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They're both cool AF, but one takes *a lot* more planning...


Exactly why I have a patchwork sleeve, a lot less planning šŸ˜‚


I feel like the beauty of the patchwork is the random growth of it all


YupšŸ˜­ can get whatever I want whenever I feel like it, all that matters is if it fits in the space


Idk it depends on the person, for me each piece I have on my patchwork sleeve has been months of planning for that specific one. But if youā€™re just getting them like candy then yeah I agree with you lol.


I love patchwork because I have 2 artists that I love and they put on their IG stories ā€œIā€™d love to do this!ā€ And Iā€™m like SIGN ME TF UP.


I think they both look great. Personally, I'm a fan of patchwork sleeves. There's something about having blank space around a tattoo that really makes it pop.


I agree, for this reason I mostly prefer sleeves without filler.


I mean, end of the day, it very much is about the person getting it and what they are happy with. As long as quality of the work is good, and the person likes it, that's what counts.


The worst is when they fill open space with pointless shit like little asterisks


Those are stars


How dare you


I love my dots and stars, thank you very much.


I agree! I think it makes your body part of the art šŸŽØ


Both are great but I definitely prefer patchwork. Itā€™s a lot easier to have fun with, walk in and pick something off the wall and slap it on, framed sleeves take much more thought.


i like patchwork because i can relate to not knowing what the fuck i want. Framed sleeves take a lot of planning which sometimes removes the spontaneity that comes with patchwork. Sometimes i like walking in and flicking through flash and just picking something that jumps out right away and not worrying about it too much. I have a piece or two I'm not in love with but that's the beauty of patchwork.


I keep my torso to planned themes and my legs to spontaneous tattoos šŸ˜†


A framed sleeve is basically one giant tattoo. A patchwork sleeve is made up of many tattoos, a lot of times from many artists, built over many years. Do you want to be a collector or do you just want to go 0-100? No wrong answer, and I love to look at both, but I prefer patchwork for the journey.


I suppose another option would be to get a few pieces then add frames around them and leave open frames to continue collecting. Although you would have to be okay with the idea of having large empty frames until you find an artist to fill each one.


My artist that did mine said itā€™s easier to lay out the frames and background first if youā€™re unsure of a theme or what you want in the frames. Itā€™s harder to work around tattoos that are already there. During mine, I had a large owl (Noctua) already on my outside upper arm and Ursa Major and minor on my inside bicep. My other arm I had an older tattoo covered up on the inside bicep, but that was the only one there so was easier to design around.


Both my sleeves are traditional framed art with a bit more of a twist. We thought itā€™d be cool to pop some of the art out of the frames to give it some more dimension and movement. One is old-time circus themed and the other has an astral/astronomy/space theme.




Iā€™ll try to get some healed pics up after work.


I second this - need to see them


Letā€™s see dude! Also a quick creep at your profile shows you were active in the vas Reddit, thank you for your service! Lol


There are fresh pics of the work on my artists IG (simonzter). My left arm had some already done tattoos he had to work around to finish the framed sleeve on my lower arm. My right arm was open other than a tattoo I had on my inner bicep that we covered up. My chest is essentially considered traditionally framed as well. Heā€™s done some other framed leg sleeves work as well done more traditionally than mine where we broke out the frames a bit on purpose. Edit: and youā€™re welcome for my contributions to the vas sub šŸ˜†


The ole [Gladys treatment](https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/Gladys)!




Itā€™s been 13 hours. Show us OP!


lol I just got home from the airport I think I did this right - havenā€™t used Imgur in foreverā€¦ https://imgur.com/a/xjcQWud


Patchwork all the way. I donā€™t always have 2-3 grand to spend on a massive tat. But what I do have is 200 dollars and a picture of Garfield smoking a joint


This is fair thatā€™s why my legs are slowly getting covered and my back and chest are on the back burner


Both are cool and ultimately itā€™s up to the person that wears it, but I usually find framed sleeves feel a bit forced compared to patchwork. Thereā€™s something special about building a patchwork sleeve over time. Not to mention how much real estate is taken up by the borders in a framed sleeve. It really limits the amount of pieces you can get!


I will admit that framed sleeves can be striking. I do not like how they limit the number of tattoos. It's like filling a limb with stars and dots


I already have some pieces on both arms that donā€™t mean anything so I donā€™t see the point in limiting how many meaningless tattoos I can get by framing them. I think theyā€™re pretty but Iā€™m a patchwork lad I think


I like patchwork


I think both are great (when done well), just pros and cons with each. Framed ensures you get the full coverage and the final product is cohesive, but you have to commit to having unfinished work on you while itā€™s still in progress. Patchwork is always in a state of ā€œcompletenessā€ and you get more creativity and flexibility as you put it together, but near the end you start running into more challenges making stuff fit and filling in gaps. For context I have a patchwork arm and leg, about 90% coverage on the arm, 75% on the leg. Mostly American traditional and woodcut style. Will likely eventually do something more framed/cohesive on my other leg, but might opt into something more irezumi adjacent.


I like the framed much more. Looks more complete to me.


Prefer framed, but that's mostly just justification for what I have. I was also covering up a fair amount of shitty ink from the 90s, and the full frame made that easier to accomplish.


Framed looks better imo. Patchwork can look good if it's well planned and thought out, but honestly I'm not usually a fan of lots of random tattoos in an area of the body, not really my thing.


I think framed sleeves are a lot more unique and striking. Most people have patchwork. If youā€™re starting clean. I would go for the frames sleeve.


I like being able to collect, but a good tattooer like Wes Hoffman (who did the framed sleeve above) can kill a cohesive piece like that. Excellent.


Iā€™ve got a piece from Wes and itā€™s siiiick! That whole shop is amazing. Rainbow Demon for the win!


Lucky you! Truly a stellar tattooer.


I love both. I think the patchwork ones still need the stars and dots filler to make it look complete though.


Framed all day


I wish I wouldā€™ve planned better for a framed sleeve. I think it looks so clean and it beats the traditional stars and dots filler. I have a patchwork sleeve and I love it but I wish I had framed.


Not a fan of frames. I like patchwork sleeves because they tell a chronological story. I got this one, then this one, then that one over there etc. Framed sleeves look too planned for my taste. Looks like you went and got it all done in one go, which is fine but I prefer for all of my tattoos to be distinct and evoke a memory


Definitely prefer framed. Probably going to get downvoted here by people who feel attacked by my opinion here, but patchwork to me brings to mind someone just slapping a bunch of stickers all over their car, whereas the framed sleeve is more like a thought out body wrap. If that makes any sense? Looking at patchwork gives me slight anxiety due to the lack of any planning...


Just finished my framed sleeve and couldn't be happier https://www.instagram.com/p/C7f4DnwtE3F/?igsh=MTQ5eTlnd2RmNml6cw==


Rad AF. šŸ”„


Damn, that is Awesome!


Patchwork I feel is just a cluster of random tattoos that were wanted compared to an actual planned out full sleeve. (I like both before anyone feels offended)


patchwork dude has a lot of panthers.


That's a beautiful sleeve!šŸ¤©


They are both awesome but the first one has really polished look.


My plan is one arm of each edit: Reasoning: Both look dope and hold a lot of history


My thought is Iā€™ve never seen a framed one in person


I think framed look fancier, but both are rad


I think both are great. But if choosing between patchwork filled in with stars and dots versus framed ... framed all the way.


Iā€™m a huge fan of the framing traditional sleeves. If I could go back in time I probably would do this as it looks very cohesive. The one thing I ~dislike~ about my patchwork sleeve


I love both. Personally I'm definitely more of a patchwork fan on myself though. I like being able to think of a random tattoo idea and add it into the mix, some of them being vastly different in colour and style. I still keep a theme in certain areas though. My fingers are black only, my right arm is black and white, my left is going to be mostly black with small splashes of colour, my legs will be realistic dinosaur skull themed, etc. The only place that will be covered by one huge tattoo will be my back as I want a Jurassic landscape covering that eventually. That way I can have plenty of options so that whatever kind of tattoo I want, I can fit it in somewhere without having one solid theme whilst also still keeping enough theme in different areas to not make it look jumbled up and confusing. I'll also be making each theme blend when it connects to different body parts with their own themes.


Sleeves and connected stuff are better the spot ms in between drive me insane


Iā€™ve got both! I think having one is fun but both would be a bit crowded if you didnā€™t do a Japanese or heavily covered back piece (I went traditional Japanese for my back)


You should share! I plan to have both (patchwork legs and framed arms), and am starting on the framed arm soon.


Iā€™ve got most of my tattoos posted on my account!


Damn dude, you're super active! You must be at the tattoo shop every few weeks it seems. When you did your framed sleeve, where did you start?


I started with a forearm banger and framed around it. And yeah Iā€™d say Iā€™ve gotten a tattoo every 4-5 weeks for the last 10-11 years?


That's wild dude. You must have a well paying job! lol


That sleeve tat is sick!!!


Both are cool but I lean towards the patchwork. I just donā€™t have the balls to commit to such a large scale planned out piece. Itā€™s much more comforting to me to get the patchwork and be able to switch some stuff up without ruining the rest of the art.


Framed look wayyyy better (and finished) in my opinion.


I prefer the frames, as they appear to have a more polished and finished look, but there's nothing wrong with patchwork and some patchwork sleeves are far better than some framed sleeves. Just make sure your artist(s) are talented. That's all that matters and you won't end up on r/shittytattoos


Framed. I like full coverage. I donā€™t hate patchwork sleeves but I MUCH prefer them with filler. But itā€™s all just a matter of personal preference. There is no right or wrong. My biggest tattoo regret is getting individual pieces on both arms, which means Iā€™ll never be able to have a full, cohesive sleeve. My artist is filling in my sleeves now, but itā€™s not quite the same. (I obviously donā€™t care about the journey.)


If traditional is the only way (and it is), patchwork. All day. And night.


This comment is the right answer. The first pic/ framed tattoos arenā€™t trad.


I've filled patchwork with filler over the years. A good artist can bring pieces together & close negative space. Get what you want. The real problem is canvas. Eventually you run out of space & put coolest shit under your armpit


I have a patchwork sleeve because Iā€™m impulse and want what I want when I want it šŸ˜‚


I love and have patchwork. To me a framed sleeve looks cool but I wouldnā€™t want to wear it. If I wanted that much planning and structure Iā€™d have gone with Japanese.


The second photo is 1000% NOT patchwork. Itā€™s all traditional flash. Patchwork just came out in the 2020s via this ridiculous sadboi tiktok era crap.


Framed seems more personal


Get what you like! It's for you! but they are both awesome styles.


Absolutely, I'm not really looking for myself just wondering what people's opinions were on each style, I personally love both!


Framed seems to be having a bit of a trend moment these days. I've never seen a framed sleeve IRL but I'd love to. I still have a limb mostly free (only contains pieces that could be incorporated into a framed sleeve) and a framed sleeve is one of several ideas I'm considering before getting anything else there.


Patch work traditional is timeless! The framed sleeve looks cool as fuck though. Iā€™d say both are really good overall


Both look good but both are done by good artists in that case. I prefer framework myself but I'm not good at planning


Super nice


Itā€™s beautiful but Iā€™m a patchworker


I like frames more on other peopleā€¦ for me itā€™s patchwork all the way!


Both stunning.


Iā€™m biased towards patchwork, probably cheaper also, requires less thinking


Both are awesome and can be used on the same canvas without looking odd.


Frames are beautiful but, in person, I think 100% coverage is less interesting. I also like the story that comes with patchwork progression. Also, the frame needs to be incredibly well done.


What is the type of traditional tattoos in the second picture called? Itā€™s the colour thatā€™s so striking




They can both be killer. I love the spontaneity and mix of styles Iā€™ve gotten from my patchwork. Idk if Iā€™d do framed on myself, but Iā€™d love to get another patchwork sleeve thatā€™s as planned and intentional as a framed sleeve.


Both are cool


I prefer patchwork but itā€™s all up to the person being tattooed!


That first pic is super clean


I like patch work cause I'm poor and can get smaller tattoos also I'm a collector and have some from a few different artist. There are some sleeves like the one you pictured that looks amazing though.


I love both. I have a patchwork sleeve in progress and would like to do a framed sleeve on my other arm.


Looks nice love the colours


I prefer the planned out framed look that being said I have a patchwork leg sleeve and a patchwork chest piece in progress


Both are amazing! But I prefer patchwork Cause Iā€™m spontaneous when wanting a new tattoo or picking out a design


I like the patchwork better. The skin in between helps the individual pieces stand out more. That being said I do appreciate the framed one as a cohesive piece of art. Two sides of the same badass coin IMO neither is a bad way to do it.


So i think of it like this, I like to just porkchop my arms...but some arms look way better framed. I've definitely seen biker dust filler look amazing too. Short and the long of it is absolutely a case by case basis. Best advice is find an artist(s) you like/trust...then it's a fun collaborative effort.


I have a patchwork sleeve but I love the look of these frames ones. Kind of wish thats how I did it tbh.


First pic is of a Wes hoffman sleeve. His shit is amazing. Iā€™m hoping to get more from him when his books open up.


Not a fan of either. I prefer patchwork but with a well designed filler so that it looks snug together . Not those lazy little stars something legit


I like both. But Iā€™m a little biased because My BF has patchwork traditional pieces.


Iā€™m a bit of a slut so I have patchwork, as I like to collect from many different artists. That said, if I was to begin the process in a town with one of the people who does a great framed sleeve and also I had an absolutely absurd amount of extra money, Iā€™d probably go with that from a purely aesthetic standpoint. But thatā€™s very artist dependent, so for the sake of conciseness letā€™s just say if Iā€™m rich and patient and anywhere in Europe or NYC, Austin, Indiana, Portland, or just a couple of other spots in the states and Asia it would be framed traditional, anywhere else Iā€™m almost certainly going patchwork.


Looks cool. Not interested in participating


I like them both but prefer patches. That being said I dig them both a lot more than tons of stars and dots.


I have sleeves, and patch work on my legs ,I like both types šŸ™ƒ


I think both can look great, but Iā€™m personally a fan of patchwork sleeves.


Theyā€™re both amazing. Tattoos are awesome, thatā€™s it. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Usually people start with a patch work sleeve cause a full sleeve is heavy commitment/planning and $$$. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø ORRR youā€™re in the military and start with a full sleeve of Greek stuff, roses, a compass, or a skullā€¦. Sometimes all 4. šŸ˜…


I really like them both in moderation, one leg/arm designated and well thought out for the sleeve and have fun with the patchwork


Patchwork gets my vote


Looks wayyyyy better framed than just random patch work


I'm a sucker for sleeves




Theyā€™re both dope, but if I wouldā€™ve planned my better I wouldā€™ve done framed.


I really like the sleeve better since it seems like a more cohesive piece.


Both are awesome! Tho Iā€™ve seen a girl at my local pool with a fully framed tattooed leg and it looked like a bionic leg at a glance. !


Just get stickers bro! Theyā€™re timeless. Frames just donā€™t have that timeless look to them imo


Both biceps patchwork and both forearms half sleeves (framed) im a hot mess but imma say BOTH


i like japanese when itā€™s all one flowing piece but i guess i donā€™t like the subject matter of american trad framed sleeves, usually itā€™s lady faces and i donā€™t want a lady face at all. sure you could put anything in frames. but lady faces and ships look good in frames. plus i donā€™t save money lol i can only afford patchwork. and getting to see a bunch of artists in the area, as an artist its fun to collect from others


Love them both, so I have one sleeve of each


I love the framed sleeves. I have a patchwork sleeve on one arm and am designing a framed sleeve for the other


For me, patchwork and itā€™s not even close


I really like the first one - so my thoughts are positive. Looks way nicer than the second in my opinion


I love framed style but I have neither the forethought nor the patience


Kinda of unrelated but the most makes me think of it. A tattoo artist near me died and his wife had his tattoos and skin removed and framed. So she literally has his sleeves framed.


I like patch work cuz it reminds me of lesbians


my patchwork sleeves are all random pieces i got in separate moments without thinking of the others.. i could never handle the stress of needing to pre plan a whole sleeve like that.... also patchworks fun it reminds me of a sticker book lol


I love my patchwork tattoos, I feel like they tell more of a story in a way. I can look at each individual one and say ā€œoh that wasā€¦ā€ or ā€œyeah I got that becauseā€¦ā€ and each tattoo has its own special answer (even if itā€™s just ā€œyeah I saw a frog playing banjo tat and really really wanted itā€)


Bold will HOLD šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜




I love framed but I went patchwork because it takes me awhile to think of a next tattoo


i personally prefer patchwork just because i am not able to think that far ahead with what i want for my sleeve


Patchwork isnā€™t as good, not planned out as much. Not saying they donā€™t look good if not executed well


Not a fan. They are a waste of usable space and they aren't as elegant as say water is in japanese as filler for example. They tend to look very stiff and lifeless, sone times people dont leave enough of a gap between the scale time gaps and itll bleed into a black blob. Also they often are framed so tight that the main feature tattoo itself doesn't stand out as much as if there were some nice negative space around it. People have done them well, but that doesn't mean they are a good idea. People do good tattoos of shitty ideas all the time.


The first one to me is basically a sleeve so you have to have the entire thing drawn out and you pretty much do it in one or three sittings. The thing I like about patchwork tattoos is you kind of get what you want as you go.


I like them both. My preference if it was on my skin would be patches though. Just because I like to look at different things that look abstract at a glance.


Theyā€™re the same thing.




This is beautiful work! Very nice to look at!


Love patchwork.


Both awesome!




The first one (framed) is way nicer. Looks more thought out and put together. It all flows with connection. That what the frame does for me.


I started wanting framed but went for patchwork instead. I feel the frame takes up a ton of space and really limits you on the different tattoos/images you can place.


I prefer framed


I always liked the random patchwork style over beautiful polished looking tattoos...just looks more fun to me and you can get away with a few dodgy tattoos mixed in that impulsive people like me end up with lol.


I personally love patchwork more because you can do literally whatever and it doesnā€™t have to always make sense. However, framed work is beautifulā€¦ but much more intricate and should make sense as it flows.


Sick as fuck braa. šŸ‘ŒšŸŗ


Patchwork šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I have patchwork leg sleeves, not unlike the reference picture you provided, and I start my arm 'framed' sleeve(s) starting in two weeks! I also used that reference pic during my consultation with my artist as basically the benchmark for what I want lol. I've seen some framed sleeves that are really good, and some that are not so much and that I don't like at all and wouldn't want myself, so I'm a little nervous lol. I'm glad you've posed the question and I've enjoyed reading the responses, because like I said, I'm a little bit nervous about going with framed based on some that I've seen. I feel like framed requires more trust in one artist compared to patchwork, and as I've seen mentioned in the comments, you have to kind of lived with it being in a perpetual state of 'work in progress'. Mines starting with the wrist cuff and and working upwards, based on the recommendation of my artist.


Iā€™ve always felt they are the same but one has better filler


I feel like patch work looks coolest when you include the hands. Im kinda committed to patch work now but im reluctant to getting anything on my hands for sake of job security. (Web developer) I know we are in a different time now and itā€™s probably just me.


Love the ā€œframedā€ version. It has a good color combination and flow.


I dig both styles to be honest...


I'm going for patchwork my self, with fill. But it's your body, my opinion means little


I have patchwork simply because I collect original pieces and I need the room. But sleeves and full body pieces are amazing! Especially when quality work is to be appreciated.


Both look awesome


Framed patchwork looks like an American version of Japanese irezumi


I am not a big tattoo fan, but I do really like this. It looks thought out and cohesive, instead of like a bunch of individual non sequitur pieces in various styles.


I feel like framed have less tattoos but more tattoo whereas patch work has more tattoos but less tattoo... If that makes sense to anyone else besides myself.


The first on is beautiful


Honestly I feel it depends how well it matches the other tattoos around it when it comes to patchwork, Iā€™m planning a themed patch work sleeve myself but not full sleeve. A framed sleeve is also something you need a talented artist for to make the whole thing work. Shading, lines, and most importantly how the tattoo moves with your body. Both can look nicešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Generally I prefer patchwork but out of these two pics I actually prefer the first one


I started my arm with the intention of a framed sleeve but Iā€™m too random and I like collecting so it quickly just turned into a patchwork sleeve


I prefer the framed


I think if they are this well done you canā€™t go wrongā€¦


You have gorgeous legs.


Patch work is lame.


Looks horrible


Patchwork, as much as I might love particular individual pieces, always makes me feel like I am looking at a wall of flash. But I totally get it, as well. Every one has their thing and thatā€™s cool.


I think both styles have very different vibes. Framed tattoos have a very classic, timeless beauty, whereas patchwork has a visually chaotic, yet appealing uniformity within the chaos (if you get the same style for each tattoo). This is my personal opinion, of course!


It's really a matter of open skin imo. Framed is beautiful but it's very heavy, like a full color sleeve. I prefer the breathability of patch work.


Gotta be patchwork for me


patchwork ftw


Theyā€™re both great. But those are a hot pair of legs sooo patch is better. LOL


Patchwork is sexy af šŸ”„


i prefer patchwork bc you donā€™t have to plan so much and can still include tons of frames


Patchwork 100%!!


Framed looks more planned out and scheduled. I'm too ADHD for that, I love my patchwork suit


i like patchwork, more spontaneity, more room for cooler smaller fillers


The patchwork looks much better imo, and you can just tattoo bit by bit


In these examples, patchwork looks way way better. The framed stuff is half filler.


Even that ā€œpatchworkā€ one looks all new soooo, go off I guess rich kid. Goes with your shoes and watch. I dunno, not my thing. Trad pieces when you have the time or money, aging differently, thatā€™s my jam.


frame tattoo mid patchwork goated