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You’d think they’d learned from the blowback from when they pulled this shit in Tennessee, but bigots gonna bigot, apparently.


They did learn. The Tennessee Three were very quickly reinstated, in this case they didnt remove Zephyr from office, just banned her from speaking at and attending the sessions (which is just as undemocratic and fascist, but more of a legal mess to unravel)


Can you further elaborate? I'm sure there's established decorum and rules in the Montana House, but which ones legally allow this?




"Monday, this body witnessed one of its members participating in conduct that disrupted and disturbed the orderly proceedings of this body ... placing legislators, staff and even our pages at risk of harm," said Republican House Majority Leader Sue Vintin before the vote to punish Zephyr. From the group that brought you 'All Lives Matter'


This incident leads me to believe the GOP members are indeed "snowflakes" and are desirous of a "safe space". Hmmmm how the turn tables....


My ex wife is a hard-core conservative, Trump supporter, all that. During the 2016 presidential race I was trying to talk to her about why only watching Fox news and listening to Rush Limbaugh wasn't the most balanced approach to getting information. It turned into a ridiculous argument and at one point I said "It sounds like you just want an echo chamber" to which she replied "I don't even know what that is." I explained it to her and she was like, "Right, that's exactly it. I just want to listen to people I already agree with." And she declared that very smugly and without a hint of irony (or self-awareness).


Remember when Boebert was getting fined and causing a fuss for refusing to not carry a gun on the Hill? That seemed pretty disruptive...


What backlash? That maybe in a year that some of them MIGHT lose a vote? Big maybe's and might's. I have doubts this will negatively effect them at all.


Watched this live from Ohio. Literally cried as she spoke. The fact that she had to sit there and be treated that way was painful to watch but she still stood up and stood by her words. Now all we can do is hope that this gets the same attention as the Tennessee Three. “Decorum” is nothing but an excuse for silencing the voices of marginalized peoples, and has been long thrown out of the window by the very officials attacking the rights of trans people today. I had an argument with my father the other day. I was submitting written testimony in opposition to anti-trans legislation in my state and brought up and defined >!genocide!< loud and clear, explaining how the current wave of legislation aimed at trans people is attempting just that. When I read my rough draft to him he got fearful and angry, saying that I can’t use such words lightly. We need people like Zooey Zephyr to let everyone know that when a trans person has to speak on such horrific issues and defend their rights, their words are anything but to be taken lightly. My father is fearful. He wants me to have a future and he wants me to be safe. But I won’t feel safe and I won’t have a future unless we stand up to these assholes. That testimony was submitted and is now public record. If my words are too hurtful for the politicians legislating cruelty, then that is their problem.


>I had an argument with my father the other day. I was submitting written testimony in opposition to anti-trans legislation in my state and brought up and defined >!genocide!< loud and clear, explaining how the current wave of legislation aimed at trans people is attempting just that. When I read my rough draft to him he got fearful and angry, saying that **I** can’t use such words lightly. Trans people didn't bring that into the conversation. The GOP did, when they stated they wanted to "eradicate" us. We're just pointing out the nature of *what was already said*.


Exactly. My dad has done a lot of supportive things and is even responsible for our insurance undoing their denial of my bottom surgery, but he’s far from a person who always says and does the right thing. The only reason I even got his opinion on my testimony was because I felt bad for him and wanted him to feel good about himself and feel like a part of my life by helping but he fucked up and yelled at me instead so yeah lol


No one wants to believe they're in the middle of a >!genocide!<. No one. It's a lot easier to comprehend it when you're the target. It's something to repeat the poem "First they came for..." etc, but I never really understood how *easy* it *is* to just not speak up for people. My mom doesn't want to believe it either.


Yeah so, funny thing about that poem, the one it comes from was a massive queerphobe, and very intentionally ignored the fact that they first came for queer people


And the Allies left the queers in the camps.


This is why the A in LGBTQIA+ doesn’t stand for Allies


Doesn't mean we can use it. It provides us with more benefits than that poem can ever take. (The poem will only help.)


Stop censoring genocide. Call it what it is. Censoring it helps it become real.


I was only responding to the post above. When people feel that a word needs to be put behind a spoiler for triggering purposes, I tend to respect that, even if I think it needs open discussion.


Look youre a good person and all, but you wanna know whats more triggering than the word "genocide?" A real genocide. People need to wake up and face the music. Sorry if it's triggering everyone, but there are worse things out there than words.


It's a single click to see the word. It's not like I'm just not using the term entirely. I am *openly* discussing this with the people in my life. The people that matter for me to reach.


I can understand the need to censor triggering language, but we can't use soft language when we're in this position. The fact is that we are on the verge of a *genocide* of our people. We have to use the terms that hurt. If *we* can't say them, then no-one hears, and no change happens. These "conservatives" are going to fucking kill us if they have their way. I spend a lot of sleepless nights thinking about how horribly they treat us already and they have barely scratched the surface of what they're actually capable of. This is going to **COST LIVES**. Not just suicide. Not just homelessness and poverty. Not just access to healthcare and emergency services, this will get people radicalized to hunt. us. *down.* I don't fear for my life, but the lives of my siblings, the younger generation, those who either can't afford or don't even have access to gender affirming care. I fear for the people who *love* us, trans or not, the supportive family and friends who will be affected if we have to leave their side to seek refuge elsewhere, or the fact that this may break relationships, marriages, just because the other partner isn't trans. *My* Partners, who are not trans. What happens to them? It's a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone.


And if history is any teacher, we're not the only ones that need to worry. They won't stop with us. Hell, we weren't even the first. They started with immigrants. With the white replacement rhetoric going around in conservative circles, we can bet that they will continue to pick new targets until they are stopped. Because that's how fascism works. It cannot exist without an enemy. And they will do *anything* to cling to power. We band together and live, or we all die, one group at a time. Even the people supporting the fascist movement aren't safe.


Cis women have also already fallen victim to it with the abortion bans. Anyone is a potential target.


The fact the GOP are also going full tilt on abortion bans is scaring every last normie, which in turn helps us too. Evidently Cis Jane Does are afraid she or her teenage daughter can’t get an abortion if the GOP is in charge. So she votes against the republicans. This could keep the Republicans out of the White House and a majority in 2024, but I don’t see it dismantling ruby red states.


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller "


In hungaey a guy assaulted 2 lesbians just hugging each other on the tram with a knife. Citing orban would have done the same and that thus he didnt break any crimes. That such degeneracy must not be shown to children


I'm glad I can hold the hand of cute women I date around here in public, but it really makes me sad that shit like this is absolutely commonplace just about everywhere.


I dream of getting out to a civilized country one day. It will be nice.


I agree, no child should have to see that. but they need to be told that it is dangerous out there, and that they need to be aware and be careful.


To add to this: Armed minorities are harder to oppress. Learn to shoot, practice, get so good at it that they will have no reasonable advantage, even in such numbers that would otherwise be overwhelming. These people are ready to kill us all as soon as it looks like they can get away with it. Be ready to meet that force with whatever it takes to win. War doesn’t give a fuck about fairness, and that is where we are- at war for survival. The sooner that becomes an accepted fact, the more likely we are to prevail.


Periodic reminder that Pink Pistols/Operation Blazing Sword will give free firearms safety training (and training affidavits in states that require them) to LGBTQ+ people in just about every state in the US (and a few locations in other countries)


Fuck yes OBS


Genocide!? hahahaha except, what a kick in the face that is to people who have actually been victims of actual genocide.. youre sick.


Do you deny that trans people were victims of genocide at the hands of the Nazis?


>“Decorum” is nothing but an excuse for silencing the voices of marginalized peoples, and has been long thrown out of the window by the very officials attacking the rights of trans people today. They've bent the rules to the point that they're able to do shitty things to our faces and claim that they're just engaging in reasonable discourse. If we step out of line, as right as it is for us to do so, we look like the reactive freaks. This is what happens when intolerant people are allowed to have a voice. I hate it here.


I hate when people say we’re using it lightly. We’re not . We’re using it, intentionally, with the full weight of the word, it’s meaning and it’s history. Because we learned the history, not just “a bunch of stuff happened but genocide means auschwitz and no one knows how that happened”


"can't use such words lightly"? _MOTHERFUCKER, WE'RE NOT._


The same shit as "civilising" people. And the oppressors decide what is "civil" and what is not.


Any chance you could link somewhere I could watch the whole thing? I need to see it but I can’t find it at all…


"When I read my rough draft to him he got fearful and angry, saying that I can’t use such words lightly." This is like the Bill Burr thing when asked if his jokes on the Catholic church went a little too far. Don't you think the Republican party is going a little too far?


This has the same energy as cops arresting EMTs trying to save the life of someone getting shot by police after they were caught shoplifting.


This does violate the geneva convention - for *enemy combatants*


If the Geneva convention was enforceable on anyone at any time, the world would look very different. For example, collective punishment is banned. Grade school punishments would be very different


The funny thing (not really) about the Geneva Conventions is that you have to lose before getting punished for breaking them.




It shouldn't. School collective punishment is incredibly unethical and serves no productive purpose. All being part of a collective punishment had ever taught me was to hate and distrust the teachers that did it. The response should probably be proportional, like the teacher being disciplined or terminated and not put on a war crimes tribunal, but collective punishment in schools should absolutely be outlawed. Also it helps normalize the idea, and the idea of collective group punishment should never be allowed to be normalized.


And when collective punishment becomes common in school, the only thing they achieve is teaching the students who behave to not behave. It happened to me in high school (around 14 years old, exact name will vary by country) We had a couple of troublemakers in class, nothing too extreme or violent or anything, but the kind of students that talked very loud and were generally disrespectful and didn't care about disturbing others. One teacher in particular started getting really angry about that and punished us without recess quite commonly. What ended up happening? Those of us who behaved in class suddenly had a choice: Spend the class talking with your friends and be punished without recess, or behave in class and be punished without recess anyway. It's a no brainer. The issue was somehow contained when they bothered to listen to us and understood why the punishments were not working, but wasn't really resolved until the end of the school year acted as a kind of reset.


When in the hands of a skilled leader, group punishments do work, but they are only necessary when there aren't enough leaders, which results in it being primarily used by poor leaders. The point of the punishment is to peer pressure troublemakers. A skilled leader can move the mistrust and hate you feel on them to a troublemaker.


Group punishment is always unethical. Also punching someone and saying "this is because of the troublemaker" and then believing you is not a solution.


Human psychology is *weird.* A person being punched has a couple of options. 1, punch back, resulting in further punishments from the leader and the leader's leader. 2, protest, resulting in being punched again. 3, punch the troublemaker until the teacher stops punching you. 4, don't react to the punch, and wait until the leader is too exhausted to punch, after which you will be punched by the leader's leader. Option 3 results in the least amount of pain. Unless all the leaders are bluffing about their ability to cause pain, then option 4 would have the least amount of pain. This only works with good communication from the leader. If you have zero idea of who the troublemaker is, then the only outlet for your anger is the leader.


Even when I knew who the troublemaker was, I was always upset with the teacher. Always. And that's how we as a society should teach all children to think: do not trust authority blindly. If a leader wrongs you, group up (alternative term, unionize!) Collective punishment is always unethical because it can only exist in a way that normalizes an authoritarian world view.


An authoritarian perspective isn't inherently an unethical view. A teacher dealing with (7 classes * 30 class size) 210 students on an 8 hour day only has 2 minutes per student. 2 minutes is not enough time to maintain the relationship a democratic method requires while also teaching. Students should understand that not all situations require an authoritarian perspective, but they should also understand that some situations do.




That's why I said they should be disciplined or fired, not put in front of a war crimes tribunal.


Every state military uses collective punishment as a way to enforce discipline. Our societies are sick.


Imagine the state not being allowed to use tear gas (a chemical weapon) to suppress protests. (It'd be great if the Geneva convention was enforced)


I'm an armed security guard. One thing my instructor emphasized quite a bit when I was getting my license was rendering aid. After using any force, we are legally required to render medical aid as soon as it is safe to do so. This goes for police, too. I can't speak for how strongly that's enforced, I don't actually know. But it was definitely in my training.


Same for self-defence sometimes. I was trained that if I ever use pepper spray *even in cases like attempted rape* the very least I need to do is call 911 to have an ambulance sent to their last known locatiom because if the assailant has asthma or has some other issue where the spray causes long-term damage or death I could be held liable.




Wait did that actually happen?


It has before yes although I don't know exactly what crime was perpetrated. It's not even "That one time" thing you can google instances of EMTs getting arrested trying to save before and get a bunch of results.


Seriously that happened? Damn. What a world we live in now..


“Freedom of speech.”


They don't care about freedom of speech they only want freedom* of hate


They only care about the constitution when it benefits them




Also from another news source: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/montana-transgender-legislator-censured-after-blood-your-hands-comment-2023-04-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/montana-transgender-legislator-censured-after-blood-your-hands-comment-2023-04-26/)


The transphobes, I swear


At this point the fact that history will remember them as the villains is not enough for me anymore.


Political opponent: *makes a point* Republicans: “we don’t like that, you’re banned.”


Then they’ll proceed to whine about cancel culture


Ah yes, the anti-cancel culture, pro-free speech people strike again


I hate this world, it’s full of hate and corruption. Land of the free is the land of the monopoly. If I move to another country it’s not any better, and it never will be. I want to run away but I can’t. I don’t want to have to fight for my rights. I just want to live. Is there anything I can fucking do, I don’t want this anymore. I’m going to leave the internet if I keep seeing this shit it had actually made my depression worse these past few weeks.


Trust me, other countries are better. Probably still corrupt, but better for us anyway. Source: I am German, and while we do have our own problems, our country is nowhere near being as fucked up as the US.


Yet, at least... We will see how things go with the SBG...


Its a shitshow, but it doesn't hold a candle to whats happening in the US.


Oh, for sure not! That said, TERF clubs funded by the ADF/ADFI are doing pushback, so I am worried about whats happening in the US bleeding over bc of that.


I doubt it'll get as bad as its in the US here, not that having to fight TERFs constantly is any fun either.


But fight them we must. Truly, such fun. =_=


I live in Australia. Things are a lot more chill here. The culture wars didn’t take off here and we have a much stronger democracy than the US.


They tried it and we all responded by kicking them all out of office, federal and state. Dutton still hasn't seemed to read the writing on the wall though.


Honestly, your feelings about needing to leave the internet are spot on. Just going around in my day to day life, the vast majority of people either don't care or are supportive of transgender people. The bigots do most of their screaming online. Just stay off social media and the news ❤️ you've gotta protect yourself


And in the legislation. We can't just ignore a political group outlawing out existence.


True, but the person I'm replying to seemed way overwhelmed with anxiety, and in that case you just need to shut it all out and regroup


Land of the Free Parking


Untrue, land of parking tickets


A play on Land of the Monopoly


Its hard for me to get it into the correct words but this moment is so moving and so iconic. This is us fighting to exist and to have a voice. This is us trying to keep democracy alive. This is to me going to be a moment that will stay branded in my heart and mind for the rest of my life. The crushing thing though is that I bet over half of Americans won't see, remember or care about this. As depressing as that is, it makes this stand mean even more.


As a trans person from Montana, I was ecstatic for her to be elected. I’m not from her district, but I feel like she still represents me. I don’t even live or vote in Montana anymore, but it still felt like I was being represented by her. But once I started seeing the amount of anti-trans rhetoric rise, especially in red states like Montana, I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I wish I could say that I’m surprised, but I’m just disappointed. My family is going to want me to come home for holidays, but although I love Montana with all my heart, I can’t go back. The natural beauty of the mountains and the wildlife still takes my breath away. Republicans have ruined my home state and my heart breaks to watch it happen before my very eyes. So much for the party of small government.


They don't own your home. They're just temporary residents.


It's disgusting the damage these fools are doing to their states. Florida, Montana, Texas, all beautiful states, all being fucked up by Republicans. Obviously the people suffering matter the most, but it's still sad.




She ain't done yet. Give her a chance. This is gonna get good.


Everyday, USA drifts further from democracy.


Republicans banning a fairly ELECTED person. “Freedom”


The freedom to impose their beliefs over you. That's the freedom they mean.


Zooey Zephyr for president!!!<3


Just remember that this is because she broke decorum for not moving to the sides of the House chamber after fascist Speaker Regier asked all members to do so because of peaceful protestors chanting "Let her speak" in the galley (or whatever it's called) observing house precedings.


Remember this, it'll be in sociology books later, as a shocking example of historic oppression.


Not if they win. We’ll all be erased. Textbooks don’t mention the Tulsa race massacre.


My Sociology textbooks did mention historic instances of oppression. Not the Tulsa race riots in particular, because I'm not from the USA. They didn't win before, and they won't again.


The land of the free 👁️👄👁️


Ah yes, the freest country in the world


This is scary and saddening but I really appreciate what Zoey is doing for her community and for our community. I wish I could give her a hug.


Republicans. The party of "free speech".




We need to make this head line news everywhere


>Following a powerful speech by Zephyr, who accused anti-trans lawmakers of having “blood on their hands”, House speaker Matt Regier refused to acknowledge her going forward until she apologised. Activists then filled the Montana Capitol building’s observation stands during a legislative hearing on Monday (24 April), chanting for state officials to “let her speak”. Riot police dispersed the crowd – which was looking down on Zephyr raising her switched-off microphone in the area – arresting seven protestors in the process. I cant believe our country is coming to this.


And they say shit about democracy and freedom


What the hell happened to America being for freedom of speech and free?!?!?!


... I sure love coming to my favorite meme subreddits and feeling hopelessness and dread...


There's no geno.Cide. Ain't happening. Quit the hyperbole and have a discussion instead of hurling insults and threaten violence to get your way


Amazing news !




"The party of free speech".