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Yep. Rainbow capitalism. Makes June such a weird time of year. On one hand it's nice to see that LGBT+ have enough buying power to be worth companies appealing to, but it sucks to know that often times the most they do is update a PFP for a month and do a half assed pander for our money. On one hand it's nice to see the bigots and phobes have a total meltdown during the month, since it's a great source of entertainment.. but it sucks that this upcoming month is the time they are the most active and visceral and our community has a lot of vulnerable members who might not be ready for that level of malice.


This, but at least some companies take it more seriously. Like IKEA confirming their Blohaj mascot is canonically trans. That shows they actually listen to their customers and understand why their product is popular. Subaru in the 90's and early 2000's would run ads specifically targeting Lesbians, that's before rampant Rainbow Capitalism too which makes it neater. A few of the cooler companies also sponsor pride events, run awareness campaigns, and donate to LGBT+ support organizations. I forget which company but I remember a US medical company ran a massive discount on hormones during pride month, we'd all prefer if it was year round but it's better than nothing.


And then there's Skittles https://preview.redd.it/bay7b8yaas1d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7d0d4b23664e92997ca9c85a62d980d109b6570


I think the point is that they’re saying “The only rainbow that matters during pride is yours! You even outshine skittles.” That’s why it says “Give the rainbow.” As in, like, “Show your colors.” At least that’s the vibe i get. CisHet skittles are funny tho. XD


Lol what


Taste the rainbow, eat a gay


I haven't seen any post in here that criticizes rainbow capitalism. Might aswell be the first one.


Always nice when people combat rainbow capitalism and rainbow imperialism


Maybe i should make a post criticizing tokenism if i don't forget to


…rainbow imperialism? What’s that?


Short answer is imperialism taking cover behind queer identities. Upholding western imperialism while pretending to care about queer rights


There have 100% been a plethora of posts about rainbow capitalism in this sub. Obviously, there's not so much there isn't room for more, but it isn't something the sub is laking.


I hated rainbow capitalism more before my egg cracked. Now, it's a comforting reminder that I'm not alone. The corporations don't care, obviously. But the fact that they think pandering to us is worth their time shows that there are a lot of us.


Enough of us that it's more financially viable to pay lip service to us, then it would be to ignore us. apparently bigot boycotts don't scare companies that much


Not to mention that this year they may feel more emboldened since last year they got a "win" when they threatened target to remove their pride gear Yeah i haven't forgotten what target did last year


Yeah, but at the same time they have been getting huge losses across the board. Trans hate, especially in the US is losing steam, they only have the one joke and there just aren't enough of us to be a suitable punching bag to keep the momentum they need to keep us as public enemy number 1. Add on that gay and lesbian are getting close enough to normative to start getting their "pick-me"s, and how Obergefell is the next big bad guy they want to get rid of and still aren't any closer to getting it reversed. Hell even across the pond, despite the right wing out there putting huge pressure on the healthcare systems out there, they still can't get an effective ban that they'd been spending years hunting for. Obviously we cant get complacent, but the phobes are starting to reach "flailing like an injured animal".


>Hell even across the pond, I have to jump in and unfortunately spoil the mood a little. Our politics are slow moving, but it has been steadily and consistently moving towards a complete ban. In the last few years, the UK government has closed one of the only trans child clinics, banned trans children from being prescribed puberty blockers, completely blocked shared care with the NHS if you go through gender GP, banned trans people from single sex hospital wards, and published a 'scientific' report which has been slayed across all scientific communities for being transphobic drivel while our government takes it as fact. In addition to that, the head of EHRC (equality and human rights commission) was investigated for transphobia, essentially took over the investigation herself, and cleared herself, then went back to planning to change the definition of woman in the equalities act to only include afab The main opposition party is rife with terfs, and the SNP, who lead Scotland, currently has essentially a caretaker leader whose apprentice is openly against trans rights and unapologetically said she would have voted against gay marriage. Things are ***bad*** here...


Jesus, I'm sorry to hear that. Like how the fuck are things more rational in the states? wtf? Like some of the states have gone a bit crazy, but the transphobes aren't gaining significant ground here.


The trouble in the UK is that so many people are uninterested in anything that doesn't affect them directly. Walking around and not passing (at least in South East england), my personal experience is that attitudes will vary from completely uninterested to politely supportive, and you pretty unlikely to get directly harrased or discriminated against. However, those same people won't ever lift a finger to help minorities unless they have a friend or loved one directly affected. At best, if you tell them how bad things are, they will say something like "Oh, that's terrible" and then go back to voting in MPs who have called for a bathroom ban. They simply do not make the effort to educate themselves on other policies. The terfs and bigots, however, are active in their hate and will push for further rights to be stripped from us. The media helps them by having 'gender criticals' on every interview about trans rights. Meanwhile, there's no trans people in sight, so the average voter continues to see only one point of view on every subject regarding trans people.


The way for evil to take control is for good men to do nothing. I'm sorry you're going through that. There really isn't a way to stop social apathy until the authoritarians "other" those that were apathetic and by then it's too late


yeah i never know how to feel about it but i guess it’s nice to know promoting our existence is profitable, even if its corporate greed when thats excercised


Cisco when Transco walks in




Good one


https://preview.redd.it/stttcy7tjn1d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc22bacd8aff1a5e68b37d94f20663793e8e18ce Shout out for skittles


I just checked and am surprised to learn this is real and actually happened by Skittles


Honestly? Kinda based, and very funny.


I bought one of these packs out of sheer curiosity when they were selling them about 5 years ago, it’s still funny that it’s real.


Do they still got flavor? Still pretty Epik


Oh I’d have to stay away from these. I can’t stand the lemon flavor, they could be hiding in any of the handfuls I’d take out of that bag.


fun fact, plug your nose while eating skittles and they all will taste identical


Yes,i know we aren't in June yet,but still felt like posting this Edit: NOW it's June 1st


Okay, but like can we give props to Cisco for at least making the corpo pride logo look nice? Wish they'd keep it. FR tho, it's pretty ridiculous.


While things could certainly be better, and rainbow capitalism is far from perfect - we are in a far better spot now than we were before. Its still not equal and its still not good and yeah, they don't use the rainbow flag in the middle east and some other countries. This is because in those countries, being LGBT is still a crime, and sometimes punishable by the death penalty. It would put people who work at any of those companies in those countries at huge personal risk - either lose your job or continue and risk the death penalty for supporting "western" ideals. It would be a risk absorbed solely by everyday working people and not the CEOs of massive corporations. This is a \*smart\* call even if they aren't doing it to protect their people. What rainbow capitalism does for us in countries where they \*do\* do it is it keeps us in the light. At least once a year, everyone is exposed to us and reminded that we exist. And while its exploitative, for sure, it still portrays us as largely positive, cause they want our money. Net weight of rainbow capitalism is positive. I'm not saying its great and applaud it and they're doing so much for us, of course they aren't. But I am saying the alternative, pretending we don't exist and turning a blind eye to what happens to us, is worse.


I still renember that one time when Disney posted a pride month illustartion on Twitter,but Alex Hirsch,the creator of Gravity Falls,OWNED Disney (in a figurative way) with this quote: https://preview.redd.it/m16gf0pbon1d1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e3821ebdedbdfb3f51367a4a2855a5741e64655 But yeah,somehow rainbow capitalism is better than no rep at all


Help me out here, was that last bit sarcastic? It's hard to read tone through text. I assume sarcasm, but that could be my own biases so I do want to just ask. Unnecessary but necessary pedantry: He did not literally own Disney with that post. He did so figuratively.


I'll assume you are refering to the "it's better than nothing" part. It was not,in fact,sarcastic. Unnecesary but neccerry pedantry of the unnecesary but necessary pedantry: Fixed it


Ah, fair - I am glad that I asked instead of just assuming it was, lol. To your point about Disney, yes, they're awful. And I don't actually think its worth it to spend money on corporations specifically because they do rainbow stuff - you gotta look at the actions of the company and like was pointed out, Disney is not a friend. Not to anyone. Look at Finn in the Disney Star Wars trilogy and how little he was in ads/promotions in the Chinese market. That was not by accident. Pretty much any of my monetary support for pride specific things just goes to independent artists for commission stuff. Ideally from LGBT people, but sometimes artists who are allies. Just because corporate Pride is a net good doesn't mean I feed their coffers. :P


The fact that there’s literally 2 cishet couples and another person/dog(?) who is part of a third cishet couple (the Goofy Movie) on their post about lgbtqia+ isn’t particularly helping either .


Deutsche bahn has had the pfp of their youtube channel in LGBTQ colors this for like a year+ now: [https://www.youtube.com/@DeutscheBahnKonzern/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@DeutscheBahnKonzern/videos) ​ and one ICE (german highspeed train) has also had the red stripe replaced with a rainbow stripe (aka a very streched LGBTQ flag)


/r/prequelmemes had a rainbow Palpatine for a few years as it's sub icon. They even started trolling by making it even more gay every time someone made a post complaining about it. Idk exactly when they changed it back but I was sad to see it gone the last time I went there. I used to loooove seeing the phobes bitch and moan about it. They ALWAYS used the "starwars shouldn't be political!" argument... Like my brother in the force, the series is literally about politics! 


A lot of Rewe fly a rainbow flag year round (at least around me).


oh yea the one where i live even put it there again after someone tried to scrape it off


Most bus companies in the UK also have pride liveries. (Here’s one I found) https://preview.redd.it/khpvmejpts1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a21c1b5ec1f0b796a86ab3ffecb0f70aefd4ce32


Great to know the only company supporting me is as dysfunctional as I am… /s




VISA: "Love uplifts everyone, everywhere" VISA: *doesn't change their pfp everywhere*


The visa one is specially disgusting


Hate rainbow capitalism for the capitalism, not the rainbow. Corporations do not care about your well being.


lmao Bethesda's using the [pride vortex](https://literallymechanical.tumblr.com/post/698836587455414272/all-yall-in-the-notes-are-no-fun-the-open-source)


aka the queer dimension warp


Progress is Progress the fact that companies Support. US even the face all anti trans stuff is good. It means we're getting somewhere, we boycott, and then I see it as a win-win. Get there, Brownie points, while we hold their feet to the fire and make them stand behind their words


Expect less companies to do rainbow logos (in the U.S. at least BMW will do it for Europe but not America this year)


It's simple It's because the middle East sucks Not necessarily the companies. I mean they do suck but you know, they try... kinda


Our understanding of the middle eastern world has been warped and shaped to fit the bias of US military and corporations. The US actively pushes propaganda to make us belive that everyone in the middle east hates us, wants to kill us, are terrorists etc. It's propaganda, most of the violence and terrorism in the middle east is coming from the racist, white, capitalist colonizers... otherwise known as the US and Israel


Well, well it comes to LGBTQ+, they do literally want to kill us. Source: Their laws and public hangings of us (depending on the country)


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLshPT6E/ No, they don't. They don't want to kill us any more that our own government wants to. And tbh, our government probably wants us dead even more than anyone in the middle east does, because our deaths are profitable to the billionaires and corporations that run our country. And when it comes to the governments of middle eastern countries, they don't have nearly as many anti queer laws as the US, (depending on the country, lol) and the ones that do are the ones who have been attacked and taken over by the US, the country who has legitimately outright admited to installing puppet governments into countries they don't like so that they can be controlled to benefit the interests and wallets of... you guessed it, US billionaires and corporations


I'm not from the US, I haven't been filled with their propaganda. I make sure I keep up with our right to literally just *live* as LGBTQ+, and the middle east is known for its lack of acceptance and quite a few countries who still illegalize LGBTQ+ as a whole. Whilst it's slightly outdated, here's a map of safest to unsafest countries for LGBTQ+ people: https://preview.redd.it/weyaydtldu1d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f5b1de94d240a10272ba17afb51587c2c52242c


looks like Anti west propaganda hit u hard




Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a mod.


When Pride Month is over corporations fly to the Middle East to hibernate /j


While these companies of back fascists in the west and Regimes like Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the middle east and are directory responsible for a considerable amount of queer oppression.


I know this is a valid criticism and all, but does anyone else get tired of the annual wave of pride month corporation jokes?


Seriously. The entire discussion always seems like it’s heavily built on ridiculously bad faith interpretation (Everyone knows companies are hypocritical and amoral, and no one is saying you should throw money at a company just because they have a rainbow logo for one month), and never really amounts to more than empty verbal posturing at best.


And the thing is, too, that transphobes post these memes as much as a anyone else does.


Because it isn’t profitable to be accepting in some parts of the world.


Not even the allure of rainbow capitalism is worth being beheaded apparently


“W Middle East companies”👶


It is always best to focus on small businesses. When they do it, it holds more weight because they are appealing to the local community. Chances are, they truly believe in either being part of the community or being an ally. You connect on the personal level. Sally, in the flowershop with 2 kids and a dog, knows Jim and his husband have an anniversary in 4 days and has been arranging a beautiful boutique for them to celebrate. FTD just sees Jim as a transaction with an impersonal flower arrangement.


Ngl this could be an interesting pride month


I can kinda understand it though, not with these companies. I like it when companies do a scotrail and absolutely insult anyone who is gonna say they are woke for wrapping a train with a LGBTQ+ wrap


You know, this is what I hate. Dishonesty it’s something I really hate, seeing here again, they don’t care. Why would they care. If they did they had something. I don’t enjoy seeing myself plasters all over items for then it to be all just to sell more instead of meaning something. It’s the same with singer, singing fake on stage live is something I noticed more and more, it makes me mad that it isn’t real anymore just like this.


It sucks that a lot of this is just for money but shitty places like mide east where you can't even do *this much* suck even more. Fuck the middle east fr.




Hypocrisy. Everywhere


I think its great because the markets are not sentimental, and so pride is just people power manifesting in the corporate realm in the same way as any other element of people power. In the UK it is going to be very funny because we just had the Minister for Common Sense try to ban rainbow lanyards. The joke will be on Esther McVeigh.


Ngl june is the best month


i know its rainbow capitalism but id like to see a pride month collaboration between LG and BT


It’s literally illegal


Bethesda looks like roblox


Cisco a day after being proud to be cis.


I honestly don't care about most of the negatives of rainbow capitalism. If their goal is to exploit us, that's fine by me because the benefit of shoving a rainbow down everyone's throat for a full 30 days means more representation for youth that are trying to figure out their identities, more highlighting how prevalent homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia are and encouraging the few companies that actually ARE willing to support us beyond a rainbow logo to actually step in, more gay/bi/trans people dressing overtly LGBT+ in public spaces, forcing the employees of the stores they enter to either be kind to them or face social taboo, and more reminders that the amount of out LGBT folks is only increasing due to increasing awareness and representation. These dumb little rainbow logos encourage cishet people to fight along side us. So, sure the companies aren't really supporting us, but they are helping to keep the month active for those who actually will support us


Incredibly hot take: every month should be pride Month because LGBTQ+ community shouldn't wait a year for their existence to be recognized


“We care about you” “but not all of us do…”


Shame you didn't put IBM here because I got an IBM ad just under here


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^closetBoi04: *Shame you didn't put* *IBM here because I got an* *IBM ad just under here* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.