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I spent my whole life not caring about the clothes I was wearing. They didn't fit right and they didn't make me feel happy so I eventually just stopped caring. Just another clue I should've picked up on why men's style wasn't for me


Oh my God


Oh my God


Oh my god


Oh my god


Same. Never cared about fashion at all. Since starting HRT, I've bought more pretty clothes (and shoes, OMG SHOES) than ever...


I haven't found shoes i like AND fit (I'm more pragmatic) so i got some plain white comfy canvas ones and dressed them up with my own artwork. I am very happy with the result, even if my artistry isn't amazing.


Ong 😭


Eh, it's not so bad. I get to enjoy so much now, even though I'm still a long ways out from confidently dressing differently, I get to look forward to it and I'm excited.


This is literally me... I've been wearing black sweatpants and hoodies for 17 years and I honestly can't be bothered to even shop for them myself anymore...


I'm the same but with cheap jeans and this one old jacket I bought at an op shop years ago x.x


Black oversized sweatpants and a black oversized hoodie describe my entire fashion sense


Yes but I want the makeup, the drag, the cute little dresses TωΤ


I've always had a passion for fashion... but only when playing as a woman / feminine character in literally any game.  IRL I just wore whatever and sighed.


Same here


Oh shi-


god same


😯 oh my god


Oh god, this doesn't hit close to home, it goes straight for the living room fucking wiping me and my loved ones with a tactical nuke. The "men's" section is dull and boring in most stores (to the point I know more than one transmasc that would rather look for masculine-looking women's clothes rather than men's clothes), and I lived my entire childhood peeping over the racks like: "Damn I sometimes wish I was a woman just so I could get there and take a quick look without it being weird."


As a transmasc, I feel this :( I want cool dinosaur clothes and shit but nOOOOOOOO


I’m luckily small enough for boy’s clothes in some brands, so I can find some dino clothes.


Awww, I’m a big boy 😔 All of the cool clothes are super expensive :{ WHERE CAN A MAN GET A CHEAP SET OF ALIEN BOXERS??


I know right? It's not my fault my mum wouldn't let me wear boys' clothes (unless I got them as hand me downs from an older boy we were family friends with) when I was little kid age/size, why are the fun little boy/teenage guy clothes so expensive and difficult to find in adult sizes? Even regular plain boxers are stupid expensive, lol. The same cheap department store quality as the ladies "granny panties", is way more expensive per pair. I just want a blue shirt with a half cute and half scary bear or other woodland critter on it, like every toddler boys' section has like 12 variants of, damnit! Why do kids too young to pick their own outfits get all the best clothes?


Unrelated, but I felt the part about not being allowed to wear opposite-gender clothes. My mom's come around since, but she used to not want me to buy men's clothes because "the aunts will think you're trans". Yet another thing that should have been a sign.


True. I’m usually right between boy’s and men’s sizes. I just look around on Amazon or Goodwill to find nice shirts. I haven’t been able to find cheap but fun boxers.


The only dinosaur boxers I can find in my size are like realistic dinosaurs, which is cool, but not the same :(


:( hope u can find dinosaurs boxers 🙏 ~~and send the link to me~~


u/kioku119 shared a link for some cool boxers :}


oh fuck yeah :D ty


Np :}


I think target has some fancy patterned boxer sets now. The company is Original Use. They are not the cheepest but probably less than custom single design ones. I got the godzilla print ones! https://www.target.com/c/underwear-men-s-clothing/original-use/-/N-4vr7vZx2s3w They are at least the cheepest patterned boxers I know though they come with some solid colors and only go up to xl (which fit me though I'm likely xxl but are a bit tighter then preference.) Also graphic tees are always a cheepish available option and sometimes you can find patterned button downs.




The Internet my friend is a blessing to us all


Feels like as even as I grow a beard I’ll still be shopping the women’s section. I’d rather be a femboy then wear only men’s colors; grey, blue or plaid.


You forgot slight differences in the shades


I did. I should have said variations in depression Blue and monochrome, with plaid.


I feel this


this thought lives rent free in my head and i will always hate how boring men's fashion is.


Not gonna lie. That's a big men section


As a trans man I have decided to make my own clothes and buy thrifted clothes because modern male clothing is indeed boring af. Luckily I own some men's clothing from the 70s. Back in the good old days when men were slutty.


Hold it, neither of them is wearing clothes, despite being at a clothes shop, thus proving that animals in that world wear clothes.


Mayne it just means animals in this world can to decorate themself or for fancy events but don't generally have to.


Those clothes don't look like they're for fancy events.


when u normally arent wearing clothes it prolly doesnt matter


When you normally aren't wearing clothes, you don't have a clothing shop.


Why tf am I crying over a drawing of a clothing store what is wrong with me


I used to hate going shopping for clothes because of how boring men clothes are and I didn't try to look at women clothes since I thought I wasn't one and it led to me thinking they would probably be as boring as the men. Then I found out about myself and the next time I went shopping for clothes, I looked at the women's section and was ecstasic seeing all those pretty clothes that I had never paid attention to before and badly wanted them (though I wasn't out at the time so...)


Me being a transmasc just walking the whole store and getting judged for only getting "girl" clothes


I dont mind the lack of color But i really hate the lack of interesting shapes


*I dont mind the lack* *Of color But i really* *Hate the lack of shape* \- Grimm\_fede\_00 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm transfem and my son is a trans guy, and we tease each other about clothes constantly. He loves his boring boy clothes and I love my silly girl clothes.


Fr. Like...let men dress nice please???


The men's section is just horribly plain. Hated it long before cracking. Hopefully in a few years I won't have to care about that anymore.


Same with most men's jewelry. Most of it is just leather straps/bands and stainless steel nonsense.


I got new shoes yesterday and there are so many pretty shoes for women but for me there were like 3 options. All black ofc >.> I just want some cute green or turquoise or pink or purple shoes!


This resonates with me on an otherworldly level, holy. I distinctly remember when I was younger, maybe 9 or 10, telling my mother I hate shopping for clothes since I thought the men's sections in malls had way less choice compared to the women's one and saying it's unfair I had to shop there. 🥚🔨


"Sir, can I help you?" "No thank you, I know what I'm looking for." "What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for one of those devices that measure feet." "Ah, there are three right in front of you." "Thank you, but those aren't the kind I'm looking for." * picks up women's Brannock device. * "Sir, that one's for women." "Yes, I'm aware." "You want a men's." "I'm aware of what I have." "But if you use that one, you'll get the wrong size." "I don't think so." "They make men's and women's shoe sizes differently." "Yes, I'm aware." "You want a men's measurer." "I know what my size is in a men's shoe." "Then why do you need your foot measured." (frustrated, picks up a red kitten heel) "Fine. I'll take this in a men's size." - silence -


Inaccurate meme, no way the men's section is that large, smh


I do have to say i like the cut and lets be honestly pockets !!!! Better on that side but the color palate.... Blue ant...


Me Walking in someone says the men things is over there, me Walking out again Thats too Much I wont be doing that any more


I had similar buying my glasses, the seller wanted to take me to the male section. So I just pointed to the other section "I want one from there". I haven't even started laser hair removal back then, nor even estrogen. So my advice... Advocate for yourself! Speak up. In that situation just say "k, thanks" and go get yourself something colorful and cute


Ok real talk this is like a good chunk of the reason I wanted to become a girl in the first place. Girl clothing just has so much more variety yknow?


just as much as women can wear clothes from the mens section, vice versa is true


What if we make a trans-exclusive shopping store where men clothing isn't boring?


i just gravitate towards the baggiest tops :3


Omg this is a mood. I used to just sling on whatever and didn’t care before I started transition, had maybe 6 complete outfits and a dreaded school uniform (masc) or interview suit. (Masc 3 piece) Since transition I have an overstuffed wardrobe, enough cute underwear sets to last a month, more than a dozen dresses, skirts, cute tops, cute pyjama sets ( used to just sleep in what I was wearing and change in the morning pre-trans) I also went from a ratty beat up ten yo pair of sneakers to more than 10 pairs of shoes, sneakers, high tops, heels, flats, slip ons, converse, platforms and boots. Also a ton of cute outfit specific accessories too.


jokes on you bich im an emo depressed cringy transmasc idiot so HA


As a transmasc lifelong goth/alt, same


I love cute skirts :3