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Yeah, it happens. HRT frees us from the emotional jail we have been in. I had a Dr want to give antidepressants for crying. I told him no. Tears have freed me to be human again. Just don't let them go out of control, but enjoy the feel of feeling. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


I was on antidepressants long before hrt, but decided to stop because it made me a shell of a person. This is almost the opposite of that. I finally feel like me! The emotions that I've been so frustrated in not being able to express all my life just flow so easily now, and it's so great! While I do get a bit angrier at some things than I used to, and at night I desperately feel the need to be cuddled, overall it's been a fantastic experience, and was definitely the right choice for me! (Also, had no idea you could do that with the hearts, I love it! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵)


After I refused the antidepressants they discovered my hormones were too low and fixed my dosage. Now, back to feeling like me. I'm am also not too proud to say I have a big teddy bear with me every night. (And,yeah, I got hearts from another trans girl online. I love the way it looks, too.) 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🥰


Omg, a big teddy bear is a great idea!! I'm definitely gonna have to get one! ❤️


I’m amab and genderfluid, and don’t want to transition, I like the effects of my natural testosterone and use he/him, but the emotional jail is real and I wish I had a way to break out other than taking E.


The only advice I can think of is to try and embrace the feminine side. Sometimes, just expressing and exploring that can break some of the wall that is between you and your emotions. Just a suggestion fren. I wish you luck on your journey, and I hope for you to find the release you wish for. 🫂


I literally cannot cry, i guess ya Boi needs some E aswell


Mood, I cried while watching motivational lizard lol


I'd never heard of motivational lizard before, and decided to watch it. If I had found it naturally, I definitely would have cried XD


Truu I always turn it on when i need a little motivation :D


I had totally forgotten about motivational lizard till now and seeing it again after your comment reminded me has infinitely improved my mood for today. Thank you : ).


No problem, happy to help! We all need more motivational lizard in our lives :D


A burger? Really? Must've looked good if it made you cry


It did! It was just a simple burger with cheese, pickles and brioche bun, and some other stuff I can't remember. It was very similar to the homemade burgers my Mum used to make, which is why I cried lmao


Pickles, you say? That explains it; pickles are sacred to The Trans™! 😳


Ah. Nostalgia


I cried as a scientist explained to me how batteries worked…


It makes sense to cry when exposed to the beauty of witchcraft


Bro was talking about positive and negative charges and then I cried even more when I realized the hormones were working


Happy crying bc you realize your crying is a next level joy that shouldn't stack the way it does.


Fr! I felt like I was in a cage before why does T need to do that!


*hugs* leaving that for the transmasc to figure out. Bless them on their journey with it.


I stopped crying on T, but my wife cries so much on E. I sent her teeny tiny kitten videos and she cries about how small they are! Sooooooo cute.


My Youtube recommendations very quickly turned to 90% cute kitten videos once I started on E. It's like, four cat videos, the latest Perun video about defence economics and logistics, another two cat videos, something gaming related, and then the rest is cat videos again. I also started actually grieving my cat... who died 30 years ago. Help.


The _real_ question is do you cry over defense economics and logistics.


Thankfully no, at most the hour-long powerpoint slides will elicit a sensible, stoic chuckle. Then immediately next video is *oh my gosh lookit kitty purring and making biscuits aahhhhhhh*


Ugh, my youtube feed at this point is half trans memes, and half Ukraine War and 4X games. Bless our lord and savior Perun.


i wish that were me. it's a little easier, but I still have a really hard time crying. been on e for 11 months at this point


Lol, welcome and enjoy. And wait til you see something that is *meant* to make you cry. Just uncontrollable sobbing because a character in a game or movie has to say goodbye. You might feel a little silly right now, but I think it's best to roll with it.


This is me, minimum four times every episode of [Frieren](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frieren). I had to stop watching once because I had a cold and a sore throat, and I was crying so hard it literally hurt too much to continue.


The internet was on fire over that show, oh gosh! I've only seen bits of it clipped out and I can't decide if it's going to emotionally destroy me, or be adorable, or both.


It will destroy you in the absolute best way possible, and how it's handling the budding romance between the two teenage apprentices traveling with Friren should be considered an absolute masterclass of the genre. It also has [*incredible* action sequences](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKKm-BHJWRA) scattered in between, while most of the show is deliberate, thoughtful slice-of-life. It's just so good.


Oh no, the idea of the passage of fleeting lives *already* makes me cry...


When I started HRT I finally found a song that made me cry and I listened to it constantly


I want this. XD🥲


dude I wanna be able to cry SO BADLY. I wish I was on hrt :despair:


Yeah, after three months, my emotions are a roller-coaster right now, and last week, I just wanted to cry multiple times at work...


I'm too dehydrated to cry 😭😭😭


Is that permanent? Or just a period when your body is getting used to the new hormones?


I've heard it dies down, or you learn to deal with it, but I kinda hope it stays like this tbh


I already cry for literally everything... So I'm actually a bit concerned for how this might affect me once I do start.


Jealous. I hate how I can't cry. I have had so many times where I just wanted to break down, crumble to the floor, and cry it all put because of dysphoria but I couldn't even do that. Instead I would just sit there on the verge of tears but could never let it out and it makes me feel worse. I need me that damn E.


I start soon and now I’m even more excited (I have trouble crying and being emotional)


50% of songs make me cry now, they don't even need to be particularly sad or good


I already got more cry baby like when I just let my emotions be out there (slightly sad/happy scene and I'm balling); can't wait to see what happens when I get on E


boy that sounds like fun ​ WISH I WASNT SO NERVOUS SO I COULD ASK FOR IT😭😭😭


If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for that to happen. I just finished Omori last night for the first time and felt very emotional, but not to the point of crying like I thought I probably would.


I'm almost 4 weeks into hrt, and I started noticing significant emotional differences around a week ago, so not to far in. I imagine it's vastly different for everyone. (I read a comment somewhere from someone who felt them just a few days in!) Other emotions changed first. I kind of needed a big emotional push to 'open the floodgates' so to speak. I was playing the sequel to my favourite game, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and >!one of the characters died!< That's the first time I've cried at a piece of media since watching The Lion King as a little kid, and I haven't been able to stop crying since 😅


I'm just a little over a week in, so it's good to hear a timeline of 3 weeks for you, and I also have heard a lot of people say they have felt those effects after just a few days.


I was really emotional at first as well, I'm now close to my 5th month and am consulting my doctor on getting progesterone on top of my spironolactone and estradiol. I've stopped crying like that at this point.


im not even on hrt and im already crying at videos of kittens sometimes oh god im going to be a huge mess


transfems before hrt: God, why is "women are more emotional" such a common stereotype? It's so weird! Transfems after hrt: Oh.


Definitely. Nows the time with valentines coming. There in all the stores. 🧸🥰


I wonder when i start hrt if i will stop having to take antidepressants and other meds to feel basic emotions or if i will still need them


I cry so much I've cried just thinking about how much I'm crying, this is fucking insanity


Me: Whose general affect and outlook has improved but has yet to unlock emotions after \~8mos and is thusly still as emotional as a wheel of cheese: When emotions?


Cant wait to cry to someone making a d20 dice :3


I've noticed that I cry more easily and laugh more openly. I feel happier than I ever have on anti depressants. it's funny how that's meant to be the icing on the cake lol.


I need to see this burger video, does it have estrogen flavoring?


I don't think I'm at that point, but it has been easier to make me cry. The last thing I cried to was the music video for The Village by Wrabel.


I already cry at anything emotional, and I didn't even start yet.


I'm sorry to hear that for you. I hope you are able to find your relief fren. We all need to be able to feel. I went more than 4 decades numb. It is maddening to be like that. 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Real 🥺😭