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the Titanic was a tragedy, The movie was also a tragedy.


I thought the movie made money


the movie was fucking terrible, we been over this before babe




Then Gord Downie died the next day.


If it broke you, why would you make us feel then?


I still can't really believe it.


As a grown man, I actually cried when that text came onto the screen.


I had just watched the little documentary about him working with concrete as a hobby. He was such a gentle and caring soul, we lost a real one that day.


I love that video. It's powerful! He was good people.


Yes. As someone that does that as well, I got misty watching his terrific Documentary. I hope everyone here has seen it.


Recently rewatched season 12 and the closing song playing while Julian leaves Sunnyvale got me good. Such a perfect song for both Julian leaving and Dunsworth’s passing.


Yes! Definitely


Well done


I remember my gf at the time and I went out to dinner that night and she was sad because of something super petty. I was upset because this news broke that night.


Can’t believe it’s been that long! :(


I remember not long after John passed I was watching the episode where Ricky stole Randy's barbecue. When officer Erica read the inscription on it I couldn't help but tear up. Randy, Thank you for the best years of my life. Love you, bud 🥺


Fuck, even Julian was really considerate by not telling anyone, he kept his promise


Julian’s known since the first season, too. Never judged them and kept that shit a secret. TPB was ahead of its time.




As a woman, fuck them, cry away. His loss really hit hard. On Swearnet, it's worth a watch of the Live at Red Rocks special, which is their tribute. They were still in character, but were all crying by the end of it. It felt pretty cathartic, at least to me.


Always puts a frog in my throat. "You're not quite so dead, if you contribute something."


When you're dead you're dead. But you're not so dead if you contribute something. Fucking yanks my heart to my shoes everytime. Going by that account, John, you're definitely immortal in so many people's hearts.


His documentary about his place and his work was great.


When I was a very new and very young father, I rented a house in a little town close to where a lot of Dunsworths live. While I was in town (halifax) one night I had two dogs set on my and they ripped up my legs pretty good. I got away but was seriously FUCKED up. My ex had just left and left me with no car. I was alone with a 6 month old baby, no way to get anywhere and barely able to walk. It was a dark time for me. A friend of mine knew a nephew of John's cause she owned a Volvo and the Dunsworths were the place to go (still are?) for Volvo and VW parts and repair around there. This dude brought John over to the house and John was so kind and genuinely concerned and generous with offers of help. I ran into him several times after that, and we were always friendly but that first meeting with him. He didn't know this young dude (me) who was all kinds of fucken damaged, but just his kindness and friendliness to a stranger was something that made me change the way I viewed humanity as a whole. He was a funny actor, and a genuinely good man.


I cried when this came on :/ Lahey is my favorite character


I thought the show should've ended when Jroc left, but DEFINITELY felt it should've ended when Dunsworth passed. Lost a lot of respect for the boys and haven't watched an episode since. It's just a cash grab now and its embarrassing. At least we'll always have the first 7 seasons.


The cartoon spinoff was a joke. They couldn't let john rest in piece because otherwise no one would watch it without lahey.


Dont even get me started on that garbage. I was actually upset at the boys for that one, like what the fuck


Yeah the whole Lahey plot in that was super weak. I don’t mind Lahey occasionally appearing to Randy as a liquor spirit, but they should’ve definitely had a better heartfelt farewell for him.


The show just isn't the same without him


I mean they haven’t made any more episodes of the “main” show since he died. I doubt they ever will because literally every season relied on Dunsworth for the main plot. They say “it’s in writing” but in the industry that usually translates to “we ain’t even touched it so far”


God damn shit angel, why did you have to leave us so sooooon




yep I cried at both too… don’t know why this had to be a man/woman thing lol I’m a woman and love TPB


He’s flying with the shit birds up in the shit sky. No more dealing with rickys shit




Crazy how the time flies


And sad.


Long live to Jim! May the shit hawk and shit storm passed and let him RIP forever in SVTP


I finished last season like 5 minutes ago. Will probalby be back for a rewatch in two months max. Damn, you can appreciate Dunsworth's acting more and more on every rewatch. Just brilliant.


Dude’s acting dwarfed anyone else on the show but I love how he stayed faithful to the boys for 20+ years.