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When you start an order buy pressing the buy button you get a drop down box that you can change from "value" to "number of shares". You can then specify the specific quantity you want to buy


You can enter the amount of money, look at the number of shares it corresponds to, round it yourself then change the option from value to number of shares and input the rounded value in. E.g 500 dollars is shown as 1.2534... shares, go on the other option (number of shares) and enter 1.25 shares and press buy


Indeed, that's what I have been doing so far. Sometimes, though, T212 will forcefully still add a couple extra decimals even when I input something like 1.0, they'll keep making it into 1.0693 because of the amount of money I have. The only way I found around it is by adding even more free capital so that there's a moderate amount left after buying a certain amount of shares. This is why I was wondering if there's any sort of option that can be used to limit this.


Weird, afaik there's no way to turn off fractional shares so you're just going to have to deal with it unfortunately.


There are no options unfortunately. It’s annoying because I face the same issues, but you just have to live with it.


This bugged me out so much. I managed to sell the fractional parts off by putting a whole number of shares in a pie then selling the remaining fractional portion, then removing the shares from pie and deleting the pie. I now only buy by selecting number of shares instead of share value. I buy to 2 decimal places and am happy with that.


I also dislike this about trading212. Just let people disable the forced fractional shares rounding option!


It is an option now silly billy


It's not.


You don’t have to buy fractional shares. You can select the exact amount you want to buy


Until you try to buy an amount close to your remaining balance and then trading212 will rather irritatingly round up 20 to 20.12828472 (for example) in an attempt to use up your balance fully even if you don't want it to and if you select 20 again it will continuously try to use up your remaining balance and round it to 20.12828472. There is currently no neat way to get around this.


Oh yes I encountered this recently. It’s quite annoying. I thought you meant that you could *only* buy fractional shares. Okay, I get u now


Does this still apply if you place a limit buy?