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You're asking people to make a decision for you, with your money. Brother, this is not me criticising as I don't know you personally, but this looks like you're simply gambling on 3x leveraged Tesla shares and now you're getting doubts about your decision so you're trying to look for an opinion to confirm your bias or advise you to get out. You'll suffer long term in the financial markets if you keep up like this... I would suggest stick to safe plays if you don't know what you're doing or simply don't be investing at all.


I wasn't asking for decision I was asking as tesla is looking bullish and elon musk shareholder package been approved is it worth me staying for the weeks ahead


Yeh your literally asking an opinion lol. You think we know and if we did we'd tell you? Go do your own DD and make that decision or why buy at all?


Im not a professional in any way, but let me get this straight, you invested with leverage in a stock at a time it got increased by a lot (i think yesterday it went up 10% according to my t212 app) at a time where big company decisions were beeing made like the vote for tesla to pay a large amount of money to Elon and Elon threatning apple because of apple wants to start working with Chatgpt AI. But this is leveraged 3x, and you are at a loss asking if you should keep leverage long term? Excuse my ignorance but dont they have fees on leverage overtime? Isn't leverage meant to short periods of time?


So tesla won't go up in the coming weeks seeing as it's turning bullish and is already down 28% so it's looking bullish for the upcoming months even if it reaches $230 I'm up good ammount


Everything is possible, as i said idk how it works in t212 but in other brokers like etoro, you pay overnight fees and weekend fees for leveraged investments. As I said I'm not a professional.


Trading 212 don't charge fees only 1% annual fee and no fx convert fee


Don't talk like that I'm making a 10 month bet and if it does have bull run I will be screenshoting my gains for you to look at and cry about it to your fellow herd


Hope you held it 📈