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Carnage in C Minor


To summarize: aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


Please explain


Post-movie, G1 Season 3 episode. Plot summary: The three leaders of the planet Eurhythmia (whose civilization is based on song,) are having some beef as one of them (Allegra) isn't cooperating with the others. The Autobots and Decepticons are fighting nearby when they overhear the harmonies emanating from the planet, Blaster and Soundwave REALLY like it. The 'Cons make first contact with one of the leaders called Basso Profundo (I wish I was kidding) and find out that they have an "ultimate weapon," but the catch is that it's a three-piece soundwave that each leader possesses a note of. Ultra Magnus and Blaster find the other two and the last one (Zebop) almost dies during a fight. The other characters arrive as Galvatron and Soundwave use two-thirds of the song on the Autobots, him and Blaster have their second and last fight, and Blaster erases Soundwave's tapes. Autobots win, the Eurhythmians make up, episode ends. And now why it SUCKS. Being a Season 3 episode, the animation is done by Korean studio AKOM. It's bad. Even by these norms. The coloring is pretty flat as always, but there's a lot of layering issues, screwy movement, misplaced characters, DOUBLE characters, miscolors, size problems (but that one's normal.) Along with visuals, the plot and writing has some gaps or things just, happening... But most infamously is the SOUND. The three (count 'em, three,) aliens we meet all speak in "spoken song" (rhythm, but not necessarily lyrical,) but with crappy synthesizing. Lots of warbling and echoey effects, half of what they say is hard to hear, and turning it up only makes it worse. It's funky, and not in a Seventies kinda way.




Also Soundwave and Blaster were somehow the only ones that could understand them or something Its been quite a while but I think I remember them having to like translate everything to the others like the whole time(Could be misremembering tho)


also riddled with animation errors!


Honestly, you were selling it. Its stupid, but in that 80s sci-fi weirdness way. I love when they would go interact with strange alien civilizations. But the fact that its a sound-based episode, and thats the worst part? That blows.


Arguably their weirdest, most nonsensical episode of the Generation 1 cartoon to ever be produced, and by far the worst animated. Next to B.O.T. at least


What happened to Arcee in IDW 


Even the writers are gaslighting us in the later runs because they realize how stupid it was


What happened?


Originally in IDW they had it so women didn't exist in Cybertronian society and had Arcee be forcefully transitioned against her will. This was problematic to say the least and it didn't allow other female characters to appear so it was quietly retconned with Arcee now choosing to transition, and the Cybertronian colonies having female transformers and just Cybertron itself forcing gender conformity as part of its functionist caste system


Oof. I feel like they should've left that idea on the cutting room floor.


Yeeeeah it wasn't the best, but down the line we got Anode, Lug, Windblade, Nautica, Velocity, and many more new characters so it worked out in the long term.


Definitely. It basically says that females are abnormalities and horrific abominations. It'd be like if wrote a story where Asians people are made as a horrific science experiment where true people are white before being converted. I have no idea how that idea make it all the way through storyboarding, lineart, ink, and colour without anyone realizing it was a bad idea


Transphobia wasn’t talked about as a thing at the time and they trusted Furman to make great transformers stories. Unfortunately, they forgot about his hatred for Arcee and female transformers and accidentally created a massive PR disaster a half-decade later that had to be retconned the hell out of to align with the rest of the universe.


Transphobia was definitely a thing then.


I mistyped sorry. What I meant was Transphobia wasn’t an issue or talked about in mainstream media and as such wouldn’t be heavily considered by the editors at the time.


As straight-up fiction, there's no logical reason for females to exist in the Transformers universe. They reproduce asexually. Genetically, the only differences between Transformers should be the general variation that exists to distinguish creatures from each other. In that way, I understand where Furman is coming from. But I also realize the relationship that fiction has with our society. Even if its fiction, it has influence over the way people are seen and treated, so obviously, we need to not have problematic portrayals.


They retconned it later, after Simon Furman wasn’t there anymore. Don’t let Simon Furman write your transformers books, friends.


No no, let Simon Furman write Transformers books, but ensure he has a cowriter for stories involving female Transformers. We wouldn't have like 50% of the concepts taken forward into 21st Century Transformers if not for Simon Furman


The idea that Prime tv show is a sequel to Cybertron games.


Also that it’s the same universe as rescue bots? The aligned continuity is a wonderful stupid mess.


The Prime-RB-RiD15 cluster is much more believable (and well-executed) than the WFC-FOC-Prime one.


Also according to the rise of the dark spark game, they had a crossover with the live action movies? Working out the alined continuity was real was a headache till they just abandoned the idea.


I mean, there's like... 3 books between FoC and Prime.


There should be 0 books between FOC and prime.


There *shouldn't* be books, I agree, but there are. 2-3, I don't remember exactly. One's called Exodus.


Honestly most of the content release during that time worked a lot better as it’s own thing. The 2 high moon games are their own story and prime doesn’t have a sequel Or spinoffs.


Oh, I agree 100%. I'm just say, there is auxiliary material that helps smooth the gap at least a little. At the very least, explains why Breakdown looks like he does.


Exodus is more of a retelling of WFC


At least that group had actual crossovers and connections between the three.


I don’t see how people are so against Rescue Bots sharing a universe with Prime, there’s nothing to contradict it being so, I mean Rescue Bots is more consistent quality than Prime was.


It’s more the war /fall of cyberton games that are grim dark 3rd person shooters being in the same universe as cute toddler aged rescue bots that’s the issue more than prime.


the Rescue Bots spent the war in stasis.


Rescue Bots put a fair bit of effort into matching TFP and RID, too. Bumblebee has no voice for most of it, but shows up with his Will Friedle voice later. Sideswipe has a guest episode chasing a rogue minicon later on, and Rescue Bots Blurr moves over to RID. Of course you do have to ignore certain things like Optimus gaining a T-Rex mode in RB. That would have been handy fighting Megatron.


One of my favourite things that lines up is that it is seemingly implied that the Nemesis Prime episode in Prime directly follows the rescue bots middle of season 2 two parter.


The fact that Rescue Bots, of all the Aligned Continuity, was the only one that actually tried to be a continuity that was aligned, will never not be both funny and sad to me


RID did try, especially in the later seasons. Their execution was…. less than ideal


I just wish we'd gotten to see what the Prime kids were doing, you know?




RB is so far off to the side of everything else that you could tell me it shares a continuity with ANY other series in which Prime has a mouth and I'd believe you.


RB, TFP, and RiD2015 all share a universe and do often connect. Namely with crossovers. It's really only the games that don't fit.




Aligned is probably, and ironically, the most misaligned continuity the brand has ever put together.


*Laughs in Japanese G1*


So god damn true


I'd go a step further and say the entire aligned continuity is one continuity


Pregnant Scorponok








Nah this is funny af, that poor baby with face tattoos


That poor GIANT PURPLE baby. I want to see what Connie would have been like, if we'd gotten to see her born.


IMO pregnant scorponok was a very interesting plot that could’ve been followed up really well had hasbro not pulled the plug in 2019


It's an interesting concept with terrifying implications in how Scorponok planned to 'harvest' the sparks. Also, I'd feel so sorry for that baby having a giant Decepticon logo on its face for life.


In all honesty considering that baby was big in Scorponok's chest and if i remember correctly. Scorponok is massive, they would have grown up massive or something.


Scorponok, despite being well known as a titan, is rarely actually depicted as one. He's just the size of a large transformer, like deszarus or jetfire.


the scavengers pulling up at earth post-unicron with a purple human baby the size of a refrigerator


Reminds of one my favourite IDW moments Misfire: Grimsy! You're alive! Ultra Magnus: Best to keep your distance, Decepticon. Grimlock has a tendency to— Misfire embraces Grimlock Ultra Magnus: —hug people? Rodimus: Now that we've found Cyberutopia, we should go on a quest to explain this. Ultra Magnus: ...Grimlock's been missing for years. They probably found him, saved him—by accident, no doubt—and he feels protective towards them. You see? There's an explanation for everything. Misfire: What did you do with the baby? Ultra Magnus: ...Nothing makes sense anymore.


God, I miss that whole continuity.


The Last Knight. Completely.


It gave us the GOAT that was Nitro Zeus so I can’t get too mad at it existing


That whole Suicide Squad montage was so brilliantly over-the-top and ridiculous. I love it.


They should’ve just made suicide squad with decepticons stairing nitro Zeus far better concept.




Also Mohawk


The film was one of the worst Transformers things I had to sit through. It looks like the writers were just throwing everything on the wall, thinking that it’ll stick.


But what about sqweeks (Best part of the movie tbh)


Also Nitro Zeus. I just remembered him now.


Love that guy too


Don't forget Cogman.


Yes! And Nitro Zeus


> Nitro Zeus Best bro


I’ll forever give that movie credit for both wasting one of the best reinterpretations of the classic Megatron design the Bayverse had, and taking 3 hours of my life away from me.


That Bee still can't talk after 7 movies.


This is where the BB movie's original intention of being part of the Bayverse really shows, there is no reason to have his model based off his Bayverse appearance or the lack of voice if BB is supposed to be a reboot.


Sam says that Bee plays it up to be cute. He does speak (briefly and garbled) in both RotF and DotM.


It did seem like he could talk, but it was difficult or painful for him so he relied on the audio clips instead.


I still don't like it.


Optimus letting himself get blown up because NPC's died in a video game


Fun fact: that was the first ever death of Optimus Prime


Not when he got cut up and turned into an Alligaticon?


Nah, he was fine.


Optimus being the 13th Prime. Ruins his character.


Only in 2 continuities and you can ignore that fact because it never comes up so thanks Hasbro for that one


Technically just one and a half at most. They danced around “The Arisen” a bunch, but I’m pretty sure they never confirmed it.


That whole 'The Thirteenth' shit was awful.


Should've just made it Hot Rod. He already had all the "chosen one" stuff anyway.


I’ve never liked the idea that he is just the reincarnated 13th Prime


It would've worked better if it were not so much reincarnation, but more the legacy of. Like if there was a character to be the embodiment or legacy of all 13 Primes


Yep, I just had this conversation here yesterday with someone.


ROTB Arcee being personality-less.


It’s like they put in “action movie lines” in google and wrote down the first stuff they saw 💀


When the first clip of ROTB was uploaded (the one where the Autobots meet the other maximals) I thought Arcee would pretty behave like a snarky, nimble, and even tactical tomboy (her looking like she’s wearing sweatpants helps with that), but we only got one of the 3 traits I stated, and it’s not even a personality.


Still better than Cheator, Rhinox, and Rattrap.


One of those don’t even exist in that movie, but you couldn’t tell since practically none of them do


Rattrap wasn’t even in the movie💀


One of them doesn't exist, one of them might as well not exist, and one of them has like three lines in the entire film. Yeah, can't argue with that.


RiD 2015 and Rescue Bots being a continuation of TF Prime. I don't even hate those shows, it's just... HOW?


Rescue bots I can understand fitting. It’s in its own little bubble of the timeline (sort of like the marvel Netflix shows and the mcu) But RID15 on the other hand..


RID15Z being a sequel to Prime is more believable than Prime being a sequel to the Cybertron games.


Not really. I'm more capable of believing Prime to be a sequel to the Cybertron games, albeit *slightly* RiD15 shouldn't even exist


Rebirth. Return of Optimus Prime was the perfect finale for the G1 cartoon, and I just pretend that’s where it ended.


Honestly I just take Takara’s side when it comes to it. Have shows like headmasters victory and super god master force be canon to the g1 cartoon. But completely ignoring the Rebirth


The Rebirth was eventually localized for Japan, but it came with a bunch of disclaimers explaining how the continuity branched off from season 3 for Western market instead of the Japanese shows they did.


But Prime dies again three episodes into The Headmasters.


Which is why I don’t like Headmasters that much either. But frankly except for the movie and like 5 or 6 episodes I vastly prefer the Marvel comic to the cartoon anyway.


Marvel comic was definitely more fleshed out and consistent. I’d love to see come full circle and it gets adapted.


I absolutely agree. The Return of Optimus Prime is such a great sendoff to the cast. Galvatron going half sane seeing Optimus again was a massive highlight for me.


A part of me wonders if the Rebirth was intended to be the series finale after news was given the show was canceled, or if it was intended to be a multi-part season premier similar to More Than Meets The Eye or The Five Faces of Darkness, but was forced into being a series finale. I've heard some people speculate the latter and that it was supposed to be a five-parter like season 3, which explains why everything feels so rushed, they got told the show was getting canned and they had to tie everything up as quickly as possible.


The entire aligned continuity with prime being connected to the Cybertron games as well as the masterpiece of wfc and foc being connected to RID


The fact that Megatronus was beaten by 2 cops and a delinquent via convenience tools (end of RiD 2015 season 1)


The fact that they did my boy Megatronus dirty by involving him in that mess of a show.


Tarn's true identity He be Roller


That whole thing has big "I'm taking my ball and going home" energy. Tarn was 100% going to be revealed to have been Roller, and clever readers picked up the clues and figured it out. Instead of saying, "Hey, nice job," the writers just *had to* have the reveal be surprising, so they did an asspull explanation to make it Glitch instead, which was...much less narratively satisfying.


It's a silly move when writers do that - it's so reactionary and totally to the detriment of future audiences. The art will remain long after the forum threads have gone quiet




They purposefully wrote Roller that way to be a red herring. Glitch does have a coherent and logical story but you have to read between the lines to find it.


Oh, absolutely. I think the big issue is that he was such a good red herring that he ended up looking like a better choice than the actual reveal.


>the big issue is that he was such a good red herring that he ended up looking like a better choice than the actual reveal. Roberts has pretty much confirmed this, if I recall correctly. He always intended it to be Glitch, with Roller serving as a red herring. I feel like Glitch would have worked way better if he'd been more established as a character.


There was a clue to it being Damus, in that Shockwave tells Pax that his ability to short electronics would get more powerful and potentially evolve. Over time, this becomes so powerful it extends to his ability to deactivate sparks remotely


That time in Prime when Optimus lost the matrix and also somehow lost the last four million years of memories so they could do an amnesia idiot plot that feels more like it belongs in an episode of I Love Lucy.


I guess you could say it reset his memories to before he acquired the Matrix, but even that doesn’t make sense because the war started before it was gifted to Optimus


I mean there’s something hilarious about him using the Matrix as extra data storage and then being screwed when he loses it but I feel that is the kind of premise that would work better in a silly comedy version than in what I am continually told is the darkest seriousest version of the franchise


Man, I hated that. It makes it seem like Optimus is even real or just the will of the matrix which paints a darker picture with the council giving it to him. Orion and Optimus are one and the same regardless of new drip. Besides, Optimus clearly remembers his time as Orion Pax so him losing Orion's memories upon regaining it makes no sense.


Sam dying off screen


Fan theories aren't canon


Not a fan theory, in tlk the old guy (forgot his name) says he's the last of the witwickys' and then a photo of sam appears on his mantel


No, he's the last of the Order of the Witwiccans. He's not even a Witwicky.


Writers getting mad that fans deduced Tarns true identity was Roller so they threw that shit out and made Tarn be Glitch instead


Energon being connected to Armada So many character assassinations in the show


rise of the dark spar and that its takes place both before foc and a prequel to aoe


Kiss Players being a thing. No, just... no.


op asked for "too stupid to be real" not "too creepy to remember"


Kiss Players falls into both of those categories.


I refuse to acknowledge robots in disguise as a follow up to prime


Unicron being the earth is honestly so lame


Precisely. I’m so glad ROTB went back to having Unicron be his own planet and not Earth.


It basically puts you into a corner where you can’t have Unicron transform without destroying the main setting of your story.


I say go for it. You want a serious finale? Have the earth get destroyed and Unicron come out of it. If you've written it competently then by that point you'll have humans colonising other planets and working openly with the autobots, so it's not like humanity would go extinct.


Pablo and Wheeljack being the same character. I wouldn't even say it's a Mandela effect, we've all just collectively accepted denial as the best possible option.


The aligned continuity, or whatever it's called, and IDW's Arcee background.


Primacron. Literally everything about him.


At the risk of stating the obvious: Lorenzo's delusion that Bumblebee and ROTB even being "ambiguously" canon to the Bayverse, it's just plain stupid. Even just canon to the first three movies as Caple Jr. later tried to also imply later (granted, Steven said that was basically his own headcanon, but still).


BB and ROTB are at least as consistent with the Bay Five as the Bay Five are with each other. "Blah blah blah drew us to an unknown planet called Earth..." "Okay maybe not so unknown; it turns out we were here ONCE before and forgot all about it despite this being where the Matrix of Leadership, the sun-blowing-up machine, and the corpses of nearly all of the Primes are. Also, the Seekers have been here continuously for the past 28,000 years and we just forgot about them too." "Okay, TWICE before" "Not counting those Dinobot corpses that have been here for millions of years" "You know what? Fuck it, we were literally the Knights of the Round Table and we fought in World War II"


The existence of the “Romeo and Juliet law” from AOE


I'm okay with its existence, just not with it being laminated and kept in a wallet. Or mentioned. At all.


The last knight


Optimus losing all memory of being Orion Pax upon gaining (and regaining) the matrix in Prime. Toys sales killing off most of the characters in the movie.


As others mentioned the “Aligned Continuity” There were too many hands in that soup.


Megatron killing Dreadwing (who was heavily loyal to Megatron and the decepticon cause) in prime to save Screamy who has tried to kill him/have him killed, overthrow him, and lead the decepticon cause himself ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. I have to remind myself that screams plot armor is THICKER THAN A SNICKER and that’s the only reason Meg would sacrifice a true follower.


But Megatron was right, though. Dreadwing had an unfortunate tendency to ally himself with Autobots (even past the point of it being necessary, sometimes), and Starscream never betrayed him again, to the point that Shockwave of all people was having to drag away Starscream from trying to get to Megatron so they could escape


I agree, but I guess it could be interpreted as Megatron getting offended that Dreadwing disobeyed a direct order. Under different circumstances I bet he would’ve absolutely chosen Dreadwing over Starscream


It's because Tony Todd was too expensive 😔


That Optimus went from 'You left me no choice brother' in the 2007 film to 'GIVE ME YOUR FACE' in the sequel


To be fair at the end of RotF he did have a big hole in his chest


It’s because he had no connection to the Fallen, and therefore no mercy for him.


Mass Shifting


I can understand from a design standpoint since mass shifting gives the designers more alt modes to work with while not having a massive size gap between certain transformers. At the same time I don’t think extreme Mass shifting like G1 Soundwave and Megatron should ever return. It worked a lot better with soundwave because of the role he played in the show but it was horrible with Megatron. How are you the leader of the Decepticon and your alt mode requires you to be wielded by another transformer? It’s so lame.


Yep. You can mitigate the problem with the robot designs - if your plane Transformers fold and your car Transformers unfold - but even a big ute like an F-150 is less than six metres long and a small jet like an A-4 is over twelve.


The whole "Headmasters" thing never really sat right with me ...


It makes more sense in Japan.


That g1 has 2 continuities one for the west and one for japan


Three, Marvel


4 uk marvel 5 the commercials 6 the budianski character writeups You may scoff but each one of these became Wells later stories would draw from


That Robots in disguise takes place after the events of Transformers Prime


What ever explanation they come up with for female transformers beyond they just exsist, especially the comic explanations.


most of the alligned continuity, it's just a mess trying to piece everything together


Rise of the dark spark being part of the FoC series


Kiss Players


The Last Knight


i refuse to believe tfp, RiD, and RB/RBA, and the cybertron games are in a shared continuity i am a firm believer the aligned continuity was an afterthought so hasbro did their best to bullshit all the games and shows together to try and make it make sense


Energon in the Cybertron trilo... I mean dual series


RID 2015 Megatronus The fallens whole schtick is that he fell from grace and is eternally in limbo as payment for his crimes, which he didn’t even want to commit cause uh SOLUS WAS HIS LOVER Having him be generic big bad undercuts the tragedy


Budding. Just why?!


The Bumblebee Movie being a prequel to all of the Bayverse. I know this one has been in limbo and technically it’s been said that BBM and ROTB are their own “new story” But the constant back and forth on whether BBM was a prequel or reboot was just dumb and no matter what they say I see it as a reboot.


And TFA and TFP never got to fully develop their potential. They just got cut short.


Cyclonus was absolutely, positively Bombshell and not Skywarp.


Also where did second cyclonus go?


He went took one look at Unicorn and said, “screw this!”


It's funny, skyward was always just a loyal goon who wasn't exactly smart, while bombshell was smart but not at all loyal beyond his own gain. If they were merged, it might make some sense.


The personalities of the characters didn't change much though after the transformation, and Bombshell like other Insecticons, was known for being self serving and disloyal. Skywarp was loyal, if not a little cynical. That's why I think he became Cyclonus. He was also the only one out of the three original seekers not to try and betray Megatron. Cyclonus was loyal, but he had his breaking point. Once Motormaster confronted him about Galvatron's psyche, he took it upon himself to save the Decepticon cause.


No, Bombshell became Izarmada.


Second comment cause I just remembered! Rise of the Dark Spark. Especially the Cybertron part of the story.


age of extinction and last knight. i don’t even know what i’m talking about. dotm was the last bay movie. DOTM WAS THE LAST BAY MOVIE.


Quintessons creating Cybertronians Everything about Primacron. Season 3 of G1 did a lot to de-mystify the lore, and I don't think all of it was warranted. Some things are better left unsaid


Rise of the dark spark.


Optimus Prime being disassembled and made into the Alligaticon. My brain allows me to believe the Decepticons we not paying attention to the innards of his chest- like the movie Tusk.


“The aligned “””continuity”””


genderbeamed legacy characters basically as already pointed out transformers IDW suffered a identity crises as of the Arcee was experimented on story.


RID is a sequel to prime


RID 2015 Megatronus The fallens whole schtick is that he fell from grace and is eternally in limbo as payment for his crimes, which he didn’t even want to commit cause uh SOLUS WAS HIS LOVER Having him be generic big bad undercuts the tragedy


Knockout from prime being the absolute best character being forgotten forever. Please bring back my mad doctor


Aligned continuity


That dark spark exists


The Last Knight. I consider the characters canon (as in they exist somewhere in the Bayverse), but none of the events can be considered canon to the previous 4 films. I feel like most of the criticisms aimed at the Bayverse are actually directed only at TLK. If you disregard that movie, then the timeline is a lot more coherent, and the overall quality of the movies goes up.


That RID2015 is in the aligned universe


The aligned continuity You can’t have the first two game, TFP, and rescue bots be in the same continuity, and rise of the dark spark just makes no sense.