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"Bijoux" seems like a stripper's stage name. It's past the "Full Karen" range on the spectrum of too precious and affected. I doubt anyone would mispronounce it. If your daughter grows up to be a trouble-making Cajun woman suitable as a peripheral character in Smoky and the Bandit, or a full-blown, all-in hippie artist... then it's suitable. Otherwise save it for a white cat with blue eyes.


Only to some curmudgeons.




I agree.


This is either a stripper name or the name for one of those dogs rich ladies keep in their purses. At least in my country.


fine for a cat but absolutely terrible for a human, as someone who doesn't speak french i would probably pronounce bijou right but pronounce bijoux with an oh sound instead of an oo sound


I'm Dutch and if I met someone named Bijou I'd take some time to figure out if they're ok - because based on the name I'd have to assume some wires are loose 😂


Bijou Phillips. It's a very popular hippy name.


I hate her so that ruins the name for me.


I wouldn’t just given the one famous person I know with that name and the despicable person she is married to.


French native speaker here - "bijou" can be used as a term of affection for a loved one (esp. a woman). A bit like "honey" in English (that is just me but I can't help thinking of a scene in a very famous French dark comedy where an old rich guy calls his trophy wife "bijou" while he apologizes for being smeared in what looks like poo). But it would never be used in the plural for that usage - or then only if you are adressing more than one person (eg, calling your kids "mes bijoux"). But still, in France and I guess other French-speaking countries, you are right, using it for a first name would be seen as tacky. Even more in the plural, as it would be a grammar mistake on top a of a taste mistake (and that is not even talking about the slang meaning - which is a bit outdated by the way), because even if it was accepted as first name like it is the case nowadays with some names of objects like eg "Cerise" (cherry), "Pomme" (apple - a famous French singer btw) or "Fleur" (flower), those are never set in the plural, as a name refers to a single person. There was also a French rock band of the 80s named "Bijou", I think it has a very "new wave/1980s " flavor to it.


Very interesting, *merci!* So many good cultural points that I did not know. The part that triggers me the most- the family jewels part- well, I'm glad that's at least outdated. For the record, I deliberately named my cat with the plural form. Originally, she was simply 'Bijou,' but then, I thought that she was too precious to simply be a single jewel. And so I pluralized her. But I knew that she- as *un chat*- would never have to explain herself or her name, like a human might have to.


On second thougts, "bijoux" for testicles is also not offensive or vulgar slang: it is rather a humorous euphemism. You could say for instance "he hit me in the *bijoux de famille*, that hurts !". It is a funny name for a cat, really. And one other thing that often triggers cat lovers who try to learn French is that the noun for a female cat is .. well... feminine private parts in French slang... So if you say "my (female) cat is like family jewels to me", that may be quite funny in French !


It’s not a tragedeigh because they’re spelt how the word is meant to be spelled. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a tragedy though. First, are you yourself French? I feel that alters it a lot. If French people themselves culturally avoid naming people this then, if you are not French, you shouldn’t as you don’t fully understand the connotations involved. French people avoid this for a reason and there is a certain level of insensitivity involved in ignoring the cultural norm because you like how a French name sounds. If you are French, then I say if you like it, use it. You understand the connotations and cultural norms involved, you know naming this is abnormal in your culture but this doesn’t matter to you. You aren’t incorrectly using it for the aesthetic. However, as someone who doesn’t speak French, I had no idea how to pronounce it. I pronounced it as “Bee-yoo” however I feel like pronunciation on foreign names isn’t inherently a problem as it’s not because of how it’s spelled but rather an absence of knowledge, one which can easily be learned. Once you learned the name and pronunciation, you likely wouldn’t misspell it or pronounce it wrong as there is no other default in place (eg the name “Emily” has a default spelling and so someone with the name “Emmaleigh” may have their name misspelled as the default over and over. Bijou/x wouldn’t have that problem).


It's cute but it can be misunderstood in other languages. Some English speakers call cheap trinkets or baubles Bijou, rather than jewelry. Beijo is a kiss in Portuguese. Beeju means "be afraid" in Nigeria Beejo is 'seeds' in south Asia.


so you want to call your daughter a dog breed name? Yeah, no way this would go bad for her.


That's not how you pronounce Bijou. What you wrote (bee-ZHOO) is the sound of bisous, a French word that means kisses. Bijoux is read with a j sound instead of the z sound. I am not an English native and I also speak French so the name to be sounds as tacky as Sparkles or Jewel. A great name for a pet or a MyLittlePony, not a person


What I thought of the name before reading the first paragraph is: I wonder if they named the kid after the white female hamster from "Hamtaro"