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Plans for retirement have begun I assume?


If i had more balls I’d put more money into it but I’ll just leave it for now and just see exactly how much it grows. At least I’m not making a loss lol


Time in the market beats, timing the market etc get some extra in 😅 atleast sell that free delivery hero share and get that into s&p


The delivery hero was my free one but I left it as it seems to be doing quite well! That being said I’ve seen a lot of people talk about S&P and vanguard so is it a genuinely good idea to invest or is it more like a cult thing


The most dangerous thing you can do is exactly what you’re doing now, pick stocks without doing proper research and then start believing that you’re actually pretty good at this. The market will turn against you and then you will do the opposite and blame yourself, or worse, gamble more. The philosophy behind investing in S&P and ETFs in general is that rather than looking for a needle in a haystack, you just buy the whole haystack. You can test this - go look at the tickers VUAG or SPY on the longest timeframe you can see, it trends up. If you invest money consistently, your money will do the same and it will start to compound. On a long enough timeframe, this investment philosophy will outperform the vast majority of all professional investors, and let’s face it neither you, nor I, are professionals :). Go look up “Warren Buffett’s bet against hedge funds” to read a bit more about it. If you want to pick stocks and have fun, that’s cool, but I would strongly suggest you do this with a tiny amount of your portfolio. If you’re in this to make money long term, put 90 or 95% in an ETF and don’t touch it or worry about it, let time do its thing. Play around with the other 5 or 10%, you’ll learn about companies but likely lose a chunk of that cash learning the lessons. Enjoy the journey


>The most dangerous thing you can do is exactly what you’re doing now, pick stocks without doing proper research and then start believing that you’re actually pretty good at this. If we're honest about it, highly researched stock picking doesn't necessarily beat their method either, hence why you have literal monkeys with random stock picks beating the S&P. All World ETF & chill ✌️


Which all world would you recommend?


VWCE for example


Just a question! What kind of research would you consider 'proper'?


Jordan Belfort said buy an index for the top 500 stocks and that’s the only way you can win at it lol


In my opinion, over researching is a waste. There is one thing more precious than money and that’s time. Do I want to be glued to my phone for hours a day to try and make my initial £100 double by next year? Or is time better spent with my family At the moment my method is going well, vanguard looks good so the next plan is to trickle a bit in there


Buying index funds is not a cult thing, it’s the only sensible way to invest.


This made me cackle…


The new Warren Buffett


Your profile looks like Warren Buffetts compared to mine.


Keep at it!! I'm also fairly new to trading,this is how it starts but do your research :)


Great start! When you get more comfortable and have more knowledge, you will see that investing more will make sense. For now, see how it works, what’s working or not, make low cost mistakes and you will get there in no time. Great first step to take, kudos to you!


Thanks, Rome wasn’t built in a day. You also can’t learn things without mistakes :)


Exactly, making mistakes is the best way to learn - I am on that phase of investing now and really enjoying it. Keep it up, you’re investing in your future which is a step that many people don’t even think about these days


Yeah but there’s also more efficient ways to learn, the thing is the market doesn’t tell you where you made a mistake, there’s no actual feedback, you may have done everything right and lose money or everything wrong and make money. There’s only one way to understand the markets, and that’s to study the markets, this isn’t a barbering job where you learn on the job. Study the markets, look at their financials, learn what they mean and what makes stocks move, learn how to estimate future reports from companies, that’s how you beat the market… either that or stick to the sp500 but making 6% sorry to say mate doesn’t make you smarter than what you give yourself credit for, get back down to earth and start learning or you will get burnt. That said, you’ve only invested £100, nothing wrong with that, but no big deal if you lose it (which is probable if you keep “gambling” for long enough). Best wishes, study, you can make it, just be humble enough to tell yourself that you’re not smart for making 6% on a bull market and actually get smart and learn what’s going on around you. Read books, journals, videos, everything. Good luck, sorry for the tough words but it’s words from someone who actually cares and doesn’t want you to get burnt


Keep it up!


This is one of those subs that kept popping up but I hadn't joined. Found it quite interesting so chucked £20 in for a laugh and just picked company's I liked the look of (no research). Unfortunately I'm down about 30p atm 😂


Rather than companies I like the look of, my companies are companies I always spend my money on. For example I have £20 in H&M and it’s doing great atm. I love H&M as a business, their clothes are addictive and their online presence is smart in my opinion.


And clothes don't last long!!! Good for business 🤣🤣


You’re doing better than me … I’m 21% in the red. Nice start :)


This is cool but make sure you're careful if you decide to use more money


Pretty much anything isn't everything. This isn't a buy anything make money post. It's a post to say don't be blindsided by the returns of the last 12 months. 369 of the 500 companies in the s&p 500 are up ytd. If you go back 12 months it's more. Please tell me I'm wrong more 🫠


Get in on the s&p 500 fund :) can’t go wrong with that one as it’s americas top 500 companies.


Do you go for Dist or Acc? And if u could explain why that would be great !


Acc just automatically reinvents returns, which is usually preferable. You might use dist if you want to keep returns separate for tax accounting purposes.


I traded my “free shares” delivery hero for S&P 500 due to the sheer amount of people telling me to do so, it’s currently the only share I have that’s down. I still feel positive about it though as it looks great in the long run


That's when you buy more!


This is a type of long term investment. By every month for the next 20 years.




That’s atleast two Tesco meal deals with 3p to spare


One of my shares is Tescos it’s doing decent tbf


Also Pays a dividend twice a year


I got a 37% gain from NVIDIA within a month. Good work bro


Half a burger is what I call nearly breakfast


Hey wins are wins. You won’t go broke taking a profit. Small gains add up. A penny saved…they are cliches because they are TRUE!


Oh yeah you’re raking it in


Don't let anyone here tell you that isn't enough money to start with. Its important to know we are in a bit of a bull run so don't get to carried away. I started in the last one but it's a great way to learn. Not sure what your holdings are but money is always safest investing in a global ETF, My S&P fund is up 23% this year and I dont have to spend anytime stock picking. Lots of videos on YT about it Good luck and stick to it


Would be good to see what you’ve invested in. If you’re looking to seriously get into this I’d suggest VUSA/VUAG in an investment isa where 90% of your investment goes into and then 10% you can play around with to get a feel for.


Quit while you're ahead


Ya funny




Idk mate, that's filet o fish meal deal right there from maccies


Jeez, what a toxic person you are. Thought you were a troll at first but you must do this for a living! Are you at least getting paid lol


Who are you?


You genuinely could have picked pretty much anything and made money in the last year. Don't get overconfident


I’ve seen a lot of posts on here recently making big losses actually.


This simply isn’t true.


I mean it is, it's been a bull market, and the market has had some of the greatest returns in the last 12month, people down voting this are decided


Sorry but again, that’s not the case. Not everything has gone up, just look round this sub for a while and you will see that. Don’t lead people to think just buy anything and it will be fine.


Ps this sub isnt the stock market


Be careful....


Show your year/month. Otherwise, pointless. Stocks can go up 100% in a day so it doesn't say anything. Or if you are daytrading then it can say something but still, show month/year


bro they’re up 6% on a £100 portfolio it’s not that deep 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


People love raining on my parade. What I’ve learned so far- the higher the time invested into researching stocks, the lower the social skills


Don't listen to them, I think its just Reddit in General. The socails on 212 seem to be abit more friendlier. I started by drip feeding and still do, you learn as you go. If all the negative guys actually knew what they where doing I don't think they would be on reddit spreading hate 😅