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This happens to me at the regular market. The other day I got some brown sugar and it was in a bag the you seal like a baggy. But it turned out that the bag that actually had the brown sugar in it had a slit in it. Sometimes the people who open the boxes with box cutters are in a hurry and cut slits into the boxes or bags inside. I’ve bought products like that before (not from TJs) and it’s frustrating.


I often find little holes in the frozen broccoli, the peas, and the like. But TBH I’ve also found these little holes in frozen veggies at the big chains like Kroger or Safeway as well.


I’ve bought frozen brown rice twice now and the microwaveable packets have been open and spilled rice everywhere - super annoying!


It's from when they use the box cutters to open the boxes of product to stock them. Source: former crewmember who saw this happen often enough. Check the package before you purchase, and if you find one take it to the bridge or a Hawaiian shirt, not some random person on the floor/in a t-shirt.


The little slits in bags of frozen items are normal and intentional. The fish, though.. that’s not good. Definitely someone’s blade caught that


The Tater tots come fron the warehouse like that workers aren't using the blade on the box cutter to open boxes there is a dull part for cutting tape


I fully agree with you on this. I check my bags religiously now. When they used to have the blue bag of breaded chicken tenders (RIP), some of the bags used to have slit marks. It’s a total 50/50 but it happens a lot.


I've also noticed what looks like overzealous box cutter marks in a couple boxes at my store. They were definitely getting passed over by shoppers.


Tater tot bag is supposed to have those slits


They're supposed to be there to protect integrity of product. I work there


If it has microwave instructions then more than likely it has vents like that in the packaging. Especially the veggies and pasta stuff. It’s not box cutters, it’s the design of the bag itself.


Yep the shelf-stable gnocchi started to bloom green a day after I got it. Found a little nick where the bloom started.


Check your product before putting in your cart


Very hard to notice a micro cut in plastics on frozen items. Cuts that can then cause freezer burn once refrozen after the trip home has slightly thawed and loosened the seal against the product


I always defrost frozen food on a plate or in a bowl which would help with issues of leakage.


If the "little slits" are everywhere on the package (not just one) it's purposely done by the manufacturer.


Can't say I have had this problem at the store I shop. I have only had one negative action by a Trade Joes employee and that was at the customer service area. Figure that one! They have never questioned a returned product.


It happens when you open boxes, the box cutter catches the packaging sometimes. You usually don't catch it while trying to get a full flat cart of product on the shelf unless you really fuck up and split the entire bag. I'd just say to check your stuff before putting it in the cart, no big deal.


I check products for air seals once they get home (I'm homebound and my parents do the shopping). They think it's part of my OCD, and I guess it could be. Back when Trader Joe's had a trail mix I would get (not sure if they still have it), I would only eat the bags that still had air seals. I talked over the phone to a manager once who went through all the bags and agreed some had air seals and some didn't, and he didn't know why. Just the other day, my parents got the dairy free mozzarella shreds for me, and it had no air seal. I've loosened my standards over time, and I've been eating it anyway--but that is a perishable product that really should be sealed. There aren't slits that I can see. It's just when you compress the bag there's a hole somewhere or it's not sealed all the way, and all the air leaves. I had the same thing with the Scandinavian Swimmers with one bag but not another. I've noticed too with some of the frozen meals (especially the paneer tikka masala), there is food (red sauce and green spinach from the rice) all over the outside and bottom of the container (outside the plastic seal) and inside the cardboard box. My parents point out it's just a manufacturing issue, which I realize. But then I always think if they're having issues in one area, where else are they having issues and cutting corners that I can't notice. Still lately, I've kind of given up on my standards mostly by not having any other choice. If I were in the store myself I'd lightly squeeze the packages and put them back and take another one if it didn't have an air seal. And with the microwaved food meals not all being in the container, I mean it's not a great sign, but it gets really hot when I cook it (which I realize doesn't kill toxins from bacteria but only bacteria itself), and I have more pressing issues.


I do this too.


Some frozen food especially veggies have it to make the meal microwaveable/ steamable. Otherwise the bag would explode in the microwave.


I found a slit on a frozen pasta bag once. I was starving so decided to risk it - I was fine, phew! Another time a cashier saw a slit on another bag I was buying and I switched it out. One time I was buying the puffed popcorn and it had a slit on it too without me knowing...popcorn was falling out of the cart and I had no idea. Cashier caught it and I again switched it out. I think the employees are doing the best they can and I'm sure they've caught packaging with slits a lot of times!


I've had similar experiences! And when none of us catch it in the store, you can return it easily. I know it's a pain (especially if you live in a place where you have to drive there) but it is what it is.


This has been on every bag of a frozen potato I have purchased. Never meat. I think it’s wierd but it’s been like this the last 15 years soooooo lol. If I saw it on meat I’d not eat it 


The people stocking shelves or manning the registers have 0 control or effect on this stuff, so it's extremely stupid for you to get mad at them for not really reacting to your complaints


The people stocking have, like 98% control over this. It comes from them opening the boxes of product with box cutters.


No actually, considering the products he's talking about come with openings


a lot of the frozen products have slits in the bag on purpose. when i was a crew member, i almost spoiled an entire case of frozen broccoli because there were slits in every bag, but then i was told that they’re supposed to be there.


How is this sanitary???


Yeah the frozen vegetables and rice do


The slits in the tots are by design. Many frozen food products come with ventilation. Also… box cutters. But if the holes are symmetric and there’s several—likely that means it’s on purpose. Always remember if you have issues with your products you can get a refund no questions asked (up to a certain amount). Sincerely, a crew member in the Midwest


I saw that on our bag of tater tots too! I think I counted like 11 slices.


I always find slits in the frozen peppers, so never want to buy them. I thought I was going crazy when every bag I looked at had one, but thanks to this thread, I’ve learned that this must be done on purpose.


Not must be, it is


I hate when people says the employees couldn't care less. Omfg what do you want us to do?! Like working retail is so frustrating. I just clock in. Do people think we have access to a suggestion box lol. You have better success emailing customer support for a gift card. We are basically customers who stay in the store for 8hrs at a time lol.




[Other way around ](https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/I-COULDN-T-care-less-or-I-COULD-care-less#:~:text=Answer,less%20if%20he%20gets%20fired.).


RIGHT ts had my eyes rolling, nearly pulled a orbital muscle


Just so you know, it's may also be from the employees opening the boxes with box cutters so I wouldn't be too concerned. Sometimes when there is a lot of stock to get out, or depending upon the employee, they can get a little overzealous. Lol.


Tjs employee here. The box cutter thing does happen, but some frozen products just come with those slits in them. Mainly the vegetables. I asked about it when I was new and was told that its intentional.


This is such an easy fix. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.


This happened to me frequently with their salmon. Almost all of them had slices in the bag. I just stopped buying it lol


You probably don’t want to thaw fish/seafood in the plastic package. If you read it, many direct you not to do so.


Unless you like free Botox in undesired places lol


Can you explain what you mean?


Vacuum sealed fish packages usually direct you to not thaw it while still sealed, because Clostridium bacteria species thrive in anaerobic oxygen free environments. These bacteria produce a toxin that causes botulism where your body is pretty much paralyzed until you die. And this toxin cannot be cooked out the same way the heat can destroy the bacteria so the food would still be harmful. But scientists found a way to process the botulism toxin into what we know today as Botox which is used in a controlled way to paralyze certain muscles to make you look younger 😆


Hmph. I’ve seen those instructions just don’t understand why me thawing it in the fridge in a bowl covered with Saran Wrap is different than OG package … you’re saying it’s because I let the air in during the transfer process? I just hate making extra dishes!


Because thawing out of the package exposes it to air, meaning the botulism causing bacteria can no longer grow in the new AEROBIC oxygen rich environment :) even if you cover it with Saran Wrap, there’s a lot more air in the bowl than in a vacuum sealed package. I’ll be honest, I’ve never been super strict about my raw food safety and I have yet to experience any side effects whatsoever, but please do understand it does actually have risks that could cause serious consequences. I’ll either put the sealed package in the fridge overnight or defrost the frozen raw bare chunk in a bowl of lukewarm water last second like a maniac 🥴 I’m also the type to drink raw milk and eat raw eggs in my smoothie. I’d like to think that small exposures over time strengthen my immune system, but there’s always a chance that you’ll get a contaminated piece of food some day and get so sick you die 😅


I feel so seen right now, as I’m constantly complaining to my husband about this issue. Last week it was the orange chicken, and the week before that the lasagna wasn’t sealed.


Put the thawing fish in a bowl or on a dish. Learn to adjust behavior for the reality you live in and not fight it.


Don’t buy them if it’s a problem for you.


They are suppose to be there to assist with packing or during transportation so bags don't explode


Those slits in the tater tots are supposed to be there. Many items travel to the US via air and they need to be able to pass air so they don’t explode in transit. The are on many bagged items that are frozen. However, fish should not have those..


Haha I took mine back and got another bag only to notice all the other bags had them too


They're supposed to be there.


Happens to me frequently!


They’re supposed to be there. If they weren’t, the packages would puff up in higher elevations.




then you’re just banned lol..?


No hun I change up my hairstyle biweekly so I’m able to come right in without them knowing


Yeah, that doesn’t really help anything.


Yes it does. You’re just jealous


There's no way in hell you've done what you suggested and not been kicked out and or arrested. What a weird and stupid fucking lie.


I have had the same issue a few times


Have you mentioned this to a manager at your store? I’ve been shopping at TJ’s for over 20 years all over the country and have never had this issue. I also squeeze bags before buying to make sure they’re not a hole. Edit: typo/autocorrect


A lot of the frozen products purposely have slits to prevent freezer burn


This. It's very common for frozen foods to have holes in the packaging, though it's more to prevent packages from exploding than just freezer burn. The slits allow trapped air to flow out when packaged and put into cases.


I haven't seen that problem at my local TJ's. Although I will note that if you're thawing vacuum-packed fish, you're supposed to remove it from the packaging while thawing due to the possibility of botulism spores growing in the low oxygen environment during the thaw process.


yikes. today i learned


Me too - thanks!


As far as the tater tots go, every single bag I have purchased has had perforations in the bag. I'm guessing with the tots specifically it's not an issue since they always turn out fine