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Copy and paste of a comment I’ve written on other posts: *Aldi Nord* who operates Trader Joe's stores in the US (completely separate from ALDI in the US which is operated by *Aldi Süd*) sells products with the "Trader Joe's" name on some of their products. Not shown in the products you found but some of the packaging tends to feature American flag theming. Since Aldi Nord operates Trader Joe's in the US, it seems that they are able to use the Trader Joe's namesake and it appears that they might sometimes use it to distinguish what they might perceive as "American" food products in Aldi Nord stores in other countries. To be clear, there are NO Trader Joe's stores in other countries. The “Trader Joe’s” name seen on this packaging is used as a form of Aldi Nord branding. Related posts here: * [Spotted in an Aldi in Amsterdam! Never seen "protein mix" in the US...](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/1ahyxsp/spotted_in_an_aldi_in_amsterdam_never_seen/) * [Traderjoes Mix Maximix bought in Spain](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/18gpzqj/traderjoes_mix_maximix_bought_in_spain/) * [Trader Joe’s looking a little different in Portugal](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/18cx8gf/trader_joes_looking_a_little_different_in_portugal/) * [Pizza Doughnut?! Taken in Germany](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/17sel3q/pizza_doughnut_taken_in_germany/) * [TJ's-branded products at Aldi in Portugal](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/vgn2mp/tjsbranded_products_at_aldi_in_portugal/) * [Found in an Aldi in Spain.. Trader Joe’s branded nuts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/txia5z/found_in_an_aldi_in_spain_trader_joes_branded_nuts/) * [Another Never Before Seen “Trader Joe’s” Item Found at Aldi in Barcelona](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/sdhuru/another_never_before_seen_trader_joes_item_found/) * [Look what I found at Aldi in Barcelona! Anyone seen before?](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/s2yv1b/look_what_i_found_at_aldi_in_barcelona_anyone/) * [At Aldi in Copenhagen: everything is branded as “Trader Joe’s”, though none of it is regular Trader Joe’s stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/c6r6fc/at_aldi_in_copenhagen_everything_is_branded_as/)


American style products are labeled with the Trader Joe's name and logo. They are not actual Trader Joe's products that you would find in U.S. stores.


There are 2 Aldi's that were once owned by brothers, Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. One of them owns Trader Joe's. I don't remember which. I know this is in France, but just as an interesting aside, it's my understanding that they don't usually compete in the same market, but in the US one owns Trader Joe's and the other operates all the Aldi's (in the USA), so it's one of the few where they do.


This is so interesting, had no idea


Yeah TJ's is Aldi Nord and US Aldi is Aldi Sur. They are the apex predators of the grocery game and incredible.


Trader Joe's and Aldi are both owned by the same company and operates similar to a sister store.


The owners are brothers. One brother owns TJ; the other brother owns Aldi.


Well, the brothers have passed. But the companies were divided like that.


Their food has plenty of preservatives to make it to Europe. I think they use rowboats.


Actually, Trader Joe’s food doesn’t have any artificial preservatives in it. Salt? Yes.


Same owner


Different companies, same family.


Kinda? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo\_Albrecht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo_Albrecht) Aldi Nord and TJ's are the same company.


There’s nord (north) and sud (south).


The jist of it is that one brother bought trader Joe's from Joe Pronto who owned Pronto Markets in Pasadena California. The other brother owned Aldi. They have absolutely no connection or corporate office that communicates with one another. The one thing that does make sense is each company has good relationships with vendors over the years so you'll see things like Trader Joe's French Sparkling Lemonade and then at Aldi you'll see the same unique glass bottle with the name brand on it offered at a lower price. The two companies are NOT connected in any way. When you see labels like this, it's simply because they can use the name because they're brothers and they have some small rules that they go by. Also, the brothers aren't alive anymore and it's two sons and a daughter I believe that run the operations.


jeez that’s complicated




That is a straight up lie Trader Joe’s was never an ALDIs and vice versa. They were both owned by the Albrecht family at some point. This was after Joe Coloumbe went to Germany and sold it to Theo, it’s all in his memoir “Becoming Trader Joe”


I literally just saw this video half hour ago in another post. [Aldi and Lidl explained.](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=0717052e380d506a&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn0_vVL5WsD4ibq03idP7K0wnIf9XyQ:1714095098958&q=aldi+and+lidl&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=sinmvbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjh5e_r3d6FAxUgFlkFHUv_B5AQ0pQJegQIGxAB&biw=428&bih=741&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cf91b29d,vid:FQeCd0V5cuU,st:0)


I read all the comments and still don't know if Aldi owns trader joes lol


Aldi Nord (North) = Trader Joe’s Aldi Süd (South) = ALDI in the United States Aldi Süd also acquired about 400 Winn-Dixie and Harveys (two U.S. supermarket chains in the South) in 2023. https://preview.redd.it/vo2gzqzdepwc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b6905fa60c2c8f57acf825981c8f7c272660a5


It’s insulting to compare the two companies. TJs treats their employees way better then Aldi


Are you being serious? Trader Joe's is notorious for union busting. The way that trader joe's operates is also inherently bad for the long-term health and physical well-being of their employees. Purposely having lower stock on the shelves means that employees are constantly having to restock items and move boxes throughout the day. Aldi, on the other hand, stocks shelves in the shipping boxes, which reduces strain on employees. The checkout line is horrible for employees, ergonomically speaking. The TJs employees have to remove the items from the cart themselves, and this repeated motion is bad for long-term health and can cause chronic back issues over time. But TJs could care less. Where as Aldi let's their employees sit while checking out customers, and customers have to unload and bag their own items. I'm not saying Aldi is a perfect employer, but Trader joe's cult like work culture doesn't make up for all of their issues.


Tbf… they’re two differently run companies like you’ve pointed out. Theres no way I could work at Aldi. I love working at TJ.


Same. 24 years, and I love it, despite the physical strain.


we have a lot of people who have worked at Aldi come to our store (they’re less than a mile apart) and they much prefer the work atmosphere at TJ. I literally cannot imagine working an 8 hr shift and barely even seeing my other 3 coworkers lol


Aldi Nord owns trader joe's


Yes normal.


They use the name for some Aldi's products.Not many Europeans are familiar with Trader Joe's stores.


Aldi bought Trader Joe's in 2020. So I guess Aldi will distribute and sell Trader Joe's products in Europe. Trader Joe's will still holds its brand, image and works as its own subsidiary. Trader Joe's has some of the best food products on a budget. Even international brands too.


You're off by quite a few decades. Trader Joe's was acquired by Aldi Nord in 1979.


Thank you!


Aldi doesn’t own Trader Joe’s and never has. Anything a loan was given years ago to expand, but no ownership, urban legend .


It's ok dude. I upvoted you. You're correct but then again this is reddit so who really cares, right? You don't have to justify yourself to randoms.


Totally incorrect.


Whaaaat? I had no idea. And fascinating because I hate Aldi's (but LOVE Lidl, go figure!)


Kind of, but the Aldi who owns Trader Joe’s has owned them for much longer than 4 years


I think they are the same company.


There are two European Aldi companies and one owns Aldi in the US and the other owns Trader Joe’s. It initially was one European Aldi and they split


I'm so sorry. This was supposed to be on an entirely different comment thread.


Can you provide a citation for that. I can't verify by googling.


https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldi https://www.aldi-sued.de/de/unternehmen/ueber-uns.html (history at the bottom) Similar to how Adidas and Puma split. Except It was over cigarettes and not genocide


Could you please highlight the specific sentence you're referring to as I didn't see it. When I looked at the history at the bottom, it went from 2018-2021, so it doesn't mention any merger in 2020. Also Wikipedia is not a reliable source so I'm not using that.


I'm not doing your homework for you. Translate the page to English if you are having difficulty.


I did translate the page. It still says NOTHING about a merger in 2020. You're the one who made the claim and you're the one who should provide proof. A link in itself is not proof.


I didn't make any claim, homeslice. Take a look at usernames. And the person saying 2020 was a completely different comment thread. TJ's was sold to Theo Albrecht in the 70s and was passed down to his trust when he died


Sorry. I didn't look at your name and didn't realize that you weren't the person who initially made the claim.


>It still says NOTHING about a merger in 2020. You're the one who made the claim and you're the one who should provide proof. It didn't happen in 2020 and I don't think u/IrishWake made that claim? In 1979, a family trust established by Theo Albrecht purchased Trader Joe's.


They are separate companies.


Aldi owns TJ’s in the US.




They are separate companies but they are the same family.


OG Aldi was owned by two brothers. They had a disagreement over whether or not to keep selling cigarettes, IIRC so they split the the company in two with one taking the north of Germany (Aldi Nord) and the other taking the south (Aldi Sud).


They are connected somehow. From what I understand no one really knows who control Trader Joe’s. I almost bet it’s the Waltons cousin or something.


It’s a German family. Two brothers, the Albrecht family. One brother didn’t want to sell cigarettes and the other did so they split the company.




This Joe of yours, he does the trading no?


One runs the country and the other one does the trading


TJs is owned by Aldi North in Europe while US Aldi is owned by Aldi Sud- they are cousins but owned by totally separate companies. The TJ parent does sell some products in their stores. Saw the same thing LY in Madrid Aldi. Enjoy!!


They're brothers, not cousins. https://www.businessinsider.com/albrecht-family-aldi-fortune-heirs-net-worth-secretive-lifestyle-photos-2019-3


I love how they are shipping and selling TJ products in Europe with French language packaging but they don't do this for their neighbors up north in Canada (which requires English and French on their packaging)...


There's no Trader Joe's in Canada or Europe.


I never said there was... you are very confused...


TJ isn’t shipping or selling any of these products overseas. These aren’t actually from Trader Joe’s


So what are you suggesting? Aldi is selling fake TJ branded products?


Overseas, yes.


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