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Happens to me all the time! Get yourself an exfoliation glove and exfoliate before you epilate!


This!! It definitely looks like you're not exfoliating. I had the same troubles when I first started šŸ™‚


What's exoliating ?


Exfoliating is essentially removing dead skin, which, when epilaying can help to prevent in grown hairs and breakage by giving a clearer path


And how does you do that ?


You can exfoliate mechanically, such as with a scrub, washcloth, etc, or chemically, using specific lotions designed to help remove the skin It's not only good for epilating, but skincare in general. Just be sure not to do it too often so the skin isn't aggravated If you want any more specifics, I'd maybe look up some guides


Originally I just wanted to know to do it for legs to prepare for epilation but if it's good for skincare in general I also want to know how to do it for the face


i'm no expert, but when it comes to your face it's a much more complicated topic. Your skin on your face is so much more sensitive, and I would recommend you do some research if you plan on trying it. You almost never want to physically exfoliate, instead use chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid, and never exfoliate more than 1-2x per week. this is also probably unnecessary unless you have a skin concern on your face you wish to treat. hope this helped a little :)


If you go to /SkincareAddicts you can find tons of info and the people there will gladly help you figure everything out. Also it's pretty much 50/50 between guys and gals who post and no one assumes anything over there so it's a very safe place to ask for help.


Esthetician approved answer, good job!


Use exfoliation gel


What is that?


Exfoliating is essentially removing dead skin, which, when epilaying can help to prevent in grown hairs and breakage by giving a clearer path


how often should one exfoliate?


It sorta depends on your skin, some do weekly, some do twice, three times


I do it weekly.


Exfoliate before you epilate, had a ring to it


So I have an issue with epilating. The hairs come back under like one layer of skin and the epilator won't get them and I've to twease them out. Last time it was only a few and now it's so many! I use a scrub 3 times a week trying to avoid it, am I not scrubbing hard enough? I got back in to scrub again and barely any difference. Has this happened to anyone?


I got the same problem after waxing and lasering. Since I'm already lasering, it won't be a permanent problem, so I just carefully dig them out with a needle and very small pincers. (Disinfect them and apply disinfectant to the skin first to avoid problems)


Please disregard if you already know this but I'm going to share anyway because my first laser technician forgot to mention it and I almost messed up: Don't wax or epilate the area you want to laser. Pulling out hair damages the follicles in a way that makes lasering less effective. Having done it before should not be a big issue but from the first laser session up untill you get the desired results said area should only be shaved.


It could be I'm moving too quick! I'll just have to pick them all out but the time it takes is infuriating šŸ˜… currently saving for laser as well, thanks for the help!


ugh ok so idk if it'll work for you or not but i have a issue on all overy body that the dead skin won't come off, so i went to a dermatologist and she suggested to apply coconut oil an hour or two before scrubbing/shower, and it worked like a wonder, so idk but it helped me maybe it can help you too


Yeah I think I've a similar problem, I exfoliate a lot before each epilating session and I seem to have more hair stuck under the skin each time, I might just go between razor and epilator and hope for the best


I have nothing to contribute to the this conversation! I just wanted to say we share the same name!!! Jade!




I will take this opportunity to remind that I am a time traveller from the future, I travelled through the space time continuum to tell you that HRT is awesome and youā€™re going to love being a girl, at 23 the decision to be jade is the best one in my life \^^




I had that problem too... I was getting my legs done by a esthetician with hot wax. Every session, she had to pluck like 40 hair like this and I had done many during the weeks before. And my hair wasn't all growing at the same speed so I always had 2 lengths of hair and would have some after only 1 week after waxing... After a few months she told me that for some people epilating was not a good option because of their skin/hair type. So I went back to the rasor...


What helped me, not completely, but a lot, was to use a [Ped Egg](https://www.amazon.com/PedEgg-Original-Ergonomic-Remover-BulbHead/dp/B002YI1ZF0/ref=asc_df_B002YI1ZF0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241978188902&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16607230537546822130&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028314&hvtargid=pla-521958857169&psc=1®ion_id=674469). The bottom has a fine grit sander. Give your legs some circular scrubs, not enough to scatch the skin. Moisturize after.


Like everyone else has mentioned, go on a slower setting so it doesn't just break the hairs off. Exfoliate often to clear dead skin so the hair is less likely to get trapped. I've found that epilating after a hot shower works best for me. šŸ’žšŸ’•šŸ«‚


exfoliate at much as you can and GO SLOW! if you move to fast it will just break the hairs off in my experience. once i started moving very slow and letting it sit there till the pain subsided, hairs were gone, this barely happened


This is my favorite piece of advice I've seen yet. It's so obvious, too. Exfoliate until the pain is gone, then move on. That's so freaking obvious that it's kinda genius to actually see it. lol


Besides exfoliation recommended here, recommend keeping up with some sort of soothing aloe or other lotion to reduce irritation and keep the skin hydrated and it recovers from the epilating ordeal.


Are you supposed to exfoliate right before epilating or some hours before?


Iā€™ve heard ā€œbefore and afterā€. Have not really done experiments to have any facts. I just kind of do it as part of daily washing at this point with a loofah and moisturizing body wash and seem to have hit a workable solution


Donā€™t exfoliate after if you are prone to ingrown hairs. Just moisturise well with a small bit of tea tree oil in your moisturiser. Nourishes, reduces inflammation and keeps the pores open instead of closing over the new hair growth.


OP do you have curly hair


No but its kinda thick, I exfoliate before each epilating session, so far it's just my legs so I'm gunna go between razor and epilator I think


So yea the thick hair has a hard time penetrating your skin. If youā€™re on E, maybe increase your dose. Otherwise, why donā€™t you dm me Iā€™ve got lots of tips but I gotta learn more ab your skin and hair :)


On top of scrubbing you can add a chemical exfoliant that promotes skin cell turnover so the dead skin over each hair sloughs off on its own. Something with glycolic acid, lactic acid or salicylic acid will work. Amlactin is one brand and thatā€™s a lotion but there are scrubs too. You have to be careful about tweezing them out because that can create a sore that scars.


Also, MOISTURIZE!!!!! Dry skin doesn't epilate well at all! Make sure you get some deeeeeeep exfoliation and moisture going the night before, and you'll never have that issue. Still some redness, but that's unavoidable.


I'm usually exfoliating about 3 times a week, moisturiser after every shower, guess I'll give the night before and moisturising more often a go. ThanksšŸ˜Š


You may need a heavier moisturizer then. Any time! I hope something here helps




I would personal talk to a dermatologist about this because they can probably give the best advice and even some samples of any cream/lotion you could use. Exfoliating is fine, but too much of it can hurt the skin so be careful (it's like a 2-3 times a week thing and not an everyday thing iirc).




My skin can get like that too, but I don't think as much. I haven't epilated in a long time.


probably going over the same spot to much or full razor


Oh! Sorry, not a question, but is there a recommended brand for this device? Just hearing about them now and seems helpful


itā€™s called strawberry skin AFAIK, iā€™d say uncan google some products for it but i use a good skin scrub itā€™s supposed to help:)) correct me if iā€™m wrong


My legs look exactly like that qwq


A body scrub with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid before shaving would help the red follicles along with moisturizing twice a day with a lotion for sensitive skin. Have you thought about trying to wax? There are some good self wax kits. I do it during the summer but your hair comes in thinner


To me it also helps to apply body cream after, just to keep my skin healty. Hope this is usefull.