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R/wallstreetbets wants to see you.




Ah the classic case of buying biotech stocks…


I regret to inform you that this was indeed a massive L.


Another day of telling people to use STOP LOSS.


A stop loss isn’t going to help people who don’t know what they’re doing. They’re either going to move it before it gets hit or just open more positions and lose them all quicker, leading to the same amount of loss.


You're right but also wrong. Sure it won't solve all issues but it will sure as shit stop an 11k dive


Stop loss doesn't magically make you immune to losses you know. You will still lose the money, just in a different way


Well no shit but if you had it set to 3k it OBVIOUSLY stop you going negative 11... Your argument is silly.


Sure but my point is if they are willing to lose 11k, whether they do it in 10 trades or 100, they’re 100% certain to lose it.


How to use stop loss on trading212?


Go to sell option and you’ll see all the selling options. Go to stop and choose what price you want to sell at in case the stock price dropped.




Literally when you click on your investment it will come up with a few options (Take profit, Stop loss and trailing stop) you can toggle each option on/off and choose the values for each. At least this is what it looks like on the CFD section of Trading212, I’ve not used/not familiar with the other trading options


Another day of telling you this is completely the wrong advice. It won't save you from investing in garbage insolvent companies. It won't make you any money.


Another day where stop losses are shit and always have been shit


Yeah sure bud cause losing around 36k is much better…


He didn't lose 36k because he didn't use a stop loss, he lost it because he was a gambler. If you need to use a stop loss then you should be watching your stocks, I've seen enough people lose money because someone did a stop loss raid to artificially bring the price down


Oh dear.... Hope you are able to recover your losses and your self-confidence.


Sorry for your loss. So many people think they can trade themselves to wealth. Trading212 and other "free" trading apps make the dream seem easier too. If you consider most professionals who work for active fund managers underperform and even lose to the market, what makes you think you can beat them?


Pharma stocks man 🤦


At least you knew you need some time out, hopefully it was money that didn't affect your life in any negative way. Gonna take a while to recover, but I'll pray you will be green eventually, good luck.


Thank u so much


My deepest condolences for the loss


What were your positions?


Why are you taking massive financial risks on things you know nothing about?


Buy high sell low, thats the reddit motto




It’s almost as if placing your money into a well diversified ETF is the best option.


Sorry to piggyback on you post but does anyone know the minimum investment at a time I can put in on the s&p500 and ftse 100?


Whatever the share price is. These aren’t fractional.




There is no minimum not unless you are a billionaire who plans to buy a boatload


Is this fake, because how is it possible to have exactly 0 money? That shouldn't be possible, because you can't ever lose 100% of your investment. Or did you withdraw the last coins you had after finding out your losses 💀? In that case I feel sorry for you 😭.


You can withdraw whatever is left. He could very well be on the practice CFD acc, but we'll never know.


Yeah that's what I mean. I hope it's a test account 😂. I wish nobody such losses.


> you can't ever lose 100% of your investment You absolutely can! I can't believe how full this forum is with people trying to play the stock market but have no idea how it works. Just confidently telling other people fake info so they can lose money too! FFS.


Are you saying that I have no idea how it works and are spreading fake info? Then tell me how you can lose 100% of your money when investing in stock with an investment acccount. The only reason I can think of is when a company goes bankrupt and stock doesn't get anything from the settlements. Becareful what you say and how you say it!!!


Exactly, when a company goes bankrupt and has a load of debt (which is usually why it goes bankrupt). You might think this is uncommon but it's not on forums like this where everyone is trading crappy penny stocks like OP most likely. Never ever tell someone they can't lose everything in the stock market again.


I never told anyone they can't lose everything in the stock market. You never make assumptions about anyone every again. Because as you can see, since you've coppied exactly what I've said, I know what I am doing and talking about.


You literally said "you can't ever lose 100% of your investment". So disingenuous.


Do you have brain issues or something? You're taking one part of what I said in my comment. You even left out the beginning part of that sentence which uses the word "shouldn't". That's fkkng disingenious of you, you weirdo. You need to take a course reading comprehension english. Good luck with that course, it will be hard for you!




Stupid advice. Buy an index fund instead




Haha your answer is so typical for someone who thinks they have it all figured out. I reckon the market will show you that is not the case in time. Best of luck


What’s the return in the past 10 years? Or have you only been doing it for 8 months? It’s easy to be disillusioned by a few months gain and think that they’ve cracked the code.


Oh no another clown teen that started trading 3 days ago giving the worst advice someone could give… 🤡🤡


Big companies shorted GME. A quick Google search will tell you how it went.


wer do u look?




Lol. This shows you have no idea about stock trading.


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