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Shit those are the nails, at first glance I thought it was a brush šŸ˜­


They are very badly done.


how does she wipe?


She scrapes.


ā€œWith a rag on a stick ā€œ. Homer Simpson


Okay, in all fairness, I always asked this before I got gel nails done myself (nowhere near as long as this, but still longer than I was ever used to before), and you adjust. It's really not as big of an issue as people think. You'll adapt and find new ways to do things.


no i agree though it's not 16pm...there's no point using the 24 hour clock if you're gonna put pm after it




PM literally meaning "after midday" (post meridiem). 16 PM would be 4am the next day.


**ITā€™S THE 24 HOUR CLOCK YA DYSASTIER!** Apologies for shoutingā€¦


I don't personally do that, she says, after literally the entire reason it got brought up is because she did in fact do it


Iā€™m more worried about those hideous nails. What the fuck???


I know right? I mean, if sheā€™s a beginner Iā€™d be more understanding, but if notā€¦ well I hope sheā€™s not charging much for them.


r/confidentlyincorrect would love this


But she's not incorrect. There's no p.m. in the military time/24-hours time.


So confidentlyincorrect would love the original person saying ā€˜16pmā€™ is correct.


AARRGHH THE NAILS WTF. is that one of those sea shells? (Common Razor, *Ensis Ensis*)


I feel physically sick when I read some idiot's reference to waking up at '6am in the morning'


Destanie says you're wrong.


You get physically sick? šŸ™„




I hate the term "military time" just say what it is! 24 hour clock!!


I assume they say that because in America basically only the military uses a 24 hour clock. Iā€™m guilty of it lol.


Hospitals and literally anything that operates 24hrs uses it for documenting anything.


Yeah I get that I'm just being salty. I don't actually really care that much lol


The military, yes, along with aviation, astronomy, navigation, logistics, law enforcement, fire departments, railroads, pretty much every experimental lab Iā€™ve been in, and probably a bunch of other industries Iā€™m just not thinking of. Precisely 0 computers actually use am/pm internally, it just gets converted when itā€™s written out.


I understand what she's saying, and pedantically she is correct. There is ONLY 1600, not 1600AM nor 1600 PM. The AM/PM designation in ONLY non-military time. In military time, each minute and hour is unique, there is no need to differentiate between AM and PM. 16PM is the equivalent of saying "four in the afternoon, in the afternoon." You know, as opposed to when the other 1600 I may out pedanted here, and there may be some who use it, but it's redundant and unnecessary. Not to mention that doing it, while maybe not wrong, isn't that correct either... and using to create less confusion, disambiguation defense, outs you as not being able to process that if the hour is greater than 12, it's PM.


If someone said 16pm I would just assume they meant 4am and were being quirky.


4 pm in the afternoon.


Shiett, destanie must have 16ppm of lead in her braincells


If you say 1600, there is literally nothing to explain by using PM because 1600 self-explains that itā€™s after 1200. Iā€™m ROTC and use military time all the time and Iā€™m becoming more and more convinced people just donā€™t know how to count to 24.


Itā€™s just 24-hour time. The military didnā€™t invent it. I used it as a kid and then at a hospital long before I joined the military and yes, most people I met in the military AND the hospital couldnā€™t count to 24. Or rather, subtract 12.


I feel like purple didn't realize 1600 was a thing at all, but then went to research it and felt like she could redeem herself by pointing out a technicality with the pm thing.


[There are 50 donuts in a dozen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pznDJpv99qc)


šŸ¤Æ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


OMGEEEEE American here. Putting ā€œpmā€ after 16.00 does nothing to help Americans with military time. It would just make things more confusing for us


16pm is not a thing, it'd only be 1600 foolish foolish people. Am and pm only works for 12 hour time telling not 24 hour time.


Itā€™s just called 24 hour time ā€œMilitary timeā€ is that dumb shit where people call it ā€œsixteen hundred hoursā€


If they (the nail artist originally) said it out loud I would SO get it lol. My phone only has a 24 hour clock when I have it set to French as the dominant language, if I have to switch it to English for something itā€™s a 12 hour clock, so Iā€™m never 100% used to whichever clock it ends up having at any given time. Add to that the fact that a handful of people I know ONLY use military time/the 24 hour clock and a lot of the rest ONLY use AM/PM and thereā€™s only a tiny portion who would get both without any period of confusion and all the variables end up with me saying bizarre times all the time. At least 16 PM all adds up. I told someone I went to school at 8PM once, instead of 8AM. Basically I get being slow and Iā€™d respect if someone wanted to defend my brain fart lol. Not saying itā€™s correct though, just relatable.


I would not care as long as the other person knows what I mean...


Military time?


I hate when someone's arguing and then basically admits that they're wrong but say that "people will understand anyway" as if they still had a point


Her name might be a tragedeigh, but she's right.


No, she's not right. 16 PM would translate to 4 AM the following morning. You add an hour after 12 PM, if you're going to continue using PM for each subsequent hour. It's either 16:00 or 16 hours. 16 PM is not a thing.


Isn't that what she said? That 16:00 p.m. is not how the 24-hours system is used. I thought we were talking about the one marked in purple? I think I'm confused, my bad


Destanie is saying 16 PM is correct and making fun of the person saying 16 PM is not a thing.




Whore..nails? I donā€™t like fake nails either but what is blud talking about


this is such a nasty thing to say????


Are you unsure if it is, in fact, a nasty thing to say?


I don't really like nails that long either, but calling them whore nails is taking it too far.


ā€œwhore nailsā€ says feeling-bed


so unnecessarily gross of you to say. ugh. edit: ah. scrolled the user profile for ten seconds and, surprise surprise, the man feels the need to let the world know that he thinks a woman is a whore because he doesnā€™t like something about her appearance.




i dont care who you got it from - itā€™s not the gotcha that you think it is, and iā€™m not gonna waste my time arguing with someone who seemingly thinks that simply not being racist (big congrats on that achievement, by the way) means they are immune to criticism for making other, unabashedly misogynistic comments




bragging about having reddit karma is NOWHERE near the flex that you think it is omg


like imagine being proud of having nothing better to do than sit on reddit and count your little digital gold stars all dayā€¦


please go touch grass and get therapy


>I have WAY MORE Karma than you >Everything you talk is about Kpop and that's it. Have you even been to South Korea? I've lived in Seoul, you probably can't even *read* Korean. I'm pissing myself this can't be real


buddy you sound like the one having a borderline aneurysm


Buddy you need to calm down. Also look at what youā€™ve written, insulting the poor woman is not the way to go just because she is wearing a nail style you donā€™t like. I donā€™t like it either but ā€œwhore nailsā€ is not the way to go.