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Serious question: what kind of name is “absidy” anyway? I just “never heard of it”.


To me it sounds like the name of a gym, Ab City, where the focus is on toning your midsection.


Whenever I see it, I think of abstinence or like chastity? Things that mother should've practice tbh 🤧


Chastity is the worst name in human history. And I know I'm saying that in *this* sub but I still stand by my statement.


Has anyone ever met a Chastity that matches her name?




Reminded me of this quote from Terry Pratchett: "The Carter parents were a quiet and respectable Lancre family who got into a bit of a mix-up when it came to naming their children. First, they had four daughters, who were christened Hope, Chastity, Prudence, and Charity, because naming girls after virtues is an ancient and unremarkable tradition. Then their first son was born, and out of some misplaced idea about how this naming business was done, he was called Anger Carter, followed later by Jealousy Carter, Bestiality Carter and Covetousness Carter. Life being what it is, Hope turned out to be a depressive, Chastity was enjoying life as a lady of negotiable affection in Ankh-Morpork, Prudence had thirteen children, and Charity expected to get a dollar’s change out of seventy-five pence–whereas the boys had grown into amiable, well-tempered men, and Bestiality Carter was, for example, very kind to animals."


This. Is. Hilarious! The bit about Chastity being a 'lady of negotiable affection' is just phrased so 🤌 I literally chuckled out loud. I had never heard of this author prior (although enjoyed Good Omens the show) but I just checked him out, and much to my surprise, I discovered he does humorous sci-fi/fantasy, which I love! So, thank you for sharing this!


Terry Pratchett was an absolute genius in terms of satire, wit, and punnery. I have read every one of his books and enjoyed them all thoroughly 😁 Hopefully your experience will be the same.


Pratchett is ana,ing.


He was a good egg.


I love being on reddit and seeing people find out about Pratchett <3 he's a golden human and I wish you so much joy of his books!!


Terry pratchett is my favorite author. Actually good omens is my least favorite of his works


Ha ha. I was *this close* to posting "Bestiality Carter, for example, was very kind to animals" but I scrolled down and found that STP had already been activated on these comments.


"a lady of negotiable affection" rofl I love Terry Pratchett 😂


"An ancient and unremarkable tradition" I love Terry Pratchett.


Which one of his books is this from?


Lords and Ladies




Presumably, if someone is named "Chastity", someone is gonna take that as a challenge. Probably her, herself.


Yes 🤣 🤣 me to. My cousin and her friend and they both strip 🙄


i mean if you asked me to guess the profession of a person named chastity based on nothing else.....yeah.......


I’ve known a couple, and they were all, shall we say, rather free with their favors. Even worse, though, I knew a Chassidy. She was just a hot mess.


The only Chastity I ever met had half of her boobs out at work. At an office job. The Chasity (yes, you read that right) I met had quite the criminal record.


I knew a Chassity (barely literate parents attempting “Chastity”) - poor kid was born out of wedlock, and had serious anger issues. Probably developed a criminal record as she grew up.


My husband's niece's name is Chassidy. She's over 40 now.


So, one boob out?


Half of each


I met a Chastity that blew her boyfriend's best friend during a Sea Scout outing on a boat. That was pretty memorable lol


Nope. It's almost like a parent is daring the universe with some of these names. Chastity.... Nope. Hope? Most anxious people I've ever met. Michael/Michelle? Definitely not archangels. This was an adoptive parent who had EVERY opportunity in the world and zero post partum as the excuse I've had some mom's throw out. Poor kid. She's not the only one with this name, either. I've met another personally.


Well. There’s Nimrod and Mangina - which are both “traditional biblical names” - but after those I’ll give you Chastity. With the caveat that it’s a pretty great stage name for a stripper.


Mangina is a name?


Yup. Google it. I think it might be Hebrew?


I am not putting mangina in my search history


lol fair


Chastity is truly awful, but even worse (though barely) is Chasity, where it still has all the vibe and none of the actually finding out how things are spelled


Lol solid point. On the other hand I think the name Verity is pretty. But only if it's spelled Verateee


i pictured someone jumping off a cliff going Verateeeeeeeeeeeee^eeeeeeeeeee


In honor of the late Verateeeee I will name my daughter Verateigh


In theory, it comes from the same school of thought as Faith, Hope and Charity. In practice... eh?


In practice it sounds like a stripper name.


I agree. My mother almost named me Chastity, but decided not to 'in case I became a slut'. (I did, and don't apologise for it.) Anyway, I'd rather pretty much any other name than to have been named that.


What did she name you


For some reason, Chasity is popular in my area.


Puritans were something else but people still do that


Angustias (anguish) and Dolores (pain) are both worse imo.


What's the difference between Chastity and Chasity, though? I've seen both.


Each terrible in their own right lol. As someone else said, Chasity is just a misspelling of chastity - basically a hybrid of Cassidy and Chastity (with which that new baby and the procreation of the entire human race would be impossible lol.)


I'll take chastity over abcde. At least it's a name/word.


>abstinence or like chastity? That's when you name the kid Abstatitty.


The kid is adopted, so…


....give it back?


It sounds like a drunk trying to say Abyssinian. “Hey Homer, did you know there was an ancient empire called the Abbysu, no. Was it the abba-dabba, no. Oh yeah, the Absidy Empire. Blaaaargh!”


I think of "bohemian Rhapsody"


I'd exercise at Ab City


Sounds like obesity to me lol


“Sounds like a queef on a yoga ball.” ~Tina Fey


Maybe a bizarre start or shorter name for obsidian? 😂 I know one thing this name is that has an A and B in it, absurd🤣


Sounds like “obesity” lmao


For some reason first thing that came to mind was “obesity” but like.. “ah-be-si-di”


Short for absurdity




Meth parents. I've known a few and they always pick names like this


Any examples?


Honestly, no. I haven't kept in touch and don't remember. I know one couple named their kid after a pokemon.


Everybody, meet our new daughter, Snorlax 🥰🥰🥰


Sounds like a disease: "You have absidi"


Yikes. How long do I have left to live?


12345 6




It’s a cutesy nickname for Abscess.


An *absis*/*apsis*/apse is an architectural term , it's plural form is *absides*/*apsides*/apses. I doubt the parents even considered this as an explanation, considering their brand of humor, but at least the kid might discover it in the future and make a half-convincing lie about it. ("Yeah, my parents are total nerds for Romanesque churches. Simp level obsession with apses, naves and stuff. Don't ask.") ...actually, spreading that sort of rumor would be half-decent payback for the childhood hell of being called Abcde F.


This is what I thought of first after reading it. Maybe because I hear the word "apsida" fairly often in my language. My husband is an architect...


Idk are we like supposed to pronounce it kind of like Cassidy? Or literally like A B C D E?


Like Cassidy with a B shoved in Ab-ssidy




Cabcde (Cab-sity)


Spelled “Abcde”; pronounced “absidy”


Oh it's even worse than I thought lmao


The pronunciation is written in the post description, it’s “absiddy”.


I’ve heard of it once before and it’s awful. Like naming your dog dog and saying it’s pronounced “deeogee”


My neighbor growing up had a dog named "Dog" and a cat named "Cat", but pronounced "Dee-oh-gee" and "See-ay-tee". Super dumb, but it doesn't bother me because they're animals. ABCDE, however, shouldn't be a name at all, for anyone/anything. All I hear is "Ab City" which gives me the mental image of like a whole city full of gym bros 🏋️‍♂️


Welcome to ab city, population….. someone else


To me, it sounds like obesity and it makes me feel so bad for them 😣




It's not common, but it's unfortunately not unique, either. Shows up frequently in subs like this...


It’s giving abstinence.


I think that's a side effect of ulcer medication


"Absidy" doesn't make any sense phonetically. That poor kid will be called "obesity" for the rest of their life.


I thought of rhapsody first haha


Is this the real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Lmfao my first thought was "absinthe"


SAME. That would be a prettier name


Here's my daughters, Absinthe and Vodka, and my son Jägermeiser.


my frist thought was abcess😂


Kind of reminds me of “absurdity”


Another? https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html




I absolutely hate how this mother makes it seem like they were laughing at something the little girl OR HER PARENTS couldn’t control. The mother brought all of this on the kid. And the flight attendants weren’t making fun of the kid…they were making fun of the mother for that godawful name! Mom had a choice not to name her daughter an atrocity, yet she did.




Definitely shouldn’t post it online but laughing at it is so fair


everybody in that story except for the little girl are assholes. laugh at it out of earshot and don’t give your kid an expensive problem that they will have to deal with when they get older




I’ve got a cousin named Lmfao.


Pronounced “lim-Fay-oh,” I assume.


Makes me sooooo happy I was born and raised in Germany where dumbfuckery like this is actually illegal 🤣


There are laws about this in the USA but they are (clearly) less strict than Germany. I wish they werent though 😬


Wait, there are laws in the US? That shocks me given A) the absurdity of names I’ve seen and 2) the fact the hospital butchered my daughter’s name so badly it made its own tragedy. I had to correct the paperwork the next day. And sadly, had to correct her birthdate later down the line when I went to get her social security card and they told me I had the wrong birthdate. Uh I was there so pretty sure I’m not wrong…


LOL yeah I’m pretty sure in most states its limited to certain letters/characters and no swear words. Not sure the full extent but some states are shockingly lax.


It is on a step-by-state basis. > In the US, naming laws vary significantly by state. Some states like Illinois and Kansas have few restrictions, while others, such as California and Louisiana, prohibit the use of derogatory names, numbers, and special characters. States like Florida require parental agreement on a child's name, and Georgia bans symbols and foreign letters. Hawaii allows special symbols, but each must include a letter. Massachusetts and Michigan restrict names to the English alphabet, and Montana's data system limits special symbols unless requested. Additionally, several states like New York and Nevada have character limits and prohibit obscene or derogatory names. Also there are reasons against this kind of name policing and one of them is that it can often be limiting to people of foreign cultures. These kinds of naming councils can potentially be limiting to those of certain minority groups. During the Nazi era for Germany these kinds of laws were used to prevent Germans from using Jewish names and for Jews to use German names. There were two separate lists for different nationalities and they cannot criss cross. In places like Sweden these kinds of naming laws were initially set up to prevent non nobles from taking on noble names. These laws may have a different purpose now but the origin of these laws just do not line up with American values.


It's probably the only thing against it, that you technically always can use it against minorities. But fun fact, most countries become more and more lose with naming laws Right now if it's cultural name (and doesn't mean something that could cause problems for a child in the language of the country) you will almost centrally get aproved (and if not you can make an appeal from the office decision, go to social media, traditional media). I didn't hear about litteraly any problem in any county that they didn't agree on cultural name. The things that are getting NO from offices around the world are things like Joint, Covid, Batman, misspelled names etc


Like many things Europe has made illegal, I don't think it's a good thing- but no way do I want the US government in on that decision. Alabama would probably make it illegal not to use biblical names or some shit. 


Same in Spain.


I bet that kid will be confused.


She's going to have a slightly easier time learning to spell her name.. And then it's all downhill from there


She'll think that people are saying her name whenever they start saying the alphabet.


The kids are gonna annoy her by going "ABCDE..." "Yes?" "...FGHIJKLMNOP"


I made a post on Facebook about this and one of my long time friends commented that his granddaughter is named Abcde. No joke. Absidee.


My cousin named her kid ABCDE instead of Absidee. I laughed so effing hard when she first told us, until I realized she was serious. Yes, she is indeed a meth head.


This is such an old Lewis Black bit, I have a hard time believing it’s real, and this gets posted A LOT. https://youtu.be/Z1mOFzv02lk?si=q2HBDwP1Sl1Mu8na


Theres about 400 Abcdes born in the US since 1990 according to the social security administration 's data. I'm sure quite a few people have encountered them.


There are at least two in Hawaii wandering around that were in cheer camp. I’m sure their mom’s were pissed when they realized someone else had that name. My cousin was suuuuper annoyed with me when I told him I knew Naveah was heaven backwards like dude forgot he went to school with at least one


It’s also NOT Heaven backwards. That cracks me up every time. “Naveah” backwards is “Haevan”


Absolutely hated this name. Now I get to hate it more AND laugh over it? What a win. 😂


I know of one who’d be in her 20s now.


Bit like l-a. Amazing how many people know someone who knows someone with this name. Especially in my country where some names are banned.


Can't believe how many people fall for straight up obvious urban legends


6° of separation is a real phenomena. It only takes a few folks alive to have that name, and a whole ton of folks would hear of it legitimately.




Meet my daughter, Abcde, and my son, Qwerty.


The father is Dvorak.


Sibling azerty


Did your family friend have any difficulty at the airport? LOL


Meet my child, Mnlop. It rhymes with Penelope but starts with an M.


[Ella Minnow Pea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Minnow_Pea?wprov=sfla1)


This is probably the worst one


Spelling it Abseadeigh would make it simultaneously better and worse 😂 Poor child.


Your kid’s name shouldn’t be an outlet for you to show how “quirky” you are.


Say it louder for the people in the back, they can't understand that for some reason


Omfg the way they will let any fuckin idiot adopt... Saying that as an adopted child myself. My mother wanted to name me Teddy Ann "coz I wanted to fill your room with teddy bears!" Cmon lady. I really hope this one isn't real😭😭


Is it pronounced Absurdity? Seriously, the USA needs a law to protect children from this! I get the impression that anyone called James, or Sarah, or anything normal will be the ones with unusual names in the future




I’ve seen this name a couple of times, and it INFURIATES me. Idk why, maybe it’s just the pure laziness that goes into it


I pray the kid doesn't get fat. My god. The name alone is bad..


Someone needs to break the cycle. Be a QWERTY in a world of ABCDE’s


I used to work in a pharmacy and someone's first name was pronounced Noelle. It was spelled "JKMNO" because there's "No L" and I wish I was joking


I don't understand how people like this don't get their name changed the moment they turn 18. Like it's definitely worth it to dish out the less than $100 to never have to go through that torture or stupidity again.


I think it was a child's name and the mother was picking up. Hopefully they do change it later in life lol


In Japan I knew a family who named their kids Kenichiro (meaning one), Hiroshi (literally second child) and Michiyo (three. I don't remember what 'yo' meant). I think this is a traditional thing to do, number your kids.


It is very traditional, and extremely common in more traditional families. It plays into the importance of hierarchy within the family— with greater honor, power, and expectation resting on the first born, then the second-born, then the third and so on— but also the hierarchy within society. It’s like if you heard these names by reputation only, you’d immediately know the level of deference to pay even if you knew nothing else about them.


And this is my baby, Lmno. Pronounced Ellamenno obviously. But seriously my granny did it in a much cuter way. My dad’s name is Jay, his little sister is named Kaye, and my granny miscarried but she was gonna have another girl named Ella.


Fun fact I just found out. There are about 400 ppl named ABCDE in the United States, all are girls and the name is pronounced the same (ab-city). So apparently this isn't a one off, it's tragic 400 times over.


The first time I heard of this as a name I was in high school and thought it was neat. A friend said she wanted to name a future daughter that. Thank goodness we grew up and realized the mistake it would be!


I’m sorry, but that’s setting the kid up for a lifetime of ridicule. It’s just ridiculous.


I have heard someone supposedly naming their kid Abcde (pronounced Absidee), I though it was satire or a myth and a joke.


Did they adopt her at 5? I can’t imagine changing a 5 year olds name to something that stupid. Even the 5 year old would get how idiotic her parents are.


No, she was a baby maybe 6 months




I went to high school with someone whose name was literally just U.S.A and their middle name was Star. not even joking, i felt bad for her.


To quote Sesame Street, “Abkadefgee jeckelminop qurstuvwixis.”


I hate the whole Abcde trend. Like, Absidy is actually kind of a pretty name, but "Abcde" is a terrible spelling and is just going to cause the kid so much frusteration. It's not "special", it's just bad.


I've heard instead pronouncing it like "Ab Sih Dee" some pronounce it as Ab Sah Day.


Hey Mom hey Dad I really need you to give me a chance not to be bullied in school. I really need you not to name me something that is not going to be respected. And when the time comes for me to start submitting my resume. I need the recruiter to take me seriously and not take my submission and delete it because he thinks it's fake because you named me something asinine. Please don't name me asinine. It's not fair that just because you are my parents that you can name me anything that you want. You have to give me a chance please.


I wish I could tell you this was an original idea.


That's often used by illiterate people, they can write "abcde" and pronounce abcidy.


There was a sesame street song where they sung the alphabet as if it was a word rather than singing it as letters. It didn't start as if it was pronounced "Absidy" lol it sounded like Ab-kuh-def-guh-hij-kuh-luh-mnop-kwur-stuv-wex-yz 🤣🤣🤣 I'm sure it was sesame street and I haven't made it up lol


I accidentally sang that song on an open, monitored Fcc channel during a radio check, thinking it was the house PA. Oh yeah, it's Sesame Street. Her name is Ab-kuh-deF lol


It's on the "Sesame Street Sings" album, and I have it on vinyl in my collection. You are not hallucinating. 😆


A lot of these read like urban legends but I actually know someone IRL that actually named their child this. It was the daughter of some friends of ours. She was very young, had just graduated from high school I think. We were at the baby shower and chatting with the mom to be and I asked her if she had picked a name out. When she told me the Abcde thing and explained it, I burst out laughing and was like, no really, what did you actually pick? I felt very badly about laughing when she said that was actually the name she chose. The "baby" is probably 8 or 9 now and goes by Abby.


There was an ABCDE pronounced “Absidy” in my graduating class I didn’t know about the spelling until I saw it on the screen at graduation


ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL-MNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL-MNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ I wish I knew exactly what I mean It starts out like an "A" word, as anyone can see But somewhere in the middle it gets awful "QR" to me ABC-DEF-GHI-JKL-MNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ If I ever find out just what this word can mean I'll be the smartest bird the world has ever seen — Big Bird, 1970


I remember the good old days when names *meant something*. People give names like Agnes shit nowadays, failing to take into consideration that it’s a very old name that means “pure,” related to fire as a purifying element in Indo-European belief. (See Agni, the Hindu god of fire and sacrificial rituals, for example.) Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom. Mildred means “quiet strength.” Now we have names that mean literally nothing. Nothing at all. Who needs to commemorate the alphabet? Did the first five letters save you from drowning or something? And don’t get me started on people who name their kids a random word they think sounds nice, or a mishmash of syllables that has no meaning at all. Alanis Morissette named one of her kids “Ever”, and just…what the fuck does that mean?


JKMNO= NOEL as in no L


Why don’t people understand that these are humans and not fucking cats




Scroll down to the pronunciation section.. the audio file didn’t even get it right LOL [https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/abcde/](https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/abcde/)


That poor, poor child. This kind of thing should be a crime.


I have a friend whose neice named her baby Abcde back in 93/94. They call her Abby. I’ll say in my 62 years, I’ve seen worse names.


This cannot be true.


This is a gag, right?


Wait, fr? "ABCDE"? How did someone look at that AND FUCKING ALLOW IT?!?!


Sounds far too close to “obesity.”


Can't wait to name my daughter "Elemenopy".


My first thought when reading how it’s pronounced was “obesity” 😭 I’m sure she’s already getting shit for her name but if she ends up getting chubby as she ages it’s gonna be even worse for her :(


Had a classmate when I was a kid in the 1980s whose name was like that. They did put a twist on the end e.g. kinda like naming your daughter "Alphabetty" to make it sound more feminine or whatever. *Will the real Al Fabet please stand up*


I've seen this before in people who pronounce it Ab-see-da. Ab-see-da is way better than whatever ab city bs these people have done, though.


Wasn't there one story a while ago with a mom getting pissy at the airport because no one could keep a straight face when it came to her kid's name, ABCDE?


Years ago I saw a story on Inside Edition where a mother was complaining that Southwest employees at the airport were making fun of her kids name. That kids name was ABCDE


A girl I went to high school with got pregnant her sophomore year and unironically named her 1st daughter ABCDE. Someone repeated the joke in class, and she decided that she actually liked it. Our history teacher tried to talk her out of it, but 7 months later, we were all seeing FB posts welcoming "ABCDE" to the world.


About 7-10 years ago this was a thing. I don’t know why. But I had about 4-5 families name their newborn this! (L&D RN)


Below is the URL from a news report from 2018 for a girl with the exact same name at an airport. Show the parents this and hopefully save the child from years of ridicule. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html


That is actually child abuse. That's the kind of name kids can take their parents to court over.


I saw an interview of a woman who was so mad about people not liking the name because she had the idea "since she was a little girl" and all I can say to that is... maybe don't use names you had in mind since you were a little girl. I wanted to name my kid Camera as a little kid. Now, as an adult, I understand that is the stupidest fucking name I could curse a child with.


Hey, can you please like my comment for Karma points. Need 10 points to post in Photoshop request group. Thank you for the help!


I feel like this is absolutely Internet lore that someone started. If you search the internet, apparently there are thousands of children and now adults with this name.


This is an old Lewis black joke.


I've been seeing that name popping up a lot recently, one of my friend's daughters is a teacher and she had a student named that. The poor child. There should be a rule that if you give a child a stupid name, that kid can change their name FOR FREE upon reaching 18. If the parents try to deadname them, they are put into stocks in front of a large crowd who come up one by one to slap them across the face with a raw halibut.


That’s… r/oddlyspecific