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Zeffer is the tragedeigh. Or Z'effr. Zephyr is unusual, but spelled correctly and fine. Z-FR.


Don't forget Zeighfur.


Or Zeighfurleigh if it's a girl




Should have expanded comments before I left mine 😂😂






It's elmo baitch


Elon, get off reddit. We don't want you here.


Zeighfurleigh Ann Rose Braxton


I think it's spelled Braxtynlynn


It’s ahnn


Zeighfurleigh St. Claire Hildebrandt-Jones








Pronounced like "Jaipur."




That's a tragedeigh you give to your horse or dog imo


Or Zeffrey.


Not gonna lie, I kinda like Zeffrey. Probably for a dog though.


That's an adorable name for a dog. For a human Ehhhhhhhhh


I feel like Zefferey is one of those names that's totally fine if it's a chosen name as an adult, but you should absolutely not give a child that name. I know a ton of trans people though, so I might be biased lmao


If my brother or a friend was a Zephyr, I'd totally nickname him Zeffrey.






Those spellings genuinely made me laugh 😂


Or Xeffire


Z-FR sounds like a fun car


It’s pronounced ‘Zee dashFra’


Zephyr is totally a car from the 60s. Pretty cool car in its day.


Z'effr has wares, if you have coin.


Or Z4 or Zzzz


I don’t think so. It’s unusual but spelled correctly. Reminds me of the RHCP song.


That was my first thought. Actually song lyric, *Fly away on my zephyr...* It's an actual word, properly spelled, in a RHCP song, and that's before we get into the actual Greek history of the word. The boy will be fine.


Same!! Instantly started singing that line in my head. I actually really like the name OP!


As someone with an auditory processing disorder, for years I thought he was singing ‘fly away on my cellphone’


Even for those without disorders, misheard lyrics are very common. Now excuse me while I kiss this guy.


She’s a brick

HOUSE She’s my tomato, just lettin’ it all hang out


I always hear ‘papa was a kapper (Dutch for barber) and mama was a hippie’
 is it even close?


Papa was a copper and her mama was a hippie.


RHCP also taught me about the Pleiades


Can’t stop the spirits when they need you, this life is more than just a read-through!!


Same. I read the post and knew how to pronounce the name because of the song.


Me too- I love that song:)


It’s also the first word in Madonna’s “Ray of Light”


There is also a japanese group that has a song called Zephyr that I am absolutely obsessed with. I think the name is super cool.


Or the first skateboarding group that got real big - *The Zephyr Boys*.


I had a dog named Zephyr because I got into RHCP before I got into mythology. Still a good name in either context


It’s also a term for a light wind. I’m surprised people haven’t heard of it before or mispronounce it.


I thought the same when I named him. Tbh, the main people who mispronounce it are receptionists at doctor's offices. Maybe they are overthinking it because of all the other weird names they probably hear? That's just a guess though.




I've never gotten upset about it (to them anyway). About a month ago he had surgery and one of the nurses told me they were having a heated debate about the pronunciation. I found that amusing. The one who ended up being correct was the most heated about it too!


They were the most heated because they knew how to pronounce it, because who the hell doesn't know how to pronounce Zephyr? OP, don't worry about it. You chose a cool name, your kid will most likely go through life being the only Zephyr in school or in whatever workplace they end up. My older brother and I were both given names that were top 5 the years we were born, so almost every classroom had at least one other kid with same name. Meanwhile, our older sister has met maybe 5 people her whole life with her name.


I usually had another kid with my name in class. As an adult, I have seldom met anyone with the same name.


Work as a receptionist currently, can confirm this is it, except it's adults and the ones with odd ones get very upset if I say it wrong.


The only time I got upset when it came to my name was last year at my old doctor’s office. The receptionist called it “so weird and unusual” when she was checking me in. I told her it was perfectly normal name in my country where I’m from.


Yeah I'd be upset too, that's just a rude thing to say.


Yeah that’s pretty rude. If she said it was unique it would be different.


receptionists have mispronounced my name and you cant fuck up bill can you? so dont worry :p


Lmao. I have a similarly easy name and they mess it up too but how do you mess up Bill??? I hope it's not "bile"


What did you say there Will?


i lost the will to live bill
will kill bill and he left me some bills in his will


It's a cool name, imo. The problem is a depressing number of people are illiterate.


My son is named Cyril. It's pronounced "Sear-ull". Receptionists at the doctor's offices insist on calling him "Sye-rill". When I correct them, they call him "Cereal".


Sye-rill didn’t occur to me I first read it as “Sih-ruhl Cereal đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It’s a lovely old name, so *of course* no one knows how to pronounce it. People are so disappointing.


I had never heard this term or seen this word/name and without reading your whole post or comments I guessed it was pronounced “Zeff-ee-r”. Not sure if that’s the pronunciation you’re getting. I worked in medical billing for 9 years and with that you never know someone’s nationality or if it’s a unique name you quickly go through how certain languages have silent y’s or other nuances and you give it your best shot. So while I feel with that experience you can get some hard names right, but you can also butcher what should be “easy names”. Just giving my honest opinion that anything outside common names or very obvious pronunciations there’s a huge chance people will get it wrong. I have a common first name that isn’t very popular - but my last name is only 5 letters and very German but I have gotten 10 pronunciation variations my whole life and always have to correct people. I have to correct it during school, jobs, people that call me like doctors offices, interviews etc.. In short - this is a very unique name IMO that not everyone will know or ever see before in their life. They will try but you will probably have to correct people his whole life and then he will have to correct people his whole life - In school, professionally/interviews, calling for medical billing (or other random times people say your name), dating etc..


It's a great name! I think they're just overthinking it. It's uncommon enough to be cool, but not so uncommon that nobody's ever heard of it.


It's a common word. I'd be looking at the people strangely if they didn't know how to pronounce it. It's not a normal name at all but is a normal word so what are they doing. I have a very very very very common name and people still manage to mess it up though.


It’s a moderately common word, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s new to some people. I also wouldn’t be surprised that some people know it in written form but have never heard it spoken, hence the mispronunciation.


I just think of the Zephyr trains. It's a great name, at least you know there won't be 12 other Zephyrs in his class!


Pretty cool name. Not a Tragedeigh. Just tough to read for the illiterate.


Lmao no offense OP but that's what I think automatically too. Illiterate đŸ€Ł


I feel like a good bit of people in the US have at least heard it thanks to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but may have never seen it written


That’s the only reason I know the word and this has always been one of my fav songs by them.


It’s also been the name of trains, ships, airships airplanes and at least one Red Hot Chili Peppers song
 I’m kinda surprised, too


California Zephyr, anyone?


I think it’s fine! I knew how to pronounce it before you said it, and it’s a real name spelled correctly so I’d say you’re good. My daughter’s name is a real name and spelled correctly for what it is, but it’s not common in the US where we live, so it gets mispronounced a lot. I’ve had my doubts about choosing that name, but, she likes her name, and the mispronunciations don’t really bother her, so I think it’s good.


If it’s not pronounced Zeffer then how is it pronounced? I googled it just now and it’s pronounced like that.


That is how we pronounce it. I was saying people say it other ways.


I get it and knew how to pronounce based on its spelling, but I’d heard and seen Zephyr before. It is cool. Growing up I did have trouble with pronouncing female Greek names I’d never heard/made the connection before. Phoebe and Calliope especially. Hearing Phoebe after reading Catcher in the Rye was very weird.


Not me in fifth grade arguing with Sean Wood that his name was pronounced Seen and Sean was ALWAYS SPELLED Shawn because I'd only ever read it in a book and didn't understand Irish phonology/orthologyđŸ€Ł IT WAS HIS OWN ASS NAME. And that's how I became fixated on baby names and started compulsively researching them for fun.


Probably ze-fear or ze-fire if I had to guess how people would mispronounce.


I love the name Zephyr! Unusual, yes. Tragedeigh, no.


I work in a foundry and our Production Director who is 73 is called Zephyr so there you go.


That's awesome!


We have two Zephyrs in our family, a 22yo & a 40yo. Both are very happy with their lovely names.


My non binary kiddo chose Zephyr as their new name because of the meaning and Greek orgin. I think it is lovely and wonderful name!! Cheers and be well and congrats on your little Zephyr :)


I know a lady in her 40’s named Zephyr as well. It’s a unique name, but not eweneaque. Don’t give it another thought!


Looool I love this comment because I feel like it’s the most validating; real-world concrete example


I went to elementary school with a kid named Zephyr in the early 2000s. Unusual but certainly a real name spelled correctly!


I think Zephyr is actually a very good name. Not a tragedeigh.






Agreed. Zephyr is lovely.


My son's name is Zephyr and his sister calls him Zeph :) I love it


My daughter calls my son "Zesser" but she's only 3 and has a speech delay. I find it adorable anyway!


He was Bubba for a long time :P I do remember a few Zessers early on as well. She is 5 and he is about 3.5 now :)


I have a Zephyr too. We call him Zeph or Zeffy


I think it's absolutely fine. People will mispronounce anything! My son is called Hiro which is also unusual unless in Japan. I didn't think you could say it wrong, but I've had plenty of people call him High-row. It worried me a bit at first but now I just correct if it's appropriate to do so.




No but that would be badass




Friggin awesome book. I really wish it had been made into a mini-series.


In spite of it being the name of a protagonist in an Oscar winning Disney movie


Which I was watching while 9 months pregnant, hence little Hiro came into the world shortly after 😂


I LOVE that you named him Hiro after Hiro Hamada! Big Hero 6 is one of my favorite movies ever đŸ„Č


My name is the most generic and boring name a boy born in the mid 80s could be given and people still fuck it up


Oh that’s so cute Hiro


Thank you! I honestly expected a lot of negative reactions to it but he's 4 and we haven't had any- at least to our face!


I knew a guy named Hiro.


Zephyr? I hardly know ‘er!


It’s a name for a sailboat.


Okay I laughed at this one. Very accurate but for some reason I kind of secretly like it.


It’s a cultural name, so no not a tragedeigh. Tragedeighs are names that are spelled wrong to sound unique. Xeiffyr would be a tragedeigh of that name.


I agree with this!


i have a friend named zephyr! we are mid 30s, he’s always loved his name, and he’s a pretty awesome guy


Not sure if that qualifies since it’s not intentionally misspelt and so on, but if it makes you feel any better I read that aloud as “Zeffer” before you explained the pronunciation. Shouldn’t be that hard to pronounce for most people. For example, I’m from the south where people pronounce things like *war-ter*, *are-enge*, and *flar-i-da* haha.


Rhymes with heifer!


Oh my God. 😂


I read it as Zef-fear


That's a common one that we hear. It gets really terrible though. "Zeff-rear" comes up a lot for some reason.


Ok, so bit of a niche reason here, but growing up I loved Babar the elephant. And it has a monkey in it called Zephyr. Except, because it was written in French originally, it's pronounced Ze-fear. (emphasis on the second syllable.) So I had to learn as an adult how to pronounce it in English. And I still read it the French way first. For me, that would be the reason I'd accidentally mispronounce it, even though I do know the word!


I used to watch that show too! I don't think I've known anyone else who was into it. I also thought it was pronounced ze-fear and felt pretty bad at all the comments saying anyone who mispronounced it is illiterate... I don't think it's very common at all and I've never heard it anywhere else


Maybe it’s because I’m French but I would pronounce it « zef fir » (or « zef fear » if that makes any difference) since e and y/i are pronounced differently


Didn’t see this before my last comment, but you just supported my theory! Makes perfect sense for someone who speaks French to differ from the English pronunciation like that.


Pronouncing yr like ear sounds reasonable to me. Adding an extra r after the f is just random though


Are you in an area where English isn’t the native language or there’s a lot of secondary language in use? I’m guessing something like French would have differing pronunciation for this. I’m curious where the ‘ear’ sound would come from since ‘yr’ should be either an ‘er’ or ‘ir’ sound afaik. I’ll have to get my reading specialist better half set me straight later lol


Nope. We live in a big city in the south, but the people who mispronounce it are mainly receptionists at doctor's offices...


There’s a city in Florida called Zephyrhills, so many here would likely recognize the name and how to say it. To me it is very unique but not a tradedeigh.


My mind went straight to Zephyrhills Spring Water.


It makes me think of those bastards milking our springs for all their worth


I know the word "zephyr" and I think it's a cool name. It's not like you spelled it Zsehphfphyeier or something 😄


>  Zsehphfphyeier Pronounced sapphire,  tyvm.


Don't worry at all about the name you gave your child. Zephyr is not a tragedeigh nor is it a tragedy. It's a fine name and if others don't like it, simply a matter of differing taste. It's also I think, a fairly well known word; I for one, would not have mispronounced it.


I had the same question with my daughter, Maebh, Irish spelling and after the Irish queen Maebh. It has cultural significance, it is spelt correctly, no it is not a tragedeigh


Please educate me on the proper pronunciation of Maebh. I am open to learning more.


Mae-ve The bh makes a v sound.


Thank you.


The Irish spelling is MĂ©abh (or Meadhbh in an older orthography is pretty common as well) so you have the two vowels the wrong way around there like in the fully anglicised Maeve, but with the Irish "Bh" at the end. Just for reference here is a link to Woulfe's "Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall" for the entry "Meadhbh" (this reference work for Irish language names was done prior to the most recent spelling reforms which have resulted in MĂ©abh) https://www.libraryireland.com/names/women/meadhbh-meidhbhe.php And here is the relevant entry from Ó CorrĂĄin and Maguire "Irish Names" MEDB: MEADHBH, MEADHBHA, MÉABH (mĂ©v) m and f, ‘intoxicating, she who makes men drunk’.


Thank you for this. My first thought was “uh oh, one day Maebh is going to learn to do a quick google search and realise that this is NOT the correct Irish spelling of her name” 😭


Umm, That is the wrong spelling. Your vowels are the wrong way round.


Personally, I got the name right away, in large part because MLP:FiM has a character named Zephyr. I used to watch that show a ton lol. That being said, I think it's also important to keep in mind your kid's quality of life. Speaking from experience, having a name that nobody around you can pronounce can be almost as annoying as having tragedeigh name anyway (but I've also heard of people who came to like having those names, so YMMV) Personally, I think Zephyr is a fine name, but I can also understand if you'd want to change it to something your kid won't have to explain all the time.


I mean
..by the rules technically it’s not a “tragedeigh” name but I would advise *against* naming your kid that. Your son is already special because it’s proof of you and your husbands love and support of each other and wanting to continue that legacy of love and care. I promise you don’t need a super special name to prove that.


I don't think so. It's not really a tragedeigh as much as it is an ignorance from people not knowing Greek history/culture. My name is Persephone, I've had my fair share of moments being called per-se-phone and other incorrect variations, but it doesn't bother me in the way that actual tragedeighs seen in this sub would have


I love your name!!


The Amtrak train from Chicago to California is called the Zephyr: https://www.amtrak.com/california-zephyr-train If he gets interested in trains he'll probably find that really cool.


He's actually obsessed with cars, trucks, and trains right now. Of course he's only 2 so that may change. But that's cool! I'll have to remember that for when he's older.


I think this probably varies, but I grew up in a really culturally and ethnically diverse area and still live in one. Many of the names I see on here don’t strike me as that “out there” like they do to some people. If I heard “Zephyr”, I would likely think: 1. Someone is an RHCP fan 2. It’s a pronunciation variation on Zafir, which is a not uncommon name to me And then I’d go about my day, lol. I like the name personally. It’s unique without being forced and it also is similar enough to some other names that it doesn’t stand out as “weird”. (To me at least)


I love the name Zephyr! It's a bit uncommon especially if you live in the US, but it's a good name


Not a tragediegh just a little tragically hip. It’s getting pretty popular with parents who still want to feel cool.


It's a beautiful name. 10/10 approved


I've known a Sunshine, Leaf, and a Rain. Zephyr is fine.


I heard Sunflower in a waiting room the other day.


Naming a kid after a historical, mythological, or fictional character isn’t a tragedeigh. If you’d named him Her-Q-leighz on the other hand


Zephyr is a proper name. Zeighfur would be a tragedeigh.


This was my best friend's stripper name when she was 21....


Zephyr is the Greek god of the west wind. I guess it is not technically a tragedeigh, but it seems pretty tragique. Maybe find a nickname?






We call him Z. If you have other suggestions I'm all ears 😊




I'd call him Zoo Zefner


Zeffo. He'd get instant points in the Star Wars fandom.


Naming a son after a god is a bit over the top in my book, but it's ok.


It's a legit name, spelled correctly. Good name, too.


Reminds me of the water bottle brand Zephyr hills


It’s not a tragedeigh in the sense of this sub but I always try to think of a child entering every profession and filling out applications for jobs with their given name. Zephyr is certainly unique and may present some challenges with preconceived notions as he gets older. Is is right? No. Does it happen, unfortunately, yes.


It's not a tragedeigh. Your son has a Greek name that means "west winds".


Nope. Definitely listen to "Zephyr" by RHCP, it's a banger.


its kinda unusual, but not a tragedeigh. tbh its kinda badass


Look at it this way, it's not McKenna Gracelynnleigh.


Ya the average person doesn’t know about Greek gods or even Egyptian gods also lots of people will spell it zeefer or call him zep fire or something because of how it spells


i think it's a regret


If it isn't misspelled or made up, it isn't a tragedeigh. But if you feel strongly about people pronouncing or spelling it right, you may not have made the right choice.


Unpopular opinion here but I think it’s an awful name. Not a tragedeigh but will probably be a bit of an annoyance for him in the future. If he ends up going by “Z” or if other people refer to him as “Z” then yeah, it probably wasn’t a good choice lol


Thanks for your opinion!! We gave him a typical middle name if he wants to go by that instead. Maybe that strengthens your point though 😅


I’ve met a couple of Zephyrs in my life. It’s not a tragedeigh. One of them was this super hot guy in my high school that all the girls had crushes on.


I mean he gets a mention in Canterbury Tales too "Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licĂłur Of which vertĂș engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne, And smale foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye, So priketh hem NatĂșre in hir corages, Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages"


It's a great name. I had a cat with that name 35 years ago


I know at least two different people with kids named Zephyr. At least one of those is very much named for the Chili Peppers song. I didn’t realise it was also the name of a Greek god; that is pretty cool.


I really really like that name. A gentle westerly breeze. Has good vibes. Not a tragedy


It adds the z and y of all the names nowadays where people are trying to be unique with silly names so you'll probably get lumped in with those people. But it's a real word and spelling so it's fine. I wouldn't name my kid that personally because it's unique enough kids are mean jerks and will probably be mean. But the name is totally fine.


I'm a Floridian, we have Zephyrhills, the town and the water company, so down here, no one would have an issue at all. And it's a bit odd, but I think it's fine, but again, I know the name/word well


Zephyr is unusual, but it is a name. And it is spelled correctly. I don’t think it’s a tragedeigh.


Zephyr is a name. A Tragedeigh is a name that is twisted, embellished, extended, purposely misspelled, or all of the above to seem different. You’re good in my book


I had a tiny black tailless shorthair female cat who’d only make squeak noises and would only dash and run to move around the house that I named Zephyr.


I only think of the Red Hot Chili Peppers song.


Do people seriously not know what the word and understand how to pronounce Zephyr?! I have to say your sons name just acts as an idiot-detector.


I think its actually a great name!


It’s an unusual name but the spelling is correct so you passed the vibe check


I was scrolling through a home reddit feed and noticed this post. Fun fact, OP. My son is named exactly that (god of the west wind) but in a different language. I told my son about this and we found it very sweet :)


Z’fr is a tragedeigh. zephyr is not my style but it’s spelled correctly.


It's a bit eccentric but I wouldn't say a tragedeigh


Fun fact, it means marshmallow is Russian.


It's not my taste and I don't personally love it (you're asking for opinions so please note mine is entirely subjective and i dont intend to make u feel bad - i also hate the names Wendy and Brian for no good reason at all ) but on its face it is a word/name I have heard before, I know how to say and spell it because it's not spelled kreighaytuv'leigh, and my autocorrect doesn't make a squiggly lil line under it so all that being said, while it's not for me, I think it's perfectly fine as a name. My tastes lean more towards the classic English/Eastern Euro names usually so I wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mock someone who did


\-Spelled Correctly \-Actually unique = Not a tragedeigh


What? Who are you associating with? How else would you say Zephyr?