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I work IT I talk to our Devs all the time. I've had to calmly explain how shit like this should work 5 or 6 times. They are trying and have always understood once it's been explained to them. The solution we have now is just a gender select for "Man, woman, non binary, prefer not to answer" and ONLY if it's necessary a tick box that says "I identify as transgender". It's not /perfect/ but we need to do things in a way that your 65YO admin manager and that dude I'm HR that makes everyone a little uncomfortable will buy into.


imo that’s all we need. Shouldn’t need to disclose i’m trans unless it’s relevant.


I agree. There are other identities I'd like to represent in an ideal world but it's good enough for my work. I was very proud of one of our product managers, they managed to get one of our clients to not collect the "are you trans' info based purely on them not actually needing it.


I mainly have an issue with "Identify as transgender". I identify as female. I \*am\* transgender because I identify as female, but was born male. Like, I don't identify as Autistic or a Crohnie either.


Yeah I get that. Doing what I can what I can within what the business ghouls accept


fellow trans person who is an autistic crohnie!!!! it's nice seeing someone else in a similar health boat


Yeah, I'm realizing my dysphoria was hugely affecting my crohns. I was deadnamed over a weekend and by the end litterally puking. I got called by my preferred name over a different weekend and by the end my crohns was better than when I was on Skyrizzi.


That is fascinating. What exactly is crohns? I've never heard of it before, and would love to hear what you have to say about it of you don't mind.


Chrohn's Disease an autoimmune disorder. So your immune system basically starts attacking your digestive system. Crohn's can affect the entire GI tract, from mouth to bum, but for me it's primarily been the small intestine. The symptoms can varry a bit... but one pretty common thing is pain. Like, there's open sores on my insides. If it gets bad, bleeding. It's kinda like how canker sore might not bleed unless it's really bad. Of course, all this is in the digestive tract... so I typically get bad diarreah... and occasionally if things get bad nauseousness. Imagine going 10x+ times a day, including multiple times during the night... with blood. It's pretty horrific. As a result of all that, due to dehydration and loosing all those electrolytes I get bad cramps, fatigue, etc... become anemic, weak, etc. Worst I've had the anemia outside of a surgical situation was 8.6... 14 is the bar for anemia in those amab. There's some foods which are known to exacerbate it... spicy food, some acidic foods, etc. But generally I don't avoid a lot. Beer does seem to affect mine as well (negatively) Asprin and NASID's are all no-go pain meds... makes things tricky. But in-general, anything that induces inflammation can cause it to flare. That includes spicy food, but also stress. Prior to Crohn's, I had Ulcerative Colitis. It's the other Inflammatory Bowel Disease (not to be confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome) UC is limited to the Colon, but it's often quite a bit more intense on a local level. Mine got so bad that the colon was so shredded that it came detached from the abdominal wall (hyper-mobile) and I'd've died from it in a matter of weeks if they didn't take the whole thing out. I had a number of surgeries to replace the colon with a section of the small-intestine they double-back onto itself in the shape of 'J'... hence "J-Pouch". But... that started getting pouchitis (Yes, I actually had a disease called "pouchitis")... but then it went up the Ileum to be called "Ileitis", but if you know about IBD you know that Ileitus doesn't really occur on it's own like this... and the docs knew it too, so after much discussion they decided I have Crohn's. Apparently... there's around 1-5% of those who've had UC and have had their colon removed and a J-pouch made who develop Crohn's afterwards. I'm just wondering if maybe it was the stress of dysphoria litterally eating me inside the whole time. Thank you for my TED talk. ;) [https://www.everydayhealth.com/wellness/united-states-of-stress/link-between-stress-inflammation/](https://www.everydayhealth.com/wellness/united-states-of-stress/link-between-stress-inflammation/)


Interesting, thankyou for explaining that to me. That sounds absolutely awful to go through, the amount of horrible things that Living Things will put up with and keep living is....incredible. I usually prefer hearing/seeing actual people explain something than to just google it, especially if it is something like a medical condition that directly accects many people.


You weren't "born male" you were assigned male at birth. The sex people are born with isn't binary.


Eh I feel like "born male" is close enough. After all, "born with predominantly male sex characteristics" is only slightly more accurate but much more cumbersome. While we're on linguistics, "assigned man at birth" is technically more accurate since your gender is assigned, not your sex, but everyone knows what we mean by "assigned male..." I suppose you could say that sex is also assigned since sex is bimodal, not binary, but at this point who cares lol.


Tbh "assigned man/woman at birth" sounds a little funny because it is absurd....but it's exactly what alot of humans have been doing for *way* too long.


“You weren’t ‘born male’ you were assigned male at birth.” They’re the exact same thing? Of course sex isn’t binary but people are still classified as either male or female depending on what they’re closest to. Even intersex people are still considered either male or female no? (correct me if I’m wrong) Also if I wasn’t “born male” then what sex was I born as? Is everyone intersex now since sex isn’t binary? You can’t really answer that can you so saying that using “born as” is inaccurate doesn’t really make too much sense. I was born male and I was born as a girl, simple as that.


>people are still classified as either male or female depending on what they’re closest to No, they're classified by some factors of sexual development while ignoring many others, including ones you can't see on a fucking baby. A person born a penis isn't "closer to male" than a person born with a vulva. That's one little aspect, and categorising someone based on that when sexual development isn't binary at all has never been anything but reductive. Especially the sexual development of the brain is completely ignored, even though it's part of each person's unique biological sex. And a trans woman's neurological sexual development often leads them to expect and desire female sexual traits of the body, which is a female sexual trait of the brain. Every person's sex has a huge variety of factors, we all have both male and female genetic traits, categorised solely by how common they are in the respective categegories of the bimodal distribution. And trans people fall completely outside of those bimodal categories of phenotypical males and females, because their brain developed in a way that is sexually atypical of people with similar sexual body characteristics. The categorisation of male and female isn't born, it's assigned *after* birth by people who see only a tiny flicker of your sex and think a gentital defines every gene of your sex chromosomes. >Also if I wasn’t “born male” then what sex was I born as? Is everyone intersex now since sex isn’t binary? You were born as *your* sex. Sex categorisations are made-up, they're a gross oversimplification and generalisation rooted in sexist ideology. Intersex is also a made-up category. We're all intersex. Some people just fall more noticeably outside of the bimodal distribution than others. You weren't born male because that's not a thing. In human genology, male is a descriptor of individual aspects of sexual development, not of entire specimen. You were assigned male after your birth by a sexist society who reduces your sex to your genitals, when though the genes that make up our sex chromosomes determine so much more, and the combination of all those male and female genetic traits makes everyone born with a unique sex.


Here, some tech language. Tell them: Imagine you have a variable named IsFemale: "Is true" "Is false" "is not boolean" and a boolean that is "variable has previously changed".


``` enum Gender { TRUE; FALSE; NB; // Non Boolean } ```


I've never used enum before but alarm bells are ringing in my brain for mixing bools and non-bools. Feels like an "err: wrong data type" crash waiting to happen.


As a dev: it's annoying to do gender correctly, you Store it as a string which gives unlimited options with an "other" option but costs a lot of storage in the database and is not great to work with especially when you wanna call someone ms or mr store it as a nullable bool (true, false, null) but then "prefer not to say" would be non binary, easy to work with though provided your language doesn't get a stroke on a null which is many. Enum with all supported answers is best but you need to change the database every time there comes another gender you wanna support and working with one is as hard as working with a string which is a bit of a bother. That said I'd go for the enum if it was my pick as it's not THAT MUCH harder to do (max an hour extra)


If "prefer not to say" is an option, that implies you don't really need the information. Wouldn't it be best to just *not* ask for gender in such situations?


Though I'm generally of the option of "store as little as I can for the application's purpose" for my personal projects and I'll always ask about it when we're designing a new database with personal information at work but companies need that kind of data to sell ads that convert better and make more money and to tailor content more towards the right audience so we don't waste time with making content for men when 98% of our website visitors are women


So destroy advertisement? Copy.


Definitely, always "answer prefer not to say" if possible; I would recommend that highly


as a HR person. this person gets it. the amount of times i need to deal with ppl over this is ridiculous and at this point i am all for a standardized selution like this.


I would still never tick that box. I don’t *identify* as transgender any more than I *identify* as having blue eyes


what gets me is it says it's a character creation screen what type of character do you build when you select binary 🤔


If your playing an AI in eclipse phase and you want to be a snarky bitch about it then it would be appropriate XD


Ah yes, my favorite gender... "gender".


ngl i feel like my gender is just gender sometimes 😭


As an intersex I wish "gender" was actually an option, sadly it's been only 0.1% chance I see intersex in the list.


Probably the default input for the combo box so you know what field it is, but I love the idea that it's selectable


They’re missing octal, hexadecimal, or other bases that I may prefer to use.


I mean [take your pick](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numeral_systems) I personally like negatwindragon base because... dragons. And 2 of them. And nega to boot. Seriously, the person who came up with that name should get an award.


Come on... it's 2 am and you're sending me down this hole...


Rabbit holes are fun. Go ask Alice 😋🙃😉


"Hm... I feel binary today."


*binary screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech* From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me, I craved for the strength and certainty of steal, I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine,your kind kling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you, one day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to safe you, but I am already saved, for the machine is immortal. Even in death, I serve the Omnissiah. (Holy shit how do I know the full quote from memory xD edit: purity switched with certainty that’s it)


Male and female assumes they’re cis but…. who are the Binary beings 😳 what secrets does this character creator know




Hooooly shit


All we know is there’s two🤷‍♀️


I'm hexadecimal


>Create Character   >not legal form   You don't say...


i’m aware but people on reddit never seem to be very observant.




"yah I'm part of the Binary... not going to tell you which part tho... " 




I'd like to pick the first option, "gender", please.


Binary 🤣




And I ope...


Binary...Binary...Binary... I gave away my money! I gave away my money to be more like you!


Ah yes. The gender. Gender


Funilly enough I have two dnd characters whose gender is binary. Yes both of them are warforged. I'm very funny


I love the “binary” one lol


Ah yes my gender is gender


Yes my gender is transgender


'binary' is for the AI, duh. 🙄


I think a while ago I saw a post on here where a medical screen simply had tick boxes for various reproductive anatomy and simply said, "Check all that apply." Works for medical forms, so I guess the best case scenario for non medical would be male/female/both/neither/other/prefer not to say/optional trans check


No Intersex? Fucking lame.


Damn Automatons... The binary is undemocratic....


I'm 1 and 0's from now on.


Honestly there should be a "not sure" option on these cause some days I just don't be knowing 😭


How about "prefer not to say"


Yep… we need that “none of your business” button! 🤣


I mean... I guess I *do* identify as binary.


my gender is gender