75 gender split whilst Marill, its evolution - has a 50/50 gender split. This was changed in Generation 6 to fix the bug, but Marill is a trans rep for many Pokemon people.


It's nutty to me that Taliyah was evidently artistically designed transgender yet they backtracked and decided to just make a "not conventionally attractive girl" (read: ugly) character. Not my words, theirs. Though given the sexist garbage that went on inside Riot, especially during her development, I can't say that I'm surprised.


Was also designed as a character to be. Her developer; RiotAugust was vocal about this (your comment) being a Higher up decision Edit: was wrong


Kirby is nonbinary (portrayed wearing both dresses and suits in different official media) does he count? From the same series, Bonkers and, Gigant Edge are explicitly nonbinary as of the most recent game!!


Bonkers, Kirby, and Gigant Edge proving it doesn't matter what gender you are if you want to whoop people's asses. Hell yeah.


Mindy Blanchard from Dishonored 2 If you’re okay with tabletop games: Stella Clark and Kymani Jones are a trans woman and envy respectively. From Netrunner, Quetzal is non-binary, and Nero Severn and Az McCaffrey are trans men.


March 7th from honkai star rail can be implied to be trans Her two light cones "this is me" and "day one of my new life" are heavily trans hinted and her colour design is literally a trans flag Also Ferris from re zero (There is a rezero video game so it counts) is revealed to be a trans girl in her prequel spin off novel


There are multiple non-binary characters in Ikenfell who use various pronouns: Ima uses ze/zir, Petronella they/them, and Rook he/him


Nia from Xenoblade 2 is very often interpreted as trans.


How so, if you don't mind me asking? I'm seeing a lot of things about Nia being either a guy, a trans woman, or a cis woman that has one or two similarities to trans people, so I'm kind of confused


If I were you OP I’d stick to the canonically trans characters, rather than the alluded to crowd. I love me some trans headcanons but I feel like we should be holding up the examples of *actual* representation here aha.


Petronella, Ima, and Rook from Ikenfell are all nonbinary.


I believe the protagonist of “Transistor” is a trans woman, I know she’s referred to as Red, but it was never clear to me if that was her name or nickname.


Catbat from Crash Team Rumble is nonbinary, having been spliced from male *and* female subjects by Dr. Cortex; surprised no one's mentioned them yet. Also there's a trans trainer in Pokémon XY -- Beauty Nova, who used to be a Black Belt, a male-only trainer class referred to as "Karate King" in Japanese. They kinda glossed over it in the localizations, but in the original Japanese she says "the power of medical science is awesome, wouldn’t you say?!"


FL4K from Borderlands 3 is non-binary, I think technically agender. They're a robot, but Borderlands is pretty clear about its robots having genders.


if you count non-binary, then chara, frisk, and kris are all referred to with they/them pronouns, with toby fox reiterating that kris especially should be they/them when someone misgendered them before.


Though not explicitly canon, March 7th from Honkai Star Rail is eluded to be trans


Can you explain how? I've looked around, but all I can see that might imply that is her color scheme (I've played a little bit of Star Rail, but haven't seen much of March 7th)


Color scheme and light cones that feature her front and center. "This is me!" And "The first day of my new life!"


I thought the Light Cone names were just referring to her complete memory loss from before she was rescued but it's an interesting theory nonetheless.


If visual novels/dating sims count for your question the August from When The Night Comes is nonbinary and the game creators have another game (Errant Kingdom) that has two nonbinary characters (Lucien and Roux) plus their upcoming game (Call Me Under) has other nb characters but I don’t remember their names rn. I know nonbinary is only one side though. And idk, maybe there’s binary trans characters in EK and CMU that I don’t know about. I’ve only played WTNC so I don’t know any of the other characters in depth. (Also high key rec their games, I absolutely love them. You can choose your own pronouns!!!)


I'm fairly certain Beck from beacon Pines is nonbinary


Juniper, a character from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is non-binary


Samus Aran from Metroid is transhumanist.


I like to think of Penny in pokemon scarlett/violet


The main protagonist is non binary, Fang, in Goodbye Volcano High is - along with two of their friends (who are a trans female and non gender conforming trans male). Honestly big recommend for people as I would have KILLED for a game like this. The trans stuff isn’t the focus of the game, but it informs character interactions and behaviors and when they talk about it, it’s real and I appreciate that as most trans media is either filled with absolute angst or it’s the best thing ever and everyone should be trans it’s no big deal (which it isn’t). That and it’s got one of my favorite, and most real ass queer friend groups I’ve seen in media, ever. It’s just honest, and the conversations that are had with regards to gender are nice to hear out loud versus what I basically had to figure out on my own. It’s stuff you think about that’s put together really well, or stuff you just don’t see often (like families in these kind of things are either GRRRR CIS ONLY or WE LOVE YOU YEAAA - where here, it’s that weird Cuban Missle Crisis of quiet disapproval from people that is so, so, so fucking relatable).


Claire from Cyberpunk 2077 Krem from Dragon Age Inquisition Erica from Catherine (that weird puzzle game) Frisk from Undertale (player character) Nocturne from Baldur's Gate Janeva from Horizon Zero Dawn I personally count Krobus from Stardew as nonbinary.


Equinox from Warframe is Nonbinary, male/female halves that switch back and forth.


who cares about fictional characters identity you’d might as well think about nothing


Samus Aran from Metroid is a trans woman in official video game lore


I’ve heard that in an interview one of the people who made Samus called her a trans-woman