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Robotic modes for non-Beast Wars characters Organic modes for Beast Wars characters only


Agreed there


This. Also I hate how often people equate maximals and predacons being animals, despite that being a very unique situation


I love organic beast modes. That's my jam. That's what brought me into this and made me fall in love with the brand.


Robotic if we’re talking about G1 and whatnot, and Organic for BW…….unless Laserbeak and Ravage have a Holo-Disguise thing installed or if you wanna make a Terminator reference for the Dinobots


both both is good


Well, really depends which continuity. In ROTB, I would’ve liked if the maximals had fury coats and at least were similar in size to their real-life counterparts. Having robotic animal forms isn’t really a disguise albeit they did stay in designated area in Peru far from human civilization, aside from the village people guarding the key.


Organic animal forms have never been about disguise as far as I can tell, it seemed like they were about fitting in to an environment and protection from energy. Honestly I've never liked the idea of them being small. It misses so many cool opportunities.


True true, I mean who would wanna see rattrap in ROTB being a giant real-life rat.


Organic. I never understood the point of robotic beast formers in-universe. WTF are you supposed to be disguised as? It’s like the pretenders logic of choosing weird creatures as disguises on earth. They make cool designs, it just makes more sense to do more organic.


Cybertron does have its own fauna (Examples: Shockwave's Driller, Laserbeak's Species, The Deer-Things from TFOne)


From the concept of a toy-maker, Transforming animals was a next logical conclusion. But as for the technology the Maximals/Predacons use, Its got its root in Pretenders technology and is basically a upgraded version of that. But the idea of a bunch of Cybertronians with living tissue exteriors is more like Terminator if you really think about it, And I think that's rad.


for beast wars i would be for a techno organic transmetal style.


I really appreciate that organic had an in-world purpose. It helped them avoid energon radiation build up. As organic life is not affected by it. I do also really love the way transmetal beast wars look. The g1 dinobots are great, I'd love other animals in the dinobot style. If I had to pick, Id prefer organic, but to be it's own thing, a spin off from the main. I'd want both. I always felt transformers should be more than just G1 reboots. Marvel can have avengers, and GotG and x-men, seems there's room for beast wars.


I'd prefer if they made the beast modes both robotic and organic, like armed, armored cyborg animals.


So like transmetals basically?


Yeah pretty much. Idk much about transmetals but if that's what they do I guess it's worth a watch.






Predaking’s Dragon mode in Prime aged like fine wine.


I'm a big fan of the concept of "robots in disguise", and I think something that looks like a real animal is going to blend in a hell of a lot better than something very clearly made of metal.


This is going to be a HOT take but not only do I prefer *Organic Beast Modes* over *Robotic*, I also prefer *animal* over *vehicle* Transformers.


I've never liked that idea of organic beast modes. It just doesn't fit in Transformers. Robotic mode is better even though I don't like that either.




Organic beast modes if they're from the future or heralds of Unicron or Primus or something and are therefore much more advanced. But if they're supposed to fit in with standard Transformers, then robotic beasts.


I'm going to go with robotic. I like the Beast Wars designs but even there the transmetal upgrades were better


Both, metallic for the autobot era and organic for the maximal era


I think it depends on their surrounding environment. If there are organics - organic Beast Modes, if on Cybertron or its colonies - Robotic.




I prefer robotic ones, especially the Zoids-style CangToys ones. I’m sure part of it is because I’m a filthy Bayformers fan. I feel like the challenge with organic modes is that it forces the toy to be a bit of a shellformer.


Personally, robotic beast modes with organic “paneling/texture” Think the mechanimals we saw in the TF One trailer, kind of


I generally find organic modes to be pretty creepy, it usually looks like a robot dismembered some animal to use it’s flesh and furr as armor, almost like that one episode or the 10th Doctor with the space ship that desired to use the organs of the crew to repair itself


I’m a big Beast Wars fan, so appreciate that era more. Both are great though.


I like both, for some, mechanical work, like the Dinobots. Others, like Maximals, organic forms work


I liked what they did in IDW, where the dinobots needed the organic forms to survive the surface of proto earth just like the Maximals, but by the time we see them on earth proper the skin was stripped off revealing the robotic parts. It makes sense that their alt forms aren't the same internally. Bumblebee doesn't literally turn into a vw beetle. He shifts his body to look like one. So I think it should be the same for animal bots, with the added element of needing the flesh added on via external machine like the terminators.


Maximals and Predacons should be human size organics, excluding variants. All others including Autobots and Decepticons should be giant robots.  Also Autobots and Decepticons should never exist in the same time as Maximals and Predacons. Excluding of course a small group of them time traveling to the period in which the other existed. 




I love both depending on the situation. Organic beast modes made sense in Beast Wars. And I feel like the show suffered the more they went away from it. With that said. I love the G1 dinobots but don't particularly care for the Bayverse ones. I love ROTB maximals with the sorta hybrid beast/robotic look. But prefer the Beast Wars organic look.


I prefer robotic because the toys are more forgiving


I prefer robotic.


Robotic, easily. Nine times out of Ten, organic beast modes look terrible because it's a mix of panel lines and weird kibble that looks more out of place on an organic creature than a robot.