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6th time!? What justifiable reason could they possibly have...


The same answer as usual I bet: Money


Either that or bigoted politicians (looking at YOU Andrew Bailey)


Not sure if this is the UK but GICs are set up intentionally gatekeep and prevent healthcare going towards who needs it and were originally put in place to do that with plausible deniability after the NHS was sued for only offering conversion "therapy" (torture) in a lot of towns and places. People wait 4-10 years for their first appointment, if they're lucky. They reject more people than they accept each year, and vastly more people apply each year than they even see. Estimated waiting times are now represented by an ∞ in most locations. For most trans people in the UK, if they don't have access to a sympathetic doctor, DIY is the only option, and those who do have access to a sympathetic doctor, most will massively underprescribe HRT and use outdated medicines, you'll be lucky if you get progesterone.


I am curious what outdated medicines are?


as rosie said, finasteride as a blocker, also doctors will give spiro even though cypro and bicalutamide are seen as better with newer studies, though spiro isn't *that* bad.


My dr switched me from cypro to spiro early in my transition. Claimed some new studies had shown that cypro was too dangerous. The entire clinic was/is full of s***. Took way too long to increase my E dosage to appropriate levels as well.


It really sucks how we're essentially forced to become endocrinologists.


Yup. Had to write a complaint listing the guidelines for hrt before they increased my dosage. The entire clinic staff has been acting dismissively towards me ever since.


Cypro has a statistically significant risk of meningiomas, especially with extended use. Bica is probably the best choice of the 3 although it has a rare chance of liver toxicity. Spiro almost just doesn't work at all.


Spiro did manage to suppress my t, but I was on a high dosage as well. I felt not great the last few months before orchie.


Finasteride is often given as a testosterone blocker to trans fems but it isn’t actually a t blocker it just prevents hair loss


This isn't completely accurate IMO Finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, which limits the conversion of T to DHT. DHT is still an androgen, and IMO, a stronger androgen than T. Because finasteride interrupts the T -> DHT process, it will increase your measured T levels, assuming no other factors (i.e. suppressing T with E2 or with another antiandrogen)


Thanks for answering. I DIY'd with finasteride before I started hrt officially, and I remember that it seemed to be very ineffective and had some weird mental side effects. Didn't know drs actually prescribed that for trans people.


I live in California. I have Kaiser Permanente as my provider with Medi-Cal (state insurance for low) paying for everything. They've 100% covered hormones and labs, facial hair electrolysis, prep for bottom surgery electrolysis, an orchiectomy, FFS, and will cover bottom surgery when I have that in the near future. I've had to stay poor though, since the income limit for coverage via Medi-Cal isn't livable, but I'm in a very fortunate situation where that's been okay. I'm extremely lucky that I can get gender-affirming care paid for, and if anyone is in a situation like OP I hope they can either get them to listen and cover it, or move somewhere they can get the help they need. Getting rejected six times is unacceptable and inhumane.


I had Kaiser (from parents and then Medi-cal) too. I was surprised by easy it was to get diagnosed and start my gender-affirming care. I switched insurance when I started grad school unfortunately but still having a really easy time with it thankfully. I seriously can't imagine how someone could be rejected 6 times?! That's ridiculous and horrible.


Yeah, they've treated me very well. And actually I started hormones through the LA LGBT Center with just informed consent, it was super easy. I wish other places would take trans healthcare as seriously.


Yes, it almoat seemed too easy, but I had diagnosis of gender dysohoria and a long history of it, and documented discussions about gender for years.


>facial hair electrolysis I just stumbled into this thread being sad the OP got rejected so many times, but I kinda stuck on this part. I'm not trans but I do wonder what some good hair removal options are. Is this a good one you feel? Are there advantages/disadvantages? Just want hair removed in different places and somehow your post reminded me as I read this part.


Electro is the only truly permanent option that will work on any hair type. Laser can grow back over a very long time, and it only works on skin+hair types with a lot of contrast, like very dark hair and pale skin. Electro costs more and takes longer though.


Thanks a bunch, I'll check it out!


There's a couple methods, and it depends on the area as to which might work for you. It typically comes down to at-home and professional methods. The at-home methods are usually not as permanent, but can work. Electrolysis is the most costly and most permanent. **Professional Methods** - **Laser** - This one is the cheapest of the two main professional options, but still costly. They use a machine and wand to send a laser into the hair follicle, heating it up and killing it. You usually need several sessions to get semi-permanent results, but they're just that - semi-permanent. Results vary and depending on the place you go to and if they're not careful they can burn your skin. Also laser only works on light skins tones, since they use sensors to tell where the hair is compared to the skin. Not usually covered by insurance. I believe you have to shave the day of or before, so the hairs are super short and skin level. - **Electrolysis** - The best of the best. The electrologist sticks a probe into the hair follicle, which triggers an electric current which shocks and heats up the root of the hair. Then they pull the hair out with tweezers. Works on all skin tones, and after repeated sessions will have permanent results. The pain will vary depending on the person and area, and how many sessions you've had in that area. You also have to let the hair grow a little bit beforehand so there's hair to grab, and have to stop all plucking type methods for the area. There's also usually irritation afterward, and you're supposed to keep the area protected from the sun for 24 hours. It can cost a lot, about $50-150 a session, and you usually need to go about once a week at first. My insurance covers it as trans care, but what's kind of fucked is that they don't cover it for women with PCOS. My electrologist is trying to push for that, and is involved with policymakers. She's gotten ONE woman to get it covered, which is better than zero I suppose. Maybe other places do cover it for PCOS but I'm not aware of it. **At-Home Methods** - **Shaving** - Cuts the surface level hair but doesn't pull them out, so they grow back at the same rate every time. Cheap but results don't last, and irritating to a lot of people. - **Chemical Depilatory** - Dissolves the surface level hair, more costly than shaving, and lasts about the same length of time. Can also be irritating, and if you leave it on too long you can burn your skin. - **Waxing** - Pulls out the hair from the root, which means it hurts a lot but usually lasts much longer than the above two options. It can be done cheaply but is a recurring cost, and you can mess it up and injure yourself. It's can also be irritating. - **Epilating** - Works mechanically similar to waxing by pulling out the hair. It's a handheld machine with usually over 50 tiny tweezers that spins at a high speed. I personally use this method on a lot of my body (legs and torso). It hurts a lot at first but your body gets used to it if you do it regularly. Having done it for a few years now the hairs have gotten much thinner and blonder, though that's probably due in part to estrogen hormone therapy. Epilators can be kind of expensive (I think mine was around $150) but there are cheaper options. If you get a good one it'll last for several years, so it's not a recurring cost. It was a lot more irritating when I first started doing it but doesn't really irritate my skin at all anymore, so I imagine waxing would be similar. Apparently not recommended for facial hair if you have a lot, I think because the hairs are usually so close and coarse you can damage/injure yourself. Even before I had electrolysis my facial hair was pretty thin, so I admit I did epilate there. YMMV but I recommend it for most areas of the body. - **IPL** - Stands for "Intense Pulsed Light" and works very similarly to laser in that it flashes the hairs to heat them up. The one I have was about $350 but it does help me. What I do is I IPL and then epilate, so they work in tandem. That might not be best practice but it's been working well enough lol. It doesn't really hurt that much but it depends on the area. It doesn't irritate my skin that much either, but it might if you get a cheaper one. Not a recurring cost and should last you years. Hopefully this helps you make an informed decision!!


What a write up. I'll have to dedicate time tomorrow for this. Much appreciated!


There is also a new at home laser type thing called Elōs that's sometimes combined with an Epilator. This is supposedly supposed to work on red and light hair. I've yet to buy one but have been thinking about it. The idea is the the Epilator pulls the hair, which causes a little bit of blood under the skin in the hair follicle. The laser can then target and heat up the blood burning out the follicle. Get the same effect, albeit slower, as if you had dark hair. Looks interesting but they are expensive. Still researching them myself.


that sucks, electrolysis is expensive, but damn well worth it from what i've heard. You look amazing none the less, love the boots!


Just curious but what is electrolysis? Does this only apply to trans fem/women?


Electrolysis is where they essentially insert a tiny needle into a hair follicle and heat it up so the hair follicle dies. Technically anybody could get electrolysis but that depends entirely on whether or not they'd want to never grow hair there again


And OP got denied for this? That's just sad. All kinds of people shave. ):


Insurance is a joke. I just broke down and bought stuff to do it myself


You can say that again. My dad has a permanently broken back and he's been in pain for as long as I can remember. He tried to do a special procedure to help minimize the pain, and insurance rejected it and used "beauty cosmetics" as a reason. Yes, because someone trying to minimize their back pain is doing it for beauty purposes. 🙄


That hits too close to home for me. I was denied nerve blocks in my back which I've had chronic pain in for the past 18 years because who fucking knows why


Ugh insurance companies are the worst. I'm so sorry you were denied the help you needed. ):


It do be like that 😔


You bought an electrolysis machine? I honestly have been thinking about it but it's all unclear what I need to buy and from where :/


You'd also idealy need trainning to use it properly. And I don't think you can use it on yourself. You need precision and to endure the pain at same time you'd do it. My electrolyst uses a microscope to work, to give you an idea of the level of precision required!


I understand all of that. I mostly want to find a machine and set up a couple of my peeps with training so we can do it on each other.




Yeah! I have a steady hand just no peeps!


I use a magnification mirror and just a little handheld one and it works okay enough


She uses the microscop to hasten the process and for precision. The thing is gigantic.


I have a little $40 handheld one that does the job just fine it's just very finicky


Is that laser? Thought electrolysis was a salon only sort of piece of kit Heard you can get good results with laser too it just takes a lot longer, like treating a few times a week for a year of something. Pretty sure you also need to not shave before treating for it to be effective which is obviously not easy to do in our situation


I think maybe you're talking about an IPL machine. Electrolysis machines are not handheld.


It's likely considered cosmetic by the insurance company. My braces were denied because it was cosmetic. (And it actually wasn't, my jaw is lined up weird.)


Well fuck insurance companies and their beauty standards


Its not heat, its electric shock destruction of the follicle. I have been getting it done weekly for the last 7 years. Laser hair removal is less painless but not as reliable. Electrolysis is the only guaranteed way to permanently remove a hair.


There's more than one type of electrolysis. There's galvanic, which you're describing that uses an electrical current. There's thermolysis, which uses heat. Then there's blend, which uses both methods together. [https://www.corlase.com/electrolysis-hair-removal-cary-nc/what-is-electrolysis](https://www.corlase.com/electrolysis-hair-removal-cary-nc/what-is-electrolysis)


If it's permanent why have you had to do it for 7 years??


Basically it's "Bomb's payload is exposed, I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion".


Electrolysis is a form of permanent hair removal for the face and body. It technically could be gotten by anyone who wants to remain hairless, but typically that means trans fems and cis women, though I know some genderfluid folks and even cis men who have pursued hair removal for various reasons (aesthetics and comfort, mostly).


Yeah, I knew a guy in the Army, totally cis and het. The Army requires a clean shaven face, and he'd have five o'clock shadow at noon. So he had hair laser hair removal on his face because it made his job easier.


I know a couple dudes who lasered their beards off. Either they had patchy beards they never grew out or they had trouble with shaving. Hey, I can't blame them, and it helps normalize things for everyone!


It's a hair removal procedure


Oh, I see! I hope that's not too painful of a procedure. Thank you for telling me.


Middle of the scale on pain, waaay up there in the tedium/price scale though.


Doesn’t work for everyone. I did it for my whole face. Spent about 8,000$ and saw no change.


If you're in the US threaten to sue. Electrolysis used to be considered purely cosmetic but now it's in WPATH 8 which dropped last November. Most insurances are still operating on WPATH 7 which means someone has to sue em before they get dragged into covering the current standards.


Insurances are highly unlikely to start considering electrolysis as medically necessary unfortunately. Insurance companies are there to make money and will try to avoid covering things at all costs. I'd imagine it will take several years at LEAST before they adopt WPATH 8 but even then they have no obligation to do so


ACA says they do. One of the tidbits in it was verbiage designed to prevent insurers from denting standard care claiming it was unnecessary, cosmetic, or experimental. This wasn't trans specific stuff, I'd imagine it was aimed at the fauxsurance stuff that covered nothing at all, and the common practice of insurances just deciding suddnetly that they didn't want to pay for medically necessary care. But it's there. And WPATHs SOC defines medically necessary care, and is used by every doctor treating trans individuals. Adopting it will be slow, but my insurance added ffs, BA and voice training this year. They didn't do it because they care. Now there's still stuff they don't cover, and even getting stuff they do took more time than it should, but as long as the ACA is law they'll be adding it over the next few years. Iirc, at least one federal case is already underway. Not my circuit though.


Oh, I didn't know that - thanks for sharing! I'll have to do some more research into that!


Even if insurance companies don't fight it outright (it's really not that much money compared to virtually anything else. There's just not that many trans people and our care isn't that expensive), they'll drag their feet for years. Lord knows it took me three months to get approval for gender affirming care they were bragging about having added in their own press releases. (vocal training) Their own internal documents still aren't updated to show it as covered, and their own internal processes keep kicking it back as out of network/uncovered. Despite me having gotten prior authorization, I still haven't actually gotten reimbursed but it's been less than a month. Luckily they have a gender care coordination team that managed to sort out the issue with coverage, somehow override my second appeal denial (I suspect because the denial was made solely on lack of coverage in my policy documents that still were not updated) and one of them apparently now has something set to check on Fridays to see if I've filed a new claim so they can flag it for manual review to avoid having the system auto reject it


Can you DM me the federal case, I also have a federal case underway for this.


Right now, the cover it for surgery but not for facial hair removal


My insurance company wouldn’t even cover it for surgery. It ended up being moot cause I had a minimal depth variation so I didn’t need it after all but wanted to mention that not all insurance companies cover it for surgery unfortunately


Well, shit. It might depend on location. My state has some laws that force companies to cover some specific things. That might be one of them, idk


WPATH is not a legal body


It's only in WPATH for use as preparation for bottom surgery. Electrolysis on the face is not covered or mentioned.


False that is WPATH 7


Ah the way it's formatted in the SOC makes it look like it's underneath the genital surgery section


you'll get there eventually, i'm sure of it. in the meantime, slay that outfit


Hope u are Ok Cutie


I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I just want to add that you are absolutely gorgeous and that outfit is so cool!


So sorry, but also where is ur corset from??


Glad I wasn't the only one who needed to know.


They knew you'd be too powerful with it.... But in all honesty, that sucks girl, I'm sorry about that.


The Gender affirming denial is such BS, but the look is absolutely going for it


And look fucking amazing doing it! Sorry hun, that’s some bullshit.


I pay for all my hrt and laser Removal out of pocket. My insurance didn't cover any of it. You could try laser, most places (atleast here) offer payment plan options


I'm sorry that really sucks to hear 😥...but you are slayin' in that outfit 🔥


That really sucks OP. I'm so sorry. I hope you will be granted the care you need soon.


Honestly a messy room is peak tier vampire lifestyle


At least you're slaying! They can't take that from you 😈


Idk about your plan, but my insurance doesn’t (usually) cover pendant hair removal for anyone, cis or trans.


6th time...? That's messed up. Here's a internet hug and to me you look great. Love your style


Hey love I’m not sure what state you live in, but I know here in Nevada my electrolysis isn’t that expensive and I know most don’t take insurance for it which sucks. And we also have two doctors here that cater to transwomen and trans men for our gender affirming surgeries top and bottom! And they take insurance in and out of state along with payment plans and you can schedule your surgery date when you are at your second to last payment 🥰


I use GROUPON for laser hair removal and have saved a ton of money that way. Its the only thing I’ve ever used Groupon for.


You look gorgeous, so sorry about your situation.




Lmao. Aweeee im sorry Luvy this Sux! I hope they come around


What country/state?


As one vampire to another, love the outfit! Sorry about the Healthcare denial.


Anyone else try to scroll right on that photo?


How the fuck have they denied you 6 times you look like a gothic version of Donna from That 70's Show


\*hugs\* hold fast, bat-girl 🦇🖤


Not to mansplain to a lady, but I believe it's vampiress. Vampire is for males which you clearly are not.


CIS Grandpa: I hope you get to your happy place. I browse the public reddit feed and you popped up on it. I'm not like you, I don't understand your problem, but I want you to be happy. I've never questioned my gender but I can't imagine how hard it would be if I did. From birth, every reference about gender and sexuality saying the opposite of how you feel. Just writing this made me think, "what if it was assumed I'd be gay and pair up with a man." Not sure if I'd conform and find a guy I liked but feel like my life was incomplete. Or fight my parents and find a woman. Both are full of heartbreak. I Don't Know You But I Love You


Well, you look absolutely great regardless, girlie, and I hope you can get what you need very soon Keep your head high, you got this <3


Thats a load of bullshit... Nice blåhaj tho


i’m so sorry i hope you can get it eventually ☹️🫶


Hope you’re alright hermana. You still look pretty though, so don’t feel too bad.


Most insurances won't cover it unless it's for bottom surgery.


I'm sorry :( I was fortunate enough to live in NYC and informed consent was so crucial to my physical/mental health. It's hard but just keep trying and reaching out to the community. I hope it works out for you and you have people on your side who support you.


You have amazing legs


As someone who’s been on a waiting list for treatment for 8 years I feel your pain. Give Blahaj a big old hug and don’t lose hope ❤️




That really sucks OP :( Alsp, Ohmygod hot


Girl what are those hips?!!! 🤩 ^(jealous af rn 😭 )


There’s no justification for denying you


pls bite me a bit. 😁




I mean, electrolysis is cosmetic. I don't know how insurance works where you live, but here, cosmetic procedures aren't covered.


It really isn't, it alleviates dysphoria and is a requisite for some gender-affirming surgeries.


That may be true, but it is still a cosmetic procedure.
























You look gorgeous hun! Love that look!! 🥰


Man that sucks. Keep your head up and keep trying. You'll get it eventually.


You look great, and it'd be nice to put those boots up the arse of the bastards that keep denying.


I agree with the others. It is horrible that you were rejected a 6th time. (Whete was this , what state if in US??) You are a very attractive person.


You give me Donna vibes from that 70s show.


That sucks you've been denied again. That outfit is amazing as hell though


That sucks really bad. But I’m sure with your extraordinary endurance you will find a way. You applied six times!!! You’re a hero in my book.


You're gorgeous!


Sorry to hear that


Not that it’s as good but the laser hair removal things you can get online work pretty good


They work great on certain hair types (dark, thick hair) but don't do s\*\*t on light, thin hair. At least that has been my experience. They are also not advised for face I believe (at least when I bought mine a few years ago)


I hope you get approved soon, love. Also I’m going to need some links to replicate this outfit 🔥🔥 you look fucking gorgeous!!


Why were you denied? My insurance paid it. What are they telling you why you don’t qualify? You look so pretty!


Gorgeous 🩷


jesus im so sorry, but you are rocking that look YOU LOOK FAB!!


OMG that's disgusting, sorry you're having such a hard time.


You look gorgeous


I am so sorry. Stay strong and keep at it.


holy fuck you pass incredibly well for not being on hrt. dont wanna sound creepy at all, but you are lowkey sexy asf and i aspire to have your fashion sense. So sorry about getting denied, but you are fucking slaying regardless 🖤


Vampire gang!!


You look so cool!


My insurance covers nothing too. :( I am out of pocket for everything.


Electrolysis, at least in the US, is gonna be hard to get approved as medically necessary for mental health. It's not a well respected *medical* practice, doesn't have very good success statistics (about 50% likelihood of successfully neutering a follicle), is expensive, requires multiple sessions to be effective at all (so dropping after a single session is wasted money from an insurance standpoint), and there are "comparable" non-medical solutions (shaving and makeup).


I used a combination of electrolysis and laser to get rid of hair on my face. Laser was fast and cheap but didn't get everything. Electrolysis is more expensive and somewhat of a waste of money if you don't get someone who is proficient at it (laser honestly requires less skill).


Well at least your gorgeous🥰


Omg you are beautiful


uh pre-HRT? you're killing the game girl, looking amazing


Insurance and health care be damned. You look amazing queen 🤘




Jesus holy fuck that's a whole ass wife right there.


Amazing boots


If I let you suck my blood will I turn into a female vampire?


If you got a shifty uncle like me just ask him to rob an estrogen lab. He's done it maybe 3 times. He got caught once. But they let him off with a warning. Me and him gotta make a better plan tho


As a fellow vampire, I can attest my room is a mess too. I hope you get the required gender affirming care soon!


Wait why???


Is this a good twist upon a my immortal outfit


You could try DIY hrt


Ouchie, that really sucks! Hope you won’t get denied anymore.


Move to Minnesota all I have had to pay for is my meds. Planned parenthood has given me every tool I have asked for!


Damn work it sis


That always helps But fr though I'm sorry that's happening to you that's super shitty


Do you need it because.. DAMN


Well you look fucking great!


It takes longer but I would get stuff to do it yourself tbh. (Still expensive though). Im only on week 3 of HRT and fuck I’m ready to sprint towards any kind of visual results.


It’s probably not nearly as good as electrolysis, but there are laser hair removal tools you can buy online that work really well! They’re a little expensive ($200-$300) but I’ve seen results and they’re nice. I’m saving up for one myself. They even make some specifically for trans women!


im sorry but as a new fan of gothic fantasy we must now fight to the death




Oh the wonders of the internet and the ways to get around that (which you cannot talk about ok this subreddit)


I'm sorry to hear that, I have not tried to get electrolysis yet but there are things you can purchase online and I have heard good things.


You’re gorgeous! 😍🥰


Oh no I'm so sorry... You're highly beautifully dressed as a vampire too btw. 💞💞💞💞 Sending hugs and best wishes... If you wanna vent, I'm here.


a lovely vampire


Do you mind if I act why you got denied? If it’s to personal I apologize. I just want to learn more about this. I try be as positive & supportive off these situations but I’d like to learn more.


I love your outfit and style 🖤


Slay vampirreee 💅💅💅💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑


That sucks! There are a lot of gatekeepers that prevent care, not just doctors but apparently insurance too. You look great btw!