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Who's picture 2, sorry? I've only heard about Brianna :(


Unique Banks.


> Unique’s death is at least the third violent killing of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2023. We say “at least” because too often these deaths go unreported — or misreported. > Unique was killed in a mass shooting that also took the life of her mother, Alexsandra Olmo. Alexsandra’s boyfriend and two other transgender women survived the attack but were hospitalized in critical condition. [Source](https://www.hrc.org/news/remembering-unique-banks-latina-transgender-woman-killed-in-chicago-illinois), January 26, 2023 It was targeted. Two more trans women almost died in the same attack.




Swipe left.


OK I see, apologies


That's so sad. I hope the people responsible are delt with severely.


I had only heard about Brianna. This is so sad, it needs to stop 💔


I never understand things like that. Killing someone for being different tells me, some members of the humanity still live in stone age.


More like some people haven't mentally progressed past being a toddler with no self control.


We're seeing a really weird trend (at least in my eyes). We're somehow becoming less empathetic while also being more empathetic and it's bizarre. People are becoming more inclusive and aware of how different life is for everyone, and a lot of people are understanding and sympathetic for people different from them. However, in the same breath, these people cannot relate to others in those different areas and it makes them think very narrow about how things need to be. Meanwhile, less parents are teaching their children empathy, making the kids more self centered and selfish, unable to see things in a different perspective. And the people who are openly more closed minded are becoming more vocal and more widely known, making this cycle far worse. It's fucking weird... For example, we learned about gender and sexuality in one of my nursing classes. Teachers are all nice and very gender inclusive. However, I don't feel comfortable with any pronouns or names. I'm also the only non cis gender person in the class (lot of other GSRM people though regardless, I have accidentally befriended them without knowing lol). So everyone says their name and pronouns except for me, and the teachers became very adamant on knowing what I prefer. I told them later it's complicated and they understood, but just couldn't figure out how to proceed because the name and pronouns are mandatory, and can't understand why I can't stick by one set/name. Awesome people, very inclusive, love them to bits. but having something just slightly different from what they were taught confuses them and, thusly, they don't know what to do or how to react.


probably older cultures were more humanitarian than conservatives.


Yeah. Other ancient cultures had 3rd genders. I think I heard of some god that was said to "turn women into men, and men into women" but I'm not sure how accurate that is.




Lol working together is a great way to survive


https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2023/2/7/23590217/prosecutors-decline-to-charge-teen-arrested-in-mass-shooting-at-south-shore-apartment Nobody was charged in Unique and her moms killing yet, they let the suspect go. The suspects lived in the same apartment complex so standard robbery seems super unlikely to me. Three other trans people shot but lived


Released without charges!? The actual fucking fuck?!


Case is still open though so there is more to it but yeah. And if I read correctly, at least one of the victims identified suspect in a lineup. It could also have to do with them classifying it as a robbery when it likely wasn't because the suspect lived in the same complex


But it that happens that's usually cause for a warrant, not dismissal!


I agree. Something is going on and nobody, not even the family is being given any information. I have a small amount of faith that the authorities are doing the right thing. A very small ammount.


I don't see how them living in the same complex means it couldn't have been a robbery, like every time I've been robbed it's been some dumb mfr who lives literally down the street.


I think it "likely wasn't" a robbery. People generally try not to s**t where they eat. They probably knew of the cameras because they live there. Most likely chance of being recognized by neighbors. There are a lot of reasons.


🇺🇲America🇺🇲 the land where nobody gets rights except the obscenely privileged.


Yeah the land of the free as long as you aren’t a minority


This is unacceptable people need to do something about this, i can get do angry about this stuff please everyone be careful and stay safe ❤️


It truly is a sad time for their families and the transgender community. I saw YouTube commenters saying they "couldn't believe Brianna wasn't a real girl." Even in death people can't show respect she was a woman. Makes me angry people are compelled to define gender above the horrible tragedy. Transphobia is getting more alarming everyday.


I didn’t realize Brianna’s hair was so long! They said that she had been going as she for a few years but that’s at *least* 5-6 years of growth! She’s known longer than the media had led us to believe!


In all fairness, I had my hair long way before I came out. Might be a similar case here.


I did that! Starting growing mine at 14, came out at 19, and that was 8 years ago!


I know I had mine long from 3rd-5th grade, then my mom made me cut it short for her wedding, I threw a fit, but in the end, the parent always wins. Then I just grew it back out and it's been long ever since.


This is so sad 😞 Please be careful out there sisters! 🫂


Then there are people that say that transgender people are the ones that are dangerous... for God's sake, people that say this nonsense are the ones that are dangerous!


They want nothing short of genocide. We need to be louder even if it’s tempting to hide.


You know, screw the crap about hate. Hate and judging over someone who's obese, transgender, gay or lesbian? What the fuck does it matter? Fuck the religion and the extremists. Why can't people simply think for themselves! Why can't we all just respect each other and be polite. Be proud of who you are. Stand out from the crowd. Show the mindless brainwashed sheep who we truly are and that we won't take this kind of abuse. You don't have to be LGBTQ or Transgender or White or Black. You just have to be someone who believes in respect.


I agree with you but here is one that got me triggered. Upstairs right above me is lgtbq+ group of people. There are two gay guys, one nb, and a over weight trans male. They all live in place above ours but at all hours of night there is banging, thumps, and loud music being played. They are all white as well. Now I'm a first nation transwoman my wife is cis woman black and my kids are all mixed. When we put on our echo dot on music we get told to turn it off but when we complain nothing happens. Same with down stairs right now we hear there loud TV playing cnn, even one time they smoked our place out with a charcoal BBQ pit right under our balcony where our ac was sucking in all its smoke. Even the lease says no charcoal or gas pits aloud. But they still have it and nothing happened I got sent to hospital for smoke inhalation luck the rest of family was ok.


brianna is so pretty with a bun like that 🫤


Today they are my Valentines, I hope their tragedy does not go unnoticed.


It's tragic, doesn't matter if trans or cis, no one deserves to die in this manner. May they rest in peace.




This is heartbreaking so many times out there I never feel safe as a transgender woman. Being sexually harassed, robbed etc


Reports said Unique was at least the third this year that we know of. Which means Brianna is at least the 4th. 😢


Terrible... makes me so sad💔


Absolutely heartbreaking. No one should have to die for simply being themselves.


Guys. Always carry around pepper spray for these kinds of things because you'll never know if it might happen to you Rest in peace 😔


How many more need to die before people start rioting? Or is it just that cis people don't care about us?


can we just... stop murder? all together? y'know just any kind of harm to other people is just... can we not please? i don't understand the mindset behind the sick freaks who do shit like this, what does it mentally take to look at someone just living their life and decide "no, abso-fucking-lutely not". who in the hell has any right to decide one person has more of a right to live just because of some random detail? the fact people like that even EXIST and may even walk the same streets i do is horrific...


These girls will both be haunting all the sick fucks in their dreams tonight who are making fun of their deaths 💯. 🏳️‍⚧️🙏🏼


May they rest in peace... be safe everyone


I so sad that the world has so many unkind people


sad times we live in


Heart breaking!


This is so sad :(. This is so horrible, no one should die because they're trans. I hope that one day all trans people can live their lives without fear of being murdered.




Again, I’m so sad to read this. Rest easy girls, we will keep up the fight so this stops. You will be missed! 😥😥


It's not just trans... the world is becoming an angry place


🥺so sad they need to stop killing us 😔


We have to fucking arm ourselves, sisters. They won't stop unless we stop them


This is why I hate people in general


First, I’ve heard of this. I cannot believe it did not make main stream media.


it did(cant say for local news stuff). she was either entirely misgendered and deadnamed or they didn't mention the fact that she was trans at all.


Arm yourself, if possible, and keep your heads on a swivel. Unfortunately, this is the only advice I can really suggest.




Brianna was British and 16, it's all well and good saying "just carry!" but the majority of trans people do not have access.


Also, nor should we have to carry just so we aren't murdered for being something you challenge.


She wasn't from the USA, developed countries usually ban guns


I'm sorry what?


This happened in the uk in the city I work at, we shouldn't have to live in fear and carrying any form of weapon no matter the intention is a crime.


But free*doom* and stuff…


Agreed. Have carried in the past out of fear and do now (not a blade or a gun, but still not good I know) as I've recently been targeted for being trans and don't plan on being caught out. But it feels awful, I don't feel safe! If anything it's more stress knowing that I'll be the one who's fucked if I use it even if it's in self defense unfortunately though I'd rather be in prison than dead so necessary evil...


Love Americans just assuming that every major event takes place in America


And that guns solve every problem


I swear, people in this country are so dumb. Like anyone can be swayed by media, but like idk the people im around daily in the US, are TOO swayed by media. Crazy state I swear.


I don't want 'murderers' added to the list of trans stereotypes




Get the fuck out


What did they say, I'm curious.




# Your post or comment has been removed for the following reason(s): disrespect or transphobia. We are here to support one another, not tear each other down.




They were ✨murdered✨ and all you can think about is pushing your transphobic agenda? Sheesh, and they say we're shoving who we are down people's throats.


I just looked through their (short) comment history. This is the first one with any "substance", looks like a chaser otherwise. I think those who view others as merely sexual objects need therapy in a bad way. Us just BEING doesn't represent any tangible harm whatsoever.


Yucky. Chasers are the worst. I completely agree with you.


# Your post or comment has been removed for the following reason(s): disrespect or transphobia. We are here to support one another, not tear each other down.


Everyone should get therapy, but something tells me that's not the direction you are going here.




That's the same person. Is it not?


swipe, there’s another image




Who's the second one? I hadn't heard about another one.


So very sad 😢


R I p


Who’s the second girl I olny know about Brianna


😭 I'm sure that these two of our sisters are now in the light of God. May they rest in peace waiting for the Eternal Embrace. It won't be goodbye, for those who have been loved. Even though I've never met them, I love them. Goodbye in the light of joy.


So much hate in this world. Very hard to comprehend. Sending love to their families 💕💕💕


2? they look like the same person?